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Meet DARPA’s SQUAD X Future Soldiers To Dominate The AI Human Domain

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The post Meet DARPA’s SQUAD X Future Soldiers To Dominate The AI Human Domain appeared first on Kev Baker Show.

EDITORS NOTE: If you cast your minds back to the massive military exercise in the USA called JADE HELM, you remember, that one we were all losing our crap over, with rumours of martial law to secret tunnels between Walmarts… yeah, thats the one. Well we found out that what was actually going on was part of an AI program called JADE II software. This used the term “mastering the human domain”, and was basically gobbling up all of our data, tagging us, and feeding us into its predictive software in order to learn all about us, and how to control us!

Well, it might just be me, but the language that im seeing coming out of DARPA when they are talking about the future soldiers on the battlefield, seems to be related to the JADE “mastering the human domain”

Pure speculation here on my part, but it could just be that JADE II has learned all it needs to and determined the best soldiers for the job, and just what they need to achieve that “mastering” they talk about.

The fact they use that term should in itself be worrying and an insight into where we are headed. Mastering is to master, and im sure that master comes with another word for those they are seeking to control… SLAVE.

Are we really that predictable? Do you want to exist as a slave?

Finally, we may even be getting a glimpse of something we have mentioned time and time again…. super soldiers! Or if its determined humans cant carry enough, how about DARPA/Boston Dynamics ATLAS robot?

Anyways, I will let you read what the boffins at DARPA are upto!


DARPA Future Soldiers

DARPA reports…

Modern military engagements increasingly take place in complex and uncertain battlefield conditions where attacks can come from multiple directions at once, and in the electromagnetic spectrum and cyber domains as well. U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps dismounted infantry squads, however, have been unable to take full advantage of some highly effective multi-domain defensive and offensive capabilities that vehicle-assigned forces currently enjoy—in large part because many of the relevant technologies are too heavy and cumbersome for individual Soldiers and Marines to carry or too difficult to use under demanding field conditions.

To help overcome these challenges and help ensure U.S. squad dominance over adversaries in the decades to come, DARPA has launched the Squad X Experimentation (Squad X) program. Squad X seeks to design, develop and validate system prototypes for combined-arms squads. The program intends to lay the foundation for breakthrough technologies and capabilities that would:

  • Improve shared situational understanding of the multi-domain operational environment: physical, electromagnetic and cyber
  • Increase the time and space in which squads can maneuver through optimized use of physical, cognitive and material resources
  • Shape and dominate the battlespace through synchronization of fire and maneuvering in all three domains


Hey, just another crazy day in the matrix!

The post Meet DARPA’s SQUAD X Future Soldiers To Dominate The AI Human Domain appeared first on Kev Baker Show.


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