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By Alton Parrish (Reporter)
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Secrets Of The Apollo Missions Revealed: NASA Faked Fake Moon Landing To Distract From Aliens And UFOs, Video

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During the  Apollo missions UFO’s and buildings that were photographed by astronauts.  The film maker asserts that NASA started the story that the moon landings were a hoax to cover up evidence of aliens and high technology on the Moon that was found by Apollo mission astronauts. 


Photos from Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and others with some more recent “Google Moon” “Tycho Crater” anomalies and with some recently leaked Chinese and Russian images. 


Mining machines and their tracks, huge towers, crater buildings, massive alien Moon bases and some astonishing Lunar Orbiter images of glass structures. 


Former NASA Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency’s Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo mission was fired for telling the truth about what the astronauts found. 



Also some classic UFO photos taken during all the Apollo missions. Brace yourself!

The reason why some people think that the Apollo 11 moon landings were faked is that many of the images were doctored. 

Radio transmissions were also switched to keep the Moon UFO’s that followed the Apollo missions to the surface and the intelligent structures that were found there a secret. 

These UFO’s go some way to explain some of the strange lighting effects that people point out in many of the Apollo pictures. You can clearly see them in some of these NASA photos. 


Some of the astronauts have recently testified on film about these UFO’s and structures.

The conspiracy that states that the Moon landings were faked was started by NASA according to Richard C Hoagland. 

Memos were handed to the press in the early 1970′s to start the ball rolling. 

The perfect cover for the secret space program. Distracting any potential moon landing sceptics.

The spawning of this huge home made conspiracy was a total distraction. 


Then for decades people were all arguing about whether they even went to he moon instead of keeping an eye on them. Clever.


So it was all a huge psy-ops gig to confuse and disrupt any potential trouble makers.


The image at 11.36 minutes is a mock up. All the rest are genuine.


This is an ArtAlienTV production


Source: ArtAlienTV   Download the music

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    Total 41 comments

      I for one do not believe moon landings were faked.

      • Fr.Duffy Fighting 69th

        The ones you saw were faked. The real one were kept from the public. Unless you think the astronauts could have survived in that environment with what we saw them carry on their backs? Ludicrous.

        • Gil Carlson

          Why are we searching on Mars and the Moon for aliens and UFOs? They are already here! For example take a look at this photo of a UFO, clear as day, being escorted by Air Force jets:

        • LifeIs

          Fr.Duffy Fighting 69th true, the pictures we saw were (poorly done) fakes. In an attempt to explain away some of the easily-proved fakery, Henry Kissinger (National Security Adviser and Secretary of State in the Apollo era) has said that SOME of the pictures were faked, in case the missions had failed.

          (So why do they all look the same, Henry)

          You are correct about the radiation belts. This is why no one has gone beyond low earth orbit, in all this time. (Geez, guys, THINK. If the Apollo astronauts could go beyond low earth orbit, why hasn’t ANYBODY done it in the last 42 years?)

          Also the Moon’s surface is radioactive. Atoms are split by cosmic ray bombardment, and solar neutron bombardment. The Moon is a bright gamma ray source, for this reason. And that alone would have exposed / ruined photographic film.

          You are incorrect about secret Moon flights. We simply replaced the Lunar Module with an unmanned probe, in the Apollo flights.

          The unmanned vehicle might have scooped up soil samples– the Soviets did exactly that, a few years later. We have Moon rocks to study, that came down as meteorites — having been blasted into space by asteroid impacts.

          The Soviets found hydrated minerals, after WE said there weren’t any. Because OUR moon rocks were meteorites found on Earth, WE assumed any water was the result of contamination.

          • tramston

            Holy see-through shill Batman!

      • WeBeDoomed

        I’m with you on this one. I’d sooner believe in the integrity of Dr Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong that any of the loons out their saying it was faked.

        • COCONUT

          I could see how it could now easily be done. But the technology in 69 was not was it is today. And I firmly believe that there are aliens bases on the moon.

        • Fr.Duffy Fighting 69th

          Aldrin and Armstrong are not the issue. The issue is that the technology exhibited in 1969 was completely incapable of passing through the Van Allen Radiation Belt, establishing an orbit around the Moon, landing men and returning them to Earth. I am sure we have been to Moon, just not in a way that any of us are privy to. NASA is a front for the real space program hidden in the bowels of the Black Projects budget. I believe that there are bases on the Moon, and that they are recovering artifacts of past civilizations. Same on Mars. The real fakery is not Apollo, it is the fact that the masses are kept in the dark.

        • Osimandias

          Freemasons… Nuff said.

        • apache5

          READ the article it says they started a RUMOR that it was faked to cover up all the stuff they doctored that we are not suppose to see !!!

      • Working the Beat

        Maybe they weren’t, it may be we didn’t see everything thouh, just what was for public consumption.

    • JoeWhite - ArtAlienTV

      All you have to do is go on Google Moon and go to Tycho crater and look at the west ridge – thousands of buildings.
      As for NASA – never a straight answer.
      My father in law actually moved to the US and worked on the Apollo 11 mission back in 1968 – 69 as a thermodynamic engineer – they definitely went there.
      They didn’t go there just to pick up rocks. They knew full well about the buildings from images taken back in 1963 by the Lunar Orbiter. (not all on the dark side either)
      Recent whistle blowers have confirmed this.

    • HereAmI

      Here is the proof that no-one has been to the Moon, and no-one can go to the Moon.
      1. If the earth is spinning at 1000 mph at the equator, then the law of inertia states that the oceans will immediately well up into a wall of water so vast and awe-inspiring that all life would be obliterated.
      2. Therefore, as we have been told “From the beginning”, the earth is not spinning, it is stationary.
      “The world also is stablished that it cannot be moved”, and about another 90 statements from the Bible of similar tone, including the same thing from the solar perspective, eg “The sun also arises, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to its place where it arose”.
      ( There is no external proof for the Copernican Hypothesis; it is internally coherent, but so is the geocentric worldview )
      Sir Fred Hoyle saw no way to disentangle the two viewpoints; either you believe one, or you believe the other, but my point about inertia, I feel, settles the matter.
      3. Therefore, the Moon orbits earth every 24 hours, not monthly. At its distance of 1/4 million miles away from us, it would need to travel at 60,000 mph to do this.
      The Apollo fantasy vehicle ( exposed in “A funny thing happened on the way to the Moon” and “The Shining”, etc ) would therefore need to synchronize velocity to go into moon orbit. Apollo allegedly took 3 days to get to the Moon, therefore it was travelling at 3000 mph.
      Houston, we have a problem.

      • LifeIs

        HereAmI the fact that the land and sea and air at the equator are moving at 1,000 mph plus
        is established by comparing the circumference of the Earth with the length of the day.

        It takes 24 hours for a point on the equator to make a 360 degree sweep, you see.

      • Arte Vespule

        So the sun is orbiting around the Earth? Ar you really serious with this bunk???

        • WeBeDoomed

          …and don’t forget that the earth is flat

        • Anonymous

          Elvis lives!

      • Key Logic

        Listen to this self-absorbed, very dangerous “christian” named hereami!

        Can you imagine THIS INSANE VIOLENT MONSTER, hereami, actually thinking he has a “RIGHT” to “teach” your CHILDREN THIS dangerously deluded “dribble?

        The valiant “Defender” of the white-skinned male god FABLE says “believe in the white-man as god”, or suffer eternal torture forever FOR NOT JOINING OUR INSANE, VIOLENT LUNATIC KILLER –CULT!

        Well, relentless killer cult boy, get ready to be eliminated off this earth!

        chris SCUM dumb members DO NOT have a “right” to push their suicide/torture “religion” TO ANYONE!

        OUTLAW “Christianity” AND WAR WILL END!

        It is time to eliminate the monolithic religions that push the “belief” that “god” has a male human “sex” organ, and that the “religious” members of the evil judeo chris SCUM DUMB AND muscle-SCUM “religions” have a “right” TO SPREAD THEIR SPIRITUAL CANCER TO OTHERS, especially children!

        On guard, hereami, demented LUNATIC, for we are the “LEGION of Heretics”, AND WE WILL NOT QUIT changeling YOU until your vile killer-creeds are all outlawed, and your “religions” fade away into the “Dust Bin” of past HISTORY!


    • Cade

      So NASA has managed to fake the moon landings and to fake the fake moon landings. Whether you believe they did or did not go to the moon, they’re still the ones that have you convinced. What do you know? Skeptic or believer, we’re all on the same side after all. :grin:

    • Puffnstuff

      I’d be more concerned about your woman faking an orgasm than this.

    • Alternative-News

      Nice – @ ArtAlienTV production

    • Room With a View

      I have a question, if it takes 24 hours to fly from Sydney to Paris, and the earth is spinning at 1000mph in one direction, why does it take 24 hours to fly from Paris to Sydney??????. If the earth is spinning at 1000mph, surely it would be faster one way and incredibly slow the other way? Just another quantam leap of mind numbing brainwashing we have come to understand as the truth. At what point is the Nor’easter taken from if the earth is revolving and all the atmosphere revolves with it as well? The earth may be round, but it is not a sphere……it is flat, and the sky turns in a circle above us. Everything you know and have been taught is a lie!!!!!!!

      • LifeIs

        the 1000 mph plus is at the equator.

        it is zero mph at the north and the south poles.

        air moving toward the equator appears to turn — that’s the earth moving underneath it — it’s called the Coriolis Effect.

        air — and water — pick up speed as they move toward the equator — and lose it as they move away.

        this is where the speed of the jet streams comes from — the Coriolis Effect– air moving away from the equator has the speed it picked up when closer to the equator.

        and this is how cyclonic storms get going….

        your flight around the world is going to be sped along — or slowed — by the winds at cruising altitude — not by the speed at the earth’s surface..

        if you have any questions just ask.

        • LifeIs

          this is not to say the earth doesn’t spin underneath you as you fly… you will have a shorter flight if you fly west, than the same trip flying east…

      • Sean

        Now your getting it, the Earth does not move..and is the central sun, why do you see the same star constellations for 1000′s of years if we revolve around the sun, are the star constellations that are suppose to be 100′s of millions of miles away or more, moving faster just to keep up, here is a great book to read written in 1919 by charles fort, called “the book of the damned”..talking about what has been hidden from humans by religion and science, all very well documented and referenced

    • sayomitora

      NASA is just setting you up for the alien hoax that will hit this planet in order to destroy religion and set up the “NWO”. I’d learn a little more about the organization NASA before buying anything that they are selling you.

    • Project Spacebook

      nice photos man we went to the moon but they faked it for the public
      they want you to think it was fake…

    • Project Spacebook

      why do whackjobs steal other whackjob’s article’s on here?

    • Sean

      He’s a question for you Alton, if the Moon is really 250,000 miles away and really has a diameter of 2,159 miles

      How can a guy with a small 70mm telescope costing 80 dollars (todays price), with a good eye piece and a 70 dollar camera, see the moons surface like it was only 37 miles away and only 100 miles wide

      What is the focal range when all added up ? 250,000 miles ? or under 50 miles !

      Or can this guy see a dime with this same set-up in California, while he was in New York since we are talking only 3,000 miles away now, after the 6 min mark he extends the zoom on the camera

      Is the sun and mars only really 2,000 miles away ?

      This video shows what the moon usually looks like when observed through a small amateur telescope, such as my 70mm achromatic refractor which I purchased about ten years ago for 150 dollars. This video is part of a series of videos that I am placing on YouTube to give members of the public some information about the fascinating hobby of amateur astronomy. I actually photographed the video through the 70mm telescope with an ordinary Kodak digital camera which I recently purchased for 70 dollars; this camera was mounted on a separate camera tripod and moved up close to the telescope eyepiece; the camera was thus looking through the telescope in a manner similar to a person looking with his eye through the telescope. I showed how this telescope works in a recent video on YouTube. It is the same telescope that I used to photograph the recent transit of the planet Venus across the sun.

    • StavoV

      Notice how all of the pictures with man made objects…..are always blurry? Wonder why that is. lol :wink: :roll:

    • eagererin


    • StormyB4

      Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe NASA is promoting the aliens on the moon story to cover up for the fact they never went?

      • LifeIs

        StormyB4 yes it did. When they started trying to explain why we never go anywhere in space, by throwing out a spurious Neil Armstrong quote, “We were warned off,” it was obvious.

    • sk1951

      I think I’m gonna wait till some real proof shows up.

    • cryptkeeper

      I made a comment on this yesterday but it never showed up.Must have been censured by the moderators.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Why didn’t solar flares kill the individuals on the 1969 Moon landing, because it was reported that the flares were at 14 on the scale, that would have fried or vaporized them…why not ?!
      let me know at [email protected] …thank you

    • Kent

      According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7500 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It’s a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Demons grow human skin and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov’t provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you’re being abducted, scream: “JESUS!!!” Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. Don’t go into a UFO to be healed by demons. 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card (world passport). Police will chip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you’re about to be marked, scream: “Lord, have mercy!” three times. Go hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666. God gives you a name during baptism. Devil gives you an anti-name during anti-baptism. Barcode is Druid black magic curse and a form of mark of the beast just like Social Security. People who took any number (which is an anti-name given during anti-baptism by the beast) on documents or in computer go to temporary hell; but those who receive green 666 (given with world passport with no name on it) on forehead or wrist go to permanent hell. How not to go to hell? Give back all these anti-name anti-baptism documents back to the beast by writing to appropriate authorities. If authorities refuse to cancel these anti-names, then write again (up to three times). If you wrote to the gov’t three times about it, but gov’t refused, then God will not send you to hell. Don’t take the microchip. If you already took it, get rid of it because microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take the world passport (grey plastic card with no name on it). Don’t go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell. Jesus was born of the Father before time. Jesus is 100% God. Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. Holy Spirit is 100% God. Jesus incarnated. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. His body felt pain but didn’t have the original sin (eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve). After crucifiction, Jesus preached in hell. Those who believed, got out of hell. After resurrection, Jesus has a body that doesn’t feel pain; He is still considered to be 100% God and 100% man. Holy Spirit (who proceeds from the Father) descended upon God-bearer when She agreed to conceive the Word (Jesus). Jesus incarnated this way. She always remained a virgin: before, during, and after. She didn’t have personal sins (by the grace of God) but the original sin (eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve) was on Her; so, Jesus is Her Saviour too. She died 15 years after Christ’s ascension; Jesus resurrected Her body in 3 days.

      • Key Logic

        Kent Here IS a real product of the evil chris 0 CREEPS of amerika!

        Kent needs to be arrested and taken to his local FEMA Camp for some “re-education”, which WILL REMOVE the “white-skinned male” from his very racist, sexist, and VIOLENT WAR-MONGERING “religion”.

        It is for your own good, and MY PROTECTION, you crazy chris 0 CREEP NAMED Neo!
        You free kin RETARD for “god”!

        So, Kent, your “prince of peace” “god”, a white-skinned male HUman named “jesus”, is coming back to earth to save YOU by WAGING “WAR”!
        Kent is a violent LUNATIC who MUST be re-educated for his own good.

        OUTLAW Christianity AND WAR WILL END!

        • HfjNUlYZ

          So WILL outlawing Christianity END the war BETWEEN Palestine AND Israel?

    • RickMAC

      The close up picture of the supposed Alien Base on the Moon is actually Takht-e Soleymān, an ancient citadel in Northwest Iran — The picture would have been more believable without the farm land and trees from their “Cough Cough” Classified moon base foto collection. Check out the original minus the photoshoppe work

      more information can be found on my pinterest boards

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