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Cop Block Radio: 113: “Remembering Our Lost Brothers”

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The episode this week labeled  Cop Block Radio: 113: “Remembering Our Lost Brothers” has come and gone. Your hosts, as always, were Severin Freeman of Lehigh Valley Cop Block, Matthew Taylor of Carbon County Cop Block, and Special Guest Host Ademo Freeman of

We started the show off talking about Severin Freeman’s trip to Keene, New Hampshire for a special episode of Cop Block Radio. He mentioned being pulled over on three separate occasions while cop-blocking with fellow activists JP Freeman and Ethan Glover of New Hampshire Regional Cop Block. He also spoke on how awesome it was meeting one of his idols in the movement Pete Eyre.

After the break we kicked it over to Ademo Freeman with an update about his latest encounter with the lovely city of Parma, Ohio. He told us about his situation and how he refuses to participate in the extortion attempt after being fined. He also told us of Anthony Novak, a man being held against his will at Parma jail for a parody Facebook account surrounding the local police department.

When we came back at the top of the hour, we moved our focus to the revamping of the page. With the new direction the site is taking here it’ll allow activist networking like nothing we’ve seen before. Now any accountability movement can have their page and link added to the CopBlock Groups page allowing for new members to find them in ways previously not available to them. After that, we moved on to a story written by Pete Eyre. This segment was about his third letter that he has written to the political prisoner Douglas “Deo” Odelecki of Parma, Ohio. Deo, who was arrested for filming an incident back in 2014 is serving a 240 day sentence. His only crime was wanting transparency in his local police department. If you are interested in writing him to show support or sending a gift, his address is below.

Douglas Odolecki
Parma Detention Center
5555 Powers Blvd
Parma, OH 44129

Next we jumped to San Francisco, California where our story seemed like it was right out of the 2008 Val Kilmer movie “Felon”. Two Northern California sheriff’s deputies along with a third person landed a slew of felony and misdemeanors charges for setting up a fighting syndicate by way of force inside of a correctional facility. Using tactics like mace, a taser, or just beating a would be fighter into agreeing to participate all while taking and placing bets.

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Next we traveled down the road a bit to Fresno, California where the city voted 5-0 against the request for social media monitoring by the local police department. The five-year, $132,000 was shot down and in turn ended the wildly controversial Beware Program. Just this last January the Washington Post exposed Fresno’s Beware Program and outlined the tools at their disposal. Similar programs run non-stop nationwide in many major US cities making this a pretty big victory in the community.

For our last story of the night we touched on a case out of Wake County, North Carolina where 175 DWI cases have been thrown out or overturned. This all stems from Wake County DWI task force member Deputy Robert Davis having been found to have lied on the stand under oath by Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman. This information forced District Court Judge Jacqueline Brewer to disqualify Davis from all active investigations as he was not a viable, credible source.

Make sure to tune in on Monday nights at 9:30 EST on YouTube to catch Matthew Taylor of Carbon County Cop Block, Ricardo Gonzalez of Allentown Cop Block and Scott Marshall of Oath Accountability Project for a brand new episode of Cop Blast Podcast. Don’t forget Cop Block Radio is live every week at 10 pm on and with your hosts Severin Freeman of Lehigh Valley Cop Block and Matthew Taylor of Carbon County Cop Block. See you next week!

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Cop Block Radio: 113: “Remembering Our Lost Brothers” is a post from Cop Block – Badges Don’t Grant Extra Rights


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