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Massive wave of Syrian Muslim ‘students’ planned‘Refugees’ has become a ‘dirty word’
June 10 2016
Leo Hohmann

Obama is determined to meet his goal of 10,000 Syrian refugees being resettled in the United States by Sept. 30, but that’s just a small “down payment” on what he has promised the United Nations.

While the attention of the media and Congress has been on the 10,000 so-called “refugees,” 98 percent of whom have been Sunni Muslims – the same sect as ISIS, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood and other extremist groups – Obama has been quietly working on a much broader effort to bring Syrians to the U.S. under “alternative pathways.”

The term “refugee” has been tainted since the terrorist attacks on Paris and Brussels and the thousands of sexual assaults by Muslim men against women in Sweden, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, despite the media’s attempts to keep those stories quiet. So another plan had to be devised.

Backlash growing despite ‘Islamophobia’ label

In more than a dozen states, the entry of Syrian refugees has caused friction between residents who want to welcome the newcomers and those who feel they could pose a security risk.  Just this week, another four Somali refugees were convicted in Minnesota of trying to join ISIS in Syria. That’s on top of the 40 others who have done so and the dozens more who have been charged with sending material support to overseas terrorists.

Others simply believe that refugees from the Middle East are too expensive, since 90 percent of them are on federal welfare of one sort or another and their children are require special interpreters and tutors to educate.

Not including the price of educating the Syrian children, it’s costing $20,000 to resettle them in U.S. cities and towns.

Organized push back against the arrival of Muslim refugees has occurred in communities in Minnesota, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Texas, Michigan, Idaho, Montana, Tennessee, Washington state and North Dakota among other states.

Wherever protesters have appeared urging caution, a counter protest has typically popped up, smaller in size but with signs accusing the protesters of “racism,” “intolerance” or “Islamophobia.”

One largely ignored facet of the debate has been the fate of Syrian Christians who have been run out of their homes, their men beheaded, shot or crucified and their women forced into sexual slavery. Yet only 1 percent of the more than 4,200 Syrians resettled in the U.S. since the Syrian civil war broke out have been Christian. ONLY the muslim jihadi MEN ‘qualify’ for resettlement in our nation. Christians are NOT allowed by the UN/U.S.A. in to the U.S.A.

Christians made up 10 percent of Syria’s population before the war broke out. They are being ignored in the face of extermination, critics say.

Europeans are also getting restless as more Muslim migrants pour into their countries. Evidence of that is found in the fact that right-of-center parties that once had only a tiny minority of support are now gaining popularity in Austria, France, the U.K., Sweden and Switzerland.

So with this pushback gaining momentum, United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees Filippo Grandi has devised a new plan to get Shariah-compliant Syrians resettled into Western democracies without calling them “refugees.” He calls it “alternative pathways” for Syrians into the industrialized West.

Expect a flood of more than 100,000 Syrian “students” to enter the U.S. in the next three years, says Nayla Rush in a new report for the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington think tank. And that doesn’t include those who will come under a myriad of other expanded or newly created visa programs. ” They are getting nervous like I have never seen in my nearly nine years of following this program,” refugee watchdog Ann Corcoran told WND.

WND first broke the news in April about Obama’s secret plans to work with the U.N. to bring in Syrians under “alternative safe pathways” including student visas, humanitarian visas, new labor schemes, medical visas and expanded family reunification plans.

Special university wavers for Syrian students

So far, 150 Syrian students have been awarded scholarships to various U.S. colleges. Rush expects the numbers for 2016 to be much higher. Once here, these students can apply for asylum, like 28-year-old Syrian national Mohamad Bassel Khair, who was awarded a full scholarship including room and board at New Jersey’s Montclair State University. He is now seeking asylum for himself and his family, the Associate Press reports.

The AP story details the loosening of admission requirements for Syrian refugees in the U.S.: “Instead of measuring students’ English language skills through standardized tests that carry fees, some schools are offering online interviews instead. Some are accepting scanned copies of academic transcripts if the original has been lost.”

A workshop on “Delivering Higher Education to Syrian ‘Refugees’” was held in Turkey last year, bringing together actors from various governments, U.N. agencies, NGOs and universities, as well as Syrian students and professors, to discuss the needs of university-age Syrian refugees. The workshop was funded by the Ford Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

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