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War Party Leader Obama Endorses War Goddess Clinton

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image credit: Roger H. Goun

Obama, Clinton and bipartisan neocons infesting Washington explain the deplorable state of America today – a democracy in name only, enriching the privileged few at the expense of most others, waging endless wars on humanity, leaving its fate up for grabs.

Clinton was chosen Democrat party nominee last year before primary/caucus season began, assuring endless wars of aggression if elected, perhaps the madness of confronting Russia and China belligerently.

The possibility of her succeeding Obama should terrify everyone, heightening the risk of global war with super-weapons making WW II ones look like toys by comparison.

Last Thursday, Obama made it official, endorsing Clinton for president, one war criminal supporting another, both wanting all challengers to US hegemony eliminated, planet earth colonized, its resources stolen, it people exploited as serfs.

After meeting with Sanders on Thursday, a video he recorded days earlier congratulated Clinton for “making history” –  saying “I’m with her. I am fired up and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary.”

“She’s got the courage, the compassion and the heart to get the job done. I have seen her judgment. I’ve seen her toughness. I’ve seen her commitment to our values up close…I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.”

Demagogic doublespeak/Big Lies can’t conceal the enormous harm he and Clinton caused millions of people worldwide – at home and abroad.

Francis Boyle calls her “a psychopath and a war criminal.” James Petras said she’s “a proven political psychopath.”

Her finger on the nuclear trigger risks the unthinkable, a she devil committed to endless wars, mass slaughter and destruction, a lunatic unfit for any public office – a racketeer/war criminal belonging in prison.

Expect Sanders to suspend his campaign and formally endorse her at a moment of his choosing – yesterday nearly making it official, saying “I am going to do everything in my power and I will work as hard as I can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States.”

He told Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D. NV) he’ll wind down his campaign ahead – beginning after next week’s District of Columbia primary, the finale of a long, torturous pre-convention political season.

His rhetoric about supporting a progressive America is hollow. His deplorable public record proves otherwise – saying one thing, doing another.

Throughout his House and Senate years, he voted 98% of the time with fellow democrats, most often backing imperial wars, too often supporting legislation benefitting wealth and privilege at the expense of populism.

Expect him to endorse Clinton pre-convention, likely in days, claiming it’s to keep Trump from becoming president.

He’ll likely be offered and willingly accept a high-level position in her administration, perhaps as her running mate – his final betrayal of supporters if things turn out this way.

The post War Party Leader Obama Endorses War Goddess Clinton appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.


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