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Obama Will Be Prosecuted for These Crimes---Sooner or Later

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

How Does A Nobel Peace Prize Winner Morph Into A Mass Murderer …

… And Not Be Held Accountable By The American People?!

SOTN Editor’s Note:

“The executive branch continues to claim the right to kill anyone, anywhere on Earth, at any time, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence, in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials. I refuse to support this policy of unaccountable killing.”
— Army Chaplain Christopher John Antal

The previous quote was recently uttered by an Army Chaplain who resigned his commission in protest of President Obama’s continued killing of innocents via the CIA-coordinated drone assassination program.

Barack Hussein Obama is now responsible for the premeditated murder of more foreign citizens by way of the extrajudicial drone assassination program than any other president in U.S. history.  Even the normally fawning mainstream media has published articles which have documented scores of brutal drone attacks that have killed hundreds of innocent people.  Numerous photos have also been posted in the aftermath of these hellfire missile strikes which have portrayed the carnage and ruthlessness of this patently illegal tactic.

The world community of nations is well aware that the POTUS is a mass murderer just as the American people know but refuse to do anything about it.  Why is he never held accountable for these and countless other war crimes as Commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces?

SOTN has adopted this advocacy since day one of our Internet publication.   The following articles delineate different aspects of the most repugnant American war policy in existence —drone assassinations carried out by a single executioner who is also the judge, jury and prosecutor.

Barack Obama Orders Extrajudicial Assassinations With Impunity

Obama brag, in new book: I’m ‘really good at killing people’ with drones

Boko Haram kidnaps girls, Obama kills them with drones

DRONES: The Rank Hypocrisy of Barack Obama

Nobel Committee Obligated to Strip Obama of Peace Prize

Obama’s Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy


The drone assassination program has left an indelible and odious stain on this presidency. Because of it, Obama will go down in history as the Drone Ranger who the rest of the world came to loathe as a petty tyrant and barbaric despot.

State of the Nation
May 30, 2016

N.B. The following article reveals the story of at least one American who still has a conscience.  That he is an Army chaplain shows that if an active U.S. service member can act with the courage of his convictions, so, too, can the rest of the body politic. Otherwise, the whole nation becomes culpable in this serial criminal conduct … especially when the American people know about it yet fail to act.


The Army Chaplain Who Quit Over ‘Unaccountable Killing’ of Obama’s Secretive Drone Program

ABC News

As a witness to the removal of fallen U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Army Chaplain Christopher John Antal can’t recall a time when that solemn ceremony wasn’t conducted without the presence of drones passing along the horizon.

They were sleek and quiet, making a gentle humming noise as they flew over the flight lines — where aircraft can be parked and serviced — of the Kandahar airfield in Afghanistan, where he was stationed in 2012. Not everyone had access to the flight lines, according to Antal, but he was responsible for participating in dignified transfer ceremonies, also known as ramp ceremonies, which were set there to greet the caskets of fallen service personnel as they were returned to base, en route to the U.S. On these occasions, he would watch the drones drift in and out, loaded with Hellfire missiles.

“It was [a] stark contrast to the solemnity of what I was doing at the ceremonies,” Antal, aUnitarian Universalist minister, told ABC News about watching the drones during the ceremonies. “When I would watch them and think about where they had been and where they were going, it would break my soul.”

Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Barack Obama makes a statement at the White House, April 23, 2015, in Washington about the US drone strike that targeted a suspected al Qaeda compound in Pakistan but inadvertently killed an American and Italian being held hostage.

On April 12, Antal resigned his commission as an officer in the Army because of his conscientious objection to the United States’ drone policy. In a letter addressed to Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama, Antal wrote, “The executive branch continues to claim the right to kill anyone, anywhere on Earth, at any time, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence, in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials. I refuse to support this policy of unaccountable killing.” In doing so, he joined other previous members of the armed forces who have addressed Obama to criticize his drone strike policy, including four former members of the Air Force who penned a letter in November of 2015 warning the president that the strikes “served as a recruitment tool similar to Guantanamo Bay.”

The White House has defended the use of force in certain situations. “Since his first day in office, President Obama has been clear that the United States will use all available tools of national power to protect the American people from the terrorist threat posed by al-Qa’ida and its associated forces,” reads a 2013 fact sheet on policies and procedures for counter-terrorism operations outside the U.S. and areas of active hostilities.

Earlier this year, the Obama administration agreed to publish a redacted version of the so-called playbook for U.S. drone operations overseas. Antal hopes that with the publication, Americans will open their eyes to what is really happening with armed drones. The administration has not made clear when the documents will be released.

Civilian Casualties

The release of the drone playbook by Obama administration officials could provide the clearest window yet into a military program that has been shrouded in mystery since it began during George W. Bush’s administration in the early stages of the war in Afghanistan.

The numbers of civilians killed by U.S. drone strikes has been a source of controversy for years now, and precise data have been difficult to verify because of government secrecy on the subject and a scarcity of firsthand reports from areas where drone strikes take place.

In April, Obama told the press in reference to drone strikes, “There’s no doubt that civilians were killed that shouldn’t have been” — a change in tone from 2012, when he told an online forum, “Drones have not caused a huge number of civilian casualties.”

According to documents that a whistleblower provided to The Intercept in 2015, drone strikes frequently kill civilians, and “nearly 90 percent” of the people killed in airstrikes during Operation Haymaker, a five-month military operation in 2012 targeting al-Qaeda operations in eastern Afghanistan, were “not intended targets.” A current U.S. official and a former one who were involved in drone operations told ABC News at the time that the unintended targets were often suspected militants traveling to or at meetings with intended targets.

London’s nonprofit Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which says it pursues “research, investigations, reporting and analysis which is of public benefit,” estimated that from 2004 to 2014, there were 2,379 casualties from U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan. Of the 704 people killed who have been identified by the bureau, only 295 were reported to be militants, meaning that about 58 percent were believed to be noncombatants.

The organization reported in 2012 that dozens of civilian rescuers and mourners at victims’ funerals were targeted in drone strikes in Pakistan.

AFP/Getty Images
Yemenis gather around a burnt car after it was targeted by a drone strike killing three suspected al-Qaeda militants, Jan. 26, 2015 between the Marib and Chabwa provinces, a desert area east of Sanaa.

In 2011, U.S. officials told ABC News that the bureau’s numbers were “way off the mark” but did not address the subject of civilian casualties killed in drone attacks.

New America, formerly the New America Foundation, a nonprofit public policy think tank inWashington, D.C., said the number of civilians killed in drone strikes in Pakistan is much lower. It estimated that in 403 strikes since 2004, 2,284 to 3,625 people were killed and that 7 to 14 percent of them were civilians, 5 to 12 percent were unknown and the remainder were militants.

Strikes in large-scale military operation theaters (Iraq and Afghanistan) are handled by the Pentagon, while the CIA is responsible for strikes elsewhere (for example, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia), according to officials familiar with the drone program. But these officials said there is also some overlap in areas of responsibility.

The CIA referred ABC News to the National Security Council on the matter of civilian casualties due to U.S. drone strikes. The NSC referred ABC News to previous remarks by Obama about drone strikes.

The bulk of U.S. targeted drone strikes take place in Pakistan, according to data compiled by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and New America, but also occur in countries like Yemen and Somalia, which do not border any country with which the U.S. is at war but are home to suspected militants. In 2013, Ben Emmerson, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism, supported Pakistan’s position that it did not consent to the U.S. policy of using targeted drone strikes on its soil, issuing a statement that the drone campaign “is therefore a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty.”

That year, however, The Washington Post reported that top-secret CIA documents and Pakistani diplomatic memos demonstrated that top Pakistani officials tacitly supported the strikes.

Congress has not formally authorized military operations in any of those countries, with the exception of Afghanistan in 2001. Drone strikes are also conducted in Iraq in the fight against ISIS. Congress authorized military actions there in March 2003.

A diverse group of commentators, including representatives from the human rights organization Amnesty International and conservatives such as judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano, have speculated publicly that these strikes in Pakistan constitute war crimes because of the numbers of noncombatants killed and questions surrounding the legality of the operations.

CIA Director John O. Brennan has invoked the U.N. charter’s self-defense article as a legal justification for conducting airstrikes in countries with which the U.S. has not declared war.

That Obama — who as a candidate promised to run the “most transparent” presidential administration in U.S. history — has been secretive about one of the most central parts of his foreign policy has been a subject of frustration for critics like Antal.

Antal told ABC News that he lacked the expertise to comment on whether the drone strikes under Obama are war crimes but said that his desire as a conscientious objector was to bring targeted drone strikes to “a complete and total halt.”

In 2013 the White House defended the use of drone strikes against U.S citizens suspected of high-level terrorist activity but declined to detail the criteria for ordering such attacks.

“Sometimes we use remotely piloted aircraft to conduct targeted strikes against specific al-Qaeda terrorists in order to prevent attacks on the United States and to save American lives,” said Jay Carney, the White House press secretary at the time.

“We conduct those strikes because they are necessary to mitigate ongoing actual threats, to stop plots, to prevent future attacks and, again, save American lives. These strikes are legal, they are ethical, and they are wise,” he said.

Americans have been inadvertently killed by drone operations. In 2015 the White House admitted to accidentally killing an American al-Qaeda hostage in Pakistan, Warren Weinstein, along with an Italian hostage named Giovanni Lo Porto, in a drone strike. Adam Gadahn, who was described as the American mouthpiece of al-Qaeda, was killed in a drone strike last year in which he wasn’t the target.

AFP/Getty Images
This photograph taken, May 21, 2016, shows Pakistani residents gathering around a destroyed vehicle hit by a drone strike in which Afghan Taliban Chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour was believed to be travelling.

A Growing Sense of Disillusionment

Antal’s resignation concluded nearly eight years of service as an Army chaplain that began on Dec. 3, 2008, less than a month after Obama was first elected president. Inspired by Obama’s optimistic message as a presidential candidate, Antal said, he joined the Army with aspirations of being an agent of change.

Drones were on the periphery of his awareness at that time but loomed larger as he learned of the administration’s reliance on them in the war on terrorism. His concerns about the killings intensified when he arrived in Afghanistan in September 2012, and he publicly voiced them in a Veterans Day sermon Nov. 11, 2012, when he gave a lyrical sermon criticizing drones on his base in Afghanistan and posted it online so other ministers could read it.

“We made war entertainment,” he said in the sermon, “enjoying box seats on the carnival of death.”

Antal said that his superiors disagreed with his tactic and that he was called into the office of a general who told him to take down the sermon.

“He told me that my message did not support the mission,” Antal said.

He told ABC that he was released from active duty in January 2013 and was stationed in Fort Bliss, an Army post on the New Mexico–Texas border. He remained in the Army, holding out hope that Obama would reform his drone policy. When the Stimson Center, a nonprofit nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C., released a highly critical report this February titled “Grading Progress on U.S. Drone Policy” — around the same time that the Obama administration announced a $1 trillion revitalization of the U.S. nuclear program — Antal told ABC News that he felt “devastated” and began the process of leaving the Army for good.

The Stimson Center report was a follow-up to recommendations on U.S. drone policy made by the organization in 2014 under the direction of Rachel Stohl, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. U.S. officials did not comment on the seriousness with which they took the center’s recommendations.

Bob Fernandez/Philadelphia Inquirer
Rev. Chris J. Antal, the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern, attends the first national Interfaith Conference on Drone Warfare at Princeton Theological Seminary.

Antal said that in 2015, the Army revised a formal document describing the role of chaplains, asking them to “speak with a prophetic voice against issues of moral turpitude,” in his words, as an effort to discourage criticism of military policy. He worried that his views about drones could land him in a military prison if did not leave his post. The Army is still processing his resignation, which he estimates might take several months to complete.

A representative for the Army confirmed Antal’s claim of the policy change and told ABC News it was part of an effort to make the post more inclusive of the diverse religions represented by Army chaplains.

“The reference to a prophetic voice has a Judeo-Christian background and history. The concept of a prophet may not be common to other religions such as Buddhist or Hindu. The function of speaking truth to power by Army chaplains still exists in our regulation,” the representative said.

While discouraged by his experience in the Army, Antal told ABC News that he hopes that the release of the drone playbook can serve as an opportunity to shine a spotlight on a secretive and violent military policy and spur a public call for reform.

“I’m a man of hope and optimism,” Antal said about the administration’s promise to release the playbook. “There’s so much we don’t know about our president’s use of armed drones, and I’m hopeful that the American people can wake up to what is really happening with them.”

Missing From the 2016 Race

Antal said that a discussion about U.S. drone policy has not factored significantly in America’s presidential election and that the subject is not discussed enough in the mainstream press.

Donald Trump told “Fox and Friends” in December that he would “take out the families of terrorists.” In April he told that he would use drones for surveillance on the United States’ borders with Mexico and Canada. According to the article, he said he would not advocate using armed or military drones in the U.S.

Hillary Clinton told the Global Terrorism Forum in Turkey in 2012, “We will always maintain our right to use force against groups such as al-Qaeda that have attacked us and still threaten us with imminent attack.”

She continued, “In doing so, we will comply with the applicable law, including the laws of war, and go to extraordinary lengths to ensure precision and avoid the loss of innocent life.”

AP Photo
PHOTO:In this file photo, Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at news conference during the Global Counterterrorism Forum in Istanbul, June 7, 2012.

She has not spoken about drones at any length during her presidential campaign, but she is regarded by many political observers as more hawkish than Obama when it comes to foreign policy.

Bernie Sanders told ABC News in August that he would “not end” the U.S. drone program, but he has been more critical of it than Trump and Clinton.

In an interview with The New York Daily News editorial board in April, Sanders said that when “bombing wedding parties of innocent people and killing dozens of them,” the drone program is “not effective” and “enormously counterproductive.”

Antal told ABC News that he believes the lack of public debate about drones in an election year was “partly philosophical and partly psychological,” adding that the unmanned approach of “drone assassinations” enables the U.S. to wage war with fewer American casualties. And without American casualties, he said, the public can “ignore” violence abroad.

He said he “hopes to see greater empathy” among Americans for the victims of the U.S. drone program and is “deeply saddened by the numbing of our culture” to U.S.-led violence abroad.

“It’s becoming very easy for Americans to just go shopping and forget that this violence is happening,” Antal said.

The Army Chaplain Who Quit Over ‘Unaccountable Killing’ of Obama’s Secretive Drone Program – ABC News

How Does A Nobel Peace Prize Winner Morph Into A Mass Murderer … | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

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    Total 35 comments
    • Carro

      I’ll make it as easy as I can for you.
      Obama will NEVER be put on trial.

      The real powers always force any incoming president to agree to NEVER take actions against former presidents because they all played the yes man puppet role and all followed their orders well.
      You have seen what happens to the ones that don’t follow orders or the ones that promise not to follow orders.
      For the last scenarios, check 1963-1968.
      And while you call them “Civilian casualties”, THEY refer to them as ” Collateral Damage.”

      • Eggzactly

        If Trump wins, That wont be the case. Nothing will save him from Trump. Nothing.

        • Carro

          With all due respect, I hope you are kidding and not serious.

        • King of Shambhala

          Definitely, Trump will drag Obama Obama out into the open, indeed that’s the only way that Trump can operate.
          Trump can’t back off, it’s not in his DNA to back off.
          The best would be to reveal Obama’s the Antichrist and let heaven decide his fate (which the Bible says is hell for the Antichrist).

          • truther357

            Trump will also follow the money trail back to the criminal’s (Soros ) that are financing the disruption of his campaign’s…He’s pissed and has every right to be.
            Hope he hangs them by their ‘balls!’

            • wiseoldlady

              Are you kidding me….Trump knows right now Soros is behind O idiot. Trump and Soros are buddies. Who do you think is paying for all the disturbances at Trump rallies….Soros. Why??? To reinforce more solidity for Trump….its called reverse psychology. Soros and Trump TOGETHER own a $160m property in Chicago. Soros also backs Hillary. Soros is a gambler and plays the game.

            • King of Shambhala

              You know Obama’s the Antichrist.
              Reveal him.
              You’ll not get to heaven otherwise.
              King of Shambhala
              also see here for me…. I belong to an old Norwegian aristocratic ROYAL family including Count Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Papal and Royal Chamberlains, many Members of the Royal Household, barons and counts. Everybody knows I’m the Messiah / because of being alone in revealing the lottery draw of 666, the Mark of the Beast that everybody knows is the Antichrist, in Obama’s homestate, the day after his election. All those who say otherwise are liars and they know it. That all also reveals that Obama’s Mark of 666 means his money.

      • truther357

        You might be right.. after all is said and done. It’s called the ‘DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA 2008′ and those that will still be defending and hiding things about this foreign national criminal will continue to look ‘THIRD WORLD’ STUPID! Because ALL of his crimes are document…and out in the open… for the world to see.
        But you have to remove your blinders.

      • EruditeOne

        If Barack H. Obama is the anti-Christ, with I believe he is, he will never be charged or tried for anything he does, or has done. Even if Donald J. Trump is elected POTUS, nothing will ever be done to convict Barack H. Obama for anything.

        • King of Shambhala

          You’re right, Obama’s the Antichrist, I agree.
          How does the Antichrist get defeated in the Bible?
          It says he slowly self-destructs and neds up thrown into hell by the Messiah.
          First the Antichrist endures the Day of Last Judgement.
          It’s people who believe him to be the Antichrist who must bring about the end times by standing up to be the Messengers of the Apocalypse.
          We’re doing just that now by writing this and spreading this message to everybody worldwide.

    • truthseeker4809

      Obama is a very obedient puppet for his handlers. He will be protected because of that.

      • Arte Vespule

        Those same “handlers” will cut their ties and vanish when things go south. Remember dead puppets tell no tales……..

        • King of Shambhala

          Obama’s trial is looming. Trump does things through the courts.
          His sister is a senior thirty-year judge with loads of friends everywhere in the system.

      • King of Shambhala

        All those like truthseeker4809 who say Obama’ll get away scot free are Obama’s paid shills.
        They’re the false christs of the Bible serving their master the Devil Obama aka the Antichrist.
        Watch out for them.

    • robotfighter66

      As if Barack Obama is actually in charge of anything. He is not even a real Negro.

    • Ideas Time

      I read somewhere that a ligament president does not become the Commander in Chief until war is declared by Congress which has not happened. If the is true then everything Obam has done is illegal.

      • King of Shambhala

        Ideas Time, of course everything he did is illegal because he’s heading for jail after a trial.
        Anything a criminal has done will be annulled and repealed.
        Obama’s the “black hole” of History: it’s as if nothing happened and the machine must be rebooted after Obama’s left.

    • moochie2

      I think it’s comical how he totally destroyed the democrat party. Everyone knows they are lying and corrupt now.

    • wiseoldlady

      Shocked by these comments. If you did any research you would discover that Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, LBJ, Clinton, both Bushes, and O idiot are ALL guilty of HORRIFIC murder. Eisenhower putting Germans in open field fenced camps AFTER WWII was OVER and starved them to death….over ONE million. Did anything happen to him!!!! He was exalted and became president. FDR was murdered…a bullet to the brain….he refused to drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but they bribed Truman and naturally he won the presidency….remember Dewey was declared the winner on the NY Times front page. But Truman somehow won and became a millionaire. LBJ…Vietnam. Clinton….Waco plus +!!! Where/ when do we even start with the Bushes!!! Also realize they are ALL related by blood….ALL of them. Only one president was not kin to the Illuminati bloodline…Martin Van Buren. ALL the rest are related…..ALL!!! Including Hillary and Trump…they are also cousins. The puppet masters are proud of Obama and he will walk free. They will expect the next president to murder just as vigorously.

      • wiseoldlady

        Realize what is happening in Venezuela right now….no different than Eisenhower. A good leader of ANY country would send in food rations….has that happened!!!!! NOPE….not until human quota is decreased. History repeats….over and over. The world leaders are ALL puppets or related to the Illuminati bloodline. Step out of the matrix and see the real evil that has existed since Cain slew Abel.

    • Neanderthal

      How Does A Nobel Peace Prize Winner Morph Into A Mass Murderer …
      … And Not Be Held Accountable By The American People?!

      It is change they can believe in that they voted for.
      Pretty simple huh.

    • Jostler

      If we ever get within a mile of forcing Obama into a courtroom he’ll be dead and 5279 feet.

      • Jostler

        If we ever get within a mile of forcing Obama into a courtroom he’ll be dead AT 5279 feet. :mrgreen:

    • jdpent01

      jdp…Obama is only showing his moral upbringing by his urserped actions, What more can one expect from a person with 20 plus years learning to hate America and for which it stands, socialistic, communistic, dictatorial, unGodly, vindictive, hater.

    • jdpent01

      jdp…You should all know, Trump is not of their world, therefore if he gets in office heads will role. Make america Great Again can’t bew acomplished by leaving a sore and infested American hater around to cause harm and discontent. Just getting rid of one hater Obama and his ilk will help make America great Again, put him in the dungeon where his influence is so little he has only himself to talk to.

    • Zabwe

      Wow not even a mention for Bush – Cheney or Rumsfeld………….They brainwashed you real good…..The sheriffs a 👳🏿👙💋

    • Pink Slime

      Do not forget the 535 Congressmen that enabled this imposter Kenyan sodomite to do as he pleased and ignoring the Constitution. They must be charged with treason and many other crimes with their negro emperor of theirs.

    • digdug30

      I always hoped tony blair and g w bush would be put on trial,the reality is of course that will never happen.Blair as far as i know is doing very well for himself.Justice for those at the top table is nonexistent,obama will slip quietly into the shadows the same way others before him did.

    • Dave 1963

      How about domestic murder? Here’s a link to a speech by the Program Manager for DARPA, a Dr. Kathleen Fisher. In the speech on vulnerability of high assurance systems. She spoke about how control of your cars braking, acceleration, and steering can be taken over by a virus introduced through Onstar, Blue Tooth, the CD player, or the vehicles diagnostic port.

      I think Obama had Michael Hastings murdered using this method. So does a local LA news anchor that investigated the car crash. She said she was threatened and told to back off when she started digging to deep.


      No he won’t. He has done exactly what the elite wanted him to do and has fulfilled his task. The plans are in motion; he was the perfect puppet. If I were him though, I would fear for my life because when he moves out of the Whitehouse I’m pretty sure the eltie will have him killed to cover their tracks.

    • knowing

      In America only mass murderers and war criminals get Nobel Peace Price. Henry Kissinger murdered thousands in Vietnam and Cambodia and many still suffer consequences there and now Obama got the same with his drones. Of course another murderer between these two came George W Bush.
      As they say, you kill one person you go to prison, you kill thousands you are national hero and nobel peace price winner.
      And what the people of USA do????
      They do NOTHING about it…except of course chanting USA, USA, USA and of TRUMP “make america great again” BULL-CRAPPING.

    • freedomfirst

      Prosecuted! this is B.S. why was he never arrested for the many crimes against our country. Where the hell was/ is our military to meet the oath to keep us safe from domestic terrorist/traitors. Greed owns our government cowards hold us hostage to this new world order there are no God fearing politicians left to fight for us or justice. The satanic cult muslims are taking our Nation right from under our eyes and not enough care in the White House or the populace because Odama says they love this country and muslims are for peace while across the world they are raping/destroying everything not within the Qur an. All LIES upon more damn LIES. VOTE FOR TRUMP ONLY THEN WE WILL START TO SAVE US.

    • The Clucker

      Whoever has the time to photoshop all of these photos of Obama is a complete nut suck licker with no life.

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    • Man

      so if george bush and dick cheney weren’t accountable in court… what makes you think obama is?

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