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Agencies Can Create & Maintain False-Flag Personal Files on Citizens - Fed Judge Rules DOJ Okay to Withhold FOIA Requests on Man

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Agencies Can Create & Maintain False-Flag Personal Files on Citizens – Fed Judge Rules DOJ Okay to Withhold FOIA Requests on Man
Court Rules Man’s FBI Surveillance Files Can Be Withheld
Your lives are taken from you through secrecy.
A federal judge in Washington D.C. reportedly has ruled that the D.O.J. is allowed to withhold information about an Algerian-born man who applied for his records under the Freedom of Information Act. When pages and pages of information are blacked out with black marker one can hardly see what is there, so, this man and others try and fight to get the redactions removed so they can see their files.
The problem for the citizens is that the threat that the information in the files would disclose the surveillance interests which could point to intent to set-up the target-subject at a future time. Remember how fast and conveniently the media rolled out the information on Lee Harvey Oswald after the alleged shooting in Dallas?
In other words the ‘truth’ of how the surveillance files read is under the control of the ‘owners’, those federal and state agencies who spy on citizens and control what is being written down about us. This applies also in the event of the death of the subject. Dead so-called terrorist suspects cannot talk nor defend their record.
If a person cannot tell what the records hold how can she/he challenge and/or rebut those files? Talk about character assassination in spades?!!! There is now no limit to what the phony agencies can say, record, and eventually post about ‘We, The Forgotten People’, especially those of us who may become deceased. What’s to stop the ‘owners’ from falsifying your files and is that why they won’t show them? And they call this freedom, eh?
It may be likely that half or more of reported alleged pedophiles may not be pedophiles at all while the real pedophiles are mostly government-military affiliated.
Your lives are taken from you through secrecy.
U.S. Citizen Who Claims Surveillance Ruined His Life Denied Full Access to F.B.I. File
The FBI Ruined Jobs & Lives of Americans – Defective or Outdated Files & More
Hatfill filed a lawsuit in 2003, accusing the FBI agents and Justice Department officials
In 2008, the government settled Hatfill’s lawsuit for $4.6 million.[3] and officially exonerated Hatfill of any involvement in the anthrax attacks
Steven Hatfill
also see
Patriot Act Backdoor & Torture of US Citizens & photos link – Richard Jewell Investigated to Death
US Sec of Navy admits they oversee mind control research. Your lives are taken from you through secrecy
In addition to:
: Patriot Act Backdoor & Torture of US Citizens & photos
: link
: This link is to a site where someone has taken the time and
: effort to take pics of what is believed to be electronic
: abuse. The question asked is whether the Patriot Act’s
: backdoor allows torture of U.S. Citizens. Actually,
: citizens were already being tortured for decades with
: electronic abuse, but did the Patriot Act actually legalize
: the torture?
: Through the Patriot Act’s backdoor policies are US citizens
: being tortured?
: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: Surveillance Kills – Richard Jewell Developed Diabetes and
: Heart Disease = Surveillance Victim
: Of the main problems people have with the electronic spying
: and eavesdropping are the ill health effects and fatal
: conditions it causes.
: Security guard, Richard Jewell, was initially hailed as a hero
: for his assistance at the Olympic Park Bombing incident,
: but later came under investigation before being cleared.
: Unfortunately, investigation generally goes hand in hand
: with electromagnetic surveillance, aka electronic
: surveillance, aka electronic spying and eavesdropping, and,
: the subsequent effects of such frequency saturation appears
: to often be fatal. Jewell was diagnosed with diabetes after
: undergoing investigation(s) and finally died of what is
: considered diabetes heart condition. All the settlements
: Jewell received from the lawsuits he had to file were of
: little good to him in death. Lawsuits after-the-fact, after
: the damage suffered are of no compensation is such cases.
: Electronic surveillance is therefore the equivalent of
: judgment – judge, jury and executioner. You are guilty
: until proven innocent in today’s putrid excrement United
: States, a place long advertised as freedom, truth, justice,
: and all that phony crap.
: Jewell’s short life is testimony to but one of probably
: zillions of such cases. The so-called authorities have
: literally burned people up with this electronic crap over
: decades of abuse.
: Infoeditor
: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: M.E.: Richard Jewell dies of heart disease
: Updated 8/30/2007

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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