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George Soros is lobbying for a war with Russia

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400 US mercenaries ‘deployed on ground’ in Ukraine military op

Oliver Stone interviewed ousted Ukrainian President. 
Says Coup was CIA Op
I know that Mr. Stone sparks controversy, but he is currently engaged in the production of a documentary about Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych who left the country following the February coup.
And as per his Facebook page, dated December 30, 2014, Stone states that the coup in Ukraine has CIA fingerprints all over it.

“Excuse my absence these past weeks. A combination of overwork, prepping the Snowden movie in Germany and England, a side trip to Moscow, and a devastating head cold have laid me low. Recovering over Christmas in California winter sun helps. 

I interviewed Viktor Yanukovych for 4 hours in Moscow for a new English language documentary produced by Ukrainians. Yanukovych was the legitimate President of Ukraine until he suddenly wasn’t on February 22 of this last year.  

Details to follow in the documentary, but it seems clear that the so-called ‘shooters’ who killed 14 police men, wounded some 85 and killed 45 protesting civilians were outside third party agitators.  

Many witnesses, including Yanukovych and police officials, believe these foreign elements were introduced by pro-Western factions– with CIA fingerprints on it….”

Oliver Stone: CIA Fingerprints All Over Ukraine Coup

 The evidence is dripping from the woodwork folks! We are presently witnessing an operation that is going to lead this world to WW3.
Why War?
Here is a short synopsis.
In November of 2013, Ukraine was very close to signing an agreement to become associated with the EU. The problem with the deal was that the IMF presented many expectations and terms that Ukraine did not favor nor want.  Putin countered with his own proposal to join his Union.
Ukraine became confused and backed out of the EU deal. This is when the West began enacting their backup plan to destabilize Ukraine. The plan required using provocateurs to rally protests in the Ukraine.
The staging ground was organized during the Sochii Olympics when Russia was distracted.  But the CIA propaganda machine could not begin the riots until after the Olympics. Otherwise, people would not tune in to the Ukrainian chaos.
This delayed the crisis until several weeks after the Olympics ended, when we saw the protesting begin in late February.
…And he we are nine months later. The situation has deteriorated to the point the talk of WW3.
One of the biggest signals for the coming war shined brightly on December 4, 2014, when the House voted on (HR 758) which was a resolution for President Obama to use the US Military in Ukraine and provide LETHAL AID to the Ukrainian Government against RUSSIA!  It was an exercise in insanity!

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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