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By Shepard Ambellas
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Obama Admin makes massive push to ban M855 .223 ammunition commonly used in AR-15s

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By Shepard Ambellas

WASHINGTON D.C. (INTELLIHUB) — My fellow patriots and citizens, I am sorry to inform you the end of America is near as the Obama Administration is now making a massive push to ban M855 .223 commonly used in all AR-15 style riffles.

In fact the new push, headed up by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) and nasty Executive Orders signed by President Obama, if successful, would make M855 .223 rounds illegal and classified as “armor-piercing”.

This push marks the third executive action by the Obama Admin this year as the powers-that-be are now ramping up the next phase — full-on disarmament of the American people.

It has also been speculated that the possible round-up and execution of American citizens, deemed extremists or dissidents by the U.S. government, will soon begin with the gathering/culling of the red and blue list. While this is not for sure and there is no way to confirm this action, rest assured the plan still rests on the table.

There is still time to have our voices heard on this issue, the ban of M855 .223 ammo, as the BATFE is taking comments from the general public into careful consideration until March 16, 2015. However, please note that the BATFE will not acknowledge receipt of any comment.

Submit your comments to:

 ATF email: [email protected]

Via Fax: (202) 648-9741.

Mail: Denise Brown, Mailstop 6N-602, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20226: ATTN: AP Ammo Comments.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Denise Brown, Enforcement Programs and Services, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, U.S. Department of Justice, 99 New York Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20226; telephone: (202) 648-7070.

Although the fact of the matter is the U.S. government is likely done listening to the its citizenry and fully intends on pushing the populace into total enslavement within the next few years. The outcome of to which will likely be far worse than any Orwellian nightmare imaginable.

DAHB007 issues an alert:

“I suggest you voice yourself, you spread this information and I’m serious. Wake people up to what’s going on, or the next thing you know this is what’s going to be going down. Take it to your leaders, your senators, talk to them about this and voice yourself.”, DAHHB007 said.

Let your voice be heard.

Share this article with everyone. The time is now.

Other Sources:

BATFE Rings in the New Year with More Executive Gun Control —

Another Week, Another Executive Gun Control Action: BATFE Reverses Prior Position on Pistol “Stabilizing Braces” —


BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo — Daily Caller

ATF Proposes Ban on AR-15 Ammo — Controversial Times

About the author:

Shepard Ambellas is the founder, editor-in-chief of Intellihub News and the maker of SHADE the Motion Picture. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook. Shepard also appears on the Travel Channel series America Declassified. You can also listen to him on Coast To Coast AM with hosts, both, George Noory on “Chemtrails” and John B. Wells on the “Alternative Media Special“. Shepard Ambellas has also been featured on the Drudge Report, the largest news website in the entire world, for his provocative coverage of the Bilderberg Group.

For media inquires, interviews, questions or suggestions for this author, email: [email protected].

Read more articles by this author here.

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    Total 4 comments
    • JKnTX

      They have NO lawful authority to ban anything. They are going to keep doing this nonsense until the Amerikan Sheeple wake up and stop them, it is as simple as that.

    • Nam Marine

      He does NOT have the authority to change the Constitution !

      • HORUS

        He may not have the authority to change the constitution but I think he’s got the right to limit when and how GUNS ARE TO BE USED.

    • Anonymous

      These assault weapons where originally designed by and for military use, these where NEVER meant to be civilian weapons. Unless you have your own personal arms dealer you can’t go down to your nearest sporting goods are us store and buy stinger missiles and hand grenades can you????? This is the same as it should be for assault weapons, there is NO (hunting) sport on the planet that these are legal for, these weapons have one use and one use only and it’s NOT to out hunt Bambi with. These became legalized because a handful of republican senators where bought and paid off by the NRA, that’s how these became legalized. ALL these senators that are responsible for legalizing these should be jailed.

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