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The Fed And The Greece-ification Of America – John Titus, Shadow of Truth #43

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The more I learn, the more I realize that the Fed is nothing but a criminal enterprise, that the guys at the top know it.  Everyone within breathing distance of top slots at the NY Fed is a criminal. Remember, the NY Fed shares space with the Exchange Stabilization Fund/Working Group on Financial Markets even though the latter is formally part of the Treasury.   –  John Titus, one conclusion from reading the 2009 FOMC transcripts

TND Podcast Spotlight:  Shadow of Truth

The only difference between Greece and the United States is that the United States can unilaterally print its own money – money that enables unlimited Government funding and allows the big banks to remain solvent.  The actual process of money printing and debt creation is implemented by the Federal Reserve and the Too Big To Fail Banks that operate as agents of the Fed.

John Titus is in the process of producing a video about the criminality of the Federal Reserve and its member banks.  His researched is derived from reading several of the transcripts from the 2009 FOMC meetings during the early stages of the QE programs. While the “minutes” of the Fed meeting – released three weeks after an FOMC meeting – summarize the FOMC’s policy stance, the transcripts are the most detailed record of FOMC meeting proceedings.  The release of the transcripts is delayed for five years.

 What comes out loud and clear from the transcripts is that not everybody is on board with policy decisions.  For example the purchase of mortgage-backed assets.  There’s lot of uneasiness among Fed members but ultimately they all go along with the plan. I’ve read a lot of transcripts – probably thousands – and what comes out of the Fed transcripts is that the plan has been decided on beforehand. The FOMC meetings are only there to hand down that plan, to discuss the plan, to discuss how to implement the plan and to prop up the idea that FOMC meetings are some sort of democratic process.  –  John Titus

I asserted in 2003 that the elitists running this country would hold the system up with printed money until they have swept every last crumb of middle class wealth off the table and into their own pockets.  “Middle class” for this purpose is defined as anyone who does not have enough cash laying around and the appropriate connections to buy their own Congressman.  The cut-off level of wealth for this is probably about $100 million in non-real estate wealth.

I always thought that the means to accomplish this was money printing and devaluation of the currency.  But true extraction mechanism is debt.   Banks and bankers create debt and make it readily available to their victims. It’s no different that dealing heroin. Get your target addicted and then keep selling it to the victim until it dies.

The bankers gained economic and political control in 1913 when the Fed was founded. Ever since then, there’s been a gradual transfer of wealth from the 99.9% to the .1%. There’s also been a slow, methodical dismantling  of the Constitution and Rule of Law.   In fact the Fed, the big banks and the big corporations have successfully pulled off a de facto coup d’etat of the U.S. Government.

I don’t consider the U.S. Government to be a sovereign Government because if you look at the sovereign function that a Government performs – money printing for instance – we’ve outsourced that to private banks (the Fed is a private bank). There are hardly any sovereign functions left in the U.S. that are performed by the Government.  – John Titus

Once the middle class ran of out real income to continue buying “things” – like houses, cars and consumption gadgets – the banks began to make debt readily available.  Ever since Nixon closed the gold window, thereby completely removing real money from our economic system, the level of debt has increased at an increasing rate every decade.   Over the last decade the total amount of debt in our system – public and private – has gone parabolic.

Even worse, the system of Rule of Law has been usurped by “Rule of Man.”  The elitists running the system are outright criminals who are immune from prosecution.  Think about it:  Eric Holder as Attorney General -the chief prosecutor in the country – stated that “some banks are too big to prosecute;”  the CEOs of the five big banks collectively admitted to committing felonies, yet none were prosecuted;  the leading candidate to be the next President – for now – has openly committed felonies and treason.   These people and corporations are above the law.

While John Titus is still in the process of researching the 2009 Fed transcripts for his video, he’s already concluded that the Fed is a criminal organization that is orchestrating the takeover of this country and is enabling the process of complete wealth extraction from the middle to class:

The basic point of the video is that the Fed will give as much money as the TBTF banks need in order to stay solvent and pay bonuses.  The Fed will also do whatever it takes to remove worthless assets, infected by criminal fraud, from big bank balance sheets.  The Fed is also monetizing U.S. debt, which it knew as soon as QE started.  

The Fed does these things knowing full well that these acts come at the direct expense of the economy. The logical outcome is what’s happening in Greece, where the powers that be insist that debt–which they know to be wholly fraudulent and which cannot be repaid–be paid back, with blood money if necessary.  The mere existence of TBTF banks is inconsistent with any number of things, including the Rule of Law and national and individual sovereignty.

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About Dave Kranzler:

 I spent many years working in various analytic jobs and trading on Wall Street. For nine of those years, I traded junk bonds for Bankers Trust. I have an MBA from the University of Chicago, with a concentration in accounting and finance. My goal is to help people understand and analyze what is really going on in our financial system and economy. You can follow my work and contact me via my website Investment Research Dynamics.  Occasionally, I publish on Seeking Alpha too. As a co-founder and principal of Golden Returns Capital, LLC Mr. Kranzler co-manages the Precious Metals Opportunity Fund, a metals and mining stock investment fund. 

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About The Daily Coin: was founded by Rory Hall. The website features articles and commentary, as well as The Daily Coin podcast, also appearing on The Daily Coin YouTube Channel. Mr. Hall has served as a daily contributor to over the past two years. He has written several original articles and interviewed some of the top precious metals professionals in the industry, as well as top preparedness specialists in the world. YouTube Channel, The Daily Coin, was launched in February 2014 and website was launched April 25, 2014

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