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Critical Message Sent Via "An Open Letter To Donald Trump"

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.

TMR Editor’s Note:
It does not get any more serious than the following open letter.

Regardless of whether the reader is a fan of Donald Trump, the extraordinary import of this piece is so catalytic and potentially far-reaching that it ought to be disseminated as no other.  Truly, the upcoming 2016 presidential election will be the most consequential in U.S. history.  Hence, the very purpose of this letter is of utmost importance. 

We have been informed that the following “Open Letter” has been emailed to Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff among other key members of this campaign staff.  Please be aware that this particular group of American patriots — the Concerned Citizens of the USA — is as serious as it gets.

The Millennium Report


An OPEN LETTER To Donald Trump

Dear Donald Trump,

Greetings from the 50 States and other Territories.  We acknowledge your unrivaled courage and honor your many initiatives to reveal the facts.  Thank you!  We extend our sincere gratitude to you and your family for being a source of truth and light in the political darkness of falsehood and decption.

First and foremost we are addressing you as the only open and honest presidential candidate throughout the current campaign season.  This nation has not seen any presidential aspirant so transparent and forthcoming as you have been.  Please know that were it not for your quite politically incorrect posture, this letter would not have been written.

Many Americans have been particularly impressed by your willingness in the past to challenge Barack Obama on his ‘missing’ birth certificate.  Only through your persistent efforts did the ‘president’ finally post a forged and fraudulent copy of his fake birth certificate on the official website.  In so doing he and his co-conspirators have committed a number of serious felonies.

As you well know, this criminal matter was professionally investigated by Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  He and his officially appointed Cold Case Posse determined that the copy of Obama’s posted birth certificate was a categorical forgery and fabricated document.  This final and irrefutable conclusion was made by a number of highly experienced electronic document experts whose forensic investigation of this matter has not been contested by a single professional in the field.

Obama Birth Certificate Confirmed Fraudulent By Arizona Investigators, Amateur Document Was Obviously Forged And Fabricated

Now, here we are almost one year away from President Obama completing his second term.  You know that we have a proven imposter in the White House.  As you have repeatedly pointed out, not only has he profoundly betrayed the American people, his actions in Syria smack of outright treason.  That’s right, most of us firmly believe that funding and arming ISIS is both unlawful and treasonous.  Especially when the ISIL terrorist network routinely executes Christians and wipes out Christian communities across the Middle East are Obama’s criminal actions all the more reprehensible and traitorous, deplorable and outrageous.

This brings us to the purpose of this open letter.  President Obama has demonstrated that he is simply incapable of leadership.  It has become painfully obvious to most that true presidential authority has not been invested in him; therefore, he is unable to execute the responsibilities of his high office.  His real masters will not permit him to do so. Consequently he is being methodically used to execute an agenda that is intent on destroying the United States of America.  This clandestine plot must be exposed before he leaves office.  Not after; rather, BEFORE HE LEAVES OFFICE.  This is imperative for a variety of reasons.

Why?  What is so critical that the next president cannot address and remedy.

Let’s be very real.  Those who selected Obama decades ago to be the President of the USA during this crucial period of the American Republic installed him to implement a very specific and covert agenda.  They are getting dangerously close to the completion of that agenda with the unlawful passing of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership).  Negotiated with the utmost secrecy, both of these trade agreements, together with the TPA (Trade Promotion Authority), have greatly undermined U.S. sovereignty and betrayed the American people.

Obama Betrays The American People, Undermines National Sovereignty With Secret Trade Agreements

Surely you know where we are going with this.  The Republican side has only abetted Obama in the passing of these disastrous trade agreements.  Hence, the only way to show the U.S. citizenry that they have been terribly deceived and wronged by the President and the Congress is to use your campaign platform as the Republican frontrunner.  No matter who is elected president in 2016, they will essentially be powerless to revisit these scandalous trade agreements in 2017.

Which brings us to the real reason that we are writing this letter of support and encouragement.

You were recently quoted whereby you pointed out that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 occurred on the watch of George W. Bush.  As you well know, the Bush Administration not only covered up the U.S. Government conspiracy which perpetrated those false flag attacks, there are now volumes of evidence available which prove their direct complicity. There are those key members of the previous Clinton Administration who also appear to have helped lay the groundwork for that highly consequential false flag operation.

Let’s face it — it all comes down to 9/11.  Everyone knows that that day’s events have radically changed the destiny of this nation, as well as of the world-at-large.  Just look at Syria … at Iraq … at Afghanistan … at Pakistan … at Libya … at Yemen … at Egypt … at Palestine … at Lebanon … at Iran and at the Ukraine.  Look at most of Africa, where resource wars dominate the landscape. Each of these naked wars of aggression has been waged by a Noble Peace Prize winner. It has even been reported that the world has seen the first instance where one Nobel Peace Prize winner has bombed another prize winner!  And, that the US Military knew exactly what they were bombing in advance—the Kunduz Hospital in Afghanistan.

That Awkward Moment When One Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Another

That’s exactly where we are at this late date in 2015.  An extremely sad state of affairs indeed.  All because of the 9/11 false flag attacks perpetrated by rogue elements within the U.S. government.  You know exactly who they are as their names and roles have been splattered all over the internet. Just like you knew Obama’s birth certificate was a complete and total fraud.

The key issue regarding 9/11 is that a worldwide War on Terror was fraudulently declared by Washington.  The world community of nations has subsequently felt the wrath and warmongering unleashed by the CIA, NSA, DIA and U.S. Armed Forces. Needless to say, it is the USA, along with its close collaborators throughout the Anglo-American Axis (AAA), which has been responsible for maintaining and promoting a regime of state-sponsored terrorism across the entire planet since 9/11.  In other words, the CIA created Al-Qaeda just like the MOSSAD created ISIS.


What’s the point?

Because the mainstream media (MSM) has also conspired to cover up the numerous crimes of state-sponsored terrorism committed on September 11, 2001, the 9/11 Truth Movement has had a difficult time raising the awareness that is necessary for the truth to break out into the open.  The further away we get from September of 2001 the more challenging it will be to present the legal case to the American people.  However, this upcoming election has presented a unique opportunity for you to disclose some of the most significant facts … necessary details … and inconvenient truths.

Donald, you’re a New Yorker at heart.  Is there a single fellow New Yorker who doesn’t seriously doubt the 9/11 Commission Report?!  Virtually every U.S. citizen, who still possesses critical thinking skills, knows that the official government 9/11 investigation was the biggest coverup in U.S. history.  Even those who say they still believe the government’s utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory now have their nagging doubts and serious misgivings.

9/11 Commission Report: The Most Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory Of All Time

When every NYC firefighter and policeman knows that the Twin Towers could only have come down by way of an inside job, who in the Big Apple doesn’t know the real deal? Hence, you know that the greater New York metropolitan area would support your call to reopen the 9/11 investigation—NOW!  The rest of the country would then follow suit, as many are now livid with rage and beside themselves with frustration.  That countless career criminals within the U.S. Federal Government were allowed to get away with the 9/11 false flag attacks, and then use that false flag operation to terrorize the world community of nations, is simply too much for most to bear.  They’re pissed and getting more peeved by the day.  Certainly you and your team comprehend the sheer enormity and profundity of this unresolved tragedy.

Look it, the American people intuitively know that it all comes down to 9/11.  It is the ultimate litmus test for every politician now and in the future.  You can either be the one who blows it wide open or consign yourself to being another untrustworthy politician.  If you fail to open the case of 9/11, you will fail to earn the respect of your biggest constituency.  Who among us does not know practically every detail of the 9/11 scam and betrayal after 14 years of research and investigation?

9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators

Our Best Recommendation:
Just like Ron Paul has used his presidential campaigns to educate the American people about the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the USA’s perpetual war economy, you can likewise enlighten the electorate about 9/11.  While Congressman Paul has functioned as a 21st century version of Thomas Paine, you might issue an indictment much like Thomas Jefferson did with the Declaration of Independence (DOC).  Most are unaware that the DOC is perhaps the most scathing indictment of its kind issued against the British Crown and King George III, in particular.

Whereas Ron Paul became an “internet pamphleteer”, you might shift your focus away from attacking your current competitors and direct your accusations toward the current monarch—the despotic King Obama.  His entire administration is every bit as tyrannical and oppressive as the English were in the 1770s.  They have also acted with a lawlessness and impunity never seen in U.S. history.  Quite frankly, many feel that the Obama regime must be prosecuted before they take the unprecedented initiative to repeal the 2nd Amendment.  As you are fully aware, that is their next goal.

Mass Shootings Are Being Staged On College Campuses To Enact Gun Control Legislation

You must know by now that if you proceed down this road of using your powerful (and God-given) platform for substantive revelation, the American people will stand behind you. The MSM will only tear you down more, but who cares.  They’re just as guilty for deliberately covering up the crimes of 9/11.  There are still those few patriots in the MSM who will use every method and device to disseminate your truth-telling, should you really go full-bore on 9/11 and other unspeakable truths.

9/11 VERDICT: Mainstream Media Guilty Of The Biggest Coverup In US History

Lastly, we would strongly suggest that you speak to your daughter Ivanka about the upcoming Year of the Fire Monkey.  She is fully aware that 2016 is not only the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey, but also that Pluto is still cruising through Capricorn. The last time that these two events occurred in the same year was in 1776, and it only happens once every 245 years.  She will fill you in about how the powerful energies of the whole universe are now converging to assist those who stand in integrity by telling the truth.  And, by acting for the greatest good of all.

Look at President Vladimir Putin if you want to see truth in action.  The boys in D.C., especially the G-men at Langley, don’t know how to deal with his righteous governance and wise approach to international affairs.  Putin completely befuddles them by simply acting in the best interest of the world.  That — right there — is Putin’s secret.  If you resolve yourself to govern in the best interest of the global community the Universe will support you.  If you don’t follow this Golden Rule of good government, you will be heckled and hounded at every turn.  And you know it will be a heckuva lot more difficult sitting in the Oval Office than it is right now, as you’ll be in their crosshairs (both literally and figuratively) every moment of every day for four long years.

Therefore, the single best way to turn the tables on these duplicitous turncoats and homegrown terrorists is to go on the offensive … just like Putin did in Syria.  Look at the massive revelations that have emerged from Russia’s relentless bombing of The Three Stooges — ISIS, ISIL & the IS.  Yeah, everyone knows they’re the exact same entity funded and financed, armed and equipped by the good ole USA!  The point here is that by going ballistic on the whole DC-coordinated scam, Putin’s Russia has blown it all up.

Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy’

Dear Donald, do you now get the strategy that is being highly suggested?  It is time to go ballistic.  You know the best defense is a “shock and awe” offense, just like Putin is doing in Syria.  Obama & Company is now essentially powerless in the Mideast and will be for the foreseeable future.  The whole Mideast geopolitical chessboard was completely rearranged in just a few days time by Putin et al.

With other Republican candidates now trying to take you down — HARD — like Rand Paul, the intensity will only ratchet up by the day.  Now, or very soon, is the time to turn the tables on them.  You’ve dealt with many sociopaths long enough throughout the Manhattan real estate market.  You know that you’re dealing with a group of hardened, criminally insane psychopaths that only understands one language.  Only by the grace of God were you gifted with such a career to learn their language.   It took the Kremlin many years to understand this, partly because of their vastly different language, but once Putin’s team got it, they’ve never looked back.

Special Note:
The following open letter was written to President Putin as a means of encouraging him to take on the very same psychopaths, sooner than later.  It was also written as encouragement for Russia to assume a strong military presence in Syria.  Taking Syria back from the AAA-sponsored terrorist groups was 
a job that only Russia could perform, as the results now bear out.   It was the very role that Putin’s Russia had been specifically chosen to perform on behalf of the world community of nations.  After all, if not him, then who?  If not Russia, then which other nation could stand up to the Zio-Anglo-American juggernaut?
An OPEN LETTER To President Vladimir Putin

By the way President Putin would be utterly powerless without the support of the Russian people. Conversely, you can be made powerful — in the most righteous way — with the genuine support of the American people.   How to obtain that support is as easy as speaking the unvarnished and unadulterated truth, when it is absolutely appropriate to do so.

If you leave this “OPEN LETTER To Donald Trump” with just one takeaway, it is this. When the time is right, the power of the TRUTH is simply overwhelming and unstoppable.  It is your secret weapon in this campaign war.  The more you rely on the truth from this point forward, the more you will be supported by the American people.  Only the truth will set US free at this point … only the truth.  So use it.  USE IT NOW!

9/11 Truth is the Lynchpin — It will be ‘pulled’ at the perfect time

Truly, the pen (and the spoken word) is far mightier than the sword, my friend. Truthful language has destroyed more armies and collapsed more nations than all the weapons in existence.  It is time to use this secret weapon as only you know how to wield it.  Ivanka can show you the way.  And the rest of US will support you with our blogs and websites, with our Facebook walls and Twitter accounts, with our YouTube videos and Instagram photos, with our email blasts and smartphone texting in ways that will both stun and startle, shock and awe.


If you do not quickly move in a purely positive direction toward revelation and truth-telling, then a national citizen’s campaign will commence which is intent on boycotting the 2016 presidential election.  We will no longer vote for the lesser of the two evils.  Such a citizen’s initiative will surely siphon off votes from your ticket, and would only be undertaken in the event that your campaign no longer holds out hope. We trust that your Chief of Staff will also receive this urgent message.
Grassroots Movement Forms To Boycott The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election


In closing there is only one more thing to say: The American people will stand behind you.  However, until this can happen in earnest, you must show that you are willing to stand behind the American people.  The only way that you can demonstrate this is to stand for the truth.  Therefore, we will leave you with some sage advice that was published somewhere on the internet.

“The time is now to stand in your own truth.
This can only be done by taking back your
power … from everyone and everything that
takes it from you.

When you are ready, and called upon to do so,
begin to speak your truth to power.  Act out
your own truth in the midst of worldly power.

And be the true power — the sovereign human
being — that you are meant to be.”
(Source: Wise Words From Beyond The Matrix)

May God bless you and shower His grace upon your valiant efforts.

Very sincerely,

Concerned Citizens of the USA
October 17, 2015

P.S.  There was a very prescient article recently posted on this site that you may want to read in full.  If you don’t have time, make sure your Chief of Staff reads it and reports back to you about its critical content.  As follows: Donald Trump Is In Serious Trouble…
…If He Really Is His Own Man

P.P.S.  In the event that you are unaware of what really drives American foreign policy, the following article will greatly inform your understanding of the Great Game being constantly played against Russia and her allies. If you read just one article today, let this be the one. STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination

P.P.P.S.  In light of your expressed wishes to collaborate with President Putin in the interest of establishing an enduring and genuine world peace, the following essay on Putin’s Russia has been identified by many heavyweights as a “Must Read”.
Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’


Anglo-American Axis:

The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.

(Source: Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR)


A complete copy of “An OPEN LETTER To Donald Trump” was emailed to his campaign and Chief of Staff on Saturday, October 17, 2015 as per the screenshot shown below.  It is also being forwarded to other key members of this family and staff over the course of this weekend.

Originally posted at:


THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.

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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 58 comments
    • Armed Gentleman


      • Decleated

        So far 9 people out of 4500 plus views have taken the time to respond. With that in mind do you really believe there is a chance in hell that anything will ever change in our time? I know “we the people” have to start somewhere but well written letters probably aren’t sending to many shivers up the Shadows back.
        Now back to Saturday afternoon football.

        • dabu

          It will change. It will change dramatically! Because you are right. We will never do anything to stop it. And it will be up to others on the world stage! Our doing nothing will result in world war that comes home in a big way! Enjoy the nuclear dust! Enjoy being converted to nuclear dust! Opps. Ohpra’s on. Gotta go :)

          • King of Shambhala

            BeforeitsNews’s David Montaigne anounces Obama’s the Antichrist too. And Mark Brander at BeforeItsNews also says Obama’s the Antichrist. I’m the only one worldwide to announce Obama’s the Antichrist. but relying upon the proof offered by the heaven-sent miracle of the lottery draw of 666 cursing Obama and revealing that he’s the Antichrist.

            I’m the Messiah and Jesus because of that.

            • King of Shambhala

              Google this:
              Obama Greatest Criminal/Felon In Humanity History (Video) Maybe An Arrest Is Now The Right Moment to Make! Hurry!


      Discovery of the century and no one is talking about it. Connect the dots and see the significance.

    • NetRanger

      Yee! Haa! Thats one heck of a letter.

      I’m not very taken by fandom, but, if Donald takes this letter and runs with it, I promise to crawl to the peak of my roof with a bull horn and chant “Donald! Donald! Donald!” during rush for 1 month prior to the election.

      I don’t know if he’s a fake or not, but if he is, he sure has me fooled. He’s about the biggest pain in the ass the repuliCONs have had since Ron Paul and I’ll support him as long as he’s supportable.

      I find there must be something right about him because both democRATs and republiCONs absolutely hate him.

      Lets give Donald the keys and see if he can drive the USA out of the hell hole these traitors have landed us in!

      • You People Are Nuts

        sorry charlie. you nor any of us have those keys to Donald….because your vote don’t count.
        do you honestly think the small group that owns this world is going to let you decide who is going to run their business ????

    • sean michael blacab

      Sheldon Adleson is directly connected to the Trump card wake up.


    • Decleated

      The fact that anyone still believes that the system will allow someone to be elected President that will derail the system is truly naïve. Donald Trump will say and do as he is told. Nobody gets on the stage unless they have been properly “vetted” Wake up. Letters such as this although well intended are actually a pipe dream.

    • RainyDay

      Although I have the same hope that Trump will be able to resist any handling should he get ‘elected’ – (in quotes, I don’t think we still have real elections). I noticed in a recent video that behind him in one shot was the admiralty flag of the US – the one with the gold fringe around it. That gave me sincere concern that he is part of some agenda.

      • CrowPie

        I recently saw him give a sit down interview that had a pyramid, an obelisk and another dirt catcher that had an obelisk shape within it.

        • NetRanger

          Gah! You people and your funky hocus-pocus symbols. Just more BS to muddy the waters.

          If Jesus himself was up for election you morons would find something wrong with him.

          Its no wonder we can’t get someone in office. You’re deflected and derailed by every jot and tittle.

          • Anonymous

            “If Jesus himself was up for election you morons would find something wrong with him.”

            Yeah, a real shame, as hard as it is to tell the difference between Jesus and Trump. Keep up those hard hitting points!

            On the other hand, you must admit it’s a valid concern as to whether people could withstand a four year bad hair day.

          • CrowPie

            Oh yes…..I saw Hillary give a similar interview on State of the Union that had dust catchers that were very similar in the background. In case your not aware….woman do have role in Masonry, under a particular name…….

        • CrowPie

          I do love a good reason to worry the worry warts.

    • Ideas Time

      Loved the open letter.

      By being the only person running for the office of president of the USA who comes forward and makes popular exposing the massive fraud and murder of Americans, Donald Trump will own the show.

      Every one and I mean everyone in DC knows the truth and they are all complicit by their silence and are traitors to the American people their oath of office.

      If Donald Trump lets the cat out of bag, genie out of the bottle there will be no putting it back and thousands of heads will roll with the title wave of support, trust and backing by the American people and the world.

      The election will for the most part be over as the rest run for cover.

      The flood of information that will come out will overwhelm the Cabal and lead to their take down and once the truth is out it won’t do any good to order a hit as that would only confirm everything. Donald is only dangerous to them as long as he has not told the truth. Does not do any good to burn down the barn once the horse has left.

      Please Mr. Trump, Contact Veterans Today, Russia’s Putin and ask them to compile evidence you can release to the public. They go after the rest the the False Flag Shootings like Sandy Hook and expose.

      It would be a good idea to expose everything all at once and leave them no where to go.

      We the People have you back!

      • Mazakman

        The American must take the fore front and he must have our back.

        If Donald Trump puts the country above himself and gather’s the evidence and releases it to the public.

        I stand with him!!!

        Otherwise I choose boycott!

    • Big dog.../small fish...

      Yikes, how come that fruitcake of a frenchie isn’t on this story. Geir! Wake up

      • King of Shambhala

        …I’m the only one worldwide to announce Obama’s the Antichrist… (BeforeitsNews’s David Montaigne anounces Obama’s the Antichrist too. And Mark Brander at BeforeItsNews also says Obama’s the Antichrist.) … but relying upon the proof offered by the heaven-sent miracle of the lottery draw of 666 cursing Obama and revealing that he’s the Antichrist.
        Those who reveal Obama’s the Antichrist will be saved in heaven.
        Trump said that if Obama can’t produce a birth certificate (the original paper one) then he’s pulled off the biggest scam in all the history of politics and history in general!!!!!!!!!

        • doggy do

          Time for your meds :lol:

          • Anonymous

            Tragic of it all is that the meds would never have been necessary, were it not for the lobotomy. Anyway, that’s France’s problem, and it goes to show there’s at least still something right about America.

        • Болеслава

          Obama is the antichrist but people don’t care otherwise God would heal your nation – fat chance……I still think a banker will emerge after the US is reduced to 3rd world status through debt, to take over the mantle. So do not take you eye off the ball. he will probably have a Jewish name and be descended from humble NY origins. The leading global crime syndicate at the moment , way out in front, is Goldman Sachs……….. :wink:

          • Болеслава

            the banks control the world even now but from the shadows. :cool:

          • Болеслава

            thats the only way to make sense of the wars, propaganda and loss of liberty at home.

          • King of Shambhala

            Obama’s the Antichrist.
            Reveal it. You’ll go to heaven.

        • Big dog.../small fish...

          Salut le twit,

          I see you’re still on the lookout for the word TRUMPY & now you’ve added: FRENCHIE. T’as mordu à l’hameçon connard.

      • Bill Lyle

        That’s it, Big Dog, poke the sleeping idiot…. :lol: :lol:

    • Ideas Time

      All Donald has to do is make the announcement and drop the evidence on the table and let the alternative media work it’s magic just like they did on McCain who was exposed as the fraud he is.

    • Armed Gentleman

      Would Russia & Putin work with The Donald to cut out the ELITES CABAL? Will MSM find a way to destroy Donald? Can the 3RD world war be prevented by diplomacy with China & Russia? Where does Israel fit into this puzzle along with Iran?

    • ehecatl

      Unfortunately the entire system is FUBAR and you will see that NO politician will pass the 9/11 litmus test.
      Dont vote. Dont pay taxes. So what if they throw you in jail, because they cant take away your principal power of consciousness. Dont contribute to the US (or Israeli) economies. Live where and in a life style where you may contribute the least as possible to these parasite systems…. and meditate and stay positive, because these are the only real ways to change your timeline, to a less abusive system not controlled by spiritual retards.

    • Pinkorchid

      Standing ovation- making it viral, well done. :idea:

      I would further engage the wearing of the color yellow on election day and any day after , if balance is not seen to return to the Government of the US.
      This color is to denote that it is a cowardly Government that does not listen to it’s people and has as a consequence become rogue.
      It will also show that should they fake the election numbers , that a visual display can be seen all over the nation , of those who have opposed the corruption and therefor prove the lie that they will attempt to perpetrate.


    • Anonymous

      Terrific letter! Now let’s see what the trump team does. If nothing, then we will know they are not to be trusted.

    • doggy do

      Look it?
      I coulda wrote a gooder won.

      and i sure dat mista trump read evey wurd :cool:

    • Болеслава

      The Don’s reverse speech (see Reverse is consistent with his foreward speech….he does not speak with forked tongue….. unlike Hitlery for instance whose reverse speech goes something like “Oh shut up’” in reply to foreward speech voicing lifelong concern for the elderly and sick. Reverse speech is way bette than a lie detector.

    • moochie2

      Don’t fear the “mainstream” mess, none of us watch them or visit their sites.


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    • procomptor

      Wow just plane wrong folks! Who ever wrote this had good information but missed the core of America’s/World problem which is the control of the UN by the Elite 1% or Illuminati. I exposed the events of 9-11 the day it happened but was dismissed even by my own family. My vision came directly from our Lord an I have received them throughout my lifetime.

      On December 25th 2012 at exactly 5:18 several thousand people within the United States were invited by Jesus to participate in the 6th Great Awakening for born again Evangelical Christians and Jews. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will back this up with his message to our Nation from the Whitehouse on January 1st during Obama’s inauguration. Note the time frame while watching the video now posted on the internet.

      I have been in contact with both Jewish and Christian leadership and it is universal knowledge of everything spoken about in this letter. I have been posting of this for many years in many different groups and up to the last 2 nobody would accept it as truth and I was ridiculed then tossed out of most the groups! UNDERSTAND THE GLORY OF THE AWAKENING BELONGS TO GOD AND HAS BEEN SPREAD THOUGH THE CHRIST! It does not belong to me or any other mortal being.

      It is wonderful that people are finally getting it but please do your homework as so many of us have been for 5 or more years now. You have to go back to the Templar Knights and the days of Kazaria to find the beginning of the corruption people are starting to see today. The Catholic church, Jesuits, Templars and even the Freemasons were all God fearing people once but are now part of Satan’s dominion. If you will do the work you will discover the Kazarians fled the Middle East and landed in Europe where their complete evil and fraudulent claim as being Jewish began to spread. It is at least in part do to them that the Jews were persecuted during WWII.

      Folks the corruption within the world and America is deep and widespread due to the Elite’s bankers that have stolen all the gold and most of the land from the world and are worth more than 700 trillion dollars. Queen Elizabeth is one great example if you look at her wealth and land ownership! Soro’s is now funding a complete department under Obama’s dictatorship that will be persecuting groups and individuals like myself….Christians in particular. If you visit the Israel online news you will see they are going through the same prosecution as Americans by the Muslims who are pushing Sharia law. Obama is part ot the Illuminati group as well as being Muslim and is pushing the Elite’s agenda mandated by the UN’s Agenda 21.

      Seems that very few of the newly awakened are willing to put in the hous/months of research needed to get a handle on the real truth of what is going on in America and across the world right now. I am a thermal dynamics engineer with my own business that has given up much including personal relationships in order to spend every waking moment after my day job reading traveling and talking with folks in the knowing. Lord has given me things like abilities to get by on a few hours of sleep a night and I have absolutely no fear of death or personal survival. It really is easy as there is no death as people know it but only passing from this reality or frequency to the next. This too has been proven by myself and others through knowledge of the Isosphere and its resonant frequency that has gone from around 8 ohms to well over 13 ohms before the Federal government intervened with HARP and other Satanic devices. I will not get into CERN here as it extremely technical and I am not qualified to present the truth about it except to say that it was developed by those who worship Lucifer.

      Finally WHY DOES THIS LETTER THREATEN DONALD WITH HAZY THREATS OF DEATH OR LOSE OF HIS CAMPAIGN FROM PULLING SUPPORT??? WOULD YOU RESPOND TO THREATS IF YOU WERE DONALD? The other thing that bothers me is that at least part of the lied about facts in this were researched and brought forward by Christians yet the author does not give any acknowledgement to our Lord. We simply can not win this war if we lower ourselves to the evil corruption that murdered JFK, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy and hundreds of other great Americans. We have to be better than them, follow the 10 Commandments (which Satan has had removed from across America), and start admitting that our Constitution, greatness and freedom is owed to our Christian founders and Gods Grace given through George Washington’s inaugural speech given at the exact grounds where the twin Towers once stood. Why do you think radical Muslims have been trying desperately to buy this area?

      Before you dismiss what I say here today know this; I have a daytime job and am doing well so even if I had something to gain monetarily I wouldn’t accept it. 2 I have been attacked on several occasions including by 2 Russians dressed in County police officer uniforms and one guy that fled to a black van with Federal plates on it. He managed to shatter my right elbow that keeps re-infecting with a persistent Staff known as MARCA. I finally have had several healing ministers help me pray to lord to heal it and it is finally returning to normal.

      To the trolls that will respond to this know that your identity is now traceable through a group using our governments own knowledge and equipment so do at your own risk. To all others know that I am only one prophet for Lord out of thousand so I would expect you to do your own research and STAND with Lord as many authors on this site have explained to you. The first Great Awakening started in Virginia around 1730 before America was a nation so start by reading this on wikipedia and learn the truth about our forefathers and the reason God has blessed this Nation and why we became the greatest one in the world some time ago before we became corrupt. God loves all his children unconditionally but you have to profess your sins to Jesus and ask him to come inside and remove those sins and whatever holds you back from joining the 100′s of millions that now form the Christ. Lords blessings and great light of knowledge I pray for all that read this and seek the truth…..mike

      • Mr T

        Hello procomptor,is is it possible to speak to you ,in a more private setting? Do you have an email that you could post? Thanks Mr T

        • procomptor

          Hi Mr T,

          By the way Mr T is one of my heros from way back and his kid looks just like him! Yes you are welcome to break my staged name down and figure it out easily. I am a thermal dynamics engineer and own my own business. If you want you are welcome to send me your email and I will respond or PM me on Facebook. Blessings and bright light my friend…..mike

      • Deputy Dawg

        Like with every good lie there exists an element of truth, you almost sounded genuine there for an instant. The conclusion of your piece “God loves all his children unconditionally but you have to profess your sins to Jesus and ask him to come inside and remove those sins and whatever holds you back from joining the 100′s of millions that now form the Christ.” demonstrates a total lack of spiritual understanding. Please readers do not be taken in by this author’s malarkey.

        Jesus Christ the first of many sons to come is our advocate before God, our high priest under the order of Melchizedeck. He was created first and foremost to provide the eternal Passover sacrifice and next to usher in and institute God’s Kingdom here on earth. Through the Lamb we are given access to petition God Almighty for the remission of sin. The Levitical requirement for the the high priest, the tabernacle’s mercy seat and animal sacrifice was rendered obsolete.

        The point I am trying to make is that Jesus is not who forgives sin, Yahweh or God the Father is the only one who can do that. We are to pray through Christ not to him. A prophet would know and understand this very basic structure of God’s government.

        In closing I would caution you about making further declarations and misleading others. We are next month entering into the final three and one half years of mans self rule. Jesus Christ is coming to destroy any alliance or opposition to truth. The arrogant self image of those milking the imagination and the scriptural distortions they rely on will not amuse him one bit.


        • procomptor

          Well if you are the same Anonymous that has been doglegging me for 3 years you are a troll and need to go home to your master. If not then you haven’t a clue what is going on. You believe what you want and live under Sharia law if you even know what that is….doubtful. I have been in this game prob before you knew what the internet was.

          I am 59 with 2 college degrees and have lived through 7 major accidents one of which killed me for 8-10 seconds and Lord brought me back after showing me the corrupt Catholic church back around 1079 AD. The Jews think the Pope is the Ant-Christ but no one but God has that information.

          I was also one of the first to report on the orbs that came in from the different races in order to help folks stand up to the Elite 1%. My information is backed up on many sites and blogs like David Nova’s and Jean Haynes. I also run a Facebook page with information dating back 3-4 years.

          Where are your credentials Anonymous? To afraid or just not part of the real Awakened group? I have been attacked several times but because as I said I haven’t the fear inside like those following Satan I don’t hide my identity. I am part of the Rand Paul and Ben Carson group because they are not afraid to admit they are Christians. I am also long time friends with Mark supporting Pro Life. How about you? What group are you with?

          Again this was a great letter aside from the fact Trump was threatened twice. You simply can not stoop to the tactics used by the shills and trolls working for the Feds like you sir. I still send my prayer that you do wake up and find the truth….before its too late…..mike

    • Ross

      Outstanding crystallization of current world events! It lifted my heart to know that people still fight, and write, for truth.

    • Pink Slime

      There is a simple way to defeat tyrants you only need a wee bit of knowledge and a lot of will.

      It’s called SWARMING an NULLIFICATION.

      MILLIONS finally become CIVILLY OBEDIENT by obeying the Constitution and thus NULLIFYING any rogue leaders edicts, whether he is a negro or not.

    • albertan

      Trump would have to be the President in order to do what you have asked. If he even tried to open an investigation into 9/11 now, he wouldn’t live to see the next election, let alone be in it. Understand how dangerous those Demons are.

    • Bruce Prentis

      IF and a big IF Donald is elected… first he needs to make it through the GOP selection and of he doesn’t then he must run as an independent. Then he must pass the electronic ballot boxes, which in my mind are pre programmes with the winner prior to the elections. Then once he’s in office and starts to make noise, especially against the establishment and the crimes of the Bush cabal, the traitor in thief Obama et al, his handlers will unfortunately see that what happened to JFK will happen to Donald. I would love to see the 9-11 guilty ones face justice more than anything, but I think that the only way that will happen will by a mass revolt by the people and then by God.

    • Doccus

      Obama/Trump.. Hmmm Bad cop good cop.. If y’all still believe electing leaders is how you effect change, then you’ll only set yourself up for more of the same.
      There is only ONE way to effect change. Mahatmas Gandhi showed us all how. And it’s not with bullets or riots. Instead it all starts with one tiny word.

      • albertan

        Bullets will be needed to rid the world of these corrupt so-called elitists who want to make us all slaves.

    • Jacko

      We all know what happens to presidents who don’t follow orders. When elected Trump is either not changing anything or he’s dead soon.

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        Good comment. the real power behind the president, will either bend Trumpy to their will or he’s out the door on a slab. They don’t want a bull in china shop and Trumpy is one.

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        Don’t forget CANADIANS out there, tomorrow’s election day! Get out take a walk and make a difference. Let’s pray that canadians will NOT re-elect that twit of HARPER.

    • Deputy Dawg

      Deception is at unprecedented levels, levels never before experienced even in Satan’s world over the past six thousand years. God has blinded those He has not yet called. Many whose actions are currently in opposition to Him being required by prophesy will later be called into righteous fellowship. Beginning in 2 Thes 2:10 we can begin to understand this reality. “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

      • Deputy Dawg

        Folks, be ever so cautious about giving one ounce of credibility to anything in our current situation before putting it to the test, including anything offered by those running or intent on running the power structure. Donald Trump is nothing more than the flip side or the Obama opposite that the orchestrators of deceit have thrown out there to suck us all in. It’s a replay of the “Obama syndrome” that swept and overwhelmed an unprepared political system seven years ago. The powers that be do not care at this stage of the game who knows what, the bull is already in the china shop. They understand that there is just no way to slow or stop what has become their fast moving train of death and destruction. Scripture has given God’s people many clues as to the hidden or withheld mysteries of God. Each Sabbath, each Holy Day Yahweh gives through His Son Jesus Christ to the Church of God PKG, His one true Church more and more pieces of the puzzle. Look to God’s Word for truth as very little of it exists outside His government. In a little over three and one half years the Christian candidate will take center stage, but there will be no election. Jesus Christ will rein as King of kings.



    • Overmind

      Option 1: Trump will feed the trolls a little and continue the agenda when elected.
      Option 2: Trump will not get elected (system selects another).
      3rd option in the US ‘demo’cracy …don’t think so.

    • Truthblaster

      Just tell the Truth about 9-11 and let the chips fall where the may. Anyone with a brain knows those buildings could not fall straight down like that with out a controlled demolition. Obama is a fake President with a fake family and there are many people in the media, military and congress who know this but are afraid of their own crimes coming out if they let out this huge secret. Grow some balls people. Wake up human sheeple!!!

    • Paul Braxton

      Obama is clearly unfit for office but then so are a part of your law enforcement that don’t seem to understand their oath to your constitution. The USA is now a tragic story of when good men do nothing. You have a chance with Trump don’t throw it away.

      The only statesman on the world stage seems to be Putin.

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