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We Are Fighting A Spiritual Battle Against The Children Of Darkness! Find Out Who’s Who And Who’s Jew! Must See Videos!

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America and the white Christian Western European nations are being destroyed from within by the children of darkness.  When Messiah Jesus returns to earth and touches down, He will exterminated the children of darkness.

The White Western Christian Nations are the only nations that have received all the blessings of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.   The Caaninite / Edomite Jews have been stripping the weath from America and transferring it to Israel, Russia and China ever since WW2 and bankrupting America (Manasseh) as well as the rest of the white western Christian nations.  The Edomite Jews must take down America in order to raise up the State of Rothschild (Is-ra-hell) which will be the capital of the stinking Jew New World Odor!   Since the white race, the true Tribes of Jacob sunamed Israel turned their face away from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, they are now subject to the curses as promised in Deuteronomy.

The lecture is just over 2 hours long.


I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9)

Who Are We Wrestling Against?

By Dr. Luke Prophet

In 1 Thessalonians 5:5 Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus are called Children of Light. In Luke 21:36 the Children of Light are told to be vigilant, and to identify who are enemies are and to constantly pray that we will be found worthy to escape all evil that will come to pass. Just remember constantly that evil must be punished, and Jesus will return to put all enemies under His feet. In 1 Thessalonians 5:5 our enemies are called Children of Darkness. Further information is given to us in regards to our enemies in Ephesians 6:12 which states: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. As we are in the End Times or the coming of the End of this Age, everything that we are currently living through was scripted from the time of creation as outlined in Revelation, and is being directed and approved by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. All evil from the time of creation is back on earth today, and the devil’s time as ruler of earth is coming to a close.

If our struggle, according to Paul the Apostle in Ephesians 6:12, is not against fresh and blood or humanity, who exactly are our enemies, and how can we determine what Paul was trying to tell us?

Why can’t anyone today tell us who are enemies are that Paul the Apostle was referring to? Why should this be the case when 1 Corinthians 14:33 states: For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. There had to be a way to determine what these End Times prophecies actually meant. I did not believe Our Father would leave us in the dark without the means to determine what the prophecies are warning us about. It took many years, but I did discover that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, His memorial-name for all generations, (Exodus 3:15) did give us the means to unravel the truth and now I will share this knowledge with you that Our Father allowed me to rediscover.

I am using the gematria calculator on and the NASB77 version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.

Hebrews 6:18 Two Immutable or Unchangeable Things

That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: (Hebrew 6:18)

Two immutable things

= 1701 or 17 or 1+7= 8 (Hebrew)

= 1386 or 68-4=64 or 6+4= 10   (English)

=    231 or 23-1=22 or 22-1=21 or 7    (Simple)

Two unchangeable things

=   586 or 58+6 = 64 or 6+4=10

= 1020 or 20+1=21 or 7

=   170 or 17 or 1+7= 8

Two unchangeable numbers

= 1829 or 1+8+2+9 = 20 or 10

= 1458 or 4+5+8=17 or 1+7= 8

=   243 or 24-3=21 or 7

I have used three witnesses or three different forms of Holy Gematria, namely Hebrew, English and Simple Holy Gematria to establish the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s truth throughout this work

Ephesians 6:12 Our Spiritual Enemies

The solution to the Ephesians 6:12 bible verse is as follows:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)


= 495 or 49+5=54 or 6 (6×9)

= 960 or 96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

= 160 or 16 or 8

Elohim and Bene ha’elohim (Hebrew for gods and sons of gods)

=   350 or 53+1=54 or 6

= 1068 or 86 +10=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

=   178 or 1+7+8=16 or 8

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob created gods and goddesses prior to creating man (the number of them is unknown). However, they revolted against the rule of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob when they found out that man was to be created and rule over them. Three of these gods and one son of a god are mentioned in the King James Bible, namely Anu, Enki, Enlil and the son of Enki, Marduk. These gods, also known as nobles, have always ruled over man. They do die, but transmigrate. Jeremiah 10:11 tells us they will all perish, as does Isaiah 34:12. These gods are also referred to as Anunnaki. The Anunnaki as well as the fallen watchers and the devil are aligned today are in all of the corridors of power in all countries. Their objective is to kill all of humankind and have the planet for themselves.

The Powers

= 1298 or 98-2=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

=   774 or 47+7=54 or 6

=   129 or 29 or 2+9=11 or 8

The Neplilim

= 294 or 94+2=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

= 714 or 14+7=21 or 12 reversed or 6

= 119 or 19+10=29 or 2+9=11 or 8


= 1187 or 87+10=97 or 97-1=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

=   582 or 82+5=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6

=     97 or 9+7=16 or 8

Watchers are a class of angel that came down to earth to take wives from among humankind. There were two hundred who fell, and their leader was Samyaza. They were originally locked in prison, but were let loose when satan was expelled from heaven. They are also referred to as Nephilim in the Bible, as well as other names. (Genesis 6:1-6, Numbers 13:33 and Deuteronomy 2:20-21) The term Nephilim means “the fallen ones.” The Nephilim are mentioned in great detail in the books of Enoch and Jubilees. Nephilim kill in order to take over a person’s body and identity.

The Rulers of the darkness of this world

= 2394 or 2+3+9+4=18 or 9

= 2520 or 25+2=27 or 72 reversed or 12 or 6

=   420 or 20+2=24 or 12 or 6

Rephaim and demons

=   570 or 5+7=12 or 6

= 1152 or 15+2+1=18 or 9

=   192 or 1+9+2=12 or 6

The Rephaim were the children produced when the Nephilim mated with human women. Rephaim means “the dead ones” as they do not have souls and therefore do not have a conscience. They must take over and possess a human being in order to enter our dimension, or otherwise they remain as demons. A human being must be willing for the possession to occur, such as being involved in witchcraft or Satan worship. A human being can be possessed by a single demon or by a multitude of demons, such as the case of Legion as told in Mark Chapter 5 who had been possessed by 2000 demons. Demons are also referred to as Grigori, as these try to pose as alien beings from outer space. Demons are inter-deminsional beings and not inter-galactic beings. Earth is a prison colony and nothing can leave or enter its atmosphere. Some individuals have been kidnapped by these demons. Crying out for the protection of Jesus will protect you.

Spiritual wickedness in high places

= 1985 or 9+8+5=22 or 11 or 8

= 2088 or 8+8+2=18 or 8

=   348 or 48+3=51 or 5+1= 6

Pontifex Maximus

= 1230 or 23-1=22 or 11 or 8

= 1254 or 54-3=51 or 5+1= 6

=   209 or 2+9=11 or 8

Edomites Jesuits and Freemasons

= 1829 or 29-8=21 or 21+1=22 or 11 or 8

= 1962 or 62-10=52 or 52-1=51 or 5+1= 6

=   327 or 27-3=24 or 8

Pontifex Maximus is the title of the Roman Catholic Pope. Pope Francis is a Jew and a Jesuit. Edomites are Jews according to their own writings. They are not Hebrews, Semites nor Israelites. Jews are Edomites as their own 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol.5, page 41) states that modern Jewry ARE NOT ISRAELITES BUT ARE EDOMITES. Edomites are Khazars, and are in control of every religion and every secret society today. All Jesuits and Freemasons use oaths and are all controlled by the Jews. But what did Jesus have to say regarding this subject?

Matthew 5:34-37 tells us not to make any oaths:

34“But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING. 36“Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37“But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; and anything beyond these is of evil. (Matthew 5:34-37)

If you are a mason or a member of a secret society and have any concerns in regards to your soul, renounce your membership, repent and accept Jesus the Christ as your personal savior, and then obtain a full immersion baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Pharisees who were the ones responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus are equivalent today to the Orthodox Zionist Jews. Jesus referred to them as those who say they are Judeans and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9) The Pharisees lied to Jesus by saying they were of Abraham’s seed. Being of Abraham’s seed would have made them Hebrews and Israelites, which they are NOT. The Pharisees then told the truth to Jesus by saying they were never in bondage (see John 8:33). In other words, they confirmed they were never in bondage in Egypt; were never participants in the Exodus from Egypt; and were not at Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments. So now we must ask who are the Orthodox Zionists living in the litter box called the State of Rothschild in the Middle East today? DNA analysis has proved that the Ashkenazim are not Semites and are not Israelites. They are Gentiles and Khazars originally from the country of Khazaria. King Bulan in AD 740 had his entire population of Khazaria convert to what is known as Judaism today. So who are the legitimate Tribes of Israel today?

Identification of the Tribes of Israel today

Here is a list of The Tribes of Israel as per Pastor James P. Wickstrom. I believe the Antichrist, Antonio Guterres who is a Portuguese Jew, is from the Tribe of Dan. On this chart, Portugal is part of Spain or the Tribe of Simeon. I believe the chart is as close proximity and not precise. The Tribes of Jacob are easily identifiable as we are all Caucasians and we all have pure white skin. The Khazars are not white but a turko mongoloid race and are brown skinned.

The Tribes of Israel

Priesthood of Levi Spread out amongst the Nations

Simeon        Spain

Rueben       Holland

Nephtali      Norway

Dan             Denmark

Judah :

Pharez        Germanic people

Zerah          Ireland and Scotland

Issachar      Finland

Asher          Sweden

Zebulon      France and Belgium

Gad            Lombardi North Italy & Switzerland

Benjamin    Iceland

Joseph :

Ephraim      Britain and the British Commonwealth Nations

Manasseh   USA

The Tribes of Israel

In Genesis 12: 3 Our Father promised to bless those who bless you and the ones who curse you I will curse. 1 Peter 2:9 states we, The Tribes of Jacob-Israel, are a chosen race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for God’s Own Possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you. The Bible is actually a history book of the relationship between the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob AND HIS PEOPLE, The Tribes of Jacob-Israel are the white western nations of Europe, America and British Commonwealth. Revelation 21:1-3 tells us that after the new heaven and the new earth are established, and after the new Jerusalem is lowered from heaven, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Himself will tabernacle with His people, the Tribes of Jacob-Israel.

The Tribes have populated the entire world as we can tell from the British conquering Canada, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa and the Spanish and Portuguese conquering South America.

True Jacob-Israel today are, for the most part, blind to their own biblical identity. They’ have been duped into believing that they’re “goyim” or Gentiles and that the Khazars or the Jews are “Israel” and the “Chosen People” The Jews are chosen by Lucifer and chosen for extermination! They have it backwards. True Israel is the white race descendant from Shem whose inventions and discoveries have been a blessing on all the races of the earth and yet they’re being targeted by the Khazars who are telling the world’s races that whites are the evil enemy. Today’s “Jews” which are Khazars, which their DNA analysis has proved, are the arch enemy of all things good and all things Christian. Jesus tells us that the Jews are “of their father the devil” in John 8:44. The white race are the descendants of Shem and the true Shemites and the Holy Seed of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

The Biblical patriarch of the Jews, Esau, lost his birthright to his younger brother Jacob. The Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews recognized their ancestral link with ESAU (admitting this to Jesus Christ in John 8:33 that they were never in bondage in Egypt). The Saxons and Celts are of Jacob and were in bondage in Egypt, and are the true heirs to the Jacob-Israel covenant.

Manasseh (America) and Ephraim (United Kingdom) at one time were a Royal Priesthood and Holy Nations. But it all started to change for the worse after World War One. Today, both Jeremiah 51:45 and Revelation 18:4 tell God’s people the true Israelites to flee out of North America, the United Kingdom and Western Europe from the fierce anger of the Lord. America will receive a double portion of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s wrath.

In Jeremiah 5:29 God states His soul will be avenged against such a wicked nation. In both Jeremiah and Isaiah God tells us that both Britain and America will be destroyed and never again populated. In Isaiah 34:13 God states that all of the British Royal Family will be killed, and no one will be found alive to crown King of England.

In both Jeremiah 7:16 and 11:14 God states we are not to pray for these people as God will not hear the prayers. Pre-World War Two Germany had turned their backs on God, and had become an extremely immoral nation. God sent them strong delusion, and they accepted a false messiah in the form of Adolf Hitler who they thought would save their nation. America is now following the same course as Germany and think Donald Trump is going to come back to save them. In Daniel 7:12 it states: the dominion of the beasts was taken away, but an extension of life was granted to them for a period of time. In other words, the Nazis are back! They never left after WW2 but rather relocated to America through the Vatican’s Rat Lines.


= 288 or 28+8=36 or 6

= 396 or 3+9+6=18 or 9

=   66 or 6+6=12 or 6


= 181 or 18 or 9

=  516 or 61+5=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

=   86 or 68+1=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

Fallen Watchers

= 1279 or 97+2=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

=   882 or 28+8=36 or 6

=   147 or 47+1=48 or 4+8=12 or 6


= 640 or 6+4=10-1= 9

= 414 or 41-4=37 or 37-1=36 or 6

=   69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

All of the beasts or Nazis are back today as we are all going through the extension of time that is granted to them. Notice also that the beasts are all concentrated in the nations that constitute the Tribes of Jacob Israel which are the white Christian nations so that they can take down the white Christian nations and set up their stinking Khazarian Jew New World Odor!

Bombshell: The antiChrist Has Arrived! Find Out Who Is Going To Rule The World! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beasts 666 Per Revelation 13!


The Main antiChrist “The Big Dicktator” Is Here!  Antonio Guterres at the Luciferian UN is the main antiChrist that will be the one world Dicktator that will run the One World Government for the Jew NWO.  He is referred to as the Little Horn in Daniel 7 and the Beast That Comes Out Of the Sea In Rev.13.  Dope Francis is the Beast that comes out of the earth as he is the false prophet.

Note that Antonio Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Kill Bill is a German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew.  These 3 “dicks” are all fallen angels and super evil and they want all non Jews dead.  Some Jews may be sacrificed just like in WW2 to achieve the Jewish objective of taking control of the entire world and making everyone else their slave who manage to survive their kill shots / Covid 19 vaccines/ Covid 19 tests / flu shots /  quantum dot tattoos / Neuralink which are all Marks of the Beast plus the food shortages and nuclear war.  The Jews are the Satanic Serpent seedline from Satan’s rape of Eve and are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, King Jesus, and His Holy Seed, the white graphenerace which are the Tribes of Jacob, and all Christians grafted in.  See Genesis 3:15 and John 8:44-47 and links below for more info.  Adolf Hitler and Joseph “Rabbi” Goebbels were the First Two Beasts of the Sea and the Earth respectively in WW2 and were both Jews.

The Truth About The Elites Who Are Trying To Enslave And Kill Us! Must See Videos!


“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.” 

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

Communism is our supreme revenge against Christianity.” 

-“Jewish Chronicle” (newspaper), December 1918

Caucasians are Israelites According to Noah Webster of the Webster Encylopedia of Dictionaries (copyrigt 1958) Literary Press page 64

Caucasians are Israelites According to Noah Webster of the Webster Encylopedia of Dictionaries (© 1958)

If you were a Caucasian, you are also an Israelite according to Noah Webster, and the Holy Bible. 

Webster Encyclopedia of Dictionaries (Copyright 1958 by the Literary Press, page 64), says “Caucasian” pertains to the white race originating from the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea.

The Holy Bible states that the House of Israel would be scattered north of the river Euphrates (1 Kings 14:15).  This promise was fulfilled when, in 721 B.C., all ten tribes were taken captive and driven by the Assyrians into the Caucasus Mountains located between the Caspian and Black Seas (2 Kings 17:6; 18:9-11).  Hosea 2:6 says,  “I will hedge up the way with thorns, and make a wall that she shall not find her paths.”  In this way God was making it clear that the tribes were not to return to Palestine.  As Israel left the mountains and migrated into Europe, and finally to North America, they became known as CAUCASIANS.  

The Anti-White New World Order!! No Whites Allowed! Full Documentary To Wake Up The Caucasians That You Will Be Hunted Down And Sent To A FEMA Camp! The White Race Is On The Endangered Species List! Must See Video!


Ha satan and the devil is the satan in the book of Job. There are many Satans, but only one Ha satan, and he was Mayer Amschel Bauer who later changed the family name to Rothschild. He is with us today as he has transmigrated to George Soros.  MABUS refers to Amschel Mayer Bauer if you follow Notradamus.  See this Brian Gerrish post and Bel and the Dragon post for the complete decode on Soros, the beginning of all sorrows and head of the Rothschild empire.

The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth Of What Your Government Has In Store For You! 


The True Tribes of Jacob-Israel And Who Is Trying To Exterminate Them And The Reasons Behind It! By Dr. Luke Prophet (For all Caucasians and Christians)


Jews Created Communist China

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God’s Name Is In Your DNA. Covid Vaxx Replace God With Lucifer 6G The New (D)Evolution. Top Doctors Walking Out, Young People Getting Cancer Due To Vaxxx Spike Proteins. What’s The Real Purpose Of The Fake ‘Covid Vaccine’?


Temple Of God Destroyed 666 Graphene – The Abomination Of Desolation. Iontophoresis Graphene Microtechnology Vaccines Delivered Through Skin. Weather Control To Starve The World Into Submission For Their New World Order Great Reset!


How Bad Is My Batch?  Deadly Vax Lot Numbers Identified, Still In Circulation!  Patterns In The Deployment Of Toxic Covid Vax Batches.   Area 51 Playstation Game From 2005 Has The Entire Covid Plot Laid Out Verbatim. The Sinking Of The Titanic!


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CBDC’s Are Here – The End Of Crypto Is Coming!  KGB Penetration Of Israel & The United States – It’s Worse That We Thought!  Must See Videos By Brendon O’Connell!


Spacebusters: Satanist Bill Gates Secret Bloodlines Exposed! Pervywood Documentary – Hollywood Pedovores – Sex Scandals.  Must See Videos!


The Fake Alien Invasion, WW3, & Satanic One World Order. Fake Alien Invasion Designed To Trick Vaxed By Hijacking Spiritual Instinct. Vax Is Graphene-Based Operating System To Turn Vaxed Into Zombies.  2 Minutes To Midnight With Vax Passports!


Prophecy Alert For 2022. This Is Really Happening, They Are Re-Writing Your DNA!!  New Canadian Lockdowns Coming – Stock Up With Food – Big Booster Push – Vaccine Injuries Escalating. Governments Tracking Everyone.  Talmudic Jews Run Israel!


Human Behaviour Can Be Changed & Altered By Injected Graphene Oxide In The Flick Of A 5G Switch!  Neuroscience, Neuro-Weapons & 5G, The Voices In The Jabbed Minds Will Be Advanced Technology! The Art And Science Of Misinformation!  (Videos)


Nasa Project Bluebeam Rapture Cover Up As Outlined By Serge Monast! Nasa Hires A Priest To Prepare Humans For Fake Alien Invasion And The antiChrist Arrival! Fall Cabal Sequel (Parts 19 & 20): The Covid Maskerade. Must See Videos!


Covid Rothschild Graphene DTCC & The Pope. You Will Be Patented & Owned. Luciferese & Gene Editing The Temple Of God. Revealed The Company That Really Does Owns Everything On Earth -DTCC. Proof Of AIDS In Dead Jabbed People! (Videos)


Plandemic/Scamdemic 4 – Depop Documentary By Mr. Truth Bomb! 5G Is A Target Acquiring Weapon System – This Is Not For Control But An Extermination Technology.  They Want Us Dead.  Must See Videos!


“ATLAS SHRUGGED” Written By Rothschild’s Mistress – A Blueprint for Ushering in the New World Order.  Mind Control And The New World Order Bible Decode.  Must See Videos!


The Three Amigo’s – Ricardo Bosi, Max Igan & Jeff Berwick! Christmas Special East India Trading Company!  Must See Videos By Brendon O’Connell!


Brainwashed. The War On The Mind. Mk Ultra & Operation Midnight Climax: The Cia’s Mind Control Experiments! Exposing The Witchcraft In Our Entertainment.  It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Genocide…Everywhere You Go!  Must See Videos!


Breaking News: Pfizer’s Leaked Document Of Adverse Events That Pfizer Wants Sealed Until 2096. Sacrificing The Children To Save The Vulnerable Through Lethal Injections! The End Of Liberty & Humanity – Transhumanism & The Internet Of Bodies.


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Dr. Lorraine Day – Why Is ‘My Body My Choice’ Only Acceptable If You Want To Kill A Baby?  Understanding 5G, Paganized Christianity, The Coming One World Religion, The Noahide Laws, And The Destruction Of America & Who Rewrote The Bible?


The Criminals Of Covid-19 – Must See Video By Harry Vox!


The Judeo Christian Con Job! Must See Videos!


Is Christmas A Pagan Holiday? Must Watch Video!


The Enemies Of The White Race! The Psalm 91 Miracle That Proves The Existence Of The God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob! Must See Video!


The Hydra Beast Has Been Unleashed! 2022 – Chinese New Year – Year Of The Tiger In I Pet Goat 2. Merry Covid Christmas Babylon The Great! Must See Videos By Shaking My Head!


It Is Time To Hear From The Jews Themselves! Jews Admit They Are NOT The Israelites Of The Bible! Must See Videos For The Truth!


The Not So Chosen People Explanation. 

Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites link to article below:

“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.”  1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions as Modern Jewry are being whited out from all my previous articles so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted.  Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob-Irsrael which is the white race and all non Caucasian Christians grafted in.

Who Is Trying to Destroy the Christian And Caucasian Western Nations? Who Are The Real Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel? Esau Is Mad As He!! For Trading His Birthright For A Bowl Of Gefilte Fish! Must See Videos To See Who’s Who’s!


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The Cyber Samson Option – Will Israel Bring Down The World Financial System? Invasion Ukraine, Prince Charles And The Israeli Lobby.  Documentary: “Till Kingdom Come” Israel And The Evangelical Movement.  Must See Videos!



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