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America: When They Say 'peace And Safety'

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“Then they will begin TO SAY TO THE MOUNTAINS, ‘FALL ON US,’ AND TO THE HILLS, ‘COVER US.’ Luke 23:30
While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. 1 Thess. 5:3
(Over the last 10–15 years the Lord has been echoing this message to me and to a few others. The day will come when will see these at our shores. Will we be ready and prepared, or will we still live in complacency and ease?)
“I have asked you to sound the alarm to many in this day and hour, even though just some may listen for men’s hearts are far from me.  
It is not a long way off.  It is not a long way off before the land is sieged. For I tell you that men’s hearts will fail them on that day.  They would say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us,’ for where would you run to on that terrible day?
For many think that My plan is to bless this nation.   Many think that bountiful and wonderful days are ahead for this nation. But many of you have ignored the warnings of My prophets. Instead, you have put your reliance upon the strength of men.  The blow will come. It will come under the secrecy of night. The northern passage will be breached and they will land upon your shores. 
I allow nations to fall. It is in My plan, for you have not been without warnings given.  The land will be filled with the military might of another land. 
What have you listened to to prepare you for this hour?  Have you eaten the bread of complacency and ease?  Have you gone on as business as usual?  Who have been your instructors for this hour?  I say to fortify the walls of your hearts and homes for I say that on that day your military might will not save you, for the military might of those nations coming against you will far outweigh your ability to hold them back.
Some, indeed, are preparing for this day. They have places set aside.  Others will go and will work together with them. For your governmental powers will have been vanquished. The almighty dollar will have lost its value.  Life may ‘seem’ to go on as usual, but the voices of those who hold the strings will shout out their orders to all. 
Your capitol will crumble, and the offices of those who held governmental positions will have been taken over.  Riots will have been the norm on that day.  Buildings will topple, and the smoke will fill the air.  Many will have lost their jobs.  Woe to those who have preached peace and safety, for now sudden destruction has come upon you.
But I have a people who have been preparing for this day.  They have not listened to the voices of complacency and ease. They know My voice.
The land will be sieged, and the dominoes will fall. And the events that have been prophesied in My Word will come to pass.

The Word of the Lord through His prophet
Stephen Hanson
April 22 2015

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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