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Is There Proof Hillary Clinton Had Sexual Intercourse With That Woman? - Huma Abedin Affair Exposed?

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After pre-election reports broke regarding FBI Director James Comey reopening an investigation into the emails of Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin came to the core of the story, but who is she?, and how close is Hillary to her top democratic aid?.

Both women are no stranger to sex scandals, Hillary supported husband Bill Clinton during his Monica Lewinski affair, whilst Huma Abedin was in the public eye after her husband, New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, who she split from after he was involved in a sexting investigation after he was caught sending explicit images and texts to a 15 year old girl.

This time they may be facing a sexgate of their own as reports continue to emerge of an intimate relationship between the democratic nominee and her aid.

During a speech questions were raised about the motives of Clinton, the first member of the Obama Administration to speak out on LGBT rights which she did on December 6, 2011 at the Palais de Nations in Geneva, Switzerland

The main line from Clinton’s speech, which has been widely quoted was this: “Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.”

Was the reason Clinton was so passionate about LGBT rights because she herself is a secret lesbian?

The idea is outlandish to many but as we are seeing with the emails scandal, there is no smoke without fire.

The rumors have persisted for decades and have been fueled in part by her relationship with her longtime aide and confidant Huma Abedin, who is always at Clinton’s side.

According to a rant by Sandy Rios, the “proof” of Hillary Clinton’s lesbianism can be found in her relationship with Abedin.

Other clues can be found after National Enquirer published a story on Hillary and Huma with the headline “Hillary Hides Huma Amidst Lesbian Rumors.” The non-story links to another National Enquirer story which claims that Hillary is “panicked” about the possibility of emails she exchanged with Huma being revealed in public. That article is titled “Hillary Clinton Lesbian Love Letters – Panic Over D.C. Investigation.”

Abedin, 40, is the wife of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner. “I don’t think she’s so concerned about emails referring to her as secretly gay,” said a source close to the Clintons, to National Enquirer.

Hillarys daughter Chelsea Clinton is said to be not as happy to see Abedin as her mother with reports of a cold atmosphere between the two.

‘Unlike Hillary’s relationship with Huma, her relationship with Chelsea is remote and somewhat cold,’ said one of Hillary’s friends. ‘Chelsea is not a warm person. I’ve never seen them embrace or kiss on the cheek or show any sign of affection, except when they’re in public and putting on a show.’

Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the 2016 US elections has been left in question after the FBI reopened an investigation into her emails and obtained a warrant to search the laptop of democratic aid Huma Abedin.

Documents revealed possible national security breaches from the presidential candidate whilst emails between Clinton and Abedin were probed during an FBI investigation into Abedins ex husband, Anthony Wiener, 46.

Mr Weiner married Huma Abedin, in July 2010, with Bill Clinton officiating the wedding.

In a surprise interview, late John Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, has suggested she had sexual relations with Hillary Clinton during the 1970′s.

“We met many times during the New York Vietnam War protests in the 1970′s, and became very intimate. We shared many of the same values about sexual equality, fighting against the authoritarian, patriarchal, male-dominated society we were raised in” she explained.

“We had a brief romantic fling when I lived with John in Manhattan and Hillary was studying at Yale, but eventually we lost touch. I am amazed how things are going well for her and wish her the best for her campaign”

FBI Director, James Comey, has shocked the democratic party by releasing information of the new investigation, just a week before the 2016 elections take place.

Comey has been up against widespread criticism for going public with the new FBI investigation 11 days before this years presidential election, against the advice and guidelines of attorney general Loretta Lynch and other senior figures at the Department of Justice.

Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta slammed the decision in a statement: “It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election.

The question now must be, did Hillary’s affection towards women come back to dis-rail her election campaign?


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    Total 19 comments
    • charlie2dogs

      judging by the news we have been ruled by a crime syndicate that is being taken down

    • wiseoldlady


    • Debbie

      Evidence is mounting more and more with each passing day, the ruling elite are psychopaths and sexual deviants…Pizzagate has them all shaking in their boots…once the public has the indisputable evidence the Washington DC elites will never be tolerated and will be prosecuted…once the public sees full view what they have been up to with their sex child trafficking and child sacrificing it will be the end of them…it’s coming…the truth is coming out one way or another…Hillary and Podesta and Obama are according to evidence being exposed just a few of the sick players in Pizzagate…..once Julian assange leaked the first set of Pizzagate emails he was kidnapped from the embassy and the CIA took over Wikileaks to stop the rest of the evidence from being exposed…the day by day takedown of Assange and Wikileaks is outlined in this MUST SEE vidoe:

      • An0nym0us

        And there you are wrong. The media is already covering up this as a “fake news” story, congress is currently passing a bill to stop “fake news” because the russians are blamed and it’s a threat to national security, facebook reddit and google have already started censoring the pizza stories. Within a week the media will be back to hating Trump and stirring up the Blacks, while the clueless sheeple bury their heads back in the sand.

        • Bob DD

          Of course! Anyone NOT believe what the lezzie psychopath would do that?

      • 2QIK4U

        Anom is correct. You tube fakebook and twatter are illegaly censoring and delting accounts. Until Julian assange is sighted standing in public Wikileaks are no longer to be believed. Wikileaks are now Government controlled.

      • 2QIK4U


        • Debbie

          The CIA took Julian Assange, once Wikileaks published emails revealing Pizzzagate it was all over for him, the ruling elite satan worshippers across EU and America – lead by Hillary – went apeshit…he had to be stopped before he revealed the whole gruesome story of their child sex trafficking, child sacrifice, pedophilia – it would take down Washington DC and most ruling families in Europe…….so his internet was cut and then he was disappeared and he has not been heard from since, the report is the CIA took over Wikileaks,emptied their bank account, did who knows what with other Wikileak members. And now the CIA will trace back to anyone leaking emails to Wikileaks and lock them away or kill them….is Assange dead? Could be, no one has heard from him, evidently the stories of a videotape interview or siting of him lately have all been CIA fakes….they believe he was flown to the US and now is either dead or locked away………..Hillary’s secret devil worshipping cult of murderers have to be protected evidently….and the CIA is just as despicable as she is…all we can do is pray this story still gets out and soon the whole world knows about these monsters and what they have been up to….Thank God for the White Hats who saved us from the reign of Hillary terror….thank god for TRUMP. We should all pray for the sins of Hillary and her occult child murderers to be revealed in a very big way so no one can deny what they have been up to….

          Story here about Hillary’s friend stealing children from Haiti:

    • Jack Shlitz

      Dude – What’s up with the “background” music? The content seems good but the melodramatic music’s gotta go. It makes your research look amateurish.

    • Gryphon

      I thought Podesta and his brother were fingered in the death of Madeleine McCann…?
      They were both in Portugal on that day – and were only about a mile away from her!
      And the police artist’s sketches of the perps looked like photos of them both!
      So… what’s up with that?

      • 2QIK4U

        Exactly true. The Fbi and police have been ignoring it. James Comey so called head of the fbi looks like a chief pizza suspect to me.. Especially with those priestly looks he has together with evil corrupt eyes.. All of them are kiddy fiddlers. The police. The church. The fbi. The government are all guilty. Any paid shill thats covering up for thier crimes is also considered GUILTY. Some good ol boys need t9 take thier positions.

        • Aeneas

          I hope the good guys in the FBI are waiting till after Trump is inaugurated to begin open investigations and make arrests. If they do either of these things before Trump becomes president, then Obama can issue blanket pardons to whomever

          • Cintus Supremus

            That is exactly why the boys with the big guns, re pizzagate, have been told to HOLD THEIR HORSES until after Trump’s inauguration.

            Reporters from Breitbart have been told the same thing.

            Just wait.

    • unidentified

      no one cares if they had a personal relationship, it sounds a lot like more fake news


      LOL. Next you will be telling us Bill Clinton has been unfaithful to Hillary.

    • dagiles

      this and a couple of bucks will get you a cup of coffee

    • 2QIK4U

      Just drown the rats and hose em to the gutter where they all belong.

    • King of Shambhala

      Black old homos like Obama are most at risk of passing on HIV says Obama’s gov disease-control website CDC.
      Pass on this info.
      Very important for people to know Obama’s the Antichrist.

    • chefjim

      It is a physical impossibility for two women to engage in sexual intercourse as it is impossible for two men to do the same. Sexual intercourse is THE way of procreation. It is the method by which a man and a woman come together within the confines of the marriage bed for the purpose of perpetuating the love bond and creating offspring. I’m sick and tired of this sodomite agenda permeating into the vocabulary of normalcy as if it were equal in nature. IT IS NOT EQUAL IN NATURE it is a REVERSAL of nature and an abomination to God. Even the truthful alternative media has begun to use the vocabulary that attempts to tone down the radical notion. Let’s call it what it is: SODOMY!!!

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