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Major Implosion Of World Economy Imminent, Expert Warns

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In this article the man who predicted the collapse of the Euro against the Swiss Franc is now warning about an imminent global financial crash. He says that the world economy as we know it will soon cease to exist. report:

Today the man who 73 days ago remarkably predicted the collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc stunned King World News when he said that the current global financial system will cease to exist. This interview takes a frightening look what is really happening around the world and the chaos that is still to come.

Egon von Greyerz: “Eric, the Greek situation is key because the consequences of the outcome in Greece will have a major impact on the world. It’s interesting to note that Greece has been in default or rescheduling its debts for 50 out of the last 200 years. The Greek Finance Minister, Varafoukis, is playing a very clever game….

“Varafoukis demands that there will be no austerity and that most of the debt be forgiven. This is unacceptable to the Germans and the Eurocrats.

But the Greek Finance Minister, Varafoukis, knows how to play this game because he is an expert at game theory. He has now opened up a dialogue with China and Russia. This is unacceptable to the EU and the United States. Neither the EU nor the U.S. would welcome a Russian naval base in Greece.

Regardless of the outcome in Greece, there will be major repercussions for Europe and the world. The world is already very close to an avalanche of money printing and defaults. Also, other countries in the EU are waiting to follow Greece.

In Spain, an even more radical opposition party than the one in Greece is now well ahead in the opinion polls and is likely to win the November election. Their platform is a canceling of debts with the EU, public control over energy and banks and withdrawal from NATO. And in Italy, all three opposition parties are anti-euro. They are calling for a return to the lira. This anti-euro sentiment is already spreading to France.

Eric, this will not end well because the world is so incredibly fragile and unstable. The truth is that central banks have no idea how to get out of this crisis. The problem is that there is no way out of this without a major implosion of the world economy.

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    • eXChroma

      The economy dying catastrophically would be one of the best, and worst, situations the modern days could ask for. It’s a complete nightmare for the rich, the civilians en mass would behead them on sight, and the rich cannot live without their money. No one would listen to them if they were poor.

      For the poor, it’s a great thing. No more oppression for them from those around them, and if they have any intelligence to speak of, they all ready live without the need of a government or external factors. Self sufficiency should be something we all work on, because if no one is needing, we can progress steadily without worry, and help out in emergencies.

      The rich will try and order their military powers to suppress the populous, but it is futile, at least in the US. The intelligent will stay out of the conflict and build up a sustainable environment for themselves and their family, while the masses tear apart what we call today, a country.

      The worst possibility is the elite take things into their own hands, regardless of costs to the world, and start a Nuclear holocaust, while they hide in their bunkers. If those in charge of the nukes agree, 90% of the world would disappear in minutes, and the entire surface of the world would end for the next century or more. Oceans poisoned, soil toxic, water undrinkable. No matter what, no one should agree to this. It’s the end of humanity, for you, me, and them.

      If we dodge the elites ace in the hole of planetary annihilation over losing power, then we would go into a world wide slumber, while we starve and die off, and the groups that live will be worn and tired, but eventually recover over generations to start society over again, hopefully remembering the errors of our current world, and living in peace forever,

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