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Cop Attacks Mother of Child Murdered by Police on Facebook: “Raise Your Kids Not to Play with Fake Guns, Stupid B*tch”

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Wow. It’s bad enough we live in a country where police kill an average of at least three people every single day, a figure that has risen since last year.

It’s bad enough we live in a country where, despite the fact that the government collects every piece of data on us it possibly can, somehow the authorities just now got around to deciding to create a database on people who are killed by cops.

It’s sad enough we live in a country where schools have been locked down over Nerf guns, and kids like Tamir Rice have been shot dead in seconds for playing with a toy gun in a park.

But on top of the police state of affairs in modern America, this is just utterly disgusting and despicable behavior coming from another one of those guys with the costume, badge, and gun who is supposed to be protecting and serving the public.

Mobile Patrol Officer Matt Cicero, who works at the school district Tamir Rice attended, took to Facebook to tell off Tamir’s mother because she “just want money” and also educate her on what she can do to be a better mommy with stellar commentary including “raise your kids not to play with fake guns stupid bitch”.

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Because people who become cops never, ever play with toy guns as a child.

It’s bad enough her child is dead and died the way he did.

If you’ll recall, in the Rice case the cop jumped out of the car and shot Tamir dead in less than two seconds before the kid even had a chance to respond to police demands that he drop his toy gun, and that was after the caller who made the initial 911 call informed the dispatcher not once, but twice that Tamir might be a kid and the gun might be just a toy.

The saddest part is that by his own comments Officer Cicero, who has been given a paid vacation for his commentary (but will, of course, get to keep his job policing the school district even though he seems to have no problem with publicly mocking the mothers of murdered children), typifies the police state executioner cop that dominates headlines these days… a trigger happy moron who appears to have no problem at all killing people and even kids first and asking questions later.

(Hat Tip: Free Thought Project)

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Contributed by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!


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    Total 5 comments
    • Anonymous

      Raise your cops to think how they would like it if we take them all as a deadly enemy.
      Which they always are.
      And will eventually be dealt with.
      As traitors.

    • Anonymous

      Enough talk
      shouldn’t you be out killing children with toy guns in playgrounds.

      We don’t pay cops to talk on Facebook.

      Now go kill some American scum comrades.

      I hear open carry is on in austin.
      You can start there.
      And you can see real guns so don’t hesitate to shoot.
      Cause the guns ain’t fake.
      Now go to work.

    • Anonymous

      So now if the cops want to practice shooting
      they can plant toy guns in playgrounds in black nieborhood s.

      And wait for the little targets to pick them up.

      And that’s OK cause the cop has good parents.

      Then sprinkle some Crack on the body

    • Anonymous

      What if a real gun was made to look like a doll
      what then ? Now you must shoot children with dolls
      . .
      so now you cops will be killed by fake doll
      I’m sure you parents teach you about that.
      And cops can shoot Un armed infants
      cause you can’t tell if the baby was loaded.
      Cop are stupid
      must be bad parenting.

    • Anonymous

      Quick which cop is fake? I too late your dead.

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