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The Serpent Seed

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What Is “The Serpent Seed”?


The Serpent seed, two-seedline, or dual seed doctrine is a belief that Eve had sexual relations with Satan (The Serpent) in the Garden of Eden, resulting in the birth of Cain – Satan’s own son. Those who believe this teaching see it as the common thread that binds together the Holy Bible from beginning to end. Without this knowledge, they believe it would be difficult for one to properly understand history, current events, prophecy, or the true mystery of the battle taking place between good and evil.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her Seed; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel.”

                                                                  –Genesis 3:15

“He that soweth the good seed (sperma) is the Son of man: The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil…”

                                                                                                         -Matthew 13:37-38

Table of Contents

  1. Is the Serpent Serpent Seed Biblical?
  2. Genesis 3:15 – The First Prophecy
  3. The Serpent In The Garden of Eden
  4. The “Seed” of the Serpent
  5. Who Are The Kenites?
  6. Serpent Seed Teaching in The New Testament
  7. Children of The Wicked One
  8. Ye Serpents!
  9. Apostles Taught The Serpent Seed
  10. The Bottom Line:

Is The Serpent Seed Doctrine Biblical?

Many religionists would have you believe that the “Serpent seed” teaching is heresy. For whenever they hear someone teach it they screech out at the top of their lungs, “False Teacher, False Teacher!” But you know, it isn’t really important how they feel or what they say about it. Because religionists are rarely ever right when it comes to finding the truth. They’re usually too busy trying to make themselves feel or appear holy, and are thus blinded from the truth (Matt 15:14).

Others reject it simply because they are too entrenched in the traditions of men or the doctrine of some church denomination (Matt 15:9, Mark 4:12). Thus the blinders cover their eyes as well.

You see those who denounce the Serpent seed teaching as heresy, not only deny the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, but they also miss out on the first prophecy of the entire Bible. And if you can’t get the first prophecy of the Bible right, how in the world are you going to be able to understand any prophecies of the Bible?

You can’t. At least not with much understanding.

For if one cannot understand the beginning, they’ll never be able to understand the end.

Constellation Ophiuchus holding the serpent, (Serpens). This Heavenly sign depicts the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 of Christ defeating the Serpent

Genesis 3:15 – The first prophecy

There are all kinds of conspiracy theories floating around the Internet, many of which are purely bogus, and some just partly true about who controls the kingdoms of the world behind the scene leading us into a New World Order.

But instead of being a paranoid scizaphrenic blaming one group and then another, why not find out who’s really conspiring against us by listening to the Word of God. That’s much better than listening to nutcases isn’t it?

And God didn’t make it that hard for us. He gave us the answer to this grand conspiracy all the way back in the beginning, in the first prophecy of the entire Bible.

It reads,

And the LORD God said unto the serpent, “Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her Seed; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel.” –Genesis 3:14-15

What does this mean? Is this referring to a literal “snake”, or what?

The Serpent in the Garden of Eden

Well first off, in order to get anywhere with this prophecy, we must understand that the “serpent” is just another name for Satan. Oh I know this is really hard for the religionists to comprehend, but even a 3 year old would have a hard time not understanding these verses.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan… –Revelation 12:9

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, -Revelation 20:2

Not too hard, huh?

The Dragon, Devil, and Serpent are all the same person. They’re Satan.

And those aren’t the only names he goes by, he has many others as well. But back to the serpent, why is Satan called the serpent?

If you look up the word in Genesis 3:15 translated as “serpent” in a Strong’s Concordance, you’ll find that it is Hebrew word #5175 nachash meaning the “shining one” or “glistening one”. And it stems from word #5172 which means, “to hiss like a serpent” and can be used figuratively as the “whisperings of a soothsayer.”

(See Num 21:6-9, 2 Cor 11:3, 2 Cor 11:14, Eze 28:13-16)

Ah, this is starting to make more sense. Of course, God calls Satan “the Serpent” because of his shining supernatural appearance, as well as his cunning and elusive ability to deceive others.

If you want an in-depth comprehensive study of the Serpent of Genesis 3, appendix 19 of Companion Bible by Dr. Bullinger is great. Get a Companion Bible today if you don’t already have one!

Here is a little bit of what he had to say concerning the Serpent.

In Genesis 3 we have neither allegory, myth, legend, nor fable, but literal historical facts set forth, and emphasized by the use of certain Figures of speech (see Ap.6)…

For the figurative language of verses 14 and 15 no one would have thought of

referring the third chapter of Genesis to a snake: no more than he does when reading the third chapter from the end of Revelation (ch.20.2). Indeed, the explanation added there, that the “old serpent” is the Devil and Satan, would immediately lead one to connect the word “old” with the earlier and former mention of the serpent in Gen.3: and the fact that it was Satan himself who tempted “the second man”, “the last Adam”, would force the conclusion that no other than the personal Satan could have been the tempter of “the first man, Adam”…

Have we not, in this, clear intimation that it was not a snake, but a glorious shining being, apparently an angel, to whom Eve paid such great deference, acknowledging him as one seemed to possess superior knowledge, and who was evidently a being of a superior (not of an inferior) order?…

We cannot conceive Eve as holding converse with a snake, but we can understand her being fascinated by one, apparently “and angel of light” (i.e. a glorious angel), possessing superior and supernatural knowledge…

It is wonderful how a snake could ever be supposed to speak without the organs of speech, or that Satan should be supposed able to accomplish so great a miracle.

It only shows the power of tradition, which has, from the infancy of each one of us, put before our eyes and written on our minds the picture of a “snake” and an “apple”: the former based on a wrong interpretation, and the later being pure invention, about which there is not one word said in Holy Scripture.

Never was Satan’s wisdom so craftily used as when he secured universal acceptance of this traditional belief:…

This is his object in perpetuating the traditions of the “snake” and the “apple”, because it ministers to the acceptance of his lie, the hiding of God’s truth, the support of tradition, the jeers of the infidel, the opposition of the critics, and the stumbling of the weak in faith. (From Ap.19 of the Companion Bible)

The “Seed” of the Serpent

Uroborus. A depiction of the all encompassing serpent. To those who understand, it represents the Serpent and his “seed” completing their circle of world domination.

I think we’ve sufficiently established that it wasn’t a literal snake that tempted Eve in the Garden. But what is this “seed” of the serpent?

What is this all about?

Well, like always, when trying to find the meaning of a something we should first look it up in our Strong’s Concordance and see what it says.

There we find that it is Hebrew word #2232 zera that was translated as seed in Genesis 3:15. And in this context it means “offspring” or “children”. In fact, we’ll take a look at it further down, but the Greek equivalent of this word used by Christ in reference to the Serpent’s “Seed” is word #4687 sperma. And yes if you’re wondering, it does indeed mean “male sperm”.

Can there now be any doubt as to what this “seed” is?

It’s obvious that the Serpent’s “seed” represents Satan’s “literal” descendants who live on earth until the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 is complete – i.e. when the head of the Serpent is crushed. They were planted on earth via Satan’s “sperm”. 

Cain was Satan’s son.

And his descendants today are called “Kenites”.

This is the great mystery hidden from most people’s eyes.

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“THE SEED OF THE SERPENT. We wish to bring before Christians an enormous problem, well known to the sceptic and philosopher, but of which they are little cognizant, known as the great secret of secrets…We allude to the Secret of the Mysteries. Chaldea, Egypt, Greece, the Gnostics, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons show us an uninterrupted chain of men holding tenaciously a secret so profound that they have never divulged it. We claim to expose it.”

-p.vii, The Computation of 666 (Published in 1891)

You see the “fruit” Eve partook of wasn’t a big red juicy apple like the religionists try and tell us. Eve was sexually seduced by Satan. And the result of that was her bearing the wicked fruit of the Devil in her womb (2 Cor 11:2-3).

We’re not going to go into the details here, but you can find out more by reading the article “Sex Affair In The Garden of Eden”.

Video about who the Kenites are:

Serpent seed teaching in the New Testament

I know there may be some reading this article thinking that what I’ve pointed so far is sort of a stretch. And if I didn’t see witnesses of the serpent seed teaching in the New Testament by our Lord Jesus Christ, or by any of His apostles, I might be skeptical as well.

But the fact is. Our Lord did teach the “Serpent seed doctrine”. So did the apostles. I’ve called it the “Serpent seed doctrine” here in this article simply because that’s what most people call it. But it’s actually incorrect to call it that because it is simply part of the doctrine or teachings of Jesus Christ.

Children of the Wicked One

The most prominent and revealing place where Christ taught about the “Serpent seed” is in a parable titled The Parable of the Tares in Matthew 13. And at the end of that parable Jesus explains that the “tares” were actually Satan’s literal children sown into the earth via Satan’s seed or sperma.

Here’s how He put it:

Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house: and His disciples came unto Him, saying, “Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.”

He answered and said unto them, “He that soweth the good seed (sperma) is the Son of man: The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

The enemy that sowed them is the devil… -Matthew 13:36-38

Pretty simple huh?

Oh I know the religionists say that Jesus was referring to “spiritual” children of Satan rather than literal. But you know that wouldn’t be a mystery hidden from the foundation of the world, like Christ told his disciples he was revealing to them (Matt 13:35).

Everyone knew that there were bad people on earth!

Nonsense, Christ would not waste his time giving a whole parable just to tell people what they already knew.

Christ was referring to Satan’s literal descendants and not merely followers of Satan.

Ye Serpents!

In fact, Jesus even pointed out to us these “Serpent seed” people in a couple places. For at the time Christ walked the earth the sons of Cain had embedded themselves in and among God’s people, and even held high positions of leadership. One time when confronting a group of Scribes and Pharisees, our Lord exposed them for who they were and for all of the crimes and murders they had committed against God’s people, ever since the time that their father Cain killed Abel.

Here is a snippet of that conversation.

“Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

Ye serpents, ye generation (offspring) of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” –Matthew 23:31-33

And in another conversation Christ really laid it on them. He said,

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” –John 8:44

That’s it. If you truly want to understand the battle between good and evil, Christ just told us that there are TWO SEEDLINES. A good seed, and an evil seed, continually at war with each other just like Genesis 3:15 said they would be.

Apostles taught the “Serpent seed”

If Christ’s teachings about the “Serpent seed” are not enough for the skeptic, let’s point out some places where the apostles taught about it as well.

John the Baptist,

When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, “O generation of vipers (offspring of the serpent), who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” –Matthew 3:7

The apostle Paul confirmed the “Serpent seed” teaching when he said,

“I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled (sexually seduced) Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” –II Corinthians 11:3

The apostle John also confirmed the “Serpent seed” teaching when he said,

“Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.” -1 John 3:12

Need we go any further?

Bottom line:

Since Genesis 3:15 declares that Jesus Christ (The Woman’s Seed) was to be born through a specific family line, then the Antichrist (The Serpent’s Seed) must also be born through a specific family line if we are to remain consistent in interpretation. 

The literal family line of Christ starting from Adam all the way through king David, then through Mary, was carefully documented throughout the entire Bible with genealogies. There is a good reason for this. This is how we know that Jesus was the Christ and that he was the Seed of the Woman foretold of in Genesis 3:15.

So for critics to say that the Serpent Seed is not physical but is some sort of abstract  “spiritual” thing, they are disregarding the entire theme of this prophecy, and the theme of the Bible itself. If we used their method of interpretation of Genesis 3:15 we could then say that the Messiah didn’t have to be literally born through the seedline of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and David but that he could have just come through any family line of spiritually good people. In fact, this could even lead someone to following a false Christ. A very serious mistake.

That kind of dangerous method of interpretation is something I want no part of. The SIMPLE truth is good enough for me.

Satan has a literal family line existing on earth even to this day.


LUCENT  broke off from Bell (Baal) it’s symbol the SNAKE biting its’ tail

LUCENTLucifers Enterprise

The impending acquisition of Lucent Technologies by the French firm Alcatel makes the future of Lucent’s “Innovation Ring” logo uncertain, just weeks after the ten-year anniversary of the symbol’s unveiling. This is not the first time the logo has faced uncertain prospects, however. In the months following its debut, it looked as though the Innovation Ring might not last a year, let alone a decade. The logo, a striking red circle rendered in a single bold brushstroke, initially inspired unprecedented popular derision. Its survival and eventual emergence as a graphic trendsetter is testament to Lucent’s willingness to establish and stand by a unique corporate identity in the face of countless naysayers, wise guys and armchair design critics.

Lucent, created in the 1995 breakup of AT&T, was determined to establish a distinctive identity for itself, to move outside the long shadow of its predecessor. Its name alone, developed by Landor Associates, was quite a departure from the typical telecommunications company moniker. And the debut of the Innovation Ring logo, another Landor creation, really raised eyebrows. While the logos of most high-technology firms were hard-edged, conservative and impersonal, Lucent’s was warm, vibrant and organic. But its unusual character so confounded the expectations of many observers that they could only react with ridicule.

The media was quick to mock the new symbol, calling it “a big red zero,” “a flaming goose egg,” and “a red, splotchy circle.” One popular line of criticism likened the logo to an imprint left by a cup of coffee. It was dubbed “the million-dollar coffee stain” and some wags in the press speculated that “perhaps AT&T’s caffeine-crazed designers were inspired by their coffee-cup rings.” The comic strip Dilbert followed suit, depicting its Dogbert character as an overpaid consultant creating a logo with his coffee cup and christening it “the Brown Ring of Quality.”



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    Total 39 comments
    • truthlovingsoul

      yes, it’s the jews, false jews, who own and run this world. for now.

      • GodhelpUS

        Do you believe your ancestors ‘evolved’ from monkeys / apes?

        • magusincognito

          The ape is a product of the human being. Once again, the reverse- of what is reported -is true. Many brilliant people from Darwin’s time stood up to the lies adhered to by systems that promote unbalanced materialism. They would have all believe that everything stems (and begins) with the physical). However, spirit animates all that is physical. When this truth is lost, a flow of unbalanced materialistic thinking results. Put simply, once this card finally gets yanked, that house of cards is coming down. FYI: a lot of brilliant scientists, mystics and adepts vehemently fought against this and continue to, today.

          Lastly, when an adept, mystic et al talk about human evolution, they are pointing to human SPIRITUAL evolution, which is consistent with spiritual books. Darwinism is a specific “brand” of evolution produced by and for materialists. (All materialists are, in fact, atheists…includes most religionists, today.) Pay attention to this trickery. If they cannot get you to clue into human evolution- as they would erroneously teach it -then they would have you know nothing of it. Once, again, the (Communist) all-or-nothing approach in the works. Yeah, these mechanisms are used to control thinking and most know nothing abot them…just wait for the textbooks and news people to confirm for them.

          • GodhelpUS

            The ape is a product of the human being. :?:

            Darwinism in reverse :?:



        Genesis 4:1 Adam knew Eve and she bare CAIN

        TO HELL go the freaks of CHristendom, dog lovers of a lie:



        Rev. 5:9 .. You have redeemed us by our blood FROM AMONG EVERY NATION, KINDRED, TONGUE AND PEOPLE

        EVERY KINDRED ON EARTH, but the dogs of Christendom claim there is a kindred on earth that is the so-called bloodline of Satan.

        FRTIZ SPRINGMEIER IS A SHAPESHIFTER, and he is among the dogs of Christendom who claim there is a bloodline of Satan, or Illuminati bloodline where everyone who is of that bloodline is of Satan. But he Son of GOd says that from among EVERY KINDRED ON EARTH are some who are saved.


        The days of evil peoplel roaming the earth are numbered, that includes the billions of Christians and billlions of Muslims.



        Long before the founder of Chrstianity came along, THE WORD THAT MAKES CLEAN THE BELIEVERS THEREON HAD ALREADY BEEN SPOKEN BY THE SON OF GOD. It is not the commands of the Son of Gpd Christianity is founded on but the commands of anti-CHrist Jew Benjamite wolf Pharisee Paul – ROMANS 2:16.


        1 John 2:18 You have heard that the anti-Christ shall come and now there are many anti-Christs

        AND THE DOGS OF CHRISTENDOM ARE FOREVER LOKING FOR THE ANTI-CHRIST, when theiri own dead in Hell msater Pharisee Paul is THE ANTI-CHRIST, and believers in Paul’s filth doctrine are ANTI-CHRISTS:

        Rev. 22:15 FOR WITHOUT ARE DOGS … whosover loves or makes a lie

        ROMANS 3:7 If the truth of God is being spread by my LIE, why am I judged a sinner

        And the founder of Chrsitainity claimng to be of Christ does not KNOW why LIE MAKERS ARE SINNERS? – Rev. 22:15

        THese are the Christians – Matthew 7:22-23, Isaiah 66:17, their eternal existence shall be in the fire (Matthew 25:41) where they belong, DOGS.

        • Judge Roy Bean

          Pharisee-ism is Babylonian Talmud Judaism.

          However, the Roman Catholic Church and it’s daughters are practicing a form of Pharisee-ism also.

          That does not mean there are no rightful Christian people that adhere to first century Christianity as the apostles did.

          The Roman Catholic Church is not the first church and neither was Peter the first pope and for that matter no record of Peter ever being in Rome.

          In the first century there were seven churches in Asia Minor which is modern Turkey today. No mention of anything in Rome.

    • The Ferrett

      Roger Hathaway says, and I agree . .

      Christians are the body of Christ. Edomite Jews are the body of Satan – simple as that. The eternal contest is between these two groups. The same hatred which Esau felt toward Jacob is still felt by Jews toward the white-race today, and that contest has defined the course of our Israelite history for nearly 4,000 years.

      What we Israelite Christians need to understand regarding the Jews is that God has given them dominion over His children at this present time. We cannot defeat Satan’s children by challenging their lordship over this world, nor did Jesus even suggest we war against them.
      This is the time of their power, as designed by God. This time of Jewish exploitation serves God’s purpose, as we are tested and tried and even murdered innocently.

      This is a time of strengthening for God’s children, and should also be a time of wising-up. We should become “as wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” That is Jesus’ advice!

      The serpent represents Satan and his race; we should become aware of their diabolical cleverness so we can avoid being attracted to the lures which draw us into their clutches.

      This world of physical material reality, with its technological wonders and modern conveniences, is the achievement of the Beast of Revelation: Satan. As we are attracted to all the worldly delights of Satan’s inventions, our lives become nothing more than working careers, living to make payments for land, houses, cars, toys, and sensual delights.
      We, thereby, become goyim/cattle which the Jews farm and milk as they wish. We have wandered away from our Godly values and have become prodigal again.

      The Jews, who exploit us and cheat us and enslave us are performing their proper functions, and we can blame no one but ourselves for chasing after their lures. What’s more, this design of God serves His purpose, whereby the genetic strain of His Israelite race is strengthened, culling out the weak, preparing us for the great responsibility of governing the Kingdom of God during the ages to come.

      If one follows the courses of races in the Bible, one sees that Esau joined with the evil race of Cain. The enmity and hatred of Cain toward Abel was renewed with that war of Esau against Jacob, and continues today as the war of the Edomite “Jews” against white-race Christians, who are the REAL Jacob.

      When Jesus says that the “Jews” are the “synagogue of Satan,” He is continuing His indictment of them which he clearly stated in John 8 when He told them that God is not their father, but that they were murderers and liars, out of their father, the Devil, whose very nature is to lie. It was Jesus’ attempt to expose the Jews for their fraud that got Jesus killed, as have so many who have also tried today.

      • truthlovingsoul

        the ferret,


        waiting for anyone/thing to save us is an erroneous expectation, imo.

      • Judge Roy Bean

        Esau’s terrible sin was he married into Canaanite people which were destined to be destroyed. When Joshua led the Israelite people in, he failed to to do what Yahweh had commanded and let the Kenites live.

      • yes2truth

        Total rubbish!! There’s no such thing as an Edomite Jew. Edomites are from Esau, not Judah. Jews are from Judah and the Canaanite Adullamite’s daughter Bathshuah, NOT Esau.

    • Jango

      If you believe this then consider what happened to the 200 watchers that came to earth and mated with women producing giant offspring. Genesis 6 They were put in chains being held for the day of judgment. And the flood destroyed all their offspring. Had satan done this to Eve, he would also be in chains awaiting judgment. But he isn’t. So maybe your understanding of this is wrong. I have heard this interpretation before, but find too many irregularities with it to believe it.

      • GodhelpUS

        Was Satan Cain’s Biological Father? (Serpent’s Seed)

      • ecclesiatical

        You dont seem to make any difference between watchers and satan,just because they are all fallen angels.,which is quite inappropriate to do.,since satan was their leader.
        Where are the watchers mentioned in the New Testament?
        Not even all the watchers,fall in the same category.

      • The Thinning Veil Report


        i think perhaps the aliens/watchers/demons/spirits/angels or whatever they have been called came from inside the flat earth.
        we know there is an opening at the north pole and god knows what the hell is in there.
        pardon the pun. or it could be shangrila, as so many have said. probably a little of both.


      • A_Smith

        The difference was that where Satan beguiled Eve, the Watchers just came down and took whoever they wanted as wives, so it wasn’t necessarily consensual.

    • my2pesos

      Eye ~ E ‘y’ E
      The E ~ Thee
      Ye Thee ~ Yet ‘he’ E
      Genesis ~ Genes Is

      • my2pesos

        Vision ~ VI SION ~ VI’s ‘I’ On ~ VI’s ‘n’ OI! ~ VO ‘n’ I SI!

    • Kyle Schumacher

      Nope, sorry not through eve. Read Genesis 6. There was a second seed line, but it wasn’t till later..

      [Gen 6:1-4 KJV]
      1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.

      Sons of God = Fallen Angels

    • Anonymous


      “Uroborus. A depiction of the all encompassing serpent. To those who understand, it represents the Serpent and his “seed” completing their circle of world domination.”


      explain please.. or provide your source?

      • Anonymous

        yeah, no provisions from a barren source.

        hc svnt dracones – those who understand what is meant by this, also know the true meaning of the ouroboros.

        yours ain’t it.

        • Anonymous

          .. not even a concession stand? hah, Stock up on amenities.

    • krew09

      It really is odd that people say they believe the Bible is the Word of God,then turn around and are forced to ignore verses,skip them,alter their meanings,Imply this when it says that…all so they can maintain their belief system. I never thought too much about the scriptures,until I gave them another chance. There is no other understanding except the Serpent Seed..Everything makes sense,…Everything fits together perfectly. Right up to this very day,these people have a complete stranglehold on so many aspects of our reality.
      EXAMPLE…How is it that %98 of all important financial posts in the U.S. Govt are held by the same tribe?
      They own all the media, subvert entire governments over and over and over…THEY are the world’s arch criminals,and seem to revel in their evil.

      • The Thinning Veil Report

        hear hear.

    • Pink Slime

      Sexual relations can mean taking over the mind. Eve did not have sexual relations but rather her mind was beguiled that can be equivocal to sex or like eating.

      Your mind becomes consumed by it. So to say she had sex with the Devil is going beyond the pale. The Bible never mentions the Devil having a p*nis.

      To reproduce means convincing others to think alike.


        The Bible is a small book. I can understand believing every thing in it is true, but to believe anything not in it is untrue makes no sense.

      • sleepy

        she was “wholley ” seduced…… :twisted:

    • mastwow

      these guys need to read more Bible.
      junk theory.

    • Magmar

      When she ate the fruit from the tree, she would “KNOW” Good and Evil.

      Cain And Abel were twins. One was good and one was evil.

      It is apparent that Possessing the Knowledge of Good and Evil was a DNA modification brought on by EATING the Fruit of the tree of knowledge. This is further evidenced by God kicking them both out of the garden so as to stop them from eating from the tree of life, Thus making the DNA modification permanent.

      It is simply the Knowledge of Good and Evil present in the DNA. And as Satan was there to let them know what EVIL was. He is the father of it. Satan did not need to cohabitate with Eve to modify her DNA, The FRUIT alone did that. He simply provided himself as the father of THE KNOWLEDGE OF EVIL.

      So, in essence he is in our DNA, because he is the father of the knowledge of Evil. So, there are 2 DNA traits, or lines. Good and Evil, Cain and Abel. I do believe that this is how Higher powers gained access to our minds to tempt us.

    • Mike

      Why do you propagate such false and dishonest things? It can only seal your fate.

      • yes2truth

        Upon what do you base your erroneous opinion?

        • MikeSavage

          I base it on facts from the inspired word of God. And you?

          • yes2truth

            Oh please show us these ‘facts’ – you never know you might find some Truth amongst them, but I won’t be holding my breath. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • yes2truth

      A very good article – just a pity you didn’t explain how Ham (Cham) had incestuous sex with his mother Naamah and produced Canaan which brought Cain’s blood back to life post-flood. (Naamah was the sister of Tubal-Cain)

      The Kenites were a clan of the Canaanites as was the Adullamite’s daughter whom Judah had sexual relations with, producing Er, Onan and Shelah. From Shelah descend the Canaanite Jews – The Pharisees and modern Talmudic Jews – The Tares – The Synagogue of Satan.

      • GodhelpUS

        Correct, I agree.

        • yes2truth

          Thank you for saying so and excellent news for there are so many that disagree. :grin:

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