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Obama Gives Signals in “Final” U.N. Speech About U.S. Martial Law (Video)

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By: The Voice of Reason |

As Americans living in the 21st century, thanks to the brave men who fought and died for our independence, we have had a lot of freedoms, but with great freedom comes great responsibility. One of those freedoms we have as Americans, is that we can choose to completely ignore the opportunity we have to educate ourselves, and instead focus on activities that provide us with more instant gratification that studying perhaps does not. That choice however, has a saying that goes along with it:

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana

Far too Americans are sorely mistaken in their belief that the freedoms they’ve always enjoyed, will always be there. They do not realize that freedom was not passed down to them in the bloodstream, as Ronald Reagan once said. It must be fought for, and protected, against those that would do freedom harm, or else it could all be gone in an instant.

That’s not theory. That’s not “conspiracy.” Just look at the history of the United States, look at the history of the world, and you’ll learn it doesn’t take much for nations to collapse, or for awful dictatorships to rise up. What’s scary is how quickly those things can sneak up, because the forces behind them normally don’t announce what they’re planning until it’s too late… that is… until now.

George Soros, global elitist, member of the New World Order, and the largest contributor to Hillary Clinton’s campaign according to our own CIA, has openly stated that for the One World Government the NWO desires, first the West (aka America) must fall. His words, not mine.

For America to fall, Soros has created political groups like Democracy Spring, Black Lives Matter, and the new “Demos,” that are all extremely well funded, and all have openly stated their intent to cause as much chaos as necessary to force Martial Law. Those are their words, not mine, and that is why you can be sure George Soros is the puppet master behind the 70% of out-of-state agitators causing problems in Charlotte. They’re paid well to be there.

Knowing that Soros is Clinton’s biggest funder, and that they’re long time allies, who in their right mind could vote for her? She’s 100% globalist; 0% American interests, regardless of what she says. In the first video, take a good look at what all the orchestrated chaos is designed to force into becoming reality. Afterward, we’ll dissect the words of President Obama during his final U.N. speech this week, and it’s not good…

In the next video, I address the final speech made by President Barack Obama during his eighth and “final” speech to the United Nations, where he addressed several issues and topics, none of which should make you comfortable. In his speech, Obama talks all about peace, togetherness, “sustainability” (which is another way of saying “population control”), and global interdependence, but yet somehow expresses the need for the deployment of over 50,000 UN “Peacekeeping” Troops (yes, you read that right). Does that make any sense at all?

Obama is also adamant about promoting something he called an “international order” for the rest of the world. In United Nations documents (which I link to later), the U.N.. and the globalists refer to the promotion of a “new global human order.” The picture below is right out of the U.N. Agenda linked below (along with about 800 other pages)

Recall that Putin’s went off on Western reporters back on June 17th about how Western reports actually believe the NONSENSE our leaders tell them, and then they report exactly what they’re told to report to the U.S. citizens, who are then uninformed enough to believe whatever they’re told. Putin said:

“Your people in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger – this is what worries me. How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?

If Obama’s speech did anything, he made it unequivocally clear to everyone in the room, and anyone watching the speech on television, that he is completely delusional, which begs a question I’ll pose in the video below:

As mentioned above, on Tuesday, September 20th, 2016, President Barack Obama made his eighth and “final” speech to the United Nations, addressing several issues and vital topics. The following are just a few cutouts from the entire speech, which you can read at here. The comments in red are where I point what he says is totally absurd.

“From the depths of the greatest financial crisis of our time, we coordinated our response to avoid further catastrophe and return the global economy to growth. We’ve taken away terrorist safe havens, strengthened the nonproliferation regime, resolved the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomacy…”

Since Obama often says he gets the news the same way we do, by watching tv, has he not noticed the European Union is on the verge of collapse thanks to Muslim “refugee crisis” funded by Soros, or that ISIS and ISIS inspired radicals have carried out over 150 attacks in over 30 countries, the U.S. included?

“And we have made international institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund more representative, while establishing a framework to protect our planet from the ravages of climate change.”

Also, has no one told Obama that the globalist central bankers are firing up the printing presses at such an insane rate, and printing paper money as if they aren’t obsessed with saving the trees, and with every round of their printing, humanity becomes more enslaved?

“A quarter century after the end of the Cold War, the world is by many measures less violent and more prosperous than ever before, and yet our societies are filled with uncertainty, and unease, and strife. Despite enormous progress, as people lose trust in institutions, governing becomes more difficult and tensions between nations become more quick to surface.”

Perhaps someone should tell Obama the reason “people lose faith in governments and institutions,” is because jackasses like him are telling people the world is great, and we all know that just a week or two ago, Putin said he could wipe the U.S. off the earth in under 1/2 and hour… THAT’S why people lose faith! Hillary’s relationship with the truth is no better than Obama’s either. It’s WORSE!”

“I do not believe progress is possible if our desire to preserve our identities gives way to an impulse to dehumanize or dominate another group. If our religion leads us to persecute those of another faith, if we jail or beat people who are gay, if our traditions lead us to prevent girls from going to school, if we discriminate on the basis of race or tribe or ethnicity, then the fragile bonds of civilization will fray,” Obama said. “The world is too small, we are too packed together, for us to be able to resort to those old ways of thinking.”

So, in other words, Obama and the Democrats could care less about Chinese jumping to their deaths rather than work, women being stoned to death or “mercy killed” where Sharia Law is followed, or gays and lesbians being chucked off buildings to their death in other countries, as long as them and their cronies can keep getting money from those countries to support the Democrats socialist agenda here at home.

Meanwhile, since Americans are so gullible, they’ll keep believing that Obama or the Democrats give a rip about women’s rights, religion, or gays and lesbians. 

In the video below, you can listen to the speech Obama gave this past week, and you tell me if you’re not wondering what planet this guy is living on?

There are certain things in this world that to the best of our knowledge, modern science says are impossible to co-exist. A person cannot be going up, while also going down. Electrons are either positively charged, or negatively charged, not both. As such, a person can be delusional, or they can be sane, but they can’t be both, and Obama is clearly delusional.

So, if you believe Obama is delusional, then don’t DARE believe that Martial Law is some absurd foreign concept and could “never happen” in the United States, especially in light of all the documents below that suggest Martial Law is the INEVITABLE eventuality coming to America, regardless of what happens in this election.

Why is Obama talking about the deployment of over 50,000 UN “Peacekeeping” Troops? Have you forgotten the Pentagon has already authorized UN “Peacekeeping” Troops to use deadly force on American citizens? You can learn more about that below from DAHBOO77.

Just so there is no confusion about where the information I present about the very REAL threat of Martial Law comes from, all the government documents referenced in my videos and throughout my posts are listed below. Please note virtually every one comes from the official sites of The White House, U.S. Congress, U.S. Army, United Nations, The Official United States Federal Code, Judicial Watch via a Freedom of Information Act against the Obama administration. So, take your “conspiracy theory” nonsense and shove it!










10. AGENDA 21 –

11. AGENDA 2030 –

12. United Nations Sustainable Development Program (Depopulation) –

13. United Nations General Assembly Agenda –

14. U.N Letter –


Just so there’s no confusion: Hillary is with Soros. Soros is for the destruction of America, so the One World Government can rise. Regardless of whether the Democrats succeed in rigging the election or not (because there is no way Hillary can win it honestly), it really doesn’t mean we avoid Martial Law because the Dollar is a ticking time bomb for collapse, which will arguably lead to worse conditions than anything that this election could cause to happen.

THE VOICE OF REASON is the pen name of Michael DePinto, a graduate of Capital University Law School, and an attorney in Florida. Having worked in the World Trade Center, along with other family and friends, Michael was baptized by fire into the world of politics on September 11, 2001. Michael’s political journey began with tuning in religiously to whatever the talking heads on television had to say, then Michael became a “Tea-Bagging” activist as his liberal friends on the Left would say, volunteering within the Jacksonville local Tea Party, and most recently Michael was sworn in as an attorney. Today, Michael is a major contributor to, he owns and operates, where Michael provides what is often very ‘colorful’ political commentary, ripe with sarcasm, no doubt the result of Michael’s frustration as he feels we are witnessing the end of the American Empire. The topics Michael most often weighs in on are: Martial Law, FEMA Camps, Jade Helm, Economic Issues, Government Corruption, and Government Conspiracy.

The post Obama Give Signals In “Final” U.N. Speech About U.S. Martial Law (VIDEO) appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.


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