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Total: Petition Calling for Obama to Be Tried for War Crimes Gets 5,000 Signatures in Less Than Two Days

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The Obama Administration launched the We the People government petition website on September 22, 2011, claiming that the government cares about the We the People’s First Amendment right to petition the government.

And while we all know that these White House petitions are about as useless as a roll of wet toilet paper, still, it’s funny to see people use it against the president whose staff came up with it to make a point.

A new petition just up since Feb. 8th calls for the president to be tried for war crimes.

It’s called “We demand conviction of the USA president Barack Obama and trial in the International Criminal Court in Hague,” and it’s already garnered about 5,000 signatures in less than two days.

While you get a limited amount of text with these things, the petition’s author tried really hard to sum up some of the grievances against President Obama:

We demand conviction of a war criminal Barack Obama and trial in the International Criminal Court in Hague. He is guilty of crimes not only against the USA citizens, but against the whole world.

One of the most dreadful prisons in history – Guantanamo – continues to function. Libya was destroyed as a result of Obama’s aggression. In Syria, Obama’s agents train, fund and organize terrorist groups, deceitfully naming them “moderate opposition”, who, among other things, bear a relation to Al-Qaeda, implicated in crimes against the American people. Secret services collect the Americans’ personal data information on a 24 hour basis under the canopy battling terrorism, using electronic surveillance tools on political undesirables, effectively stomping on the Americans’ right for privacy.

Did you know that originally all that was required for a response was 5,000 signatures? It was raised in no time to 100,000, and even then, the Obama Administration consistently and blatantly fails to respond to anything on that site that goes against its agenda.

Wonder what the White House will do if this one gets the requisite 100,000 signatures to require an official response? Just kidding, we all know it’ll get ignored. Some 30 petitions over time, including including mandatory labeling of GMOs and overreach in the Aaron Schwartz case, have received well over the number of required signatures on We the People and were never, ever addressed.

Actually, it’s a surprise this particular petition is even still up there at all. You think the White House simply hasn’t noticed it yet?

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Contributed by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!


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    • Cousin_Jack

      This person launched a petition for Obama to be tried in the Hague for, say, his role in Syria, but is it possible for other people to launch a petition asking for the same action, e.g. to be tried in the Hague, for a different reason e.g. discrimination against Christians, or whatever? Or even a petition to investigate his birth certificate or a petition to impeach him for something. It’d be good to see loads of petitions asking basically for the same thing but for different reasons.

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