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PizzaGate Is the Silver Bullet! Exposed as CIA Global Pedo-Operation!

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today


PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal


The Cover Is Blown Off The Ongoing
Worldwide C.I.A. Black Pedo-Operation


A Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate*

Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within
a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate

PizzaGate Citizen’s Investigation Cyber-conference
State of the Nation

*It should be understood that, wherever the C.I.A. is referred to in this report, Israel’s MOSSAD, the United Kingdom’s MI6, France’s DGSE and Saudi Arabia’s GID are also heavily involved in the same “Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate”.  There are many other intelligence services around the world which closely monitor the national Pedogates occurring in their respective countries as well.


Special Note:
This important message is meant for members of the Pizzagate public group, the VOAT Pizzagate investigation, the former contributors to the Pizzagate sub-reddit, and the many citizen journalists, researchers and investigators dedicated to exposing Pizzagate truth.  The following “Special Report” provides a big picture context that is necessary to correctly understand what Pizzagate is really all about.  What has been uncovered thus far is certainly HUGE by any standard.  However, compared to the global Pedogate crime syndicate, Pizzagate is just one of many similar pedophilia rings that dot the globe. The crucial point is that now that Pizzagate has been blown wide open as a CIA operation, it is time to direct precious time and attention to the many other pedophile scandals around the world.  Yes, Pizzagate is the key, but they have cleaned up that particular crime scene so much that further clues will be more difficult to unearth. That was the very purpose of the false flag gunman who showed up at Comet Ping Pong–to provide cover for law enforcement to scour the premises of any evidence that might be found by an on-site investigator.  Nevertheless, every journalist ought to be aware that it is Pizzagate that will ultimately take down World Shadow Government that unlawfully controls the US Government and every other Western power.

The Internet is now overwhelmed by misinformation, disinformation and false information about the Washington, D.C. scandal known primarily as Pizzagate.

This alarming report has been prepared to provide both the global context and additional perspective for concerned people throughout the entire planetary civilization.  Pedogate is going on practically everywhere.

For newcomers to this subject material, it is especially urgent to read this entire “Special Report” so that the Pizzagate lexicon and Pedogate back story can be properly understood.  We also highly recommend the following excellent ebook: PIZZAGATE FOR DUMMIES for those who are unfamiliar with the Pizzagate back story.


Pedogate is Global, Pizzagate is Local

Many have complained that Pizzagate should be called Pedogate.

In fact, Pizzagate is just one of many Pedogates occurring around the world at this very moment.  As the title indicates, “Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate“.

It’s true that Pizzagate is a uniquely American franchise that operates primarily in Washington, D.C., but also includes operations in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and other major metropolitan areas.

There are many other Pedogates, which have nothing to do with Pizzagate, taking place all over America at this time.  Are these related?  Yes, some much more than others.

For instance, the ongoing Hollywood Pedogate is joined at the hip with the D.C. Pizzagate. The very reason that many Hollywooders came out of the woodwork to support Hillary R. Clinton and bash Donald J. Trump is because of this close association of decade-long child abuse scandals in both D.C. and Tinseltown.

The most critical point here is that Pizzagate is the lynchpin that is inextricably connected to all the other Pedogates.  Because it represents the child exploitation operation in the nation’s capital and related power centers, its outing has the capacity to expose the whole bloody child abuse culture.  Yes, Pizzagate is that prominently configured within the world-wide Pedogate scandal.  It’s not the grand-daddy like the Brussels Pedogate, but it involves a Who’s Who of American society and especially the political class.

Pizzagate is much more serious than previous Pedogates

Why did Pizzagate blow wide open…just before the election?

First, it’s important to understand that Pizzagate was revealed by the double whammy of the Podesta WikiLeaks and Anthony Weiner’s 650,000 emails.  In other words, the time had come for this pedophilia in high places to be blown wide open.  Because it all went down just a couple of weeks before the most contentious election in U.S. history, the whole world was watching the American political theater with utter amazement.

This is the timing and environment in which Pizzagate was first disclosed.  Since the very first disclosures, it has gathered momentum that just won’t quit.  In fact with each day comes new information and startling realizations about just how BIG this thing really is. That Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and John Podesta are at the epicenter of this “Scandal of the Millennium” makes it all the more shocking and hard for many to believe.

Nevertheless, it is these and other dramatic elements that have pushed Pizzagate to the forefront of the news cycle.  Especially when the NYT, WashPo and BBC are running front page stories to defend an extremely dubious gay pizza parlor owner, the reader knows that there is something not right.  And when FOX News’ Megyn Kelly is featuring an interview with Comet’s notorious James Alefantis that not only exonerates him from all suspicion, but lauds him as a hero of sorts who stared down the Alt Right, something is very wrong indeed.

It’s actually the real back story that is being kept carefully hidden; for were the true details of Pizzagate to leak out to the public, the world would change in a day and a night. The shocking back story of the much larger Pedogate looks like this.  Take a very close look at the following excerpt. This short synopsis of the 1980s Franklin Scandal and Cover-up captures the sheer depth and breadth of the crimes being perpetrated against our children.

(Source: America’s Greatest Child Sex Scandal: Boys Town in Lincoln, Nebraska)

What the reader needs to understand is that Pizzagate represents only the tip of the iceberg—a global iceberg of profound criminality committed against the children of the world.  Not only does it concern a much larger worldwide pedophilia ring known as Pedogate, it also involves an international crime syndicate that trades in the exploitation of children—EVERYWHERE —24/7.

Washington D.C. and the C.I.A.

What makes Pizzagate so very explosive is that all of the key players are deep in D.C. politics and Washington power-plays, US government influence peddling and federal power-brokering.  And then there is the C.I.A., often regarded as the intelligence agency that not only controls the many Pedogates occurring nationwide, but also closely monitors each and every one of them.  After all, these unimaginable child abuse operations are implemented — first and foremost — as the primary control mechanism that keeps American politicians in complete check.

Why is that so very important?

For the uninitiated, it is crucial to understand that the United States of America has been painstakingly cultivated to function as the military arm of the New World Order (NWO). In this pivotal role the USA takes direction from the financial arm headquartered in the City of London as well as from the religious arm of the NWO located in Vatican.  This is why it’s so important for the World Shadow Government to control everything that goes on in Washington, D.C. the high command of the U.S. Armed Forces and military policeman of the world.

Pizzagate has simply uncovered what everyone in Washington has always known.  That virtually every politician of note is controlled by having been compromised with an illegal and/or outrageous sexual affair, often with underage children.  In once Puritan America this has always been the easiest way to bring down a noncompliant elected official.  Of course, if the unlawful and lurid conduct occurred in the context of child rape or satanic ritual sacrifice, their political career not only ended, so was their freedom of movement due to imprisonment.

The C.I.A. has always been notorious for being deeply involved in the top 3 illicit revenue-producing operations of the world.  Drug trafficking and arms trafficking are both quite HUGE; however, it is child trafficking that really keeps them in business.  The CIA has so many black budgeted operations to fund that they require massive funding from these criminal activities to continue to run them across the planet.  Child trafficking also provides a special means to control those in positions of perceived power.  However, it is those who occupy the highest echelons of the global power structure who are also taken care of by way of this global pedophilia ring.

This is what really distinguished Pizzagate from all of the other child sexual abuse scandals in high places over the past many decades.  It has broken open a prominently configured C.I.A. cell of deeply embed operatives within the international child exploitation business. This particular Pedogate operation is really controlled by the C.I.A., as well as other alphabet soup agencies that no one has even heard of they’re so secret and nefarious in their criminal activity.

What could possibly be more radioactive than pedophilia in high places?

Actually, the pedophilia rings are organized ostensibly as a cover for a much, MUCH more sinister business operation.  Those criminal activities routinely carried out include the production of child pornography, both photographs and films, as well as the filming of snuff movies.  Other criminal behavior falls within the realm of satanic ritual child sacrifice and blood drinking.  The most odious crimes, however, involve child organ trafficking, tissues harvesting and blood extraction.

It’s crucial to comprehend that the C.I.A. does not, and never has, worked for the American people.  The Company, as it is also known, works exclusively for the Military Industrial Complex and other key Fortune 1000 companies scattered around the globe. The C.I.A. is also employed by select NGOs, which have actually been set up as CIA front companies like the Clinton Foundation.  The Clinton Global Initiative is just that—a global CIA operation that interpenetrates every kind of corporation that is necessary to perform a blackop wherever it is necessary to have such a benevolent cover.

The Clinton Foundation: A Typical ‘CIA-Directed NGO’ That Is Completely Above The Law
Continue reading HERE.

For these and other reasons, both Hillary and Bill Clinton have been implicated in various schemes which have to do with child trafficking.  The Pizzagate scandal at Comet Ping Pong is just one that was overseen by Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta–a key figure in the D.C. pedophilia ring along with his brother super-lobbyist Tony Podesta.

The very endeavor that put the Clinton Foundation on the map was its response to the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti.  However, a woman who was caught and convicted of child smuggling (33 children) — Laura Silsby — and who Secretary of State Clinton tried to protect from prosecution, also has ties to the Foundation.  Which is why the mainstream media (MSM) was eerily silent on this whole criminal matter.

J. Edgar Hoover and the F.B.I.

In America, there is one reason in particular why crimes of pedophilia “in high places” are very rarely investigated.  And, in those few cases that they are, the purpose is to purge Congress (and the like) of someone who has left the reservation, or who is the victim of a naked political prosecution.  That reason very much has to do with the first Director of the F.B.I.—J. Edgar Hoover.

Not only was J. Edgar Hoover a homosexual, he was also known to engage in pedophilia. (Isn’t this really why Hoover was installed as FBI Director for life?)  As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, he was privy to the sex secrets and illicit sexual behavior of America’s political class and beyond.  Because of this reality, Hoover knew that sexual deviance could be used to bring down any guilty party in a Washington, D.C. moment.  He also knew that if he used such power aggressively, he, too, could find himself in a very compromised position.

The recent misconduct of current F.B.I. Director James B. Comey is now much more easily understood, especially where it relates to the Clinton Emailgate crime spree.  It is quite likely that there is unseemly conduct by those in the top tier of the Department of Justice (DOJ) that could be used to blackmail key player at the F.B.I. and DOJ.  This is the way it is almost always done, although there is no hard evidence to support such an allegation.

However, there does exist a massive amount of actionable evidence where it concerns the Clintons, both Hillary and Bill, as well as John and Tony Podesta.  That both Clintons have flown on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express to Orgy Island on numerous occasions is just one of many highly suspicious patterns of behavior.  Epstein is not only a convicted pedophile, he is also at the heart of an extremely volatile case with an opposing attorney because of the extraordinary light conviction and sentencing leniency that he received.  The court disposition in his case was simply unprecedented in U.S. history.

Clearly, the F.B.I. has an unwritten code guiding agent conduct wherein pedophilia charges are not to be pursued unless they have been cleared at the highest levels…way above the lowly leadership of the FBI and DOJ.  In other words in this post-modern era of the 3rd Millennium, it’s quite likely that the C.I.A. is directly involved in the decision process to pursue charges or even to proceed with an investigation.  As always, in light of the control that is exerted by the C.I.A. over Pedogates worldwide, it’s obvious why the F.B.I. almost always chooses not to prosecute.

Alfred Kinsey: A Perverted Pedophile Sexologist and His Criminal Experiments

There is no other American ‘scientist’ whose life’s work did more to advance the cause of pedophilia legalization than Alfred Charles Kinsey.  Known as the nation’s first sexologist, Kinsey, performed sadistic sex experiments on children, both very young and older.  Even a cursory look at the results of his criminal experiments reveals that they were extremely cruel and abusive to his child victims.


That the gay Kinsey would found the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University in 1947 is quite significant.  How does such a nakedly rogue sex research institution get established in the conservative and traditional locale of Bloomington, Indiana?  That such transparently illicit and inhumane experiments were allowed to be conducted on young children must have had the blessing of the U.S. Federal Government.  And so they did.

A close reading of the historical records can only lead the researcher to believe that the entire Kinsey pedophilia agenda was set under the auspices of the C.I.A.  The Company, as it is also known by the intelligence community, had also been formed as the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947. What would become the premier intelligence gathering agency of the USA was actually the next generation of its predecessor, the  infamous Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

The OSS really came into prominence post-WW2 in the wake of Operation Paperclip—“the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program in which more than 1,500 Germans,[1] primarily scientists but also engineers and technicians, were brought to the United States from post-Nazi Germany for government employment starting in 1945 and increasing in the aftermath of World War II.”  Many historians have observed that the new CIA — post 1945 — continued various types Nazi human experiments that were conducted by the Third Reich during WW2.  Some have even suggested that all of the so-called alien abductions and experimentation on humans are actually back operations conducted by the collaborating military research institutions. (There Are No Alien Abductions, Only Government Kidnappings)

The crucial point here is that the Kinsey Sex Institute bears all the hallmarks of an unlawful Nazi research program which was allowed to operate against all laws and statutes, mores and social norms.  The barbaric experiments which were conducted on young children would be labeled the highest form of child sexual abuse in 2016, and those responsible would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Clearly Alfred Kinsey’s gay sexual orientation during the 1940s era caused him great consternation.  His dubious relationships with criminal pedophiles at the time provided him with much of the questionable data about child sexual responses.  Kinsey’s own experiment records indicate that his sources were known as criminal pedophiles, as have some of his associates confirmed.  In fact, Kinsey’s Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University is a veritable storehouse of hard evidence which actually reflects a hardcore and extensive pedophile operation.  During the day, the C.I.A. got away with virtually anything it wanted to.

Kinsey’s Sex Studies Have Done Irreparable Harm To Children and Women

There is no question about one societal consequence of Kinsey’s scurrilous work–it launched the sexual revolution of the 1960s and LGBTQ agenda of the third millennium. No other pseudo-scientific work is referred to so often as Kinsey’s published papers.  No other unreliable research has been cited so frequently cited in Congressional hearings for their perceived authority on the matter of human sexuality.  Not only was much of the research methodology unlawful, the results are considered highly problematic by those who have attempted to verify their integrity.

James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant

If ever there was a turnkey pedophilia operation that was in full operation one day and out of business the next, it is the very shady Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant owned by one James Achilles Alefantis.  Mr. Alefantis clearly cuts the profile of a CIA operative whose primary role was to manage what was perhaps the largest pedo-operation of its kind within the District of Columbia.[1]

James Alefantis and Comet Pizza Outed As Classic CIA Operation

Because the C.I.A. uses pedophilia to control so many politicians, Mr. Alefantis was quite unbelievably identified as the “49th most powerful man in Washington, D.C.”  He is also on record for visiting the White House at least 5 times.  He has photos of himself with Tony Podesta, half of the super-lobbyist duo with brother John Podesta.  And he has a thank you letter signed by Hillary Clinton for the use of his restaurant for a Democratic event that raised some serious money.

James Achilles Alefantis And His Comet Ping Pong Network

From a close analysis of all the evidence regarding James Alefantis, which is posted on the Internet, it’s now crystal clear that he WAS running a full-blown CIA black op.  As previously mentioned, anyone who can command front page articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post and the BBC News must be very powerful indeed…as in CIA-directed and financed, for it is only The Company that could have effectuated such a highly coordinated defense executed by the major MSM organs of propaganda.  And for a guy who should be investigated like there’s no tomorrow—because there isn’t for many of the children who get caught up in these pedo-rings.

PIZZAGATE: The Owner’s (Of Comet Ping Pong Pizza) Full Name Means “I Love Children” In French

From the disproportionate response to the Comet Ping Pong scandal mounted by the MSM to date, it’s abundantly clear that TPTB are so afraid of what Pizzagate has opened up.  So fearful are they that their agents staged a totally ridiculous false flag operation that was as fabricated as it was revealing. What that event revealed was that those who are threatened by Pizzagate will do anything possible to kill the story … even if it means taking down the entire alternative news media.

False Flag Just Staged At Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant To Shut Down Alt Media

Not only did the Washington Post publish an unprecedented hit piece against all of the major Alt Media news platforms, which they then had to walk back, they also conspired to create the phony new platform PropOrNot.  The MSM have been recklessly relentless in labeling any news that they do not originate as ‘fake news’.  They ramped up this witch hunt right before the first stories were being floated in the Alt Media about Pizzagate which clearly indicated that they knew a sh*tstorm was coming their way.  And they saw no other way to discredit the emerging narrative than to reprehensibly call everyone else producers of ‘fake news’.  Now that was a D E S P E R A T E move, if ever there was one!

Contemplation: Why is the Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant located at the bottom point of a D.C. Pentagram?

Which brings us back to the C.I.A.

Just as President Obama is a card-carrying member of the C.I.A. so, too, are virtually all of those who reside at the highest levels of the U.S. Federal Government.  Likewise, all of the major network anchors and writers for the newspapers of record are agents of the C.I.A. The Company of spooks is, after all, an intelligence agency and the MSM is the greatest receiver and disseminator of intelligence on the planet.  Hence, we know that the MSM is the biggest manufacturer of fake news in the world today.

This is essentially why Ms. Clinton was never prosecuted by the Department of Justice for BenghazigateEmailgate, or Servergate, as her entire term at State was defined by gunrunning (see Benghazigate), drug-running, and human trafficking.  This is the very reason for the Zio-Anglo-American Axis engineering of the largest mass exodus out of the Middle East in modern history.  To a great extent this George Soros-funded human disaster was design to separate the children from the parents.  In this manner the unattended children are easy prey for the human trafficking operations for which Turkey is extremely well known.

Not only is the C.I.A. operationally responsible for the Mideast child trafficking that has resulted from the unlawful wars in Iraq and Syria, they are also on top of the boatloads of war refugees and economic immigrants washing up on the shores of Italy from Libya. Ditto that for every other theater of war where the likelihood of families being split up is very high.  This predicament creates the ideal situation for pedophilia rings to swoop up LOTs of unchaperoned children, especially when they are wandering aimlessly in foreign lands.

The Mexican border is another example where the American people have been shocked to see the thousands of unaccompanied children from South and Central America flock to and across the U.S. border.  Even the border states of Texas and Arizona have been powerless to control their own borders–a power that the U.S. Constitution grants them via states’ rights.  Very few understand this scam to be a CIA-coordinated and DHS-enforced child exploitation enterprise.

Not only the C.I.A. but these highly organized child trafficking operations are also protected by the Department of Homeland Security.  DHS also does NOT work for the American people; rather, in this instance the agency is enlisted by Corporate America to ensure the free flow of young healthy human beings to work in their factories at slave wages.  The US military also takes a lot of the 18-year-old males and conscripts them in the armed forces in return for U.S. citizenship.  That is, of course, if they come back alive from their tours of duty.

The real $64,000 question here is why the Obama Administration has literally encouraged the mass migration of thousands upon thousands of unaccompanied children across a very harsh and dangerous border.  Why would those in authority put children in harm’s way like this?  Certainly when they finally arrive at the various border checkpoints these children are then inprocessed and taken where?  Who are the guardians?  As wards of the state, where are they housed and fed?  What is their ultimate destination?

That brings us to the county Child Protective Services and Foster Care System that are so abusive to children it’s downright scary.  If this is where the illegal alien children are ending up, it is now common knowledge that many are in extreme danger.  Adults looking for child slaves and pedophiles desiring young traumatized children are notorious for becoming foster parents.  In many instances these children are the very ones that end up in a Pizzagate type of situation—sexual fodder for Washington’s elites.

How is pedophilia or child sexual abuse used as a control mechanism?

There are multiple ways in which elected leaders and appointed politicians, corporate CEOs and foundation presidents, university chancellors and think tank directors can be controlled by pedophilia.  The most obvious occurs when a lifelong gay politician is lured into a honey trap with a young boy.  Once he is caught or filmed in the act that, politician can be easily manipulated for the rest of his career.  Witness the current plight of Speaker Dennis Hastert who was put into the most powerful position in Congress knowing that he had abused underage boys as a wrestling coach.

Then there is the common situation whereby straight politicians are invited to a social gathering in which underage girls are made available for sexual favors.  There are also those instances when a clean politician is invited to a late night soirée that ends up featuring a snuff film or other odious event involving underage children.  There have even been cases reported that have entailed an unsuspecting politician being ushered down into a basement where a satanic ritual child sacrifice was taking place… and being filmed at the same time.  Once the camera is rolling, the victim has no way out, except to quit his career in public service or give in to blackmail.

Lastly, there are those leaders and officials who knowingly and willingly participate in all sorts of exceedingly perverted sexual behavior with children.  In some situations the children are left with serious injuries; in more serious ones they are barbarously killed. When a child sacrifice is made, the various organs are sometimes eaten and the blood is drank.  When organ trafficking is the main purpose, the coveted organs are quickly shipped off to the attending physician of the latest billionaire who desperately needs a liver or kidney, pancreas or lung.  They pay big money to acquire these organs in an expeditious manner.

Satanic ritual child sacrifice and killing

There is another dimension to this whole child exploitation business that has nothing to do with business per se.  This aspect concerns the deliberate sacrifice of pure babies and unsullied young children for the purpose of propitiating the ‘gods’.  First, it is very significant to apprehend the history of the word “Satan”.  It actually comes from the same word as “Saturn”.

The ancients truly believed that each luminary (read planet and star) was a planetary manifestation of various deities in their respective pantheon of gods.  Every ancient school of astrology understood that Saturn is the planet that returns one’s karma, especially very difficult karmas.  The greater the trial and tribulations in life, the more it was said that the individual was being visited by Saturn himself.  In fact every major system of astrology adheres to a similar understanding, so we — post-modern man — know there must be some truth to it.

Over the millennia, the word “Saturn” started being written and spoken as “Satan”, as they both make life miserable.  Both Saturn the dispenser of karma and Satan the deceiver of men, it was understood, were always responsible for life’s great adversities and terrible sufferings. At some point, of course, Satan became identified as The Adversary of both God and mankind, and especially of Jesus the Christ.  The other major religions have similar demonic personages which could easily be understood as their form of Satan, the devil and/or Lucifer.

Statue of Baphomet with children

When the Bavarian Illuminati was first established, their members were men who eventually rejected the right path back to the Godhead.  Instead, they chose the left path which embraced all sorts of occult practices, demonic rituals and left-handed protocols in order to please their various idols.  The most worshipped of these idols are known Moloch and Baphomet, both of which are crude representations of Saturn.  That’s why the “Sabbatic Goat” image is often used as a satanic symbol.  The mountain goat is also the zodiac symbol for Capricorn—the astrological sign ruled by Saturn.

Classic Moloch illustration with baby

There are very good reasons why Hebrew Patriarch Abraham of the Old Testament was quite willing to sacrifice his son Isaac to the ‘living god’.  Obviously such a bizarre and ungodly request would never be made by the one true God.  It was more likely a Saturnine command issued by God only knows who.  Which points to a very powerful demonic entity who at that time presented itself as their ‘God Almighty’ and ‘Supreme Being’.

Moloch, the ancient pagan God of child sacrifice.

This very poignant biblical story of “Abraham and Isaac” remains etched on the psyche of every child who hears it for the very first time.  Perhaps the tradition of child sacrifice was much more prevalent within the ancient Hebrew religion than is revealed outside of today’s Judaic faith tradition.  However, an objective analysis of historical record shows that there were civilizations older than and contemporaneous with that of the Jewish people which also featured ritual child sacrifice and murder.

Why Do Some Jewish Families Practice Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifice?

Because this weighty and extremely relevant topic is far beyond the scope of this exposé, it will be taken up in a followup essay. Suffice it to say that at some point in the evolution of the current race of humanity, there began a highly perverted tradition among the rich and powerful and influential who really believed that their ascendant station in society was due to such murderous human sacrifice.  Once child sacrifice became institutionalized, there was simply no stopping it.  Even when such child torture and murder was exposed for the utterly barbaric practice that it truly is, it merely retreated into the shadows.

It ought to be understood that the deity known as “Saturn” is recognized throughout many cultures since time immemorial.  In Roman mythology he was honored on Saturnalia which was “held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December”.  This tradition eventually morphed into Christmas which was seen as the culmination day of the festivities.  The winter solstice is always the shortest day of the year with the least amount of sunlight; hence, Christmas lights are used to bring light back into the Earth realm.  Which is also why this essay was published on December 25th of 2016—to illuminate this dire matter for all to see.

Lastly on this point, the ruling deity of Saturn is known by different names and always delivers the most difficult karmas that a human being must bear.  For this reason primarily, human sacrifice was thought to propitiate this fierce god Saturn.  It was by his edict that every living thing would experience “weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth” at some point of their existence.   Therefore, it was profoundly misunderstood that the only way to alleviate these sufferings was to engage in what are essentially different forms of satanic sacrificial atonement. The offering of a pure child sacrifice was understood to be the best offering that a community could present to alleviate any communal suffering and/or avert any future catastrophes.

Brussels: The Grand-daddy of all Pedophobia Operations

It’s true that what is often mislabeled as pedophilia is actually an extreme form of pedophobia.  Given the exceedingly malevolent treatment of children in these so-called pedophilia rings, aren’t they really run as cruel pedophobia operations?  These child torture and murder networks can be found dotting the globe.  However, it is Brussels, Belgium that has become the locus of intense pedophobic activity for many decades.  Over the centuries, some of the castles and chateaux surrounding Brussels came to be known as full-time child torture and murder factories.

Given the unique role that pedophobia/pedophilia plays as the primary control mechanism of the Global Control Matrix, it should come as no surprise that Brussels was chosen as the de facto capital of the European Union.  How easy it is to lure so many leaders from all over Europe into criminal behavior they had no inclination toward.  Even RAF Captain Peter Townsend was quite purposefully exiled to Brussels — for 2 long years — so that he might be sufficiently compromised that his scandalous relationship with Great Britain’s Princess Margaret might be terminated.  It was feared that the princess might follow in the footsteps of her uncle King Edward VIII who abdicated the British throne.

Just how terrible has Brussels become regarding its ongoing child exploitation crime syndicate?  When it becomes common knowledge that a certain locale harbors some of the worst child abuse criminals on the planet, you know that it’s bad—very bad!  When all of the locals are well aware that the local police will not investigate anything having to do with crimes against the children, something is quite awry.  And so it is in Brussels… and the surrounding countryside that is known for its small castles and quaint manors with their sprawling estates…on which to hunt.

For the upper crust of society who has taken to hunting children, some of these large wooded areas have become ideal for keeping their criminal activity a well-guarded secret. In the modern era, many a snuff film has been made in these same environs.  The very culture of Brussels has literally grown up around this extremely twisted perversion of child exploitation.  So in a sense, it is all so out in the open, and yet no one can do anything about it. Such is the purposeful collaboration with law enforcement authorities that the wealthy participants have always enjoyed. When the police chiefs themselves are also regular attendees at such criminal events, the protection of these child exploitation rackets is ensured. (See the following link for graphic details)


Why the Torturing and Killing of Children?

There are various inside explanations for the systematic torturing and killing of children worldwide.  Children are routinely made the objects of hunting for snuff film as well.  In all of these cases the children are ultimately killed after a period of being in extreme fear. The sustained level of fear triggers the release of different hormones and other biochemicals which are highly valued by the aging elites.  They actually drink the blood of the children immediately after they are executed on a butcher’s block or killed in the hunt.

This form of sadistic cannibalism has been practiced for eons by secret societies around the globe.  The practitioners of these dark arts and pseudo-sciences firmly believe that they receive great powers from such hormone-rich blood.  So much so that they will literally eat the beating heart of a child who is in the act of being brutally killed.  Obviously these lost souls are possessed by demons who have compelled them to act like devils with blood lust.

The other purpose of these satanic rituals is the harvesting of organs, tissues and blood which are now being trafficked extensively worldwide.  Some investigations have reported that human meat (and blood) is showing up in the food supply and particularly in fast food restaurants.[2]  However, the main use for the young organs are for transplants for the rich and famous whose own organs have failed.  A market for intestines, corneas and bone marrow have seen a recent upsurge in demand as well.  These black market products are being purveyed to large metro hospitals and concierge physicians alike.  So it has become a fast-growing business worldwide.

As for the tissues, illegal stem cell research has created a burgeoning demand for all sorts of tissues, both living and dead.  Hence, methodical tissue harvesting has now become a large part of these pedo-operations as a way of making some really big money.  Because of the relatively new revenue-producing aspects to child trafficking, there are now pressures to maintain income levels which heretofore never existed, or did so to a much smaller degree.

The unfortunate consequence is that children are now being kidnapped at an alarming rate by professional kidnappers who are paid good money for young and healthy human beings.  Some children are even abducted by family or friends who are drawn into such schemes, sometimes unwittingly so convoluted are the plots.  The true missing children statistics, along with in-your-face kidnappings, reflect this ominous trend.  It has never been so dangerous being a child given that some corporate bottom lines are now being inflated by the trade in children.

Child sex slaves

Child work slavery and sex slavery

There is also the highly mercenary market which trades in children who will be used as work as well as those who will be sold as sex slaves.  The demand for the former is far outstripping the latter.  As a result of the global recession over Obama’s 8 years in office, there has never been so much pressure to produce profits anyway, anyhow.  Free labor is perhaps the easiest and quickest way to show such profits as labor costs are usually the greatest on a Profit and Lost Statement.

There is no question that the use of slaves has gone up astronomically since the year 2000. Even the nation of Saudi Arabia has gotten caught repeatedly taking advantage of their work force that has migrated from foreign countries.  Many of these economic immigrants have been virtually incarcerated in horrible work and living conditions with no way out of their predicaments.  It is well known in these black industries that the younger the worker, the more easily they can be kept in check.  They usually have better health because of their youth to perform arduous tasks.

Of course, the more robust and physically attractive slaves are usually reserved for sex slavery.  These children can find themselves in situations where they are practically chained to a bed, to predicaments whereby the sex slavers actually give the child slave power to run the whole household. Everything depends on the slave owner and the personal relationship that develops with the slave.  Nonetheless, once a sex slave always one to a certain degree, especially when a child is so acculturated from a young and tender age.

There are now whole countries that are well known within pedophilia circles for being international centers for sex slavery.  Thailand is one such nation, as is Israel.  Likewise, Hong Kong is a major clearinghouse for the child slavery trafficking industry that is utilized corporately to staff everything from Chinese sweatshops and Vietnamese factories, among many other little or no pay operations.  As profit margins shrink, the exploitation of child slaves by ‘respectable’ corporations is growing worldwide.

The Pedophilia Scandal of the Roman Catholic Church

Where Brussels is the granddaddy of Pedogate, the Roman Catholic Church is the mother of the world’s pedophilia operations.  This is where the sexual abuse of often defenseless children became institutionalized by the highest levels of the Church.  In fact, not only have cardinals and archbishops, monsignors and bishops been accused and/or convicted of pedophilia crimes and cover-ups, many of them provided the protection that saw pedophile priests transferred from parish to parish where they still continue their sex crime sprees with wanton abandon.

Pope Francis says about 8,000 pedophiles are members of Catholic clergy, including bishops and cardinals

By not immediately defrocking them for their heinous crimes, the Vatican hierarchy served as a protection racket the likes of which the world has never seen.  This organized system of enabling the prelate pedophiles permitted the institutional criminality to go undetected and, therefore, unprosecuted for many decades to the horror of many victims and their families.  It was this serial enabling, then, that is the far greater crime … and it was meticulously conducted by the top tier of the Roman Catholic Church leadership!

That this ghastly phenomenon was so prevalent throughout the entire Roman Catholic Church, which has been established virtually everywhere on the planet, speaks to the deep ‘religious’ undertones of Pedogate.  Because the Old Testament serves as the foundation for the New Testament, it should come as no surprise that there would form a large group of priests, monks and other prelates who would gravitate toward this disgraceful conduct on a quite regular basis.

That such criminal behavior was permitted by the highest levels of the Church for so many decades is shocking enough.  However, it was their remarkable influence over local law enforcement to look the other way that demonstrates just how accepted and entrenched such wrongdoing is in civil society.  Truly, the Roman Catholic Church provided a safe haven for the “Mother of all Pedophilia Scandals” to take place over a very long stretch of time.

Even the popes of the current and last centuries were well aware that such a scourge existed, and yet did nothing about it until the very real threat of criminal prosecution loomed large on the horizon.  It was actually the very real threat of lawsuits and the subsequent award of monetary damages that compelled the Church to meaningfully address this profound corruption.

NCR research: Costs of sex abuse crisis to US church grossly underestimated

Why exactly is the Church the mother of them all—the Pedogates?

Because it conferred a false legitimacy on the others outside of the Church.  In other words, if the priests can do it, and the bishops allow them, it must be okay.  Likewise, if all the national and local law enforcement agencies always look the other way, then acts of pedophilia and pedophobia must not be all that bad.  Such is the debilitating and debasing effect that the Church had around the world.  Those responsible will forever live in shame and ignominy.

To date, every nation that has a fairly large Catholic following and developed system of parishes has fallen prey to this plague of pedophilia.  The lawsuits, which are now regularly adjudicated in favor of the plaintiffs who were sexually abused as children, have totaled in the billions ($4 billion plus).  As a matter of documented fact, the RC Church has to take every legal precaution necessary to protect their prodigious and valuable assets located in the local jurisdictions where the crimes were committed, as well as the treasure trove of assets in the Vatican itself.

How, pray tell, did such a horrendous criminal enterprise ever get sanctioned by the largest religious institution on Earth?

Answer: The multi-century enforcement of celibacy within the Church actually made it quite easy for such a pedophilia sub-culture to develop.  Because many of the male priests were simply unable to control their sexual urges, it was only a matter of time that they would project them on the altar boys.  The whole ritual of the RC Mass starts and ends with the priest and altar boy in the privacy of the sacristy.

The sacristy is where the priestly vestments and articles of worship are kept.  It is also the very private room where special preparations are carried out by both the priests and altar boys in close confines.  This place of early morning interaction, together with home rectories that also provide safe havens for such illicit activity, guaranteed that improper things would happen.

However, it was the aggressive recruiting policies of the Church that really created such a conducive atmosphere for rampant pedophilia to be created.  Roman Catholic dioceses across the USA have always been zealous in their initiative to ordain more priests.  The more priests, the more parishes.  The more parishes, the more daily congregants.  The more parishioners, the more tithing and donations with which to further grow the Church. After all, the RC Church is really a political organization first, religious second.  In this context, the numbers really do matter… much more than even the welfare of the children.

The Church always knew that many gay men and pedophiles were drawn naturally to the candy store.  And, that they would take advantage of the situation like a kid in the candy store, only in this case the priests got addicted to “stealing the candy from a baby” so easy was it to do.  The promotion policies of the Vatican were actually oriented around elevating those prelates to cardinal and bishop who demonstrated sympathies to the pedophilia sub-culture.  In this way, the priestly ranks were not decimated and ruin was not brought on the Church though exposure of the scandal.

Quite conveniently, the RC Church had also been very successful at negotiating immunity to law enforcement actions within each national jurisdiction.  This protective arrangement was supposed to rely on the implementation of canon law of the Catholic Church so as to properly dispose of all criminal pedophilia cases which emerged in each parish.  It then fell to the local bishop to essentially function as judge and jury, prosecutor and executioner in all matters of reported pedophilia crimes.  However, when the Vatican hierarchy was so sympathetic toward the pedophiles, and in dire need of priests, what else could be expected?

Contemplation: Who or What is the “Whore of Babylon”?

Popular Entertainment

Popular entertainment throughout America has become replete with explicit sexual content, some containing language and pictures that are shockingly suggestive of pedophilia.  Much of Miley Cyrus’ work offers a good example of just how saturated post-modern music is with material that is highly offensive to the welfare of children, some bordering on criminal. Such a reckless segue throughout the entertainment industry to so much inappropriate sexually graphic content is by quite purposeful design.  Softening up the populace is critical to TPTB’s stealthy agenda to obtain the general acceptance of pedophilia worldwide

Miley Cyrus shows off her affiliation with Pizzagate.

Then there is the not-so-popular entrainment that is used by such recording artists as Amanda Kleinman who is also known as “Majestic Ape”.[3]  Kleinman was a regular at Comet Ping Pong both as a host of events and provider of music.  She along with Comet music coordinator Sasha Lord are responsible for some of the most unseemly content ever seen in a supposed family pizza restaurant.  Only seeing is believing some of this “family stuff” going on at Comet Ping Pong.[4]

Comet Ping Pong’s Sasha Lord Presents…? ? ?

Amanda Kleinman’s music provides a study in how to captivate children and draw them into a very dubious relationship with the music and those who are the beginning and end of such perverted music production.  Clearly the Tavistock Institute level neuro-linguistic programming, mind control programming and sophisticated entrainment techniques that Kleinman employs indicate that there is something quite HUGE behind her musical endeavors.  Exactly what that force is remains to be discovered, but there are undoubtedly CIA fingerprints all over the place.

The following video is just one example of many in her repertoire which illustrates just how sexually seductive her content was engineered to be for a young teenage audience. Nevertheless, precisely who put her up to it and who she really works for can only be surmised at this point. However, any child psychologist would affirm that the producer of her music and video content is a mind and emotion manipulator of the first degree who most probably has serious ill intent where it concerns her teenage audience.

“Majestic Ape” Strikes Again In Heavy Breathing Video That Targets Children

Amanda Kleinman aka Majestic Ape at Comet Ping Pong Pizza

Childhood Athletics and Teenage Sports

“Wherever there are children, there are pedophiles.”

“Wherever there are teenagers, there are adults who prey on them.”
— State of the Nation

The former Speaker of the House — Dennis Hastert — was shoehorned into his position of power without the slightest dissent.  The Speaker of the House is actually the most powerful position in the U.S. Federal Government.  The Speaker has power over the public purse and as such can defund — with the proper consent of the House — any part of government that is so targeted.  How then did a wrestling coach get put into such a powerful position except by a deliberate political scheme?  How easy is it to manipulate a man with a background fraught with sex crimes against children—4 teenagers in his case have come forward thus far.?

Who Chose Pedophile Dennis Hastert To Be Speaker Of The House?

The world infamous Jerry Sandusky case is another blatant example of institutional neglect that was shockingly exhibited toward the unsuspecting youth involved.  The whole Penn State football brand was forever tarnished because of the scandal that involved the Assistant Football Coach Jerry Sandusky and a number of university administrators who were incriminated in a deliberate cover-up.  The most serious part of that investigation was never completed, however, which had to do with a much larger network of pedophiles at the university.

There is now a similar exploding scandal within the United Kingdom that has shaken the nation to its core.  Each day brings forth more evidence of child sexual abuse by coaches of football clubs who had control of an athlete’s success and/or destiny in the sport.[5]  This is just one more example of how common pedophiles are attracted to the child sports arena. It is a natural fit for pedophiles just as priest prey on altar boys.

Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts

Is there any doubt that the recent success by the LGBT movement to have gay scout leaders accepted by the Boy Scouts of America was a major coup against Christian America?  That many corporate CEOs and Chairmen of the Board also voiced such strong and unwavering support for such a foul initiative speaks volumes.  Why would the presidents of Fortune 500 companies ever get involved in a fiasco like this…unless they were ordered to.

Yes, but who has the power to push around a powerful corporate CEO?  Not only do the shareholders, but the boards can exert huge pressure on the leadership, and will when they are intent on promoting an agenda like the LGBT.  Never in U.S. history have so many companies embraced a fundamentally immoral set of initiatives as they have with the inclusion of the more extreme LGBT-oriented policies.  These are not about civil rights for the LGBT crowd, mind you, this is about normalizing an extremely abnormal lifestyle so that it is considered equal to what is truly normal.

That the Boy Scouts of America could be taken over so quickly and completely stands as a stark testament to the raw LGBT political power that was solidly behind the takeover. And, the Scouts will NEVER be the same, as religious and respectable families all over the nation immediately removed their children from the once respected institution.  Some even know that the legalization of pedophilia is right around the corner, unless We the People are vigilant.

Particularly in the wake of the pervasive RC Church pedophilia scandal was this major move for the Scouts by the pedo-promoters seen as exceedingly bold and feckless.  But they did it … and apparently have gotten away with it, so determined are they to turn even the Scouts into another nationwide pedo-operation.  Stunning!  Truly stunning that the parents of the USA allowed such an obvious endrun to undermine the safety and well-being of their children.

Normalizing Pedophilia

Now we come to the fast growing worldwide movement to legalize pedophilia.  This very serious social engineering initiative has been gaining steam for many years.  It forms the very basis for many of the pedo-operations that are getting more and more bold in their criminal activities.  The things that are alleged to have occurred within the Comet Ping Pong network are a perfect example of this pedo-push coming out into the open.  The game of ping pong, incidentally, is a common way for a grownup to find common ground with a youngster quite quickly and without arousing suspicion.

There is no question that TPTB would like to see pedophilia legalized everywhere they work and play.  Not only do they no longer want to live a secret life facing all the attendant risks associated with pedo-crimes, they would rather live in a society that fully accepted their aberrant behavior.  They now appear to be so determined to impose new pedo-friendly laws on Western nations that they are getting increasingly more aggressive. Manipulating the concerned legislatures in the industrialized nations is their primary strategy.

There are very ‘good’ reasons why the world community of nations has experienced a veritable LGBTQ blitzkrieg over the second term of Obama.  The LGBT movement has been quite fastidiously grown to be the most powerful political force on the planet.  Only when it has exceeded a critical threshold of influence will it be unleashed to foist the normalization of pedophilia on countries everywhere.  Pedophiles already make up a large percentage of LGBT adherents, and are patiently biding their time to take their unacceptable and detestable case to the wider public.

LGBT AGENDA: The Hidden Back Story Finally Exposed

There are many other hidden purposes behind the thoroughly demonic LGBT movement, but the ultimate legalization of pedophilia remains it’s most important goal.  It is therefore imperative that this movement be thwarted by every means necessary.  Were the pedophillic/pedophobic leaders of the World Shadow Government to get their way, societies everywhere would be conducting child sacrifices like those of the Pre-Columbian cultures like the Aztecs.


Quite unfortunately, the world is literally run by pedophiles and pedophobes.

For many centuries, maybe even millennia, a clandestine cabal has practiced their dark arts and sadistic rituals in the secrecy of hidden groves and dark castles.

This large group of rich and powerful leaders, wealthy and influential private citizens, desperately want to come out of the closet.  With the gross liberalization that took place under President Barak Obama, they saw an unparalleled opportunity to normalize pedophilia.

The legalization of gay marriage in one country after another is a stepping stone to the passage of legislation that they hope will legalize pedophilia.

These psychologically deranged ‘VIPs’ really do not care about the children one iota. They just want numerous children available for their own sexual gratification and for other very sick and twisted purposes.

Nevertheless, their movement grows rapidly by the day because there are now enough movers and shakers in high places to further advance this societal calamity.

The pedophile crowd really does want to come out of their closets.  By passing new laws, it is their sincere hope that they can sexually abuse and rape children at will.  That they can torture and kill children at will.

With the acceptance of state-sponsored abortion, they already have the right to kill fetuses in the womb.  So why shouldn’t children be next in line on their list of the abused and misused powerless?

Best Recommendation:

The only way that the global Pedogate operations can be terminated is for people of good will and those with a conscience to face it front on.  The perps have only gotten away with so much flagrant criminality against the children because of the unwillingness of good people to acknowledge its occurrence.  Even those who know all about it are either afraid or unwilling to stop it.

This collective posture of fear and apathy has been assumed for centuries, and the elites have taken advantage of the resulting inertia.  However, we now live in an age where the whole planet is crisscrossed by information highways and data highways.  The World Wide Web now sees data dumps done daily, some of which were responsible for changing the outcome of the U.S. presidential election—A FIRST EVER!

Therefore, the time has never been so ripe for the global outing of Pedogate.  Just as We the People outed Pizzagate in a YUUUUUGE way!  Truly, their (TPTB) time for comeuppance has come.  Bring on the pitchforks and torches and let’s not only run them out of the capital buildings worldwide, let’s make sure they never again are in the position to harm our precious children.

Now, let’s go get ’em ! ! !

Pizzagate Citizens Investigation Cyber-conference
Submitted: December 25, 2016
State of the Nation

Special Request

This exposé is the first in a series on the American franchise known as Pizzagate, and more significantly on the global Pedogate child exploitation crime syndicate.  It does not contain the hard evidence that has been sent to the Citizens Investigation Cyber-conference since the beginning of November.  Much of that evidence has been sent by Pedogate victims from around the world, family members of victims, and peripheral participants in satanic ritual child sacrifices.  Much more importantly, the cyber-conference has been receiving proof of child torture and murders from former FBI agents, CIA whistleblowers, local police department officers, as well as witnesses who have been silent for years, and decades, because of how dangerous it has been to report such radioactive truth to law enforcement.

Just like WikiLeaks well timed its revelations, the time is soon coming for a massive data dump of Pedogate truth.  This voluminous download of the most sensitive information available on the ongoing crime sprees against our children will take place after the critical pieces of the puzzle have been put into place.  Until then, multiple copies of all evidences have been securely hidden away so that no single individual or group is operating under inordinate risk.  Until that moment of release of indisputable proof, all investigators are highly encouraged to share your relevant info as inspired to.  Please do not send any evidence that is so highly classified that the NSA metadata analysts will have conniptions. Above all, no matter what you choose to do in this regard, remember that for now: We are all PIZZAGATORS!

Cyber-conference email address:  [email protected]

Also remember that in real unity of purpose there is great strength, and in numbers there is great protection.  The CIA can’t shut down all of our websites, nor can they micromanage all of our Facebook pages or control all of our Twitter accounts.  Can’t be done with any degree of efficiency or success.  That’s not to say they won’t try via their bogus ‘fake news’ filter. Therefore, it is vital for each investigator to hide multiple copies of substantial evidence in as many locations as possible.  Assume that they will one day erase all of your Pizzagate content from the Internet.  A single false flag EMP or fake solar flare can give them a pretext by which to disappear all of your hard work concerning Pedogate.

What follows is an excellent and uncensored social network page dedicated to the research and dissemination of Pizzagate material.  Use it and spread it around far and wide.

Author’s Note

This extended essay was written in memory of all the children who have been mercilessly sacrificed and killed by adults who are supposed to protect them.  It is also written in honor of those wounded souls who carry with them every living moment the sheer horror of their childhood experiences.  Lastly, but not least, this exposé has been released on the Internet in order to enlighten, edify and empower those adults who also lived through the terror and are ready to tell their story.  Please know that through the telling (and mass dissemination) of your very personal testimony, that the global Pedogate operations will be shut down—forever!

Dear Pedophilia/Pedophobia Victim, please know that this unparalleled piece of revelation was really written for you.  Draw strength from it.  Heal from it. Grow out of your former self and use it to shine your beautiful light into a world that now needs you desperately. Especially at this critical juncture of human evolution, is your liberating truth necessary for those who are still subjected daily to such excruciating pain and suffering. Please take some time to view the following video in which one of your peers shares her very personal experience.  One thousand similar testimonies will surely change the world…forever.  And, especially how it is run from the very top.

VIDEO: I Was a Sex Slave to Europe’s Elite at Age 6

Editor’s Note

The preceding “Author’s Note” warrants further elucidation.  From the very first moment that we heard of Pizzagate, we knew that this was the BIG one.  That Pizzagate was the fuse that would help detonate the explosion of Pedogate.  And so it has … in a way that has totally caught the ruling elites off guard.  In point of fact, they have been so blind-sided by PizzaGate, and the ensuing global citizens investigation, that they are in a tizzy.  Major MSM news platforms are now ‘forced’ to feature such pedophiles as James Alefantis justifying his every sexually explicit post and scurrilous picture, outrageous music performance and pedophilia-suggestive photo associated with Comet Ping Pong.

The critical point here is that it is Pizzagate that will ultimately take down the global power structure.  It is the sordid disclosures surrounding each and every Pedogate occurring in nations large and small that will bring about the final downfall of the criminally insane cabal of psychopaths who rule the world.  Yes, Pizzagate has all the necessary elements that will prove to be their undoing.


Pizzagate is really different from all the other scandals

Many are in awe watching Pizzagate mushroom into a global citizen’s investigation overnight.  This massive research project is the product of the new form of Alt Media journalism.  Pizzagate itself is also profoundly different from all the other Washington scandals.  Because grave criminality is being committed against our children, it is occurring in everyone’s back yard.  Just as there are now children literally swiped from their front yard in broad daylight so bold are the perps getting.  In other words, there are no NIMBYs where it concerns Pizzagate.  Everyone has a daughter or son, granddaughter or grandson, niece or nephew, brother or sister who is vulnerable to the dangers of such an out-of-control child exploitation enterprise.  The very nature of this beast, then, has drawn everyone into figuring out how to kill it.  Who would ever want such a beast roaming free — as it has for centuries — devouring children practically at will?  Not In My Back Yard! Or in anyone else’s back yard either!


[1] Endless Trail of Evidence Points to a Very Guilty James Alefantis

[2] Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory

[3] PIZZAGATE Evidence: Amanda Kleinman aka ‘Majestic Ape’ and her video “The Neutered Noel”

[4] Comet Ping Pong’s Sasha Lord Presents…? ? ?

[5] Hundreds report football abuse to police

Required Reading

The Deep Back Story to the Worldwide Pedophilia Ring

Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble

The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child Sex Ring That Reached Bush/Reagan White House

Trapped inside Australia’s vast child abuse network (Part 1)

Trapped inside (Part 2): Bond University exposed

Required Viewing

Podestas, Pizza and Pedos

PIZZAGATE: The Whole Wicked Conspiracy Is Exposed

Former FBI Senior Special-Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson — The C.I.A. & Satanism

WARNING: Content From Marina Abramovic Live Performance Art Is Highly Objectoinable

Recommended Reading

PIZZAGATE: The Scandal That Will Take Down the Clintons, the Democratic Party and the U.S. Federal Government

PIZZAGATE: The Greatest Scandal of the Third Millennium

Washington’s Blog Correctly Connects Pizzagate to Everything That’s Wrong In The World

LGBTTTT AGENDA: Debasing American Society and Corrupting The Planetary Civilization

Personal Testimony

Mafia Wife Says Royals, Politicians, are Killing, Raping Children For Fun

15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse

Posts regarding James Achilles Alefantis aka jimmycomet on Instagram

Comet Pizza Owner James Alefantis’ Posted Hundreds of Suspicious Instagram Pictures Like These

Why is jimmycomet calling a baby a “hotard” on social media?

Washington, D.C.: Pizza for Hillary with John Podesta, Campaign Chair, and Maya Harris, Senior Policy Advisor and special guest Chef James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong

Why does Comet Pizza’s James Alefantis push artwork that is downright Satanic?

James Alefantis Says Comet Ping Pong Pizzaria Doesn’t Have A Basement


Huge Breakthrough in D.C. Pedophilia Ring

Massive Repository of Indisputable Pizzagate Evidence

The PIZZAGATE Evidence You Will NEVER See In The Mainstream Media

The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies

Did Rudy Giuliani really post the PIZZAGATE statement and tweets?


Who Did Snuff Film Maker, Torturing Paedophile And Child Murderer Peter Scully Really Work For?

For those who do not believe that there is a Cannibal Club in Los Angeles CA

NAMBLA: Yes, There Is A North American Man/Boy Love Association

Israel Becoming a ‘Refuge for Pedophiles,’ Warns Advocate for Child Sex Abuse Victims

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Pictorial Evidence

#Pizzagate: Comet Pizza Owner James Alefantis’ Posted Hundreds of Suspicious Instagram Pictures Like These


Excerpt from: James B. Comey: Inside Man for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family? 

Special Note:
The Roman Catholic Church has experienced a global pedophilia scandal over the past 60 years which was essentially run by Irish Catholic prelates.  In fact, throughout the USA, the vast majority of Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops were Americans of Irish Catholic descent.  Many of them were the highest ranking clergyman in the USA such as Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston, Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, Bishop Thomas O’Brien of Phoenix, Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Centre, Bishop John B. McCormack of Manchester, Archbishop Elden Curtiss of Omaha, Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago and Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York.  The critical point here is that there is a quite profound and fatal character flaw among this selected group of Vatican agents which permits the gross abuse of power and misuse of authority.*  Many of these Irish Catholic leaders were protected by their Irish Catholic peers within the local District Attorney offices and other law enforcement agencies. The pedophilia sexual abuses were reported and known for decades by the concerned cities and counties and yet the law enforcement agencies of the respective jurisdictions rarely responded to the dire needs of the sexually abused children. This was often a case of Irish Catholic lawmen fiercely protecting Irish Catholic clergymen.  The real face of the clandestine Irish Mafia, then, is the clergy and the lawmen who protected them for decades.  What’s the point? Director Comey fits this pattern to the “T”. He protects the rich and powerful, and goes after the vulnerable like Martha Stewart.

*It is very well known in certain privileged circles throughout various American school systems, which were staffed by Irish Christian brothers and monks, that there was a multi-generational weakness for alcohol.  Because so many of these religious school teachers and administrators ultimately became alcoholics, they could be very easily controlled.  This was the beginning of the worldwide pedophilia scandal that has plagued the Roman Catholic Church in every nation where they did their work.  The essential point here is that the more liberal the use of alcohol, the higher the incidence of pedophilia.  The two always occur in tandem with each other.  Once these addictions become serious enough, those involved are quite vulnerable to blackmail and bribes, as well as other coercive tactics performed to compel certain types of official misconduct.

The “Whore of Babylon” cast down into the fiery pit of hell.

Originally published by SOTN at:

PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal | The Millennium Report


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    Total 64 comments
    • MILLENNIUM Reporter

      There are very good reasons why Pizzagate only gets bigger with time,
      and the MSM works overtime to label it as ‘fake news’.

      Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
      And there’s a LOT of smoke from the burning pizzas of Pizzagate.

      This “Scandal of the Millennium” will prove to be the one that takes
      down the whole dastardly system.

      • 2QIK4U

        Problem is all these scum are kept alive to continue business and introducing contacts while supposedly paying for thier crimes in jail. The walking dead Australian that made the DESTROYING DAISY deep web video is still alive in jail and still hac visitors and contact with society. It isnt enough to just catch and jail these pedos. They must be cleansed from this planet otherwise it will never stop. Whats worse.. One pedo or a hundred all locked up together sharing stories tricks and contacts to keep the industry going… Over 10,000 syrian “refugee” children have gone missing from supposed UNESCO safe refugee camps… War is the easiest excuse to make children dissapear as casualties of war… ALL PEDOS MUST DIE

      • 2QIK4U

        Joe Rogans eyes are finally open as hes starting to talk more about it on his shows but im not sure how far he will go as he loves his career so much… China now owns hollyrood and youll notice in the next year how hollyrood will change for the worse… No more rambo style movies for a start. China owns america ran by jews filled with muslims and mexicans.. Because of RACIST OBAMA i can totally understand where people join neo nazi and kkk groups.

      • 2QIK4U

        Whats happened about the recent Mcdonalds Human meat factory reports? Even thatsjust dissapeared from alternative media?

      • Remo Williams

        Here is a bigger picture for you to consider.

        The chaos we see today is cover for deep criminality that has been institutionalized.

        This guy seems to be on the right track as to what’s really going on.

        Here are some key videos, it is a complicated puzzle.

        DAY 65 – Where is Eric Braverman? Part 1, The Crime
        DAY 65 – Where is Eric Braverman? Part 2, Coverup
        Day 65 – Where is Eric Braverman? Part 3, Researcher Version

        I urge all of you to take a look at this ongoing expose and judge for yourself.

        You will probably be shocked and disgusted at the ugliness of it all.

        Download key videos, just in case it is taken down, and share.

        Here are the latest videos.
        Day 68 – Where is Eric Braverman? Part 1
        Day 68 – Where is Eric Braverman? Part 2

        We must confront these criminals if we are to have a future.

        Happy New Year

        • Bradley Dueringer

          Nothing shocks me in this $hithole we call earth

          • GUNNY

            Bet you would be pretty shocked if you saw a squirrel eat an alligator.

      • Mean Old SOB

        I’m never eating pizza again. It reminds me too much of this heinous shit… :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    • Arse

      I just hope we are lucky enough to see this bastards and bitches gets locked up for good. i can’t see it happen, as till now there was no arrests being made. I hope I’m wrong…..

    • Anonymous

      Yeah, and Fox News calls it fake news.. I hate those smiling lying mother-f*ckers on Fox… and all the others, who are not so ‘fair and bablanced’ in their lies to us.

    • Don - 1

      The Fox News meme of “Fair and Balanced” is one of the sickening [and untrue] logos ever heard on the radio. Every time I hear that I want to scream.

      Their other one is “..we report, you decide”….decide WHAT? Decide if they’re telling more lies?

    • Anonymous

      love the smell of smoking guns.

      Smoking guns and Valentines.. who doesn’t love the bouquet?

    • Zabwe`

      Most of the good folk deserted BIN and left behind the
      feeding on the
      Basement diet of pizza – hot dogs and fries……Trollercoasters and candyfloss……..

      • 2QIK4U

        Yep prettymuch.. Since trump one BINNED is 90% bullshit now

        • Hi NSA, kiss my artichoke

          I must respectfully disagree.
          BIN was 99% BS before yellow hair ever entered the picture. :wink:

      • 2QIK4U

        NSA you do have a point there. There was just so much truth of Hitlerys crimes it pushed the BS out but now its crept back in.. I find millenium reporter and a rare few others who dont really post here the only ones worth reading. For REALITY that is…

        • Hi NSA, kiss my artichoke

          Do you think the socialists learned a little about the power of the internet?
          I believe it TRULY DID surprise them.
          No wonder Barry gave it away. :cry:

      • 2QIK4U

        Dahboo77 just showed Osama has signed the deal to kilĺ alternative media. Even though hes starting his own DC based media house! Probably to lie at an even faster rate.. (cant answer you directly because submit button has dissapeared on mobile)

      • Pedro

        Yeah, a bit inclined to agree with you – all the fairy-floss kids, bible freaks and general whackos have taken over, sensible real discussion has dropped by the wayside. If you take note of the serious international topics and the comments related to them, you should compare them with the com,ments on semi-religious topics – the religious chat outnumbers therm by 10 or more to 1, which shows them inteelewctual capacity of the typical BIN responder to be rather retarded.

    • IRHologram

      In the Snopes’ divorce documents:
      …”claims that David embezzled $98,000 over four years, which “he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired.” Barbara (ex-wife) claims that David spent $10,000 from their business accounts between April and June of 2016 to fund an expensive 24-day holiday for him and his “girlfriend.”

      …”According to the Daily Mail, David has remarried since his divorce from Barbara in 2014. His current wife, Elyssa Young, works as an administrative worker at Snopes, but she previously had a lengthy career as an escort and adult film star working under the name Erin O’Bryn. Reviews for Young’s “services” have been left on her personal escort website as recently as 2015.

      “Young’s websites and Twitter account describe her as “a mature and experienced courtesan, idealist, activist & dreamer.” Her website further states, “Here’s the donation I request for my time, companionship, and entertainment” with “non-negotiable” rates of $1,200 for her minimum four hours and $5,000 for 24 hours.”

      “ founder David Mikkelson’s new wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator 
      She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a ‘Dump Bush’ platform 
      Its main ‘fact checker’ is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog ‘ViceVixen’ says she is in touch with her ‘domme side’ and has posted on Snopes”

      Connect the dots!
      Question: When did you first hear the term:
      “Fake News”?
      Answer: When citizen researchers began looking into the Weiner computer, Podesta-Clinton e-mail pedophilia links.

      And Snopes is a porn dawg?? We shoulda known, huh!!

      Who funds our new “fact checkers” so there’s no more fake news…

      Unfortuantely, as much as you hope for justice, do you really think once it becomes obvious that more than half of DC is buried up to the pubics in the swamp… do you really think “draining” Washington will keep government viable? Yes, I want this scandle “outed” and prosecuted. I want justice done for all the children, and I want evil faced down, expelled. No more! But DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY HAVE THE STOMACH TO END IT?

      MAKE THEM DO IT!!!!!

      • Don - 1

        The fact that Facebook would align itself with Snopes proves what lowlifes they both are.

        • The Clucker

          True, neither are credible.

    • Anonymous

      The Police Did Not investigate the Pizzagate problem in DC – FOIA proves it here:


    • Bob DD

      With all the evidence of government being behind 911 & Sandy Hook and nothing happens, nothing will happen over Pizzegate.

      • Don - 1

        This is just more proof that the politics and government of the USA is currently THE most corrupt on this planet.

    • unidentified

      since its a global problem now the united nations should address the situation and call for prosecution of the instigators, start a global wakeup call not to use children as sex objects and/or sex slaves, bring it out into the open not just underground in secret cult initiations/blackmailing schemes/psychotic behaviors, the united nations is supposed to be where countries find out about and solve global issues :mad:

      • 2QIK4U

        They are all pedos to! Who can you trust but yourself and a 50 slug?

      • 2QIK4U

        Californian just made Pedophilia legal. Looks like you got what you wanted as its right out in the open now and there reasons are they’re trying to make teen and child prostitute so out to be the victims so it’s open slather now.. (the teens under 18 that are deliberately selling themselves they’re trying to show they are a victim but that angle of law means the rest of it to! Just heard this today and have to look into it more.. So soon the line to bring tourists to LA will be weed and kiddie fiddlers welcome. The pots been linked to Soros and MONSANTO now called BAYER and they’ve done something to the weed and long term smokers are ending up in hospital with stomach sickness because a component of the weed is sticking to the stomach like opiates do. Weed should be only in your fat cells and liver and kidneys. Not in your gut. This is why they’re making weed legal! SOROS has fkd with the strains of plant thc. )

    • BooBoo

      Excellent in depth article! To all who are investigating – stay safe!

    • SuperNiceGuy

      We find ourselves in the situation where many of us realize that the society we know needs replacing. Too many people continue to support crap, it has to end.

    • 2good2btru

      Maybe, the reason this subject has been banned is because there is a huge-very secret investigation going on. In my relatively short life and long travels, I have yet to meet a satanist or anyone for that matter who would condone or participate in such vile activities. These are high profile individuals with a high net worth, whose beliefs and practices put them in the minority on a global level, who, upon being spooked, will flee to any place on earth their money will reach (quatar?-columbia?) Maybe this subject is banned because the investigators are holding the truth close to keep these enemies closer. There can be no identification of victims when they have been reduced to ash. So the search continues, as circumstantial evidence (emails, flight records, private conversation, pictures, suspect turned “snitch”) will not be enough to convict any of these vile high net worth, very connected- individuals. Their motto- death before dishonor. Please, don’t let your rage, disgust, and disbelief, make you short sighted. Do not be fooled into believing you are the only one who wants to see these people and their disgusting practices brought to justice. Don’t be so blind to believe you are the only ones that wants justice for the victims. We are not the minority, humanity is alive and it’s tentacles are far more reaching than you are giving credit for.

    • Man

      this is like pumping up a balloon with hot air… just pump it…

      • SuperNiceGuy

        Whatever “Man”, you don’t find all the cases of missing children, abuse related to social services and very many links regarding this stuff, particularly with guys like supporters of convicted pedophiles a bit suspect at the least?

        Imo that sort of crap needs to be investigated and stopped, I don’t give a shit if it involves ruining politicians or other supposed celebrities. Unless you have a problem with that? In which case, I don’t give a shit what you have to say.

        • Man

          abuse and missing children happen without it all being connected to comet pizza that tweeted about a misspelled flyer.

          especially when there are no victims connected to pizzagate,

          That is why it is so blown up to include every missing child and abuse case from US social services to bump up the chance in actually make it believable that a person might be connected to pizzagate.

          if it was such a global thing. would have been more obvious than the Belgium Dutroux Case

          • SuperNiceGuy

            Have you seen some of that supposed “art” related to that shit? I dunno about you, but that kind of concerns me. Some of it is just a bit beyond “creepy” or “obscure”.

            What about crap like Jimmy Saville, shouldn’t that have been obvious too? Somehow that went unnoticed for decades.

            There are numerous cases of this sort of crap, relating to government and media which should have been obvious, but were apparently overlooked for whatever reason.

            When a guy who supported Jimmy Saville is like the CEO or whatever of the NYT (sorry I forget), and the NYT publishes an article trying to normalize pedophilia and tries particularly hard to get people to ignore this stuff, I just don’t know.

            • Man

              creepy art is creepy art… it is what artist do to draw in attention to their work. That isn’t proof it is real

              And for Saville, there were victims found and they haven’t stated anything about pizzagate related issues. not any connections with comet pizza or Hillary

          • SuperNiceGuy

            So, “art” depicting pedophilia is just creepy to you, you should see the “quality” of that “art”, btw. Calling it art would be a gravely generous overstatement.

            Hillary aides or whatever being convicted pedophiles. No issue there? NYT being a particularly prominent supporter of Hillary. The Clintons and Eppstein? No? Missing Haitian children connected and supported by Hillary, with Haitians saying the Clintons did nothing but scam them, no? That same person involved in the Haitian crap, now being involved in child tracking in America, still no?

            How about just the fact that in similar government and media circles, that sort of crap does exist? Australia, UK, Norway, Belgium, etc, but you think obviously corrupt assholes in the US are immune to that?

            Avoiding the possibility of connections whatsoever?

            • Man

              so where is your proof… cause you still misssing of that. and how is Saville connected with Hillary? You failed to connect those 2

              besides since murders are done in every country. There must be some organised network with some plan to rule the world!

              i can correlate the same shit

          • SuperNiceGuy

            Oh I don’t have explicit proof of a direct connection to Saville, but the NYT Clinton pandering and that relation to Saville should be close enough to be a concern.

            Also you conveniently ignored the Haitian stuff, or really anything else I mentioned.

            I guess you’ll only wake up (or won’t, because at this point you are increasingly seeming like a shill) when it clubs you over the head.

          • Zabwe`

            They should begin with a simple court hearing between plaintiff Cathy ‘O’ Brian and defendant Bill Clinton……

        • SuperNiceGuy

          But hey, don’t worry, I won’t have to consider anything say anymore. Reply as you please, don’t expect a reply from me.

          You’ll see different kinds of replies. Shouldn’t be any concern.

    • Antique White

      the question is?

      what is the biblical standard when a women can be married? 12 or 13 is the age for a man! if it bleeds it breeds for a women!

      if a women can get prego at age 12 she is a women! some in the western mind set think its to young and true western women are seriously retarded worthy of military school! so i say western women should not reproduce do to there mental illness its genetic now!

      but since we need a age i say 16 years old !

      • SuperNiceGuy

        Some pretty base reasoning there, almost seems like an attempt to normalize pedophilia while avoiding a whole bunch of other things, so let’s take a look at some issues here.

        Firstly, a lot of these “women” you refer to, are certainly not doing that consensually. Secondly, a lot of those “women” are boys. Thirdly, a lot of them are even younger than 12.

        Now, I don’t necessarily disagree that females are able to get pregnant at 12, though I don’t think it’s a great idea in the vast majority of cases.

        It’s ironic that you complain about an arbitrary age, then try to suggest substituting it with another, though lower, arbitrary age, since as you put it “we need a age”.

      • Daughter of the Church

        The Blessed Virgin Mary got married at the age of 14. Her spouse St Joseph was 33. The marriage was done in the Temple, and was performed by the Elder Simon who was a priest, and had also been the spiritual director of the virgin temple for over a decade.
        Holy Mary had been an exemplary temple virgin since the age of 3, under the direct supervision of Anna the Prophetess.

        • SuperNiceGuy

          So basically, Joseph got horny, then they applied patriarchal imposition through the POS sorcerer named Simon?

          Just guessing, of course.

    • Jehosophat

      Try looking at George H.W. Bush’s daughter’s 2006 book, My Father My President. It’s got family photos of George in the bath tub with 4 of his kids ranging in age from 10 to 3 years old and none of them look like they’ve got a stitch of clothes on. The oldest, George Jr. was 17 then, guess his days of skinny dipping in the tub with Poppy were long gone. No wonder George Jr. paints pictures of legs in a bath tub. Maybe bath day holds certain memories?

      • SuperNiceGuy

        Do you know how horrifying it is for me to know I’m related to George Bush?

    • SuperNiceGuy

      Btw I do think it’s kind of amusing that it is named pizzagate, due to the wheat implication.

      Perhaps you will understand in time. Hivemind, hijacking bullshit and abuse seems to go together, maybe breadandbeergate will follow suit.

      Anyway, I’d like to see all of that horseshit ended.

      • 2QIK4U

        How are you related? I hope in a normal legal way at least.. You know the saying. You can choose your friends but not your family.. I can tell from here your not as stupid as he is.. I’ll never forget that.. Fool me once shame on me fool me twice Ummm a fool can’t get fooled again.. That’s still funny

        • SuperNiceGuy

          Ah sorry, I took a little break from posting here. I’m related in the sense that I’m a first settler, Alpha Galates. Yes, he is “family”. I hate family.

        • SuperNiceGuy

          “Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me.. you can’t get fooled again.”

    • FirstFirstFirst

      Please consider another angle for the financing of all this.
      Remember the 2000 kids delivered in Tennessee that hit
      the news because the Governor was not informed.
      Now many of you may not have come across this data
      because you have to sign up for Obamacare to come
      across it. When first signing up one is sent a request
      for documents, one set if a citizen, another page that
      details what documents are needed if you are not a citizen.

      So, on the second page, 2/3 down the page, it says that
      all that is needed to qualify for $450 month Federal Subsidy
      for Health Insurance is a letter from the ORR -
      ( Office of Refugee Resettlement ). So for those 2000 kids
      brought into Tennessee by the ORR some insurance company
      immediately gets $900,000 monthly from here on out!!
      That doesn’t include any treatment costs involved.

      Now this is hard data. Often on facing the truth other people
      decide they want to outdo something like this, making nothing
      out of it. Well before you do that, I willl say here and now,
      “Take your C*** and Shove it”.

      I believe it is something, and in the context of this ongoing
      investigation, it is another string that needs pulling.
      Just WHO IS running the ORR? Do they have connections?
      Does the ORR have receipts ordering PIZZA???

      Thanks much, DS

      • 2QIK4U

        FARQ! It sounds the only way possible Osama care works is if your constantly sick but somehow still able to make money to keep paying as well. Osama is a corrupt mofo isn’t he…

    • Poe56

      …..real crime, real intelligent crime could only be done by a man with a badge. ….of the highest order and that is fbi or cia. …. but there was a third party involved, there was a reason for all this and that reason is still gray area ….. remember the Ciudad Juarez Killings….on the other side of El Paso, Texas? …. ‘key point.’ easy young targets. …. easiest place for the ‘gray area to be seen.’ a hidden third party involved.

    • Einstein

      There are thousands of treasonous scumbags who are involved in the hijacking of the U.S. government. AIPAC, a foreign lobby, 50 years ago created the D.C. Pedophile Sex Ring to compromise members of congress. They took photos and videos of congressmen/senators raping the kidnapped children, who were then brutally tortured and murdered to silence their voices forever. Using the Pedophile Sex Ring, only AIPAC has total control over these members of congress who all have signed “The Pledge” to obey orders of their Israeli Lobbyists/Handlers, This is how they push or suppress legislation. They must do as instructed, or videos showing children being raped and murdered by them will mysteriously surface.

      Those who are not compromised by AIPAC’s Pedophile Sex Ring are still forced to play along using other AIPAC tactics such as bribery, extortion, campaign funding games etc.

      Any who would dare expose Israeli false flags, theft of trillions and other treasonous actions will be severely punished by the Cabal. One of their favorites is to turn ones brain to mush using several shots to the back of their target’s head. Their criminal coroners will rule it a suicide even though its impossible to commit suicide with more than one shot to the head. They own the Vomit Stream Media who will never question their bogus autopsies. They will also stage a plane crash to punish those who threaten to expose the Jew World Order such as when Senator Paul Wellstone and his entire family were murdered simply because he kept asking questions about 9/11, wanting the real evidence released. They also took down a Korean Airlines 747 with hundreds of people on board to kill one congressman.

      I have been researching the criminal zionist cabal for over 20 years and I guarantee PedoGate will bring them all down like dominoes falling…. leading all the way to the Rothschild Mafia who is behind it all. The entire Rothschild Mafia must be removed from the gene pool forever. Their criminality is in the DNA and must be exterminated to prevent future attacks on humanity.

      The Rothschild Mafia started both world wars and plan to start another to exterminate 95% of humanity while they hide in their deep underground cities, to emerge 20 years later, using their Arctic seed and DNA banks to start life on the surface over again under their ruthless Jew World Order. They plan on enslaving or exterminating the few who have survived their nuclear nightmare….. It is all documented in the Protocols of Zion which was written in 1896 as their blueprint to global enslavement.

      This will be our last chance to stop them. However you must get over your fear of saying the “J Word” which you have been programmed to never criticize or question their zionist agenda. Don’t give me the anti-semite garbage as I married a beautiful intelligent Jewish woman who despises the zionist fake jews who are nothing but pure evil Satanic cockroaches….. The sad part is that 95% of Jews support the zionist agenda simply because they have been chosen to survive and rule over the planet. Jews are told they will live in pure luxury with life extension technology to live for hundreds of years. The Goyim will be bred as slaves. The Goyim children will be mass produced to rape, torture and slaughter as a sacrifice to Satan.

      This is all true, if you have the courage simply look at their Protocols of Zion, which you have been brainwashed into ignoring.

    • Williams

      Brave official statement put out by Rudolph Giuliani? :-

      Matthew 10:26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
      Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [them].

    • Anonymous

      You do not understand. They are psychopaths, they see themselves as superior to us, still they hate us for what we got, feelings, builtin knowledge of good and evil, they don’t. They try to lift innocence out of little children to get our powers. White apron/ or hide behind. Hide behind purity. (Not hiding their dick, lower level explanation only.)

      • SuperNiceGuy

        Apparently those robots are “real”, yeah I know what you mean, though saying they hide behind purity is something I may have to disagree with, they only project the idea of purity and try to associate with it, being the sycophantic pieces of shit that they are.

        I do not know if they will get any more chances, in fact, if I was a betting man, I would suggest something like “mors principium est” tolls a bell for them.

        • SuperNiceGuy

          And it’s time for me to hate, and I won’t do it silently, it will be known.

    • SuperNiceGuy

      Sorry, as a tyrannous pirate I have no use for hierarchical delegation. It’s just one of those things, Mr Usher is back in town.


      From the book of Enoch, chapter 10.

      Woe, woe, how very terrible is this place.
      3 And those men said to me: This place, O Enoch, is prepared for those who dishonour God, who on earth practice sin against nature, which is child-corruption after the sodomitic fashion, magic-making, enchantments and devilish witchcrafts, and who boast of their wicked deeds, stealing, lies, calumnies, envy, rancour, fornication, murder, and who, accursed, steal the souls of men, who, seeing the poor take away their goods and themselves wax rich, injuring them for other men’s goods; who being able to satisfy the empty, made the hungering to die; being able to clothe, stripped the naked; and who knew not their creator, and bowed to the soulless (and lifeless) gods, who
      cannot see nor hear, vain gods, (who also) built hewn images and bow down to unclean handiwork, for all these is prepared this place among these, for eternal inheritance.

    • Mean Old SOB

      I’m never eating pizza again. It reminds me too much of this heinous shit… :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    • You People Are Nuts

      MILLENNIUM Reporter,

      You seem a tad obsessed with this topic making your name synonymous with Pedophilia….Can we check your home computers?


      Well, we will anyway.

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