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Iran's Ayatollah: "The US Created ISIS"

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Even as the Obama administration is embroiled in a scandal involving the paradropping of a crate of cash with $400 million in it in non-USD denominated bills to Iran, the same Iran continues to heap scorn upon the US president, culminating yesterday with Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khemenei, accusing the U.S. of creating and supporting ISIS as a means of creating conflict among Muslims and promoting a false form of Islam in the world. 
In an English language Twitter account affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader, the country’s highest authority, tweeted:

US aim of making & backing DAESH is to sow discord in Islamic Ummah, defame true Islam & promote Wahabbi Islam which is far from true Islam.

He alleged that the US aim of making and backing ISIS is to sow discord in Islamic Ummah, defame true Islam & promote Wahabbi Islam which is far from true Islam, in fact it is the religion of Saudi Arabia, some of the most ardent supporters of the Clintons. The claim is not the first time Khamenei has accused the U.S. and the West of creating the current conflict in Syria and Iraq. 
Last December, Khamenei accused U.S. officials of sowing discord among Muslims by “creating terrorist groups like Daesh (the Arabic word for the ISIL) and other groups that have been created through the funding of the US affiliates and their political aids,” according to Iran’s state-run media outlet, Fars News. 
Following prostate surgery in late 2014, he suggested America, Zionism and “the wicked government of Britain” created Al Qaeda and Da’esh (ISIS) as way to contain Iran, but that instead these groups “have turned on them.”  
Ironically, the relentless attacks against Obama take place as his administration has spent the past few years cozying up to Iran brokering an agreement last July between the Islamic Republic and world powers to curb Iran’s nuclear program and lift international sanctions. It recently culminated with news of secret monetary paradrops coinciding with a prominent prisoner exchange. Obama has denied the money was paid as a ransom.
We are confident Obama will deny the ISIS creation allegations as well, despite the previously documented existence of a secret Pentagon memo which revealed that the US “created” ISIS as a “tool” to overthrow Syria’s president Assad.

Credit to Zero Hedge


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