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A Lethal Combination - Microwaves, "Mental Illness" labels and Pharmaceuticals

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In my first edition of “Embracing Feelings” I strongly encouraged people to work out personal issues through embracing/releasing suppressed feelings, instead of taking harmful medications. The first edition of this book was completed in 1999 and was followed by severe rounds of targeting which ended in the loss of 3 pets, loved ones and a suspicious fire that raged through my New Hampshire home…etc.
I am not sure if this round of targeting happened solely because of my book. It does appear to be due to other things also. But, the final manuscript, along with most of my other writings, were lost in the fire. And due to how much interference I had while reconstructing it, it was obviously part of the reason for vamp ups in the targeting. But who would want my work destroyed? And why?
My work, was not offensive or threatening – it was all about healing the heart of humanity and bringing more Love into our troubled world. The only types of people, whom I’ve thought could be apposed to it, had to be some sort of dark occult. But could it have been a threat to some other sort of organization?
My drive to encourage healing instead of medicating, grew from my own experiences with personal growth and things I’d witnessed in a mental health facility, which I’d worked at. I found that through embracing our feelings we can heal from past trauma and that medicating our issues prevents resolution and stalls or prevents personal growth.
I have never taken psychiatric medications but I know people who have and I’ve witnessed the stagnation, and sometimes even harm, that they can inflict, especially on people who are not really “mentally ill.”
Even without meds, the “mental illness” labeling can destroy a person’s life. I believe that there are many children and adults who were being labeled although they are perfectly healthy and just needed to be encouraged to allow a healthy grieving process or an outlet for their frustration…etc. I’d not mentioned this in the book, but its time to.
People who are labeled as mentally ill can lose their rights to take care of themselves and make decisions for themselves. Their work and/or homes can be taken over by relatives. In the worst of situations they can be forced into institutions and medicated against their will. This form of destruction of healthy human beings is probably the worst kind of crime that humanity has ever been faced with, because most victims are not aware and the full scope of the crimes are not yet openly exposed and recognized by the general public.
I’m not a doctor. But, when I wrote the book, I had a lot of experience with the embracing of feelings, in order to heal from past trauma, instead of suppressing it with medications. I personally trust the wisdom of experience and instincts above scientific text book knowledge, when it comes to personal growth, because every individual’s circumstances are different. But, for those who need a Dr. label, in order to believe that we have a serious problem here, I’ve compiled statements from doctors and other scientific experts.
I feel that the crisis humanity is faced with has multiple dimensions which are summed up in the following paragraph. Some are so obvious that investigations are probably already taking place. And some may be difficult for you to believe, especially if you are not aware of the capabilities of microwave and psychotronic weapons. Please become aware. And please ask yourself the following question and look hard for the honest answer.
Is it a coincidence that the field of psychiatry is suspected, in Bernard Schreiber’s research, to be involved in a continuation of holocaustal crimes against humanity since Hitler’s holocaust. . .that, according to General Barrie Trower, microwave weapons began perfecting their ability to remotely inflict symptoms that mimic “mental Illness” in targeted individuals in the 1950s. . .that the field of psychiatry was making shifts from Freudian methods to medicatable “mental Illness” diagnosis in the 1950s. . .and then (thank God) along came people like Dr Thomas Stephen Szasz, Dr. Paula Caplan, Dr.Peter Breggin, Dr. Colin Ross, and Dr. Gary Greenberg to stand up for humanity against what he classified as false “mental illness” labels?
The following doctors have waged a war against the psychiatric label of “mental illness” and the harmful pharmaceuticals that are either prescribed for or forced upon victims of the label, which comes from the DSM – the book which defines criteria for the diagnosis of “mental illness.” Some psychiatrists are even concerned that the labels and psychiatric drugs are so unethical that it could destroy the credibility of the whole psychiatric profession.
In the video below Dr. Paula Caplan explains that, “the whole process of mental illness diagnosis is unregulated. . . there are categories in the DSM that have scientifically proven not to exist and they’re in there anyway.” Normal “things that everybody goes through. . . get diagnosed as “mental illness” for example; if someone close to you dies and your still depressed two weeks later, now, according to the DSM you have minor depressive disorder” And she expresses a VERY justifiable concern that normal feelings and social behaviors, especially those of natural grieving or anger, are listed in the DSM as cause to label a person with “mental illness.” I like her approach and was glad to find her as a back up for what I have been writing for so long. I feel that the false labels and harmful medications soar beyond unethical and into what can be called the destruction of our natural process of personal and spiritual growth. (Dr. Paula Caplan wrote a book entitled, “They Say Your Crazy.”) 

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