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FEMA Trains Pastors for Preparation of Martial Law, Firearm Seizures, and Forced Relocation

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Two pastors have come forward and blown the whistle on a nationwide attempt by FEMA to train up religious leaders as secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in event of martial law, natural disasters, or a flu pandemic.

FEMA warned the pastors that citizens would stand up for their second amendment rights and to be prepared for rebuttal. In return they were promised to be of the first vaccinated in event of an outbreak and were given assurances that they would be covered by full compensation in the event of problems.

Furthermore they encouraged the pastors to preach from Romans 13 – a chapter devoted to solely to ‘government submission.’

Here are the pastors disposition on the matter:

Pastor Revere (name changed to protect Pastor):

“We get the picture that we’re going to be standing at the end of some farmer’s lane while he’s standing there with his double barrel, saying we have to confiscate your cows, your chickens, your firearms,” said Pastor Revere.

The Pastor elaborated on how the directives were being smoke screened by an Orwellian alteration of their names.

“They’re not using the term ‘quarantine’ – this is the term they’re going to be using – it’s called ‘social distancing’ don’t you like that one,” said the Pastor.

He also highlighted how detention camps had been renamed to give them a friendly warm veneer.

“Three months ago it was quarantine and relocation centers and now it’s ‘community centers’ and these are going to be activated at the local schools,” he said.

Pastor Revere outlined the plan to carry out mass vaccination and enforced drugging programs in times of crisis such as a bird flu outbreak.

“In the event of an outbreak or a bio-terrorist attack, there’d be a mass vaccination….they have a program nationwide ‘Pills in People’s Palm In 48 Hours’,” said the Pastor who was told that Wal-Mart had been designated as the central outlet of this procedure.

Pastor Revere said that many attendees believed in the necessity of the program and were completely unaware to the motivations behind its true purpose and were offered incentives to become volunteers such as preferential treatment and first access for themselves and their families to vaccines and food shipments in times of emergency.

Which roads to close off after martial law was declared had also already been mapped out.


Pastor Butch Paugh:

About three months ago, I was invited to become a part of a group implementing federal FEMA/Homeland Security directives in our county. I couldn’t pass that up!

Lots of interesting and bothersome info being discussed at these meetings…

Local FEMA’s (‘across the US’ according to a spokesman at our local meeting) are gathering Ministers (Pastors) to help in the event of a “declaration of Martial Law or like police action following a declared emergency or quarantine due to an act of bioterrorism”. The discussion centered around the need of ‘locals’ to “quell the cowboy mentality” of farmers who may have their stock or crops confiscated and subsequently destroyed.

FEMA and other Disaster Agencies (NVOAD in particular: are training volunteers in a “Peer to Peer” program. That program trains people to assist FEMA in a neighborhood setting– teams reach out to neighbors in a declared emergency and “get their neighbors to obey authorities”. According to our spokesman, Ministers will be especially helpful because “you guys and gals can use Romans 13″.

Official Document Given to Pastors (pg.18+)



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    Total 26 comments
    • sarah


      • Pateriot

        albeit non-violent. Non violence in the face of amoral aggression results in massacres and holocausts!

        • Neo

          He was not so passive with the money changers in the temple!!

    • DoesNotConsent

      The highest authority in the USofA is the Constitution. It’s the traitorous federal scumbags that need to obey Romans 13.

    • Celt

      Any Pastor that falls for this and condones this is not a Pastor Of Jesus Christ… They are to protect their flocks not drive them to the slaughter houses… Pick Up and Understand your Body Of Christ and Use that Armor as it was meant to be used by spreading the truth… Standing Up To Tyranny and its oppressors was and still is the Image Of Jesus Christ… Show this image Or Show No Image at all…


        Idiot, any one who calls himself a pastor is not following Christ.

        Run to 1 Peter and 2 Peter and children of Hell let obvious forgeries negate what Christ taught. Peter and his fellow apostles were told by Christ to call no man Rabbi (Matthew 23:8-10). Christ smashed the Rabbi system for his believers, but the Rabbis are still here, they put Christ to death (John 18:3) because they are not removed until Christ returns to reign on earth. But Peter tells Gentiles to establish Rabbi-like spiritual rulers over Gentiles? Never! Another point, Peter would never instruct slaves to take abuse from masters, as stated in the Peter forgeries, because Peter knows God says do not return a runaway slave to his master (Deuteronomy 23:15)!

        Also, Peter knows from Christ, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Micah, Zechariah, Amos and other prophets of God that the Lord shall reign on earth, so that is not Peter saying earth is going to burn up. Heaven too! Heaven on fire, doesn’t strike people as Devil talk! It is devil talk, the lies of Pharisees forged under Peter’s name.

        No church is of God, the church altars mock God’s servants

        Hebrews 13:10 Gentiles have an altar that those who serve the Temple have no right to eat at

        So full of themselves, they think they are so wise. The Christian Paul believers wax on and on about Paul’s sayings. Wax on about this saying, evil Christians:

        Hebrews 13:11-13 The bodies of the animals … are burned outside the camp. That is where the Lord is … Let us go to him that is suffering outside the camp and bear his shame

        Why does Pharisee Paul place Christ in a state of suffering with burning animal carcasses and full of shame ever since Christ was put to death? Just like the Talmud, only there is it Christ boiling in excrement. BOILING IN EXCREMENT, SUFFERING WITH BURNING ANIMAL CARCASSES, get the picture here people?! Pharisees wrote the Talmud and they wrote the gospel of Pharisee Paul.

      • Boxed in Freight

        I can certainly see (_!_)Pasture Lind$ey William$ and (_!_)Pasture David Manning leading the parade of (_!_)Pasture leading their flocks to the guillotines. Lind$ey William$ with his latest load of crap DVD series from the elite, and (_!_)Pasture David Manning with his Generals came to see me at my church to arrest Obama, but I said no, load of crap. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Boxed in Freight

      Then came Lind$ey William$. The $Profit to save your dinner table. Except none of his $profit-see came true accept for him. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Pix

      “Two pastors have come forward and blown the whistle on a nationwide attempt by FEMA to train up religious leaders as secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” ..”

      Der, the Churches have been doing exactly that since Christianity was invented. That’s it’s primary purpose, to control the masses. It’s been used for everything from putting up with deliberate ruling elite created economical depressions, to wars. In fact it was WW1 that signed the death warrant of European Churches, where the same churches were caught red handed preaching the same ‘God is on your side’ BS to both sides. After the war the question was raised as to how that could be possible? Their lies killed the churches stone dead, people have been leaving the churches ever since. And since then Christianity has not been passed on from parent to child which is hastening their end. It’s only government run schools that still preach it to kids. That tells you everything you need to know.


    • Nam Marine

      BULL CRAP !

    • Mini_14

      Pastor Butch Paugh:

      About three months ago, I was invited to become a part of a group implementing federal FEMA/Homeland Security directives in our county. I couldn’t pass that up!

      The above quote is a lie. Butch Paugh has never been to ANY MEETINGS with FEDS. I’ve listened to Pastor Butch Paugh for years. So I emailed him the link to this story and this is what it said.

      Thanks for the email. I remember Pastor Mansfield breaking the FEMA pastor relationship on our broadcast several years ago, but the quote that is attributed to me isn’t true. I don’t know where that came from but I have never been approached by FEMA or anyone else.

      Pastor Butch p.p.p.

      Feel free to contact Pastor Butch with any questions or concerns. Tune in to our broadcaset Monday-Friday at 9:00 PM Est. on your S.W. ATTENTION! 7.520 & 3.215! Also on your computer on

      • Scotster

        Yes, the story broke best I can tell in 2006. I posted a link here.

    • Rumplestilskin

      Training Pastors?, So that is what they want to call government disinformation artist now days working for the DHS? They are not going to be anything other than players in this sick, sick game.

      Any man worth his cloth will not allow himself to used by a tyrannical government to administer to the incarcerated.

      What are they supposed to do, mollify the slaves into accepting their positions as obedient workers? Or are they there to give last rights to those about to have their heads decapitated.

      This is ludicrous beyond belief. When you force anyone into a barbed wire enclosure and then hold them there at gun point, do those morons actually expect and believe that the incarcerated need a chapel?

    • Rufus Juice

      our pastor gave a few odd talks recently where he talked about the seperation of church and state, and went as far as to stop playing songs he felt supported the military (not a popular decision in th church). Now I am wondering if his eyes were on some of this, and its his way of telling us without telling us that evil is coming at us – downhill.

    • Mini_14

      Pastor Butch Paugh:

      About three months ago, I was invited to become a part of a group implementing federal FEMA/Homeland Security directives in our county. I couldn’t pass that up!

      This is a complete lie. I notified Pastor Butch Paugh about this article. This is his reply he sent me.

      Thanks for the email. I remember Pastor Mansfield breaking the FEMA pastor relationship on our broadcast several years ago, but the quote that is attributed to me isn’t true. I don’t know where that came from but I have never been approached by FEMA or anyone else.

      Pastor Butch p.p.p.

    • Scotster

      This story originated in 2006 from what I can find. May 24 2006

    • Anonymous

      Like I have been saying for awhile now we are in the mist of a plague, it is already happening download the healthmap it’s free follow the trails the CDC and NSA use this map. The influenza is spreading rapidly faster than in 09.

    • onedisciple

      Note Paul also said the Commandments of God were not given to Moses by God, but by angels who are no God! Paul lied folks. The whole thing to submit to government authority as you would God is a total manufacture of Paul and the Roman Church – not God.

      See the open ended commandments of God in Exodus. Note the explicit teachings of Jesus Christ in Matthew and John.

      No man can serve two masters, as he will despise one to serve the other. Even Gentiles were freed and blessed by God with Israel when they left Egypt. Wake up and start believing God and realize Paul is the NT Balaam and prophesied in Gen. 49 tribe of Benjamin and Rev. 2 Jesus calls him a liar.

      Believe God and the Son and reject what is not true. Deut. 4, 12, 13, 18

      • Neo

        Where did Paul say that? Chapter and verse mate

    • Anonymous

      Any church going bible thumping , god fearing person will not follow what the government wants them to do , we do what our God has commanded us to do, we will live free , work hard and fight what was given to us rightfully by the man upstairs and some wiener of a president will not change that.. If you attend a church and the pastor is quoting Romans to you and that you need to obey your government in this tyrannical age that we are in then you need to change churches or your congregation needs to look at getting a new preacher… We were given our God given rights and we will not let no man take them away..

    • Anonymous

      This kind of Pastors, you send to their maker. Satan! :wink:

    • AZRanger

      The Pastors who are willing to pervert the Word of God in order to further a political agenda, will get theirs in the end!

    • Alydia

      No, I am not submitting myself to the government…I will obey the laws of the land as the Bible states but a Christian should only submit themselves to God…

      Forget it government….some of us is smarter than that!

    • Xiccarph

      The Government always sees these types of community figureheads as “useful tools’. History shows governments’ goals are always increased power and control of all aspects of society. Ours is no different. In their zeal to eradicate any practical application of the Constitution, the “government”, both visible and invisible, are in a hurry to clamp down and bring their Utopia to reality faster than its currently moving. They will create or cause any event they see as useful in jump-starting their goal quickly. That includes black flag events, fabricated dangers, and national security needs. There are enough useful idiots in this country to pretty much guarantee majority submission to Government edicts and control.

    • Rufus Juice

      watch New York unfold. Cuomo and Deblasio have the Clintons and Obama supporting the gun ban. Most of NY doesn’t want a gun ban, and upstate NY sheriffs and troopers say they dont want to / wont enforce the laws up there. Doesn’t matter – the Socialists will show the country what is in store soon enough.

      Obama will support the NY gun ban sending in federal troops or UN/Russian troops – whichever they think they need to use. Will you shoot americans if ordered will be about new york very soon. Keep watching NY. When you see it happen, know you will be soon after. Act before it is too late.

    • slamdance13

      “If you like this post, please don’t forget to recommend me above! Thanks!” I recommend you drop dead. Charlatan. Jesus hates you.

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