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Retired Secret Service Agent Spills the Beans on the Clintons

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The people who are responsible for protecting the political elites are in a unique position in our society. Though they protect the most powerful and insulated people on the planet, they themselves often come from ordinary middle class backgrounds. They are ‘of the people’ yet they are exposed to the machinations of the elites on a daily basis. So when they talk, it’s in our best interest to listen.

That’s certainly the case with retired secret service agent Gary Byrne, who was tasked with protecting the Clinton’s in the 90’s. He is about to release a tell all book on the Clintons later this month, titled “Crisis of Character.” In it, he explains why Hillary is ill-suited to the task of being our president.

“I realize better than most Americans that we have pretty much forgotten what an amateur-night, three ring circus the Clinton White House really was…So consumed were they by scandal, so intent on destroying their real or imagined enemies, that governing became an afterthought.”

Byrne intends to reveal how the Clintons would agonize for days over tabloid revelations rather than leading the country, or how he destroyed evidence “that might later have been used to convict the president.” He gives first hand accounts of Hillary’s explosive anger and violence, gossipy nature, as well as her disdain for average Americans. “Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true.”

This isn’t the first time that a secret service agent has spoken out against the Clintons. Last year, the book “First Family Detail” made similar claims of Hillary’s vile and contemptuous behaviour. The book’s author noted “No one would hire such a person to work at a McDonald’s, and yet she is being considered for president of the United States.”

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Contributed by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple.

Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personal Twitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger .


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