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By Alton Parrish (Reporter)
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Giant Structures Discovered On Moon's Surface In Google Earth Map

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UFO Sightings Daily author Scott C. Waring says, “Okay, guys this is amazing to say the least. These are some of the white ceramic-like structures I have told you about many times. Look at the first screenshot I post and you will see these are massive structures. You can see they are 3 dimensional objects on the surface of the moon.”


Date of discovery: March 2014

Location of discovery: Earths Moon

Method: Google Earth map (free to download)



Waring says,   “I have seen them before, but not made from the white material, instead they were black metallic. Also notice the sharp ridges (photo below) protruding from the structures…that is evidence these are 100% real alien structures since I have found those sharp ridges on thousand of other structures.”


“What looks like crosses is really massive ships made from this white material. The are portable, movable and oddly placed. However some are different in shape,” says Waring



Eyewitness states: After many hours of reviewing Apollo 14 I started scanning the area around it, and then I found the truth as to what they were looking for as what I have found is the smoking gun evidence of why Apollo 14 was sent to this region absolute proof of life on the moon.


See more from Scott Waring at UFO Sightings Daily

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    Total 14 comments
    • TombRaider

      Google went to the moon? :roll:


        Pretty good. I say there are people on the moon. Let’s send Hussein there do he can run the moon into trouble as he did with America.

    • Gil Carlson

      We shouldn’t be surprised that objects like these would be found on the Moon.

      Afterall, the Moon would be a perfect staging area for all the UFOs that have been visiting the Earth all these years.

      Don’t believe in aliens? The government seems to, there seems to be plenty of proof that they have been working on genetic experiments with several aliens groups. Yes, it seems unbelievable, but take a look at this website, something very strange has been going on:

    • StavoV

      Those supposed moon structures, are the future privately owned prisons, that the world is going to send all rightwing fascist. :wink:

    • Snowball

      Apollo 14 left scientif instruments, a lunar module, and other miscellaneous debris on the moon. What you’re looking at is just a small strip of corrugated metal.

    • angkory13

      There’s something strange here to. This is in the ocean, south west Australia. I would like someone to explain it :

    • 2014Watcher

      The object looks more like Neil Armstrong’s disposable razor.

    • iamamerican

      With all the evidence of extraterrestrials [and please don't say there is no evidence] it seems very likely that this is some kind of alien structure. There have numerous ex military that had very high clearances that have told us about our military and government working with aliens and most have died because of their revelations. So all of you who want to discredit what I say then why would an ex military have any reason to lie, and if they were lying why would the government or military assassinate them?

      • COCONUT

        There exist 2 videos on the reason why men didn’t go back to the moon – THEY WERE ADVISED NOT (NOT) TO…

    • Em18966

      Please check this out. I have been working on some stuff for a while now. I think that a lot of what is going on in the world right now – disappearing planes, potential WWIII – is all connected to something much bigger and more disturbing than most people have ever considered…

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