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Stonewall Jackson High School in Manassas Va

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Via HK 


In 1914, my Great Grandfather John Pelopidus Leach died, and the monument above was erected to him in Littleton. It depicts two hands shaking, one black and one white, with the inscription, “This Is What He Meant, All Men Up Erected By His Colored Friends.” Private/Captain/Colonel/Judge Leach donated the land for the Enon Baptist Church in Littleton, and was generous to the poor and needy throughout his life.

Dear Ms. Harris,

Any knowledgeable Southern Black can tell you that the Honorable Thomas( Stonewall ) Jackson, and his wife were more than just a friend to the African people. They cared for his spiritual welfare, and opened their home and Church and gave them an introduction to Jesus Christ like no other. And to this day that influence is still incorporated in the beings of their African ancestors.

 However, it is important for you to understand that the NAACP set upon the attack of the Christian Cross of St. Andrew to raise funds for their depleting coffers, and for the new occupation of our homeland by the sons and daughters of the thieves and murders who came here under orders of Lincoln to rob, steal, rape, and murder innocent old men, men and children. Nothing else. There is no other reason that we find ourselves as a Black race once again being used as the weapon of choice against our White Southern family.

It makes no difference that the whole world was complicit in the economic institution of slavery, or that the Christian charity of the Southern White people to the African race has no parallel worldwide. Or that General Jackson and General Lee’s Virginia was working so hard up until the South was illegally invaded to free the African people in honor. The bottom line is that those White folks who own the NAACP have an agenda of Southern social and cultural genocide that will make it comfortable for them to attain what they left behind. And could care less about the African people that they have duped as the Honorable General Patrick Ronayne Cleburne so well predicted.

The NAACP and the Southern Poverty Law Center are the foremost hate organizations in America today and try to disguise this fact as if they are friends to the African people. Having me to write to them is like feeding food to a dead man. I can only try to educate the masses to their treachery. God bless you!

Your brother,

 HK Edgerton
 Honorary Member of the Lt. General Richard Taylor Camp 1308 Sons of Confederate Veterans
 Shreveport, LA


Hello ,
I live in Gainesville Va just outside of Manassas home of the Manassas Battlefield and many Civil War statues and monuments.. I have grown up walking those fields, starring at statue and cannons and reading on all the Generals from the North and the South. Learning about the battle for control of the railroads in Manassas and seeing Henry Hill where the first women in the Civil War was killed (  I do believe).  I went to Stonewall Jackson Middle  and graduated from Stonewall Jackson High School in 1986. I have burial plot at Stonewall Cemetery and local business have also carried on the name of Stonewall Jackson..  I know a Church in Roanoke Va that has a glass pain in memory of Jackson as he built Sunday school for slaves and helped educate them and taught them how to read and when the church was built by members of this family they chose to honor him for his kindness in educating the family members. I don’t know a ton about General Jackson but he seems to me to have wanted the best for everyone and tried to live a godly life and had strong beliefs in god and in education.  
The reason I am writing you  is because after all these years of Stonewall Jackson High having its name (40 years) the local NAACP $NAACP$ has written a letter to our school board almost demanding a name change and comparing Jackson to OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby. Well needless to say our community is now in an uproar and the NAACP $NAACP$ is calling us whites racist and  all kinds of nasty names. Like I said , I grew up in Manassas lived and went to school with black and whites, we all got along we all loved our school and had pride in it ..We all walked those battlefields and had great times.. They have turned this into a white/black thing that was Never there before and it is shameful.. I don’t know if you could write a letter or an email on behalf of Stonewall Jackson to the Naacp $NAACP$  to help them understand that he was not the hateful racist they are trying to make him out to be.  Any kindness you could show in helping us in this matter would be grateful. If you are busy with life I understand, I don’t want to intrude.. THANKS FOR READING THIS !


Ruth Harris



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