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Volcanic eruption - Explosions - Magnitude quake: 6.6 Predicted by Dr. Turi

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This newsletter was published 1/30/2014 – Now how many of the New Age “Talking Heads” you heard last week end at the City of Angels  Cosmic Awakening conference offered you such real predictions or legitimate cosmic wisdom?  You need to read this newsletter again and realize Dr. Turi IS the real thing and his confidence does match is unarguable wisdom. And if some take this as an ego trip ( and the young souls will) then they have a problem accepting the TRUTH!   

All you have to do is to scroll down and read the facts!…

”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary;  For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future!


‘The British Invasion’

Dear VIP’s;

 I recall those days dancing and listening to the Beatles like if it was yesterday… In fact I partly blame those four  young boys for me ending and living a decade in  England pursuing my dream to one day become a recording artist. And while, after many years of incredible suffering and dedication I succeeded and graduated with honor at the Audrey Wickens School of Music, associated with the Royal School of Music in London in 1978.  

THE SIXTIES? Talking about people and affairs of the past being thrown at your face…Amanda Knox: New guilty verdict ‘hit me like a train‘  The more obvious the Cosmic Code the less perceptive human are! In “IT DIDN’T HAVE TO HAPPEN had they Know about the Cosmic Code jurisdictions!” I explained what a Super Nova window is all about trying to offer answers to the millions of non cosmic conscious people suffering the effect of a “Mercury Retrograde!” 

How did this happen? Who’s to blame?

Its amazing how human reflect on “How did this happen and  Who’s to blame” using their 5 limited rational human senses and blame each others and the weather when the real reasons for their misfortune is nothing else than another “Act of God” they could never ever comprehend…

Unless taught by wiser men “following the stars.” 

But the real story behind Jesus’ initial ministry, the wise men (cosmic conscious ET’s) and the bible including the  bible Money Code is far from God’s true identity! Imagine for a second the incredible challenge I have to face educating a God fearing masses today knowing human are educated and can read anything thrown at them.  Did it occur to you two thousands years ago only the privileged select clergy was able to do so and the mass of human then were illiterate? 

But regardless, how much do you think humanity came along since then?  Quite a lot indeed, we went on the moon, we see the stars and the sun much closer than ever with our brilliant technology,  and we can see and converse immediately with anyone, anywhere in the world! Indeed humanity came a long way with an ever active smart scientific community who, at the same time lost the true values of the spirit… 

But thanks to the endless efforts produced by the religious matrixes to bury the truth of a cosmic God acting from the heavens, only a minority of highly spiritual human beings can read and translate the signs… 

Science see all the planets and stars like never before and no telescope before Hubble had the resolution to see these distant galaxies. But without the spirit the focus is solely concentrated on the physical composition of those stars and this is where Dr. Turi’s cosmic code comes in to play and help humanity to perceive and conceive a God both the Christians and science will agree with!

Atheist ‘Megachurches’ EVIL Crop Up Around The World.

“ A Crucial Message to All Atheists and Christians“  

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.

– Matthew 13:13

But when you are one of the “Chosen Ones” warn and offer an immaculate gift of prediction the ugly head of evil surface with all its enviousness… Thus human “default” causes a lot of sadness on all the people who have succeeded in life with a rare gift so many wish they had but don’t. Could Justin Bieber be deported?

Indeed if you happen to be “special” the norm will resent you because you know better or enjoy a better existence. Then to some unscrupulous jealous people your idol will become the worse person on the planet and the process to destroy him is unleashed! This is happening all the time when your highly critical, more than perfect nature has been somehow offended by this person words or actions.

Up of a sudden, all the good  that this person represents and has done for you over the years disappear… The tremendous mental I work generate every day, the free books I gave away over the years means nothing any-more while my Internet enemies blaspheme endlessly about my “huge ego” and deplorable attitude and try to ruin my good name through Ripoff Report.

If you are special and, in my case prove my UFO legacy and true cosmic wisdom you become the black ship of the UFO community, the one that must be destroyed and avoided like the pest! The REAL “International UFO Congress” Creator Bob Brown loved Dr. Turi but the new Phoenix based management do not want to deal with real UFO cases like mine and rejected my offer to speak in my home town in Phoenix!

Indeed being Dr. Turi scares the hell out of everyone unwilling to deal, read, face and accept the undiluted TRUTH! Incidentally only those secured at the top of their national game i.e. George Noory  and so many other wiser souls keep having Dr. Turi share his cosmic wisdom!

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy!

If you are part of the “gang” you gain the support, the respect of all its participants but if you decided to go it alone because most of those non cosmic conscious “Talking Heads” are fake then be ready to be alienated.

But at 64 I am much to safe and know a bit too much not to laugh at all of those insecure people still looking for their own emotional, financial and spiritual stability… I own it all on both the physical and the spiritual planes and keep offering much of my cosmic pearls of wisdom for free to all the people they tried so hard to mute me from through my Cyber Cosmic University… 

But again anyone can pretend to be special and unless you have the gift to back it up I strongly recommend you to be quiet because people reading my articles are far from being gullible  idiots, and this is why they are all coming back for more! Including all my enemies incidentally! Being truthful and real is a rare commodity in the New Age crowd, mostly because it is made up of deceptive well read Neptunians.  

They ALL have  mastered the art of lecturing to the extreme and know how to attract bees with their sugary loving coloured talks. You ain’t gonna get those with me and this is why the “natural selection” can only bring me with a much smarter, refined, curious audience… 

Enough talks let’s do some predictions now… Welcome to February 2014 VIP’s.

Holder of knowledge of the dimensions

The spark of all the inventions

Lover of all things in simplicity

Charged with the power of electricity

I am AQUARIUS, child of Uranus.


JANUARY 30, 31:

 Earth belly fury will surprise many
Mother Nature rules unleashed power
While wind fire and water will join
In a dance where all evils rejoice

Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoes/Tornadoes/ NASA/Aeronautics/Electronics


Sources: Needle found in his arm - Shocking?



Barrel bombs rain down - Explosions?

Updated!  Volcanic eruption kills 14 - Volcanoe?

Readers, do you think the scientific community  thinks of my “pseudo-science” work as a total waste of times and still doubt God speaks to me and I can read the ”signs”  better than all meteorologists and geologists combined together? Should the young insecure souls blame my “ego” or should they start taking me more seriously? 

 Events: New moon or not, Uranus will surprise many of us with nature’s destructive forces. Be ready for earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions or incredible weather developments soon.

Snow woes: Who knew what — and when? 


THU., FRI. — JANUARY 30, 31:

RULERS — Uranus (Surprises/explosions) Neptune (Religion/water):

 Work, Career and Business: With the New Moon upon us you will encounter interesting people and incredible situations.  Neptune may induce a trip for business close to the water.  Many of us will be forced into new circumstances involving career moves or jobs. Get out now!  Many Saturnian people will be standing next to you and could further your wishes; don’t be afraid to start a conversation with an older person. Don’t take anything personally if some of their comments seem harsh; they might know better than you. Use this progressive trend and invest some thought into new business opportunities. A change in schedules or rules could affect you, take chances now.  Keep busy and be courteous to the Boss and pleasant to everyone, you’re being noticed for your gentle nature. Be easy on yourself, don’t be too critical of anyone in the office; nobody is perfect.

 Partnerships: Be ready for a wave of surprising news coming your way. Karmic Neptunian souls will not benefit from that unexpected news, and some will be forced to accept the realities of life. Listen to an older person, he may play an important part in helping your emotional life and will give you good advice. Uranus, “the Lord of surprises” and Neptune “Poseidon” could also bring about boating misadventures; be aware if you happen to get close to the river or the ocean this weekend.  Avoid drinking heavily and watch your possessions.

 Family and Friends: Trust the waxing Moon and the upcoming changes; be confident in the new situation, as it will affect your security and your finances positively.  Keep an eye on the children; Uranus will make them behave irrationally, they will be overactive and you do not want anything bad to happen. An adolescent or a younger friend may need your support and may ask for direction.  Do not turn down invitations, and you may also invite a long-standing friend to spend valuable time in your company.  Some of those friends will bring your wishes home; be active on the social front.  Wishes can only take place if you participate with life fully.

 Love Affairs: Neptune may grasp the spirit of a person close to you and induce emotional stress and confusion.  Be considerate or you may lose that person in the future if you do nothing. Expect some people to fall for Uranus’ erratic personality and to surprise you in public places. Love is in the air for many while for others, Neptune may lead them into a secret love affair.  Be aware of weird souls hanging around, but you can still enjoy their original company. Again, don’t fall for Neptune’s deceiving powers, avoid drinking during the late hours, as your emotions will run unusually high and could alter your driving or behavior.  If you were born in July, Capricorn, and Scorpio will be strongly attracted to you.  A Pisces friend will provide a wish.

 Travel and Communication: With Uranus’ eccentricity, be aware of crazy drivers while driving to trips or work during this trend. Take plenty of time to reach your destinations and be ready for some driver’s unexpected behavior on the road.  Neptune may make you feel sleepy, rest or walk a bit along the way.

 Famous Personalities: Expect startling developments with some well-known people trying to get more publicity. This energy doesn’t stop with famous people; regular souls may act oddly too. News of love, marriage, and children will make many famous people happy and ready to throw expensive social gathering.

 Events: New moon or not, Uranus will surprise many of us with nature’s destructive forces. Be ready for earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions or incredible weather developments soon.  Here is another sample warning you will read when you become a VIP using Nostradamus’ methodology. SOS To The World! Oklahoma Tornadoes Predicted!

Washington (CNN) –  Describing the tornado that swept across Oklahoma plains as ”one of the most destructive storms in history,” President Barack Obama said Tuesday the state “needs to get everything it needs right away” to recover from the devastating twister..”   

Shopping: This is a good time to visit your favorite spiritual for his divine guidance. Spend on anything electronic now; this will prove to be beneficial for your business life in the long run.

Note to my VIPs;
Dr. Turi 2014 – 2016 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions  - 2014 MERCURY RETROGRADE – SUPERNOVA WINDOWS - February 2014 Daily Guidance and Predictions – February 2014 Elaborated Horoscope For All Signs and February 2014 Moon Transits will be posted before January is over!  Become a VIP, JOIN NOW!


“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.”  – Matthew 13:13  - 

 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain


 Out of This World with your host, Ted Mahr 

 listen to my latest radio show with Ted

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


  If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

  Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit

  [email protected] 


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