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This Is Also how the Shadow-State Intends on Spying on Top of Tracking, Intimidating, Abducting, and Executing too Many of You, Your Friends and Family into the Future.

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udpate: Amazing Febraury 27th video upload included below…

This article should make a household news brand.

Summary: Dark side skynet now in view: ag-ai platforms in action physically targetting individuals from the sky in full public view : This is still massively underreported and apparently one of the most difficult news reports to attempt to surface into the general public’s awareness/consciousness; as these crafts have been operationally deployed over public areas since September 2015.

See these two short videos in whole to ultimately see these crafts (which realized from afar that Michael was filming them) pinpointing Michael "RadioEast1" Weise, of Clifton Park NY, the informed/vigilant patriot recently filming this video in February 2016, with two ulta high tech spying platforms:




A resignation letter (below), as this issue cannot be solved by just a couple of people, most everyone will have to do something, some work, some hours of diligence, to put this utter monstrosity of a tyranny in check, and perhaps also start considering supporting the formation of a We The People's world governement, By, For, and Of We the (Poor) People .

Because right now folks, virtually nobody (much less tham 1%) at this point in time is thinking that way - all mass media signposts that people are still following, speeches, election debates, and events are pointing toward elite(.00001%) - owned world government oligarchy (elite-owned Earth prison planet). 

That is how the world is currently being managed, and this ship is being steered - and you and your children are riding all inside this same Earthship. (if you presume you won't be affected by the quickly emerging dark state planetary tyranny - then it can be further presumed by others that you would have little or no sense at all.)  It will be much better that we all face this issue together now - if people in general would be willing to open their eyes and minds to the mammoth amounts of evidence that has surfaced about all of it.

Forward to this letter:  You know, there is alot of crazy stuff going on; we are all fragmented by it.  We are completely ineffective mush against the global world government conspiracy.  It just keeps causing events, rolling all over us, and now even starting to "levitate" silently above some of our cities already by distrupting or repelling the local gravitational field around the anti-gravity reactors they have on board; powered by whatever is powering it (possilby a solid-state "zero point energy" - also silient, generator).

These jet-sized-and-shaped ag-platorm craft can now park themselves in the air, as examplified by the first video. Even if you all were literally a vast herd of ostriches sticking your heads holes in the ground; it wouldn't make the crafts go away; they are here to stay, either way.

This is one of the most logically sensational yet ironically massively underreported real newsworthy stories that the whole world should be taking interest in.  It only take us to all get on the same page about 1 issue, then when that card comes out, the whole privately managed house of cards becomes apparent to a majority of people.  There is no poltical correctness to this launching of anti-gravity craft, there is no two sides about these first public launching and deployments over the public; termed platforms by the imperial dark shadow state - these shadow state ag-platform piloted crafts phsyically exist; it is visible and this ultra-technological-physics breakthrough is here to stay.


Dear Folks,

Grassroot is hereby retiring from reportng on dozens of in-broad-"night"-light government anti-gravity platform crafts silently hovering over New York state, since October 2015. The call has always been out for other reporters, journalists, and citizens to further investigate and persistently report these events, to others in the public at large, about this incredible new shadow state military industrial complex spying revelation now apparent, in some testing areas, in our skies.

This is herby my 'letter of resignation' from reporting on this issue. Why a resignation?

What we see daily is our individual reality, and we can't escape it. It is what it is. The full reality is how everything appears, when seen as a whole. Maybe God's mind has a grasp on it all moment by moment; but most probably not.

This monopolistic gang of the aptly named ill-umenati - as that is what they represent - is currently a private monolithic "banking", even more lower level than that, a "currency" empire composed mostly of generally reclusive utltra-rich white men, some recognize this as the .000001%.

This monopolistic empire currently manipulates, from behind the scenes, the ubiquitous theatre of all their influence; all managed extensively through the power of issuance and control of money.  This particular system is certainly 'not' generally publically owned, contolled, regulated, managed or represented by the great majority of humanity. Again, this private sytem is not represented by humanity, it is represented by financial elites, and it has long been that way.

Their greatest deception they have cast possibly is that you don't feel owned by them; they don't want you to know that as then you might react - but in the bigger picture the elites do think they influence, control, culture, and for all intents and purposes own you and your families.

That is the invisible Elephant in the living room; so much so that everything you are perceiving at any time, as seen on tv, what the local news is reporting any evening - even 'weather' conditions, every athlete making any kind of expression, whatever you might be thinking in the moment, etc; is only doing in that moment because of the long history of constant huge manipulations in the world under this ever-maximized, always abstracted, influence of the ultra-wealthy tiny cirlces of tillionaire elites. Yes, even the weather is being massively manipulated by horrendous amounts of dangerous and toxic particulates they have commissioned and launched and are having sprayed by 'chemtrail spider pilots' into the atmophere daily - increasingly so over the past two decades; generally known as "chemtrails" (just google it - even tiny aluminum plated fiberglass particles have been discovered under microscopes: /environment/2016/02/chemtrail-dust-analysis-microscopid-shards-of-aluminum-plated-chipped-fiberglass-swabbed-from-a-womans-throat-lining-and-viewed-under-a-microscope-2547766.html ) - after these particulates have been sprayed out into the general ocean of air... and subsequently the particates have settled back down to Earth; having lodged themselves into the general enviroment and into all of us.

This generational nepetistic (even inbred amongst elite families) group has stirred the pot so much and so often over society and the world around for many hundred years; that everything in the world has been tricked up, put into an entirely different phase, logically a more degraded or negative phase, or "rendering" of potential reality, by their influence.

Sadly, our current reality is a lower revelation of general world happiness, health, posture, and glory of the whole world compared to what it could have been or can otherwise be; actually it can be imagined far from how perfect and perfectly governed the world could be if we only were much more vigilant and acted smarter.

But the reality of this control group's current experimentation with our current reality persists daily, hourly, still today.

Financially and major-media engineered wars, including the past two world wars over the past century, are still stealthily wagered upon the world at large by these elites today.

In the US, precious freedom rights, which should be defended, outlined in the Bill or Rights, has for the most part sliced and diced, especially in regards to privacy, and next freedom of speech. What we should be doing now is declaring some other obvious rights of freedom - such as the "freedom to read" whatever and to also think in a 'politically un-aligned' manner. Everyone should be allowed, even encouraged to read a letter like this, review the facts, and come to their own conclusions about the overall situation. Those obvious rights also should be written down.

A simplified but invisible big truth is that nearly non-existent amounts of terroristic activity would be happening if the wealth and resources were fairly distributed around the world, and everyone had enough and everyone's basic needs were met; synergized by a more intelligent management of world affairs and resources. We live on more of a 'privately controlled' planet than that vision; an therefore an induced lower revelation of world reality/general happiness.

Part of the current full reality is the unnanounced, since at least October 2015, launching of marvelous, ultra high tech, anti-gravity 'platform' (crafts), covertly, planning to slowly assimilate the populations into accepting much more invasive system spying, and intimidation, and ever inreasingly prosecution by an out-of-control police state; such as what was portrayed in the 1984 film Blade Runner. (Coincidentally, Blade Runner II is to come out soon in theatres this Spring 2016.)

This technology is not intended to be given to (or its technical secrets divulged to) the public at large. However, these lower level subordinate pilots of these crafts probably don't like being entirely enslaved and spied upon themselves. I'm sure they would rather serve the public by flying loads of commuters each morning instead; but they would need our protection step out of the closet as honorable public figures.

If anti-gravity technology was 'permitted' for the general public to utilize, such as smaller anti-gravity levitated and propelled cars, vans, trucks, buses (even trains) that would be too much power in the hands of the general populous. That would be a threat to their imperialistic dynastic-control over the whole world. Currently this group of elites are invested into you being dependent on fossil fuels instead of "Zero Point Energy" transformers that these crafts are almost-clearly-enough silently being powered with. ( a couple more revelating videos are embedded on  page 2 of this article ).

We don't know how silent anti-gravity crafts are powered, because the completely unelected and black-bugeted shadow state is not announcing what they have been clearly levitating around the night skies above the Albany International Airport for many months, again otherwise completely unnanounced. Albany airport appears to be a base/hanger of dozens of these incredibly outfitted 737-shaped and 'alienish' shaped craft that the dark-side has been basing and launching into the gravitational field from there. Yes, previously hidden compartments of the shadow system are phsycially being observed emerging in this fashion, and in this ultra-creepy unnanounced manner.

This writer views the bigger picture reality as clearly as the crafts levitating at very low atitudes above Albany can be viewed, by anyone with eyes and a mind that can see. It is real and part of all of our "full realities". You could go for a ride in these tax-payer (and national debt) financed crafts, if they would 'let you'. We don't even know if weigthlessness occurs within the crafts, if these crafts levitate by disrupting and/or are repelling the local gravitational field around it. We aren't being told much about it at all. We are currently in a knoweldge-censored environment and our natural curiousities, even about technology, are to even to be stunted.

First currently there is no substantial demand by the public to know; 'we the people' have let this sytem do whatever it wants to do: unaudited, unchecked, unnoticed, unregulated and undisclosed and unannounced. It simply is a very creepy system that we are currently under dominion of, and domination by. By allowing it to happen, by not caring that it has this much ever increased power over humanity, it is almost like we want to make for worse history, and even destroy ourselves. We have a common enemy and it is embedded into the very constitution-and-bill-of-rights-trashing system that we have all allowed to be concocted by dark and powerful groups; not just over America, but all over the world in the form of a non-fully disclosed sociopathic authoritarian dictatorship.

Either we are all too afraid to allow this intrigue, and also obvious physical presence allowed into the our views or reality, or we are afraid of consequences of even pointing it out, or speaking about it - that this incredible news story hasn't surfaced in the minds of more than a few hundred people in the past several months; who seem to hope that it is only someone else's singular job to present this new aspect of reality to others. 1 person cannot change the world, even empowered with the an expanded book of truth of a 4 billion year chronicled biography of God in hand... but humanity as a whole can change the world for the better, and quickly, if most of humanity decided to try together.

Therefore, it was never the intent for just this one person to persistenty report on this particular newsworthy story.  Other reporters, and the more the merrier, who possibly don't have anything else to report on, can report on the activites of these Unnanounced-Flying-Objects.

The freely distributed 161-page "War Stars" ebook was produced to be a "press kit" for others to begin their own journalism into the matter. Hundreds of people have downloaded it already around the world over the months past - but where is the further reporting about it today?  Again, this topic is certainly not about a single or a handful of people.  This topic of this news story will ultaitmately affect everyone.

So, Grassroot on BeforeItsNews, is retiring from reporting on this topic; with only 1 exception, if Micheal Weiss of Clifton Park, New York, who has filmed these crafts in over 100+ video clips taken with a hand-held video camera, is hurt or killed or disappeared - if these crafts are ever used for a hot war on the people. Then I would be inclined to personally report on this again; and I would again hope many more would too.

However, if and until that point, you - who might be compelled to have read this, join in now with a grassroots team of reporters who are fully covering this issue - especially as these crafts are deployed over more cities across America and the world; by the kingpins of this abusive global network of control together and now further empowered this very much 'alienish' invasion force.

If you are concerned to speak or report on this privately, which is a logical consideration at this time, then you can do what I do - type your report on a Linux laptop, drive across town and find an open wifi signal, log in through a proxy such as "Tor" (the onion router/browser), and post to various news sites and blogs all around the internet, also by email. We should always take security precautions when we feel the need. The irony of this is that reporting on this new news topic - is that it is also a form a societal security precaution.

This marevelously amazing technological breakthrough should certainly be of common interest to every man, woman, and especially child on Earth. So ask yourself, do you want to be like an ostrich and stick your mind in the sand about this topic, or do you want to be upstanding men and women and little adults; in the eye of God and future recorded history? And if you have children, do you care about them enough to help potentially ensure a better future for them?

I quote one anagram from the overall 200+ anagram prophecy that shake out of the letters of "President Barack Hussein Obama", rearranged spelling: "Sane kids impeach SOB EU barnrat". Maybe it is their intention to replace the dollar with the euro oor a digital dollar or digital euro or digital SDR (special drawing right)? The european people got stuck with most of the refugees from America's wars, they would be relieved for the euro to replace the dollar in turn.

I extend an open Thank You for listening, and your interest in informing others too, if you do.

Now quietly retired from further reporting on this topic. From my understanding, Michael Weise wishes to continue regularly or occasionally filming the antics of these crafts above his subdivision and the skies surrounding Albany, all of which so far have been uploaded/posted and can be permanetly viewed from his "RadioEast1" youtube channel. ( )

- Grassroot

p.s. And Michael deserves the whole community's backing/security on his reporting; again, not just from me.  It is also time we invited Edward Snowden back into his home country, he was just a whistleblower. The corrutped goverment was braeaking the surpreme law of the land, notably the 4th Ammendment; which requires a warrant before being totally privacy invaded.  All he did, at worst, is tell us about it.  He deserve our love, not scorn and so do other whistleblowers such as Michael.


video c. Look how an anti-gravity jet just levitates only 100-200 feet above the ground on the perimeter of the Albany NY Airport before landing, in full view by all the sufficiently-dumb sheep on the night of October 3rd, 2015 (one of Michael Weise's (youtube channel: RadioEast1) orginal sighting videos (I knew most people are kinda dumb - but this dumb - that this can happen in plain view to hundreds of people passing by on the highway during this one event? Wow - we have been so dumbed down. )

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