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Is God In Control?

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by Rev. Joda Collins 

God is not in control.  
If God is in control of every thing that means that every thing that happens is the will of God.   If the will of God was always done, then Jesus would never have prayed “thy will be done”.  Why would he if the will of God is a given?    Jesus wept over Jerusalem because the will of God was NOT being done.  Luke 19:41-44.  The will of God is seldom done!  Most of us are living plan B, C or D for our lives because we did not do the will of God at critical junctures and, thus, lost the perfect will of God for our lives. 

If you jump off of a 10-story building, God is not in control. Gravity is. God created gravity, but God is not controlling your descent to death. You initiated the action that put God out of control of your life and gravity in control of your soon to end life. 

Wrong actions have consequences that God does not like, does not sanction and does not prefer. God will allow the natural consequence of wrong actions or no action to overtake us. There is no valid comfort in believing God is in control when we do things that put us at risk of devastation or fail to do the things that bring about the best of God’s will.  

In these difficult days of open borders, the infestation of diseases (mental and physical) brought in by those walking across our borders, the Islamization of America, a criminal-treasonous presidency, a do-nothing Congress, a crooked presidential electoral system, the dumbing down of Americans, the disrespect for our flag, our crumbling moral structure and more, the solutions are not found in cliches, but prayer-filled action. 

Do not take the easy road.  Do something besides quote “God is in control”.  Quoting “God is in control” when we are not doing our due diligence for God and our Country is another way of saying, “We give up!”  

The world will be in political, social, moral and religious chaos in the end times. Nothing you or I can do will change that.  However, there is not one shred of evidence in the Bible that warrants a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ to stop running the race and concede to evil.   Besides that, the end time might not be for a thousand years.  No one knows except God.  The world has faced troublesome times before and with each extreme hardship people thought the end of the world was near. 

There are comforting verses in times of trouble such as, “The Lord…goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8-9.  After this statement by Moses, Moses prepares the Levitical priests for service in the face of hardship.   “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9-10.  After these words, Joshua sent the people and went with the people into battle.  This is the formula; 
     A.  Be right with God.  
     B.  Be and stay strong and courageous.  
     C.  Go to war against evil.  
To parrot “God is in control” without being involved in the war is the mantra of surrender.   

Do something warlike.     

“God is in control” is not a Bible verse.  Standing alone, it isn’t even a biblical concept.  ”God is never surprised!”  That is a biblical concept.  

Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with my opinions.


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