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What kills people who live to 100 and how to live a long life - THE BRITISH NEVER DIE!

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 The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact;   But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic  Divinity and with it,  a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.

— Dr. Turi

May God Bless The Queen

(CNN) – It is Her Majesty’s custom to send a personal greeting to her subjects on their 100th birthdays. These days the Queen of England has a lot more letters to write.

Dear readers;

Indeed, if you are a regular reader, I mentioned countless times that England is a Capricorn country, ruled by Saturn and this sign is well known to be the longest living sign of the zodiac. This sign rules also classical music, politics, structures, engineering,  the higher hierarchy, the  ruling party, the rich, the snobs and the Illuminati. This include all souls who reached a position of power and respect through their traditional scientific or religious education.

They are the traditionally “educated” monsters of the future fighting each others to death, all unwilling and unable to conceive God’s cosmic divinity and the soul of the cosmos.

Saturn rules the dry and cold essence of all atheists, agnostics, skeptics and science itself. Saturn also build everything upon all religious codification of thoughts i.e. the Vatican corporation.  It is because of the British ingenious structuring power that politics and order (and abuses) exist today!


Capricorn is also the sign of the devil subconsciously chosen by Christianity, and this tells you how little all those God fearing souls truly know about astrology! Note Hitler was born with a negative Capricorn Dragon’s Tail and his cosmic identity lead him “subconsciously” to invade and try to rule the world!

Builder of the greatest towers
Holding all the social powers
Striving to climb to the highest peak
For honor has no place for the weak
I am CAPRICORN, child of Saturn.

Indeed Astrology is the mother of all sciences and at the core of all religions

Outside of a wondering infantile science ridiculousness, the fact is; if you are British, Saturn will offer you the option to enjoy a long and healthy life. But this does not mean happiness or fulfillment!

I spent over ten years in the UK and outside of the stars influences, be sure  their disgusting, non enriched food and regular traditional  hot cup of tea play an important part of their longevity. I am not an “accredited” scientist but I own cosmic consciousness, a hell of common sense and tons of hands on experiences in this particular country!

Back then, after experiencing the pitiful English food walking the cold and wet streets of London, the first thing I noticed was the amount of old people around me and a serious lack of sunshine.

Born in the south of France in Provence, not only the people, but the food was also very warm and appetizing. But longevity is not only experienced in the UK, because millions of people were born in January, or February as seen in the case of  Jeanne Calment, and have a lot of planets located in the long living Capricorn sign.

You may be born under any other signs and still enjoy a very long life, and that is because your moon, your rising, natal or hidden Dragons including a good aspect to Saturn to your 6th house of health (or 8th house of death)  bless your UCI.

 Jeanne Calment was born on February 21, 1875, and lived to the age of 122 in Arles, France (home of the painter Vincent Van Gogh, whom she met as a little girl).

Well born February 26, 1950 I have a strong feeling that I will also live a very long life, especially since I was able to beat cancer naturally.

Remember where ever Saturn (The Great Malefic) is located in your chart, its constrictive power often affect negatively the parts of the body being built in the mother’s womb.

Knowing Saturn/Capricorn rules the long process of any and all structures, its freezing power do not allow for the complete building  of some of the human body parts. Thus if for example Saturn is found afflicting the sign of Leo (the heart) your chances of heart diseases increase drastically. Something science can only refer as “birth defect!”

The fact is ”birth defect!” will take place where ever “the great malefic” planet Saturn is located by sign often resulting in surgery or the use of medications as you get older.

In my case when I was in the building process in my mother womb in 1950, Saturn was cursing the sign of Virgo,  a sign that rules the digestive track and the elimination process.

Thus all my life, I encountered intestinal problems due to my “lazy” guts and finally developed colon cancer.  But using  my “Universal Blood Transfusion” I was able to beat the monster growing in me. I wonder how anyone can talk about healing anyone or anything having no personal experience of a single major diseases?

It feel like teaching someone to drive a car when your teacher rode only  bicycles all his life! Where is common sense on some people looking for healers, I wonder…

Depending on its location, by house and signs, Saturn can also affect your mind and induce chronic depressions and suicide become a real possibility. In some case Saturn can also affect your love life and your finances if found cursing the planet Venus (love) the sign of Taurus (banks) or Libra (partnerships.)

The only way to remedy various physical or psychical problems is through the making and  use of powerful Talismans. But one must be fully cosmic conscious to tap and seal the “missing” cosmic forces to battle certain malefic planets such as Saturn, Pluto and Neptune.

I have a few talismans to produce for my VIP’s and it may take months for me to wait and cast (captivate) the best “cosmic auspices.”

This very old Iranian talisman speaks of the power of Gemini (the twins/teaching/talking) and Pisces (intuition/magic) created by a “wise man” or a  soul doctor astrologer in need of more cosmic power.

The Magical Power of Talismans!

The scientific community has yet to acknowledge, anything and everything on earth, including human beings are under the jurisdiction of the stars. Stars are made of all sorts of minerals found in food, water and on/in earth.

This is why I recommend my clients in need of talismans to mail me their personal small gold/silver articles and the precious stones associated with their zodiacal sign. All will be back to them with the cosmic fluid needed to beat their pain and suffering and attract emotional, financial and spiritual stability!

And that is much better that to let the scientific medical matrix poison your body, mind and soul with dangerous medical prescriptions!

I also tell them about the values coming from the purchase of all my personal possessions, crystals,  healing tools and all that I own and currently selling.  Anything you invest in HAS an energy, that can alter or benefit your life!

Much like a new car  or a new telephone, those items are like “talismans”  loaded with cosmic energy that can kill you or bring you bad news…

Indeed the number of children dying while texting is absolutely terrifying because those kids and their parents do not know about the cosmic code rules and invest on anything, anytime and doing so they break very important, subtle rules.

Indeed cosmic consciousness is a life saver, but  99.999% of the world is totally oblivious of my teachings and one more reason for you to post my work and help me save lives… No there are no “accidents” readers, only cosmic circumstances at work humanity and science have yet to uncover!

Indeed what ever “star power” is missing in your cosmic make up, or badly afflicting you through a negative planet can be mediated, replaced or even eliminated with powerful talismans. In fact, Astrogeologists and Soul Doctors of the future will use my cosmic wisdom as a base to learn all about the cosmic code and beat all diseases using the stars and talismans.

For now science is offering incredible medical tools that prolong life and stop diseases but the spiritual cosmic disassociation and cosmic timing is killing so many people undergoing surgery on one of their personal negative cosmic biorhythms.

 Indeed too many children died undergoing what science has considered a routine, non dangerous  medical procedure.  I inserted a recovered article titled “Girl brain dead after tonsil surgery – science KILLED Jahi McMath“ at the bottom of this one…

Luckily for us all, not only my faithful readers, but also thousands of curious medical scientists from all walks of life are reading and learning from my Cyber Cosmic University.

Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does

Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991! 

Instead of hiding their ignorance behind the world “ridicule” my “pseudo-science” has a world of miracles awaiting humanity if all those abusive matrixes lead us to self destruct within the next fifty years!

Unlike American and their famous fat McDonald burgers, the British diet is very light and drinking tea can only help assimilating the food and cleanse the body.

“The study, published in the most recent edition of PLOS Medicine, finds that most centenarians die from pneumonia or general frailty rather than cancer or heart disease. Chronic diseases are more likely to kill people who only make it to their 80s and 90s.”

Knowing science ridicule the spirit (UFO or astrology) there are tons of valuable information deriving from the various medical aspects of Astropsychology, all  appreciated by the many doctors I taught over the years!

Note, like Capricorn,  England is a gloomy place often enveloped in deep low clouds and rain poring rain  and this sign rules the human skeleton and all its bones. Thus general frailty is a given for anyone as you get older and certain food or supplement rich in minerals is recommended.

Secondly, breezing cold and wet air loaded with microscopic salt particles (England is a big island)  is not exactly good  for the lungs and induce many respiratory problems ”most centenarians die from pneumonia.”

Without regular exercises the elimination of toxins and a lack of oxygen does the rest… Back then, in 1980 I worked as a trainee nurse in St.Mary’s Hospital in Eastbourne Sussex, with the terminally ill,  and the abominable experiences with death and ghosts I endured are a bit too much for me to divulge here.

In fact many people who read my book “Beyond The Secret” may have serious difficulties believing what happened to me then… The secret to enjoy a long life is quite simple, BE HAPPY and be productive because if you do not create you die!

While the human body can take a hell of beating and is extraordinary resistant, it is the spirit that will keep it going. Like a car, if the engine is not maintained it wont run for long…

But what people do not know is the ONLY way to regenerate the spirit is through the affairs ruled by Pluto and the only thing astronomy knows about Pluto is only physical. In fact, in their cosmic ignorance, they thwarted the farthest, smallest and most powerful planet all.

Thus if you are dying from the inside out, chances are you do not know, where and how to regenerate your spirit with Pluto and as “ridiculous” as it may sound “what the bleep do you know”  about your own Pluto location by sign and house?

But what do science and religion knows about God’s cosmic purpose, the soul of the cosmos and its true spiritual purpose upon humanity?   Indeed all the scientific and religious talking heads who pretend to be the experts in their chosen field of expertise are the least knowledgeable on the very topic… 

Planet Impossible? Evolution Thwarted Again – by Creation!


“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus 

Lastly; Do you want to live a long life?  Remember to INVEST in anything and everything that can bring you wisdom and happiness because knowledge is power and ignorance is evil!

Be happy, do not misuse the Supra-conscious forces against you, because it will alter the atomic structure of your physical body if your mind is negative or non regenerative.

Find out all about your cosmic identity, your purpose in life and eliminate ALL unsubstantiated religious/scientific fears. Find out what God has in store for you and all its blessings. Its all written in light!

  • If you need to boost your cosmic power invest in a talisman, its not a laughing matter, its real and much cheaper than fighting a deadly disease in the long run!
  • Be physically and spiritually active, don’t smoke weed, unless you want to forget about the reality of life or cancer already got you and you are on your way out!
  • Get in the SUN, walk bare footed, eat as natural as you can, do not drink alcohol in excess, stay clear from medical prescriptions. You may be a target for science and medication if you are part of the OCD generation, read about it and be smart, God’s cosmic divinity CREATED you and can heal you better than any “educated” man!
  • Know YOUR the future is the reincarnation of all YOUR thoughts, keep them clean, have hope and faith in the forces you know nothing about just yet… Do not fall for the conspiracy, religious and scientific non cosmic conscious “talking heads” regurgitating their own fears upon you.
  • You do not need junk food for thoughts, and most of all, do not blame me for humanity cosmic ignorance and the impending fate of humanity. God did not put us on earth to experience a miserable existence, crimes, sickness, poverty, depressions, and a violent or slow death!  And yes there is a hell, WE are on a HELL we human have CREATED!  Blame it all on the religious, scientific and news-media controlling/educational matrixes wasting your children away!

But the human will is stronger than all “Those acts of God” and those “accidents” but unless you start recognizing, learning and heeding a cosmic God, I can only warn you of a gloomy future for humanity.

God is an eternal, universal cosmic energy referred appropriately as “Dark Matter” by science and faith by Christians!

“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true.  Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world.  The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements.  God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“


Recovered Article - ”Girl brain dead after tonsil surgery – science KILLED Jahi McMath

May God bless your soul

Girl brain dead after tonsil surgery

Dear Readers;

There are episodes in life that stick to your mind and this is one of them…When I was a child, back home in France, it was mandatory to have tonsils removed.  I was the last one to go to the hospital and for the first time in my life I was put in a car. I was barely 12 years old  but I recall clearly all my siblings crying and suffering, forced to eat only soup for a few days. When my turn came, I astonished everyone, including the doctor checking on us, because right after the surgery I was able to speak and eat almost immediately!

This is one of the fastest and safest procedures and while the results are debatable, millions have and will undergo through the surgeon’ sharp scalpel.  This bring me to right away to again mention, in 45 years servicing humanity, Dr. Turi never killed anyone and much of the opposite I may ad!

Only a few days, in CO Shooting – Karl H Pierson & Adam Lanza victims of today incomplete education” I wrote that I am often attacked by the envious “Young Souls” for deserving the lifestyle, wealth and goodies of what they call a real accredited “Doctor?” The fact is I can not count my students who own a BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! while some of them are “Who’s is Who’s” in the world of traditional medicine.

 When will those people finally realize doctors from highly respected “accredited” schools and universities, by the most conservative estimate researched and published by mainstream medical sources affirms the US medical system kills 225,000 people each year.

I have been in business since 1986 and killed no one, in the contrary saved thousands of people with my counselling, and their endless endorsements speaks the values of my true cosmic/psychical gift the highest, most expansive University could never produce.  A college degree takes 7 years or more to gain, guess what readers, I started studying the stars and the moon impact upon the human psyche with my Grand Ma in France as a child, and today at at 64, I am still learning and teaching people  how to reach the safety of cosmic consciousness…

Then today, as to give me a sign from the heavens, God spoke his will through the cosmic code and took 13-year-old Jahi McMath! I can only hope my “cosmic” work will reach one of their friends and/or the family so they can finally understand what really took place on that dramatic day…

By Mayra Cuevas, CNN - On the morning of Monday, December 9, Nailah and her mother, Sandy Chatman, took Jahi to Oakland Children’s Hospital. By Thursday, December 12, Jahi was declared medically dead. Additional testing confirmed the tragic news on Friday, December 13.

While working endlessly in her garden to feed us all, my Grandma always told me to be very aware of the daily whereabouts of the moon in the sky. She did not have moon tables, nor she could afford or knew about moon calendars, she used only her eyes, her inner wisdom  and knew exactly when to plant her crops. Some crops demand a lot of water and grow underground while other needs a lot of light and less water and mature above ground. I was much too young then to really comprehend what her own Grandma taught her many many years ago…  But the spiritual seed was planted and at 64, it is still growing…

Sad enough, our cosmic unconscious science see every single days that pass as the same and to them all,  December 9, was just another date in the calendar! But it was not, as far as Jahi was concerned and paid the ultimate price for science unwillingness to pay attention to the stars before doing a surgery! Again their hard logic will rush like a mad bull at me saying we did this a million times without any problem what so ever and will laugh and ridicule what they consider as a worthless pseudo-science!

I disagree with them and Jahi,  already suffered serious respiratory problems and one single mistake is more than enough to lose her, and THREE very serious mistakes were made on that day!

But how could I make sense at all, when the entire scientific community is totally unaware of the very basic medical aspects and teachings of Astropsychology?  The fact is her God fearing “trained” pious parents would have never lost her child had they called me and let me PICK the dates for her surgery! 

 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. Matthew 7:6


Indeed my world wide reading audience is made of thousands of curious doctors and owners of BA, MA, MBA, JD and PhD! and since I first used the Internet  I offered my pearls of wisdom for free to them all.  And all the pigs, since then began to attack my work and I… But some smarter souls made a good use of my cosmic / moon medical wisdom! “Full moon may disrupt may Dr. Turi says it does”

While I do not have Jahi full DOB, I can easily trace her natal and hidden dragons and I can assure my readers, on that day she was under one of her “2013 negative Cosmic Biorhythms.” But again, this will make absolutely no sense to science because they did not investigate any of  my claims. Something that would be easily done knowing the date of the “accidental” death. But instead of endorsing and financing my 45 years of independent moon researches, “Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain!

 In the medical aspect of Astropsychology, Aries rules the head and in sequences down to each part of the human body ending in the sign of Pisces and the feet.

  • 1st error: They did not check her personal Cosmic biorhythms!
  • 2nd error: You NEVER take anything out of the body when the Moon is waxing (positive)! 
  • 3rd error:  December 9, the moon was in Pisces.

 While science and the majority of the world laugh at the rare wisdom of the ancients, your children are dying, committing suicide and exterminate each others in public. All science has to battle this psychical nightmare is prescribing toxic drugs and prisons which are nothing else then profitable mental institutions using billions of your tax dollars to medicate all the lost deranged depleted souls!

This is why your endorsements and financial support is needed to help me battle the controlling scientific/religious educational matrixes and introduce Astropsychology in all our colleges and Universities. Please do so here!

  Now let me explain each of the above.

1st error: They did not check Jahi’s personal Cosmic biorhythms! Click on the link, read and offer your loved ones a priceless life saver for the holidays that will last all the way to 2015!  If you are a sensible doctor or a responsible medical student, do not assume anything  just yet and check my claims, you will SAVE lives!

2nd error: You NEVER take anything out of the body when the Moon is waxing (positive)! 

Imagine if my Grand Mother decided to plant her potatoes seeds in the middle of the winter and above ground? This is exactly what the doctors did! You do not take anything OUT of the body during a waxing moon, especially close to a FULL MOON because the moon gravitational forces, even on  Jahi’s tiny body pressured fluids will be above normal and in this case… unstoppable! 

The cancer that plagued me and never returned was surgically removed after the FULL MOON!  Read and watch the TV show at the bottom of this page! If you decide to go for breast implants, you are now ADDING to the body, thus wait for a waxing Cancer Moon (cancer rules the breasts) and your boobs jobs will be safe and perfect! Many women had complications and some even died just because their doctors are non cosmic conscious!

I get tons of calls from concerned people wondering of the best “cosmic auspices” to undergo surgery and I strongly recommend you all to check anything/everything before being anaesthetized and operated on.  Trusting your doctors is fine and I did just that in Thailand and they saved my life, but I also knew where the moon was by house and signs on the day of the surgery! My new 2014 Moon Power will soon be out and available, it should be MANDATORY for all doctors and patients alike to check God cosmic will before checking to the hospital.

More than any other, souls born in October and all water signs are prone to experience an early demise if they do not realize the direct connection their body has with our closest satellite! While souls born in January are more prone to suffer the moon impact on the mind, regardless of the month of birth, each and every signs of the Zodiac is directly affected by the moon in a very specific area of their natal UCI! And you better know about it or pay the price of your and your physician cosmic / moon ignorance.

“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them for interpretations so you may live a safer more productive life!” 


Meantime each months of the year I also produce a very precise daily “December 2013 Moon Transits“ for my trusting VIP’s (JOIN US TODAY!) but I must warn my readers that; I do not use  nor practice modern astrology! Instead Nostradamus 16th century methodology with the use of a modified astrological software where symbolisms, metaphors, intuition, signs and real cosmic wisdom apply!

Thus Astropsychology and all its variations has nothing to do with the  modern Astrology approach you read, follow, trust , learn or teach!  And you wonder why I am never invited in any Astrological conferences or if  someone suggest my name, they turn me down lolol – Much of today astrologers are much too concern with the mathematics and miss the entire forest for the tree… They were born astronomers, not Astrophiles but you can be sure, all the way from India, those astrologers, like you and science,  are learning from me and will never ever admit it… “Forbes Financial Astrology from India

Indeed my Cosmic Cyber University is growing and this is how God decided for me to fulfil my mission but soon I will STOP offering my work to the public! 

Trust me readers, if I was practising regular astrology I would never be able to make accurate predictions, read people spirit and do “cosmic medical diagnostics and  prognostics” accurately. Check my latest December SOS to the World predictions lately?

3rd error:  December 9, the moon was in Pisces.

Pisces rules the feet and any surgery in the lowest part of the body will “cosmically speaking” with the gravitational forces applied by the FULL MOON, bring a steady flow of blood and oxygen to the feet and help the elimination of any type of infectious microscopic organisms.

 Its like operating on a patient upside down or forcing blood from the top of the head (Aries) with an invisible vacuum sucking the blood from the feet (Pisces)  of the patient.  I can only use the utmost simplistic terms so the over educated non cosmic conscious doctors can comprehend and explain why they are unwillingly responsible and lost Jahi…

Its feels like an invisible elephant sitting on her lungs after the doctors removed her tonsils out trying to stop the pressure induced by the full moon…  Again what can not be seen does not mean it does not exist and the medical scientists MUST accept the few “cosmic” reasons why they, in their cosmic ignorance, involuntary KILLED HER!

In the future, when humanity finally raises back to God cosmic divinity and heed the cosmic code jurisdictions, the medical elites Astroatorneys of the future will own plenty cosmic wisdom to legally make their cases and “punish” the perpetrators. But for now I am the first “cosmic cop” and the only living Astrophiles since Nostradamus trying to help you with what the envious morons perceive as an endless Spamming! And my SPAM is my own way for Servicing  Poor Atheist Minds for FREE!

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they under*stand” the voice of heaven.

– Matthew 13:13  

Indeed the moon is responsible for the daily tides and in time of a full moon there is always bigger, stronger waves. If the scientific community can grasp this fact then they are on the right track! *Sarcasm…

This phenomena put a tremendous forces on the active faults of the earth and produces very large earthquakes and volcano eruptions. Astrogeologists of the future will make a good use of my work and will realize why my predictions of very large earthquakes are undeniable… But this does not mean USGS, NASA or the scientific community will ever give me a Nobel Prize lolol

“While the controlling scientific educational *matrix” community and the The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences offers a platform for recognition to all deserving rational souls, my accomplishments in the conception and applications of a spiritual Universe is ridicule or sought as pseudo-science only? ‘God particle’ scientists win Nobel.

“first make people laugh, and then make them think.” “The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine and technology.”

Why is this so complicated for science to accept and acknowledge my work is real and NOT a de-service/deceptive to society and why I could not care less about their rational oriented “Nobel Prize!” rewarding only sceintific rational/physical studies only!  I reach millions of scientific groups and medical institutions all over the world that could help me, not only doctors, but ALL fear the RIDICULE! 

“She lost four pints of blood. She had to have four blood transfusions. She had two liters of blood pumped out of her lungs, not including what was in her stomach,” Sealey said. ”There was an enormous amount of blood, and we kept asking, ‘Is this normal?’ Some nurses said I don’t know and some said yes. There was a lot of uncertainty and a lack of urgency.”

Indeed cosmically “moon” planning was the key and to me those educated doctors from all those  accredited prominent medical universities are non cosmic conscious, traditionally schooled KIDS  who can learn a thing or two from Dr. Turi!

“A statement provided by Krigel and signed by the chief of pediatrics, Dr. David Durand, read: ”Jahi’s family has requested that we not share any details of her case with the media. We can say that, as whenever we see a medical or surgical complication, we are reviewing her case very closely. Our hearts go out to her family, and we want to support them during this extremely difficult time.”

Indeed the angry medical legal hyenas are on the prowl and with time, millions of dollars, will be exchanging hands… The same idiocy, lack of curiosity, fear of the ridicule is cursing the Law Enforcement Administration and many cops lives are wasted in the process!  This nightmare of egocentric educated/accredited” spiritual pride combined with endless costly legal battles is costing greatly to humanity. And those wasted fortunes should be invested in my schools project so all the children of the future, do not fall victims of the controlling scientific and religious abusive matrixes and enjoy a much safer, productive life.

The question remain the same since 1986 when I wrote my first FREE newsletter and asked for your help!

“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

Since then thousands of new schools, Universities, religious, prisons and sports buildings were erected. And with it the real God cosmic essence I represent for your salvation is still ignored, and you wonder why I know humanity and Mother Earth are living on borrowing time? 

A true leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell

Any days now I will stop feeding the public with my cosmic pearls of wisdom, join us while you can to show your support for my work! Thank you – DT

L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

listen to my latest radio show with Jerry – US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Ted - US/world
listen to my latest radio show with Rob - Canada/world

 Endorse my work! Help me help all the children of the future please!


 If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

 Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit

 [email protected] 


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