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Was Dorian a Direct Hit on Chinese and Danish Deep State Sites in the Bahamas ?

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Was Dorian a Direct Hit on Chinese and

Danish Deep State Sites in the Bahamas ?

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Global Agenda

Published on Sep 5, 2019

Earlier this week I posted a video wondering why US President Donald Trump had said in a press conference that he had never heard of a category five hurricane. I wondered if he had lost his marbles because he had also said that the State of Alabama was going to get hit by Hurricane Dorian, which was also very strange. As you will see in this video I may just eat a little humble pie and I also admit that there also may well be a method to Trump’s madness.

#Alabama #Denmark #ChinaPort

Related video from Global Agenda: “Why is Donald Trump Acting Like An Ignorant Category Five Hurricane Dorian Fool?”…

Related links:……


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China Builds Port in Bahamas, Provides

‘Military Assistance’ And Equipment 180

Miles Off U.S. Coast

Published 2 years ago on Oct 31, 2017

By  Patrick Howley

China built a port on a remote island of The Bahamas, 180 miles off the U.S. coast, prompting suspicion from locals who are concerned about China’s potential military ambitions in the area. The port is currently empty, unused, and surrounded by barbed wire.

During the construction of the port, a top official with The Bahamas’ then-ruling progressive party vowed that “China will actively provide military assistance to the Bahamas and defense dialogue.”

Big League Politics has learned from Bahamian sources that residents are afraid to talk about the new Chinese installation in Coopers Town, which has a population of 676 on the island of Abaco. The 45-acre port was built by the China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) and is financed by the EXIM Bank of China and the Bahamian government. The port is closed and the road around it is too small for even construction trucks to drive on. Locals speculate that the port will be used for submarines.

“There is no reason at all for the port,” one local resident told Big League Politics. “The Chinese have been investing heavily, and nobody seems to know why.”

“I think so, in the future it looks like it’s going to end up being for military supplies,” the resident said. “Not many people are aware of it.”

“Some of the locals work there, but the port is closed so they laid them all off.”

“[The Chinese] just stay in the port, they don’t walk around. They go exercising early in the morning on the road or late in the evening. They don’t socialize with anybody. Many of them don’t even speak English,” the resident said.

“People haven’t been asking about it because they know what happens,” the resident said. “Our government is filled with corruption…they come looking for you, they beat your ass, they torch you until they get what they want out of you. They have no proper interrogation methods.”

“Before they [the Chinese] leave, they leave like $800,000 for the community, they’ve been doing that all over the Carribean. They leave parks, and things like that…In Jamaica, they have invested in roads, water and sewer.”

The China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) began construction on the port in North Abaco, The Bahamas, in 2014. “The port will be used to store a variety of building materials including steel, limestone and cement and other items, up to 10,000 tons,” reported the Jamaica Observer.

“The project is valued at $US49M which will be funded by the EXIM Bank of China and the Government of the Bahamas,” the China Harbour Engineering Company said on its website.

Local fishermen are not happy. The port is sitting completely empty with barbed wire surrounding it.

“There is zero need for a shipping port in Cooperstown. Anything that actually lands there will have to be trucked to MHH over an already deteriorating road. Few jobs were left for Bahamians. Just another example of the big guys lining their pockets at the expense of the folks,” said one commenter on an Abaco Forum.

Another commenter posted a message from a Bahamian that reads, “I just can’t wait until the U.S. media and U.S. public wake up to the fact that their government (the Obama/Hillary/Kerry government) has permitted Red China to set up shop (including deep water stealth submarine operations) in the Bahamas only a few short miles away from Florida and the entire Eastern Seaboard. I imagine most Americans will want all senior officials of the U.S. embassy in the Bahamas, the Dept of State in the U.S. and the NSA over the past decade or so to be drawn and quartered for high treason because of their serious failure to gather and act on intelligence information in order to protect the national security interests of the U.S.”

“Our leaders have once again sold us and our futures down the drain in favour of “their new bestest friends” the Chinese. What a bunch of inept ninnies. At least some Europeans, some Canadians and some Americans have or had blood ties and family in the Bahamas, but the Chinese,” said another commenter.

“I was told by one of the major shipping companies that they would not stop there and would continue to off load in marsh. Most of the freight goes to marsh or the close cays. They said what little freight does go north would not justify a second stop for the boat as time is money,” said another commenter.

“So many reasons the new port is an albatross in the making. I’ve talked to Bahamians working there. They’re offered very low wages with a “take it or leave it ” attitude from the Chinese, who have 2/3 of the jobs. When it’s done, it will be little used. What freight comes in there will mostly be trucked over the already deteriorating road to MHH. All of this $ while the new hospital in MHH sits incomplete and nurses won’t go into the old clinic because the mold is so bad. As is typical, the pols take care of themselves and the folks get screwed,” said another commenter.

The Progressive Liberal Party in the Bahamas, which was in the majority until the 2017 elections when it became the second most-powerful party, oversaw construction of the port during its five years of governance.

Latrae Rahming, Progressive Liberal Party and Senior Chinese Caribbean Government Consultant, said in a speech in Nassau on April 9, 2016 that the Bahamas is committed to a pro-China policy (emphasis added):

China will actively provide Military assistance to The Bahamas and defense dialogue,” Rahming said. “Recently through its agreed on obligations, China donated 1.2 million dollars to The Bahamas to purchase military equipment so as to improve jointly the capacity to respond to non-traditional security threats. Without a doubt, The Bahamas must prudently manage the complexities within the relationship. China’s growing presence in The Bahamas warrants active policy consideration. The Bahamas continues to be courteous to the advancement of China’s political, economic, social and cultural integration with the view of safeguarding it country’s long-term interest.”

“There’s a sustained perspective that China’s growing presence in the region seeks to undermine the United States strategic position and influence in its hemisphere. China’s incredibly ambitious foreign policy in The Bahamas and other Caribbean countries is Beijing continued efforts of improving its geostrategic significance unraveling its economic strength,” Rahming said in his speech, but denied that China’s influence on the islands is meant to curtail the influence of the United States.

Since the founding of the New China in 1949, The Bahamas and China have enjoyed sustained high-level exchanges; stronger political mutual trust relished with closer cooperation. The goals of China’s policy in The Bahamas: Is the promotion of mutual trust and respect built on shared ground. Deepen cooperation with the aim of achieving win-win results. Drawing on each other’s strengths to boost joint progress and intensify exchanges. And The One-China principle which is the political basis for the establishment and development of relations between China and The Bahamas.

“We always see the China through a prism of western media,” Latrae Rahming said on China Daily in June. “I think what I’ve learned is that the western media’s always been unfair to the Chinese people.”

In 2013, Bill Gertz reported that “China encircles U.S. by sailing warships in American waters, arming neighbors.”

“China has been quietly taking steps to encircle the United States by arming western hemisphere states, seeking closer military, economic, and diplomatic ties to U.S. neighbors, and sailing warships into U.S. maritime zones,” Gertz wrote. “The strategy is a Chinese version of what Beijing has charged is a U.S. strategy designed to encircle and ‘contain’ China. It is also directed at countering the Obama administration’s new strategy called the pivot to Asia. The pivot calls for closer economic, diplomatic, and military ties to Asian states that are increasingly concerned about Chinese encroachment throughout that region.”

Friday, January 16, 2015

Chinese Port in Abaco

January 16, 2015

We recently took a car trip north to Cooper’s Town.  Cooper’s Town is a Bahamian settlement that does not see many tourists.  In addition to being the home of the former Prime Minister of the Bahamas, it is the location of a new commercial shipping port being built by the Chinese.

The story is that the current port in Marsh Harbour is at capacity and this will provide expanded capabilities.   Right now it is basically a construction site – no channel, basin, or docks have yet been built.

It is, however, being built and run by Chinese nationals, so it is a bit strange.




All the signs are in Chinese, then English

For me, it is especially eerie in that I have just finished a couple of books (‘Ship Breakers’ and ‘Drowned Cities’) which are set in a United States that has descended into a ‘third-world’ state due to climate change.   War-lords battle for control of territory while people live in bare sustenance.

In the story, however, the Chinese, have become the dominant world power.  Their currency is the ‘gold standard’ that is desired by everyone, because it has a predictable value;  they are the ‘world-police’ – in fact they had a failed peace-making military mission that attempted to stop the fighting in the States.

I know I am reading too much into it, but it is still strange to see a Chinese port, only a couple hundred miles from the US – just saying.

The few Bahamians that we have talked to about the new port are as confused as we are.

Docked Harbour View Marina
Marsh Harbour, Abaco

China Harbour commences Bahamian

port project

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

China Harbour commences Bahamian port project

China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) Americas broke ground on a US$39-million port in North Abaco, The Bahamas, last Friday.

The project, which includes the development of a 3,500 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) on 45 acres of land on the small island of little more than 3,700 inhabitants, is expected to generate as many as 80 local jobs.

“I would like to thank the more than 80 local companies who have provided goods and services to China Harbour here in the Bahamas,” said Zhong Dong Tang, regional director of CHEC Americas. “From September to June, we have spent over $1.3 million in just Abaco alone. We look forward to further strengthening our relationships with Abaco’s business community as we work together for the successful completion of the North Abaco Port Project.”

The port will be used to store a variety of building materials including steel, limestone and cement and other items, up to 10,000 tons.

However, all decisions regarding the use of the port will be made and announced by the Bahamian Government once plans have been finalised.

“There was concern or agitation that this day would not dawn,” said Philip Brave Davis, Deputy Prime Minister of The Bahamas. “However, as promised we are here and breaking ground to build the North Abaco Port. Coopers Town specifically and by extension all of Abaco … will reap the benefits of this investment and seize opportunities resulting from this development.”

Davis also noted that teh government will continue to work alongside China Harbour to ensure that the project continues in a timely manner while using the maximum amount of Bahamian services.

The construction phase of the project is to be funded by the Export Import Bank of China and the Government of The Bahamas and is estimated to take approximately two years.


Bahamas Opens New Nassau Airport

Gateway, With Help From China

Above: the new airport gateway (BIS Photo)

10 / 12 / 2013

By the Caribbean Journal staff

The Bahamas has officially opened the new dual-lane gateway to Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau.

The project includes a four-lane carriageway, the construction of nine new roundabouts and the installation of electrical, cable and phone services.

The project was funded by the China Export-Import Bank following a contract signing in September 2010.

Chinese Ambassador to the Bahamas Hu Shan said the gateway demonstrated the Bahamas’ “image and strength.” He said China had attached great importance to the project.

“During the construction, the China Construction America Inc employed as many local workers as possible, made great contribution to both the local employment and economic development of the Bahamas,” Hu said.

Prime Minister Perry Christie said the new vista provided by the gateway would be a “delight” for Bahamians and visitors to the country.

Some landscaping work, signange installation and public art displays still need to be completed. The government said the project was “99 percent” complete.


China Building Long-Range Cruise Missile

Launched From Ship Container


Disguised weapon turns freighters into warships, ports to missile bases

LORA launch

Bill Gertz - MARCH 27, 2019 5:00 AM

China is building a long-range cruise missile fired from a shipping container that could turn Beijing’s large fleet of freighters into potential warships and commercial ports into future missile bases.

The new missile is in flight testing and is a land-attack variant of an advanced anti-ship missile called the YJ-18C, according to American defense officials.

The missile will be deployed in launchers that appear from the outside to be standard international shipping containers used throughout the world for moving millions of tons of goods, often on the deck of large freighters.

The YJ-18C is China’s version of the Club-K cruise missile built by Russia that also uses a launcher disguised as a shipping container. Israel also is working on a container-launched missile called the Lora.

Spokesmen for the Defense Intelligence Agency and Navy declined to comment.

Disclosure of the new missile comes as the Trump administration is nearing completion of a trade deal with China aimed at allaying American concerns over illicit trade practices by Beijing.

The new missile also could undermine China’s current buying and building spree for international commercial port projects.

The YJ-18C container missile also is being developed as China is engaged in a major global program called the Belt and Road Initiative that will provide Chinese military forces and warships with expanded access through a network of commercial ports around the world.

China operates or is building deep water ports in several strategic locations, including Bahamas, Panama, and Jamaica that could be used covertly to deploy ships carrying the YJ-18C.

Other locations include Pakistan’s Gwadar port near the Arabian Sea and in Djibouti on the Horn of Africa close to the strategic choke point of the Bab el Mandeb at the southern end of the Red Sea.

Rick Fisher, a China military affairs expert, said he is not surprised China is copying the Russian Club container-launched missile.

“It fits with China’s penchant for seeking asymmetric advantages against its enemies,” said Fisher, a senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center.

The new missile also supports China’s longstanding development of deniable technologies such as a hard-to-track shipping container fitted with missiles.

The weapon system also could be sold to Iran or North Korea as China has done in the past with other weapons systems, including long-range missile launchers that were transferred to North Korea.

Fisher said China also showcased a precision-guided multiple launch rockets concealed in a shipping container-launcher, similar to the Club-K concept during a military show in 2016.

Club-K container

Also, China has offered for export the SR5 precision guided artillery rockets deployed in shipping container-launchers

“Containerized missiles give China, Russia, and its rogue state partners new options for directly or indirectly for attacking the United States and its allies,” Fisher said.

“Shipping container missile launchers can be smuggled through ports or via highway ports of entry and stored for years in a climate-controlled building within range of U.S. military bases, and taken out when needed for military operations,” he added.

Container missiles also can be deployed on commercial ships that can sail off U.S. coasts or within American ports prior to a conflict.

“Potentially, Chinese missile launching containers could be stored near the Port of Seattle, waiting for the day they can launch an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) warhead-armed missiles over the Bangor nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) base,” Fisher said.

“The EMP blast might take out electronics on the [submarines] and all over the base without having to launch a nuclear missile from China. Washington would be in chaos, would not know against whom to retaliate, and perhaps China uses American distraction to begin its real objective, the military conquest of Taiwan.”

Retired Navy Capt. Jim Fanell, a former Pacific Fleet intelligence chief, said a containerized YJ-18 anti-ship cruise missile would add a significant threat to the Navy given the volume of Chinese container ships that enter U.S. ports on the west and east coast, well within range of the vast majority of the U.S. fleet.

“If this capability is confirmed, it will require a completely new screening regime for all PRC flagged commercial ships bound for U.S. ports,” Fanell said.

Additionally the container-launched missiles could be targeted in foreign ports used by Chinese-flagged merchant vessels.

China’s state-owned Cosco shipping company is currently selling its Long Beach, Calif., shipping terminal as part of a deal completed last year to buy a rival container shipping line Orient Overseas International Ltd.

Retired Navy Capt. Chris Carlson who has written extensively on Chinese missiles, cautioned that the range of the YJ-18C is unlikely to be 1,000 miles.

“China has had considerable problems with propulsion of all kinds and the YJ-18 uses a reverse engineered Russian design turbofan in the subsonic cruise body,” Carlson said.

The YJ-18 uses subsonic flight and then speeds up to supersonic flight shortly before striking a ship. It could not be learned if the YJ-18C is subsonic throughout its flight. One official called it a land-attack cruise missile.

However, based on the YJ-18 similarity to the Club missile, Carlson estimates four of the missiles could be deployed in one shipping container.

A standard shipping container is 8 feet wide by 8.5 feet high by 20 feet or 40 feet.

R. Evan Ellis, a research professor at the U.S. Army War College, says that China’s military activities in Latin America and the Caribbean are extensive.

During a conflict, “China’s substantial commercial base, its access to ports, and its military-to-military contacts in the Caribbean might prove useful,” Ellis told Radio Free Asia. “All of these add up to growing Chinese influence in a region located close to the U.S. as well as its most important Atlantic coast military facilities.”

Adm. Craig Faller, commander of the Southern Command, warned that China is expanding in the South American region.

“In the future, China could use its control of deep water ports in the Western Hemisphere to enhance its global operational posture,” Faller said. “Particularly concerning is China’s effort to exert control over key infrastructure associated with the Panama Canal.”

China’s port in Jamaica will serve as a transshipment hub for Chinese container ships arriving through the Panama Canal.

In Panama, Chinese President Xi Jinping signed multiple cooperation agreements with the government there and the country’s leader President Juan Carlos Varel has voiced support for China’s Belt and Road program.

Panama shifted diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China in 2017.

Chinese companies also are building the Panama Colon Container Port that will be a terminal for container ships.

Two-thirds of ships to or from the United States pass through the canal.

In Pakistan, the Gwadar port was built and is operated by China and is located strategically along oil shipping routes used by Chinese oil tankers.

China also is building a military base at Jiwani, a Pakistani port close to Iran.

Pakistan will play a key role in an economic corridor as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

China also is investing in ports in Sri Lanka, Greece, Seychelles, and Australia that could be used for both commercial and military purposes.

This entry was posted in National Security and tagged China. Bookmark the permalink.

Bill Gertz is senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Beacon he was a national security reporter, editor, and columnist for 27 years at the Washington Times. Bill is the author of seven books, four of which were national bestsellers. His most recent book was iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age, a look at information warfare in its many forms and the enemies that are waging it. Bill has an international reputation. Vyachaslav Trubnikov, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, once called him a “tool of the CIA” after he wrote an article exposing Russian intelligence operations in the Balkans. A senior CIA official once threatened to have a cruise missile fired at his desk after he wrote a column critical of the CIA’s analysis of China. And China’s communist government has criticized him for news reports exposing China’s weapons and missile sales to rogue states. The state-run Xinhua news agency in 2006 identified Bill as the No. 1 “anti-China expert” in the world. Bill insists he is very much pro-China—pro-Chinese people and opposed to the communist system. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld once told him: “You are drilling holes in the Pentagon and sucking out information.” His Twitter handle is @BillGertz.


Project Pelican: America’s Nuclear Trojan


richq11 (72) in informationwar •  last year 

Google Images

Who has heard about Project Pelican? Details are finally starting to come out about the Obama administration’s top secret deal with a company known as Gulftainer to lease Port Canaveral in Florida for 35 years. This occurred in 2014 when the property was ceded under the agreement to the shipping container company. Why is this a concern?

Gulftainer, like many other multinationals has a consortium of owners- the Principality of the UAE, the Jafar Brothers of Iraq, and the Russian company Rostec. It is perhaps the Jafar brothers that raise the largest red flag. Dr. Dhia Jafar was the Vice Chairman of Iraq’s Atomic Energy Commission and the inventor of the Arab Bomb, nicknamed the “Goofball.”

Dr. Jafar was one of Saddam Hussein’s inner circle and a brilliant nuclear physicist. He invented a small yet effective nuclear device that can be put into a medium sized rocket.

Google Images

This diagram shows how it operates…

Google Images

What is troubling about the Canaveral deal is that it offers a perfect opportunity for enemies of the United States to bring a nuclear device to our shores disguised inside a shipping container outfitted with a rocket launcher for short to medium range rockets, called the “Club K” container.

 Google Images
From the port, it can then be placed on a truck or railway car and shipped to any target in the country.

Even more troubling is that Project Pelican was undertaken without any government oversight whatsoever… unlike Uranium One, this operation was never brought to the attention of CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States) and is therefore completely illegal- treason one may logically imply. The Russian Collusion-Spygate scandal and even U-1 pale in comparison to the possible ramifications of this, both politically and for national security. This has been dubbed by some as “The Perfect Storm,” the detonation of such a device could cause an EMP that would disrupt the electric grid for a good part of the country.

Or perhaps this is the real “Russia Collusion” story, Obama and his cronies in the Clinton/Kerry State Dept. conspiring to set off another false flag like 9/11 and blame Trump and the Russians to start WWIII. Maybe this is what Hillary was talking about when she said: “If that bastard gets elected we’ll all fucking hang by our necks.” America’s national security was sold by the Obama administration and the American public deserves to know why.

Ironically, in Brooks Agnew’s book, Charm of Favor, an identical device was activated as a means to overthrow the Trump Presidency and put former Atty General Eric Holder in the White House. The book, about primarily the Clintons and their lust for power is more fact than fiction. One way or another, this is something that badly needs to be investigated… it could easily turn out to be the biggest scandal in US history.




I believe this is a Global Deep State ( Luciferian Rothschild, Talmudic,

CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/5-Eyes/Masonic/Jesuit ) Blackmail Tool or Operational Plan to be

used against the United States to provoke retaliation against whoever they choose

in-order to trigger their WW3.


Who are the Masters of Blackmail ?


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    Total 4 comments
    • unidentified

      excellent story, explains a lot about what is ‘missing’ on television news shows,

    • Global Agenda

      Thanks for the coverage and YouTube shout out. You did a great job linking this all together. I am glad to see that you posted the links that I used. Much appreciated and respected. Anytime my friend. Sharing on my Twitter feed. Mark @GlobalAgenda

    • Slimey

      You can bet the commies (Chinese or Russians) are playing super DURTY with Americans. During a war do not be surprised when you are sneaked attack. :twisted:

    • Anonymous

      Denmark Port? Is this part of the Greenland thing?

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