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Strange Things Happen to People With This Blood Type

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today





Why are TPTB tracking people with Rh-negative blood so closely?


Answer: Because people with Rh-negative blood type really are different.


So different, in fact, that some scientific researchers actually believe that only through the introduction of alien life on planet Earth, as in extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) from outer space, can the Rh-negative blood type be explained.  Other evolutionary theorists postulate that:

“… there is an unbroken bloodline from early human
(pre-humans) to present day human beings.”
(Source: The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood—Genetic Origin Unknown)


Cosmic Convergence Research Group

The real question to this modern mystery is: Why does the U.S. government track those with Rh-negative factor, especially those with O- blood type, with such extraordinary monitoring techniques—worldwide?

The X-Files

The answer to this question can be extrapolated from one little known factoid.

That factoid became evident to anyone who watched The X-files for any period of time.*

*2016 X-FILES Episode: There Are No Alien Abductions, Only Government Kidnappings

This very popular and extraordinary ‘science fiction’ television series was actually coded in such a manner so as to disseminate numerous hidden truths about the secret workings of various organs of the National Security State both within and external to the U.S. Federal Government.  It was particularly designed to disclose critical details about the covert operations of the black-budgeted intelligence agencies and special secret services dealing with UFOs, alien visitations and extraterrestrial civilizations, both genuine and fabricated.

In fact, The X-Files was routinely used to inform the viewing public of many poignant, and sometimes highly radioactive truths.  Most of this classified info was carefully interspersed within a lot of obvious fiction in almost every episode.  In this way, the American psyche was indelibly imprinted with much esoteric knowledge about the clandestine shadow government which it would normally never have been exposed to.

The final series of The X-Files revealed one VERY IMPORTANT truth about the notorious alien abductions, which is now considered common knowledge among UFO and ET aficionados.  That there were, and are, no alien abductions; there are only government kidnappings. And, that the exceedingly impressive Roswell UFO incident, just like the other much-publicized UFO events, was actually executed by the U.S. Military and Hollywood to spread the fake story that aliens are visiting us, and even crashing their spaceships into the Earth (apparently they ran out of gas).

KEY POINT: All alleged alien abductions were actually elaborate hoaxes perpetrated against unsuspecting people who were transported to specially equipped labs deep underground.  The illusion of spaceships commandeered by EBEs and evil grey aliens surrounding the operating tables was fabricated as a cover to enable thousands of kidnappings of people of interest by the government. A disproportionate percentage of those criminal abductions were experienced by victims with O- blood.

This is the backdrop against which the so-called ‘alien abductions’ have supposedly taken place with far greater frequency since the end of World War II.  This ongoing phenomenon has perfectly paralleled another major development—the creation of the National Security State, which is, in reality, a “Global Security and Surveillance Matrix”.

So, who exactly is the government kidnapping on a regular basis in order to ship them off to an underground laboratories in Nevada, Utah or Colorado for quite deliberate human experimentation purposes?

Why are Rh-negative blood types more likely to be victims of ‘alien abductions’?

The government, as it turns out, has an insatiable appetite for remote viewers, telepathics, clairvoyants, clairaudients, psychics, and other highly gifted folks whose extra-sensory perception (ESP) is working at a very high level.  In fact, the U.S. Armed Services and various Intelligence Agencies have aggressively recruited special individuals who have proven to be valuable military and/or intelligence assets.  Why not—what better way to gain a strategic advantage over an adversary during times of war or economic conflict? Except that in many cases many of these folks are bribed or blackmailed, coerced or forced to take on their often dubious assignments.

O- Blood

It just so happens that those human beings who have O- blood type have a much higher likelihood of being gifted with super-sensible faculties.  These are the folks who see things and hear things that no one else does.  That’s because they really can see behind the veil which separates most everyone else from the other side.  Not just the other side as in “after death”; rather, the other planes of existence, other dimensions and parallel universes that literally interpenetrate our Earth realm.  Earth is a 3rd Density planet on the way to becoming a 5th Density realm, so the O- types can perceive the higher densities before most others can.  Especially as the present space-time continuum morphs through the 4th Density are the Rh-negative folks more attuned to extra-spatial events and extra-temporal changes.

These modern-day prophets are just like the seers and sages of old who could literally see into the future.  They were the oracles and soothsayers of yesteryear, as they are the futurists and prognosticators of today.  The vast majority of them are completely unknown to themselves as well as to their communities.  Only the government really knows who they are given the efficacy of the NSA spying and surveillance network, which effectively owns and operates the World Wide Web.  Only those who are not telephonically or digitally connected are relatively free from such microscopic scrutiny of their lives and communications.

It ought to be self-evident, then, why the government has been tracking these folks so closely since WW2.  The militaries of the Western allies were greatly aided during that apocalyptic conflict by remote viewers and others who possessed powers of precognition. These second-sighted individuals were regularly put into the service of military intelligence and, in some cases, were considered indispensable to the successful war effort.

Fast forward to the post WW2 world and the emerging Deep State which has become even more enamored with the extrasensory abilities of these gifted human beings with Rh-negative blood, especially the extremely adept O- types.  If only to forever gain advantage over perceived enemies did the leaders of the shadow government employ these prescient observers.  Of course, in an effort to maintain their supremacy over the entire civilization these same ESP types could not be allowed to be utilized by the enemy; hence, the tracking system began in earnest.  As did the notorious C.I.A. assassination teams which have fanned out across the planet for decades taking out perceived threats to the Empire as deemed necessary.

The Database

The very same worldwide database tracking blood types also has the exact birth information (e.g. location, date, time, vaccination schedule, etc.) for every person on Earth.  This permits a precise astrological birth chart to be quickly generated for each human being.  The compilation and interpretation of so much person-specific data allows for the trained intelligence analyst to draw up a composite of every potential psychic and mystic, rebel and revolutionary, inventor and innovator, iconoclast and non-conformist, heretic and dissident, criminal and gangster in Creation.

Now, why might that be exceedingly useful information for the leaders of the Military-Industrial Complex. Or the Government-Corporate Complex?  Or the World Shadow Government?

The obvious answer is “to head them off at the pass”.  All of them.  Before any of these BIG thinkers and peacemakers (like the beatniks and hippies who literally shut down the Vietnam War) do something that really upsets the apple cart.  If there is one thing that Deep State does not want, it’s a 21st century “Nikola Tesla” running around giving away free energy devices to every Tom, Dick and Harry who clicks on the free coupon.  Right?!

Nikola Tesla had O- blood.

What, pray tell, would the Big Oil barons do with so much oil and gas sitting in their wells? What would the coal mine owners do and the nuclear power plant utilities do?  And, how about the upstart solar power companies looking to make a quick return on their massive investments?  Just one simple free-energy device could cause a real ruckus around the globe.

Herein lies the real reason for such a HUGE database tracking every human, humanoid and alien-human hybrid who currently walks the planet.


When just 2 of these very special people get together, they can not only start a nation-changing revolution, they can trigger a revolution of consciousness.  With the Internet now operating at full tilt, the real opportunities for unparalleled collaboration are virtually endless among the psychic intelligentsia.  So are the chances that many of these brilliant beings of light will begin to collaborate to change the world for the better.  When the really advanced O- types begin to conspire with like-minded people who operate across all scientific disciplines, both theoretical and practical, not even the sky is the limit.

Inescapable Adversities

Now the reader knows why many O negatives are literally tracked, and oftentimes hounded, throughout their lifetimes (think Tesla).  Of course, the same goes for any other person who demonstrates superior intellect, brain capacity, extra-sensory powers, prophetic abilities or other unique proficiencies who is not O-.  There are plenty of those folks who are also giving TPTB major headaches as well.  The Indigo and Crystal children are especially troublesome for the establishment, which is the very reason for so much vaccine-induced Autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

All of these exceptional individuals are ultimately split up into two categories: the assets and the liabilities. They are either considered a friend or a foe of Deep State.  They are either a very serious part of the problem, or an integral part of the solution, as far as the National Security State is concerned.

Many of these gifted individuals have had inexplicable experiences during their lifetimes. Depending on who they are (i.e. their station in life and position in society), and just how big of a threat that they might pose to TPTB, some of those experiences ought to be seriously re-evaluated.  When looked at through the lens of “Rh-negative” understanding, many things will begin to gel.  For instance:

Why they were arrested for jaywalking at 18 when everyone does it.
Continue reading HERE.

Why they were expelled from high school for doing practically nothing or for being labelled an ‘incorrigible’.

Why they were suddenly kicked out of the house during the Generation Gap years.

Why different ‘friends’ actually gave them recreational drugs (all kinds) for free.

Why they always got extremely sick or terribly disoriented during or immediately following airplane trips.

Why they were rejected by one college only to be accepted by another which did not make sense.

Why their college roommates were either very confrontational or unusually friendly.

Why they were sectioned under the Mental Health Act for having an ‘over-reaction’ or simply for being different.

Why they were made a party to a lawsuit that really did not concern them.  Or they were made a defendant in a contrived and fraudulent lawsuit.

Why they were accused and convicted of a crime or a number of crimes that they did not commit.

Why they were dishonorably discharged from the armed services.

Every one of these folks should especially take a very close look at their college years.  This is the very first time when many left the parent’s home for the very first time.  Not only were some of these highly sensitive souls very vulnerable, they were also quite impressionable.  For example, the C.I.A. is well known for aggressively recruiting on university campuses across the USA and beyond.  They will use every device and machination ever devised to close in on their prey … until they have been effectively neutralized or convinced to join The Company (aka the CIA).

It is also during these college years when many other purposefully placed characters can enter their life uninvited.  How frequently did this also happen when they were away from home, traveling abroad or on vacation?

Many a strange or life-altering life experience has occurred to many touched souls after they left a bar, a party, or a social function, especially where the alcohol flowed and drugs were prevalent.  Clearly, the more exposure to various groups and public functions that they had over the course of a lifetime, the greater the likelihood that events could transpire which unequivocally indicated they were perceived as either an asset or a liability.  It is the offbeat social affair or high-profile social occasion when many have complained about bizarre happenings which proved to be very dangerous, and sometimes deadly.

Basque separatists


Special Note:
The Basque “are an indigenous ethnic group characterized by the Basque language, a common Basque culture and shared ancestry to the ancient Vascones”.[1]  They live in what is “known as the Basque Country, a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-central Spain and south-western France”.[1]  As a single group of people, the Basque possess the largest concentration of O- blood in the entire world (See map above).  The Basque language is exceedingly unique in that it “is unrelated to the other languages of Europe and indeed, as a language isolate, any other known language”.[2]  The crucial point is that the Basque are real rebels who have fought for their rightful independence for centuries.  In modern times, the Basque separatist movement has distinguished itself for its extraordinary perseverance and ferocity.  Though relatively small in number, the Basque can be quite fierce and have proven to be a formidable opponent.  Within intelligence circles, the Basque are well known to be some of the most wily and tenacious revolutionaries in the world. Hence, they are monitored like no other demographic on Earth. Within the relevant fields of scientific research, it is well understood that this particular European bloodline holds the key to understanding where the Rh-negative blood type originally came from, as well as why O- blood confers such special capabilities upon those individuals.

Caveat to all O negatives

This exposé was written for the many who are completely unaware of this highly consequential matter.  The O- author noticed early on that during several airline flights throughout his life an out-of-nowhere and inexplicable altered state was produced that could only have occurred as a result of being drugged.  These experiences were always extremely uncomfortable and disorienting, and many times sickening.  They also occurred during periods marked by very significant reasons for travel and/or momentous junctures in life.  How easy is it for your food and drink to be altered with drugs while flying.  The flyer is essentially an airborne captive.

The same goes for restaurants.  The author again noticed similar, but not nearly as dramatic, experiences that took place after restaurant food was eaten.  Those restaurants were always well established eateries with stellar reputations, and rarely a Mom & Pop. You know, the ones that are run by former CIA operatives who are still contract agents.

A Cautionary Tale
By way of illustration, there was once a place called Incline Village in Nevada that once hosted a group of real beatniks and older hippie types, philosophers and poets, political reformers and anti-war protesters, yogis and mystics.  Ken Wilbur, one of the leading thinkers at Incline, mysteriously came down with a debilitating disease (called RNase Enzyme Deficiency Disease) that left him bed-ridden for much of his adult life. So debilitated did Ken become that he was practically forced into his life’s work of philosophizing and writing while in bed.  Now what is quite noteworthy about this story is that many others, who also lived in this counter-cultural commune, were similarly afflicted with this or that New Age disease. Was it a naturally contaminated water supply, or was it something toxic deliberately put into the water?  Or, was it a bioengineered infectious disease agent purposefully released as a bioweapon with an unknown vector of dissemination?  Just like the Epstein-Barr Virus was created in military laboratories and released during the 1960s and 70s to manifest as Stage I Mononucleosis among the rebellious hippies and flower children, so, too, are many other diseases tactically manufactured to target certain bloodlines and genetic makeups, races and nationalities.  

Historically, the FBI’s COINTELPRO[3] has infiltrated such groups for a variety of reasons, just as the C.I.A. has covertly penetrated various organizations around the world over many decades.  In each and every case, they are either looking for future agents to recruit or identifying the incorrigible troublemakers in order to track and monitor them—for the rest of their lives.


The Bottom Line: It’s never been so important to know who your real friends are.

It is always wise to be acutely aware when attending social functions, particularly those that are outside of one’s normal sphere of life.  Being present in such a manner that does not expose oneself to any kind of mischief is highly recommended.

Given the current state of affairs throughout the USA, new strangers who show up in one’s life ought to be thoroughly vetted.  Any unusually odd behavior from family members or neighbors, co-workers or teammates ought to be watched and noted.

Anyone with Rh-negative who assumes a bold or impressive posture in the community should be very careful. All relationships, both personal and business, ought to be re-evaluated for their real contributions to one’s life.  Business acquaintances especially should be examined carefully so that one is not trapped by a bad deal.

There are many other pieces to this complex puzzle which are beyond the scope of this exposé.  The CCRG will attempt to address them, as well as make additional revelations, in the next installment of this series.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
February 5, 2017

Author’s Note

This story in no way implies that there are not people with the other blood types who also have highly developed psychic abilities.  It’s just that Rh-negative folks, especially O- types, have an inordinately high percentage of clairvoyants and telepathics, visionaries and prophets among them.  


[1] Basques

[2] Basque language

[3] The Extraordinary Secret Powers Of The FBI


The Reason Why Rhesus Negative People Are Being Tracked

Why are TPTB tracking people with Rh-negative blood so closely? | Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

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    Total 53 comments
    • my2pesos

      Grapevine ~ Enrage VIP……….(10) – (AG)
      RH Negative ~ Earth Given
      RH Negative ~ Rhine Gate
      RH Negative ~ ERV ‘he’ Giant
      RH Negative ~ Grant ‘R’ Hive
      ERV* – Ventilation Recovery System
      RH Negative ~ The ‘ran’ Give
      RH Negative ~ The ‘Ra’ Given
      RH Negative ~ Rage ‘Hi’ Vent

      • my2pesos

        Messed up on one above. – (RH Negative ~ Grant ‘R’ Hive) – Sorry.
        Ventilation ~ Innovate Lit ~ Vent To ‘in’ Nail
        Recovery ~ Very Core ~ ERV ‘RE’ Coy
        System ~ SS ‘y’ Met ~ SS ‘my’ ET

    • Hi NSA, kiss my artichoke

      If someone openly announced that they had a “No cost to operate,” electric generating machine, and wished to market and sell them.
      They would receive a Hellfire missile or maybe a “rod of God ” , while the rest of the world heard about the “Gas leak explosion.” :wink:

      • my2pesos

        Tar Notifies ~ Fire Station………..(AG) —-+—- Tar ~ Art ~ Rat ~ RT A
        Greif Reek ~ Greek Fire………(AG)
        Greek Fire ~ Geek ‘R’ Rife
        GE ‘irk’ Free ~ Greek Fire………(AG)

    • jknbt

      The Rh factor is only one of about 50 factors that characterize different blood types. It has a sinister reputation because of the extra problems if the mother is positive and her baby negative, or v.v. Even if the Rh factor is different, it is possible to have a problem-free pregnancy and live birth. The problem comes when blood leaks across the placenta. This can result in a stillborn baby.

      The Rh mutation developed in the Basque region and spread to other areas of Europe. That is why there are a high percentage of people (11%) that have that marker. There is nothing sinister about the Basque people. Every people and racial group has its bad element. Most of them are decent, moral people.

      There is no reliable blood marker to identify the children of the devil. Jesus said, “by their fruits you shall know them” (Matt 7:16, 20). These people are identified by their shameless hypocrisy and unrepentant sin. They look and act like Christians, but are devils down inside. Simon the sorcerer is a perfect example (Acts 8:9-24). See also Jude 1-19.

      To say or to imply that people are the children of the devil because of a physical characteristic is racist nonsense.

    • JesusSlushies

      Im A+ blood type. My life experiences both physically and spiritually throws this theory out the window.

      • Everette

        Your blood type sets you apart as Hebrew . This is traced back to Adam . Abraham was a Hebrew . Hebrews are White A+blood type . Adam was not the first being on Earth . To prove my point look at Cain who killed Able . He left and married and had children . Where did this woman come from ? Seth Adams next son was born when Adam was 130 year sold . Seth grew up and married at 105 , Adam was 235 . Where did Seth get his woman ? Adam does not have other children until 800 years old . There is no way to marry unless others were on earth . They were ! Genesis chapter 1 in Hebrew says the feminium Spirit created the first man . Science says blood type O comes in about 150,000 years ago , they are the oldest blood type . The Bible is only 5800-5900 years old . Science says blood type A+ comes in about 5800-5900 year ago . Matching up the evidence Adam was white type A+ . Other books say he was Rudy as also was king David . This means he is able to blush . Only white A+ blood type clearly can show blushing . It comes from emotions flushing up in the face . Now Genesis 2 says and GOD the make Spirit breathed into Adam and he became a living soul . Adam carries the Spirit of GOD within himself . His descendant become the tribes of Israel and Judea . GOD the male says Israel is MY chosen . While in Egypt the Israel tribes was instructed by GOD not to marry the nation of the world , but they could marry of the Hebrews their earlier kin folk . GOD only chose one man out of the Hebrews to start the nation Israel , and his name was Abraham . Congratulations you are of nobility . Check out your coat of arms or crest for your dads last name . Only nobility was given crest or coats of arms , signifying Israel stock .

        • JesusSlushies

          Very interesting because Im Jewish. My last name means Son of Shimon. Coat of arms is a lion.

        • ecclesiatical

          Abraham was born under the name Abram in the city of Ur in Babylonia,he was not a Hebrew.

          • JesusSlushies

            Avram who then became Avraham was called by G-d out of Ur. He is considered a convert and also the Patriarch of Judaism. So yes, Avraham is Jewish/Hebrew

        • jknbt

          what a load of racist nonsense. Study how the different blood types are distributed by percentages, and they are surprisingly balanced among the races. There are some exceptions, such as a lot of type O shows up among oriental peoples like northern japanese and mayan. In Europe, the ratios are 60/40 percent A to B. In Africa, the ratios are 40/60 percent A to B. There are populations of majority B in Europe, and populations of majority A in Africa. In China, the percentages are about 30/30/40 percentages for types A/B/O. The only valid conclusion here is that the different blood types are for the most part spread out through all the different people groups in the world.

          to try to draw racist conclusions out of this ends up with a load of nonsense like your thinking. All this means is that we are all part of the HUMAN RACE.

          • JesusSlushies

            but you just drew a racist conclusion about blood types. racist… bahahaha

            • jknbt

              nope, I passed on information, you drew the conclusion…and hebrews in far eastern europe that never assimilated and intermarried are mostly type O, the oriental type, just like their arab cousins…

    • unidentified

      universities do a lot of research in these areas, they look for trends by bloodtype and other family factors, they claim it is for medical research and improving healthcare

    • wiseoldlady

      As you know I am a landlord…well I have a tenant with “O” negative type blood at the present time. She sees demons in people and sees things and gets fearful. I asked her what she saw in me and she said nothing bad…. She likes me. But she is weird/odd…different. When she first came to fill out an application she mentioned her blood type because as others came around she would react. She was aware of the history of her blood type. Actually I was leery to rent to her, but she is a good tenant and if the truth was known we have rented to others with the same blood type but maybe not as psychic.

      • sitrep

        Honestly, Your experience seems very odd. She is a plant watching you, recording your every action.
        Most likely does not have the o-, although skilled in operative type surveillance

        • JesusSlushies

          omg that’s funny.. thanks for the laugh you made my day :D HAHA!!!

    • Boo

      Clear your mind. Take a deep breath. Stop thinking and start observing someone or something. Feel the next moment unfold and listen to your next thought. Clear your mind and do it again. Don’t think ,,, just let your mind relax and listen or observe. Wa La … you are super sensitive and you didn’t even have to be anything but you. And watch how many times someone comes back to you after you expressed that next thought and say, “I was just thinking that same thing”. How many times have you thought of someone, and you received a call or text within minutes or seconds of thinking about them? Or upon calling them, they said, I was just thinking about you? It’s not a gift, it’s just something we were all born with and I like to thank God for that. :smile:

    • Syco247

      I can only tell you what I know as O-, I have a very odd tendency to only draw and keep near me other RH- types, literally all but maybe 3 people in my entire social circle are RH-. All three of my children are also O-, ex wives too. We tend to think alike and think and move in unison, sometimes to point where we have entire conversations without even saying anything. Not a hive mind, just unspoken levels of communication bordering on telepathy almost. We even know when one of us is hurt, sad or sick.

      • Syco247

        To correct a type-o “3 people in my entire social circle are RH-” is ,meant to say “3 people in my entire social circle are RH+”

        Ohh and fuck your down vote. Try being one of us sometime.

    • Hickys Vicky

      My name is Vicky Hicks from USA My boyfriend and I were happy as far as I could tell and I never thought that we would break up. When his cousin died in a tragic car accident he went back to Canada for a week to be with his family. I could not go because I was in the middle of entertaining out of town clients for work. He did not seem to be upset that I could not go so I let him be. The next thing that I know, he reconnected with an old friend from high school that he had a crush on years ago and they started to have an affair! I had no clue what was going on until a month after he came back from Canada.He proceeded to see both her and I until I caught him testing her one night. I confronted him and he told me the truth about what happened. We broke up and went our separate ways. Neither of us fought for our relationship. I was angry and decided not to be upset about it and just keep it moving. Then after about a month of not speaking to him I became sad. I wanted him to tell me that he wanted to be with me and not her. I contacted Dr.OCUSODO for a love spell and he totally helped me! he was able to get him to miss me to where he wanted to get back together again. He had a lot of regrets and felt bad for not fighting to keep me and for cheating in general. He values our relationship so much more, now and we are together now! You can also get your lover back with the help of Dr. OCUSODO contact him through his email:[email protected] or [email protected] his contact number +2349067457724

      • Fokofpoes

        Uhm, go away.

    • Fokofpoes

      I had a dream about a swarm of bees a few days ago, flying in a line, sort of a weaving pattern. Later that day, my dad tells me “dude, the cricket was interrupted by a swarm of bees”.

      No idea what my bloodtype is, mostly alcohol.

      • Lilith


        • Fokofpoes

          Strange… I talked about you recently, too. :neutral:

      • JesusSlushies


      • Fokofpoes

        Oh, shit, I fear some people may interpret what I typed there as funnier than it is. I actually did dream that.

    • Man

      more psychic? well they can win a million dollars at the james randy foundation.

      What BS

    • YahoodyMafady

      Read Genesis carefully. Man and woman were created last ,day 6. They were told to go forward then multiply.
      Those were the first people on the planet. At a later time, Adam was created. They key word here to note is “before there were plants in the field”. Notice that there were plants prior to man in Genesis, but agriculture and farming came after Adam.

      • Fokofpoes

        Cynic stuff.

        “I hear the lion’s roar.

        Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem, which they faced. Now I must take their medicine

        I will sharpen the stone on the angel’s tongue and wield a blow to unreality’s front”

    • YahoodyMafady

      The blood types, the first humans. Then you have the blood line of Adam second. Finally the third blood type is from the fallen angels. That is the sin that Jesus came back to redeem us from. The tainted blood that gave satan a call on some humans.

    • Corruptico

      Aryans (Sumerian) = type O
      Jews (Hebrew) = type A
      Nephilim (Pharaoh) = type B

    • truthseeker4809

      In parallel universe, there was a country called Taured in between France and Spain. It looks like it happens to be where prominent number of population has RH negative. Could it be a coincidence? The story of a strange man from the country of Taured landed in Japan Haneda airport in 1954 is very intriguing.

    • jknbt

      no single blood type has special privileges when it comes to spirituality. People choose to be spiritual or to be worldly. The better life from an eternal perspective is a spiritually aware one.

      we have come down here to learn our lessons. We are not from here, we are from up there. Life is about lessons. These people who are more aware of their spirituality are at a different rank and level of progress from average people. Sad to say in this wildly secular age, most people these days are indifferent to spiritual things, spiritual growth, and spiritual progress.

      sometimes people who are living worldly secular lives have to have a metaphorical “brick” of some hard experience or string of hard experiences thrown into their faces to get their spiritual wake up call. I think this is what you are saying about the weird experiences some of these people have…

      here’s another metaphor….think about the average day for a typical 8th grader in jr. high school…kind of boring and predictable…then think about the average day for a high IQ type 8th grader taking all advanced classes including some fun lab classes. The most exciting thing for the average 8th grader is his lunch, while the borderline genius advanced class kid might go on a field trip to the local zoo to the snake house and get to handle snakes, and even hands-on participate in an autopsy performed of a giant boa who died for some reason. Pretty exciting stuff for a 13 year old!

      do you catch the metaphor? most people have boring, unaware spiritual lives, while the advanced pupils are always doing something strange or interesting.

      • Fokofpoes

        I sort of understand, though I can’t exactly talk about the spiritual stuff, my “worldly” life consists of drinking lots of wine and mostly doing nothing.

        • jknbt

          you are missing the party. Ask, and God will show you wonderful things, more than you can know otherwise…

          Matt 7:7-8….“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened”

          Ps. 34:8….”Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
          Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

          Sounds like God has a call on your life…Have you ever looked into how wonderful Jesus is?

          • Fokofpoes

            Where’s the facepalm emoticon?

    • my2pesos

      A Glacial ~ Call Gaia ~ Gas ‘I’ Call
      Clay ‘giant’ Dial ~ Glacial Dainty
      Analytical Dig ~ Glacial Dainty
      Idyllic ‘tag’ Ana ~ Glacial Dainty
      Glad ‘I’ Analytic ~ Glacial Dainty
      Candy ’till’ Gaia ~ Glacial Dainty
      Calling it a day ~ Glacial Dainty

    • SelimB

      So what’s in store for an A- blood type?

    • YellowRoseTx51

      Unfortunately, that was the spin, not the truth.
      Hundreds of people disappear, every year, especially in parks. Add to that the hundreds of children that disappear, and the fact that the large cities are now more than 15% in some cases, empty…and no reported ‘moves’ to other places.
      It is the El and the Moloch, who are now masking as human, that invaded. The branch of SET.
      They’re about to die, with few exceptions.

    • Stefan

      I think now THAT nowbody knows NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • smfresh82

      more half truths. I am sick of people saying alien abductions are just the gov’t. that’s the bullshit Dr Greer was spreading and he himself is a reptilian ok? when et’s infiltrate the gov’t it’s not just gov’t abduction, how hard is that to grasp? Project Sigma is proof these abductions are not originated from the gov’t. they signed a treaty allowing the greys to abduct us. Laura Eisenhower knows all about this too as it was her great grandfather who made the mistake of making that treaty and it went horribly wrong. people are missing. they did not hold up their end. So please stop spreading half truths as you only cause harm to others who have been abducted. People start telling them they are lying because of this bs. X Files was part of that. to get people to think there are no aliens only demons and the gov’t is doing all the UFO appearances and abductions. SAME RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT THAT HAS BEEN SPREAD FOR 2000 years. STOP IT

    • RenegadeRose

      This is such a load of crap

    • diane

      I am a targeted individual. My blood type is o. Perhaps this is why I have been targeted. Besides my father in law was a fFour Star Admiral. It has been a real nightmare. Did not even realize it was happening. It was set up years ago. A short time after my husband and I divorced. He did not do it, they targeted my daughter to. They went on campus, and hooked her on drugs at 15. Cute, huh what a life. They inserted something in my chest during an elective surgery. No body will take it out it is on my chest.

      Obama, created a hit list, I wonder if I was put on it. I have an audio on this site check it out.It tells the last 2 years of my life. But, trust me there is more, lots more.

      • diane

        You can make light of it Stefan but until you have lived through the pain, and suffering my daughter and I went through. You will then realize the targeted individiual is a seriously huge problem in our country today.

        • Stefan


    • Stefan

      B-S as usual,,,,, Im negative,,,,,, :mrgreen: ,Just because I’m not paranoid anymore, does not mean that they are not looking for me anymore

    • diane

      I really sorry about your TI problem. The CIA created an academy during the summer to train high school students to spy for them. Amazing isn’t it. The little suckers have been trained since 2004. Can you imagine how much trash is out there on the street. Now, you understand why we are being targeted. They use their cellphones for their network. You know keep track of us. They tell their leader where we are.

      Really, it is a night mare out there.

      ve Hodges said today on his site that within two years the electric lights will see you, hear you, and talk to you, and will know who you are.

    • Enki

      The combination Of Chessed and Gevurah is what they are trying to prevent. I am Chessed and I have Gevurah as My Bride. We have done exactly what you stated they are scared of. Problem is humanity is so brainwashed they cannot see or comprehend its magnitude. Those who do not explore what We have written will remain ignorant. We have established the equilibrium of ABSOLUTE TRUTH as per the Book of Revelation 10. I am the One from Revelation best described in Rev 5. We are the two witnesses and You are now there! Trust YOUR intuition!

    • Theron

      It’s because we can see thru the elites Jedi mind tricks :cool: and also are resistant to their chemical assault on our brains. :lol: This makes those of us who aren’t among them, a threat to their plans. :wink: Hence, the tracking. :idea:

      • Gus Fung

        Quote: Theron “Jedi mind tricks”

        Great Band

    • diane

      Hi Kate,

      It appears that m comments caused your article to be taken off. I had them put it back on, and then they took it iff again.

      Can you put it back on?

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