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A Yemeni’s Call For Help

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No one understands the horrors of US imperial wars better than victims experiencing it.

Overnight Tuesday, a Yemeni national emailed this call for help, saying:

“Dear Mr Stephen,

In the name of humanity and what you believe in, we call upon you to transfer our sufferings and make influential humanitarian INGOs, scholars, decision makers all over the world hear our children screams out of fears & listen to our sufferings due to this aggression led by arrogant dictators of Arabia who are bombarding our towns, destroying infrastructure and killing civilians.

Yemen prior to this aggression was dying and this brutal aggression would eliminate a whole country. We’re all humans. Poor country living with less than 2$ a day.

Please do anything you can for saving us. God bless you. I’m writing this while my 3 years daughter crying hearing sounds of air strikes.”

His call for help highlights US responsibility for daily terror-bombing horrors – the threat of death or serious injuries all Yemenis face. Civilians are as vulnerable as combatants.

Yemen is Obama’s war. He and Bush waged drone war since 2002 – killing many hundreds of mostly civilian victims.

A week ago, he launched proxy war on a nation wanting to live free from the scourge of US imperial dominance.

Saudi-led terror-bombing  followed. It continues daily. Scores of noncombatant civilians have been murdered in cold blood.

Perhaps many thousands will die before conflict ends. Yemen may end up raped like Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Donbass and Gaza. It may be turned to rubble the same way.

Reports indicate tens of thousands of Saudi forces massed along Yemen’s border ahead of a possible invasion.

Pakistan sent troops to support them. Houthi rebels continue battling diminishing numbers of forces loyal to ousted illegitimate president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi – a US-installed stooge through a farcical election with no opponents.

Hadi’s foreign minister Riyadh Yasseen urged Saudis to invade “as soon as possible.”

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian called Saudi airstrikes a “strategic mistake.”

He urged dialogue to resolve ongoing crisis conditions. “Iran and Saudi Arabia can cooperate to solve the Yemeni crisis,” he said.

Dozens are dying daily – including scores of civilians since conflict began.

A Yemeni health ministry official said shelling a Sanaa residential building killed 10 civilians.

Witnesses reported an airstrike on Yarim in central Yemen killing at least 10.

Conflict prevents ICRC medical and other essential to life supplies from being airlifted in.

Spokesperson Sitara Jabeen said “(i)n Yemen today, we have a very serious humanitarian situation.”

“Hospitals are running at a low capacity. We need to bring in urgent medical supplies to sustain our stocks.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issued a statement saying “(w)e cannot allow (conflict) to degrade into a Sunni-Shiite confrontation.”

“Neither can we allow the situation to turn into an open conflict between the Arabs and Iran. We will do everything to prevent it.”

On Monday and Tuesday, US warships joined Saudi-led terror-bombing. Cruise missiles were launched against Houthi targets.

How much more directly involved Washington intends getting in its largely proxy aggression remains to be seen.

AP reported Yemeni civilians “shudder(ing) in fear and bristl(ing) with anger” during Saudi-led terror bombing.

Sanaa residents seek shelter. Few can sleep. Some “took to rooftops (to vent) anger or frustration, firing automatic weapons skyward toward the roar of warplanes,” said AP.

Schools, universities, government offices and most shops are closed. “Few cars venture onto the mostly deserted (Sanaa) streets.”

“We haven’t slept. One child screams and a second cries,” said a father of eight.

They spend nights sheltered in a basement best they can – unsure if they’ll live or die.

Overnight Tuesday, Sanaa, Aden, Taiz, Ibb, Shabwa and Dahle were terror-bombed.

Civilian and military sites were targeted. Residential homes were destroyed. Bodies remained buried under rubble.

One Sanaa resident said an explosion rocked a nearby residential area – killing at least eight, injuring others.

Critics call Houthis an Iranian proxy force. Tehran denies what it calls baseless allegations.

At the same time, it supports a political ally. It rejects military solutions. It urges diplomatic ones in all situations.

Before conflict erupted, former Iranian Majles (parliament) speaker Ali Akbar Nategh-Nuri said “(w)e witness today that our revolution is exported to Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.”

Iranian General Hossein Salami compared Ansarollah Houthis to Lebanon’s Hezbollah “in a strategic area.”

Iran supports its allies. It has every right to do so. It fundamentally opposes war.

It rejects US-sponsored, Saudi-led ongoing terror-bombing. It urges resolving Yemen’s crisis diplomatically.

It shows no signs of letup. Saudis announced a campaign likely to continue for months.

Perhaps years is more likely. US imperial policy is systematically ravaging and destroying another regional country.

Slow-motion genocide continues. No end in sight looms. The nightmare of US responsibility for mass slaughter and destruction haunts the entire region.

Maybe it’ll be entirely turned to rubble before US rampaging ends.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected]. His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”. Visit his blog site at

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