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New World Order Exposed

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Obama announces his run for office on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show


Obama Oprah

Oprah Gail Winfrey with longtime friend Gayle King.

Singer Whitney Houston

Gayle King

Does Gayle King bare any resemblance to singer Whitney Houston?
Whit_ney Hous_ton-WHITe HOUSe
Oprah Gail Win Free

There is an extensive code online of anagrams and look alikes put together by the wealthiest people in the world with the goal of electing their spokesperson (Obama) to represent the interests of big business. They may be considered The New World Order, Masons, Illuminati, Al-Qaeda, or all secret societies working together. I won’t label them. You’re welcome to form your own opinion.

My name is Aaron Fleszar and what I would like to share with you the most devious plot to overthrow America. After years of mocking internet income opportunities I discovered a number of patterns and what appears to be a code. This code was acted upon leading up to the election in 2008 to create the illusion that the organization behind it is in control of our country. The people behind this code are positioned to make billions through the destruction of the economy. The Feds are mad I broke this code and in an effort to save embarrassment they are breaking every law on the planet to keep a lid on this.

After reading this please call the FBI and ask that they quit creating crimes against humanity by threatening and torturing myself and my family 24 hours a day for the last 3 years and 10 months. I’m tired of the death threats and being unable to sue everyone. (Because of adding this statement and leaking the truth about the made up stories in the news in addition to the polling numbers and “surges” they went with”DIE BOLD” vote counting machines in the New Hampshire caucus)

In March of 2008 after spotting a number of people on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist site I was quick to report it to the Feds. They acted on everything you’re going to see here including planting Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate in the election with no intention of winning.

After years of mocking every single money making opportunity and so called expert I could find online a link appeared on Armand Morin’s blog mentioning something along the lines of “hey look some jerk put a link to Al-Qaeda on my blog.” This immediately made me look at this organization I was following in a whole different light.

FBI Wanted for financing Al-Qaeda Noordin M Top

Internet Marketer Armand Morin

This online organization has tens of thousands of domain names. Most of the sites lead to a post office box. Companies are registered in one state, phone numbers (if they have any) in another state, and the domains are registered under what appears to be aliases. The glue that holds these sites together making them an organization is their marketing practices. One site is launched of the back of another by emails sent to subscribers through their newsletters.

These “marketers” literally own the internet when it comes to affiliate marketing. They are optimized in search for any and all keywords that relate to making money online and home based business opportunities Affiliate marketing is what they teach and their sites are also used as product placement for new cutting edge internet technologies. The most popular website online among these schemes was a site known as the Rich Jerk. Over time this site evolved from a cartoon character being the Rich Jerk to what appears to be Mark Cuban owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team posing as “the Rich Jerk.”

Dallas Maverick’s Basketball owner Mark Cuban

Cuban disguised as The Rich Jerk with a Castro like nose

Billionaire Mark Cuban made money developing and selling internet technology. The Rich Jerk make-money-online product appears to include double talk for this organization. All of these internet schemes appear to be a cover for this organization’s playbook and plan. On the surface the products teach commonsense internet marketing strategies. If you follow their advice you’ll seldom be able to make the kind of money their income statements claim. The money these sites make is through emailing large lists of opportunity seekers.

Sarah Palin during a signing of her book Going Rogue

Communist Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro

The code I will continue to reveal here was rapped around Sarah Palin in the last election. This information was supplied to the Feds at the end of March in 2008 about 6 months prior to the election. In order to successfully elected Obama I believe those behind his campaign determined who his opponent would be. Once McCain got the nomination as the GOP candidate, Sarah Palin was planted as McCain’s running mate to draw chatter from this organization. She was inserted into the election at a 45 degree angle so this group would question whether or not she was aligned with them. 5 months were spent creating her background before she was mentioned in the news as a possible running mate for McCain.

Code or coincidence?
Sarah Palin and John McCain claimed to be a Mavericks
Mark Cuban the “Rich Jerk” above owns the Dallas Mavericks basketball team
Obama claims his basketball name was Barack O’Bomber
Sarah Palin claims her basketball name is Sarah Barracuda
Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii
Sarah Palin claims to have attended school at Hawaii Hilo and graduated from U of Idaho in Moscow Idaho
Sarah Palin claims to be able to see Russia from her house
Mark Cuban was under investigation for insider trading of a search engine company named Mamma
Sarah Palin claims to be a Mama Grizzly
Obama was a Chicago Senator
Chicago Bears Chicago Cubs is likely where Mama Grizzly came from
Gayle King and Oprah were both news anchors
Sarah Palin claims to have also been a news anchor

Throughout this page you will slowly learn Sarah Palin’s background, name, and entire identity is completely fabricated. I know this without any doubt whatsoever because the people you’re about to learn about were targeting me online. Half of Sarah Palin’s identity is completely fabricated around this organization and the other half around myself and my family’s history. The next person that needs to be covered is Tony Rezko.

Tony Rezko

Youtube video’s “Robert Johnson” Rich Jerk

Tony Rezko is a Syrian immigrant/Arab businessman. Known for being a political fundraiser and real estate developer in Chicago, in 2008 he was convicted of fraud and bribery. After the initial Rich Jerk videos hit Youtube he popped up months later with a bad hairpiece and novelty teeth claiming to be Rich Jerk Robert Johnson.

Rezko was a former fundraiser for Rod Blagojevich. Tony Rezko’s wife Rita also purchased property adjacent to Obama the same day he closed on his Chicago home. Rezko sold Obama some of this property. Rezko is also known for opening a large number of Papa John’s pizza places in the Chicago area and is said to have acquired a degree in civil engineering in the late 1970′s. Interesting thing to note here is that Osama Bin Laden is said to have acquired a degree in civil engineering in the late 70′s too. Don’t let me lose you. This is going to get even deeper than you can imagine.

Internet marketing experts and FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists sought in connection with US Embassy bombings in Kenya, Tanzania, and Bali Indonesia

FBI Wanted Saif al-Adel

The “Godfather”of Internet Marketing Mark Joyner

The first testimonial on The Rich Jerk website was from Mark Joyner. He is referred to as the Godfather of internet marketing. His testimonial has since been removed from the Rich Jerk site. Mark Joyner, who looks more like the suspected terrorist seen above on the left, also appears on an internet show called The Next Internet Millionaire which closely copies Trump’s show The Apprentice.

Code or coincidence?
Mark Joyner’s initial claim to fame was a book called Simpleology. It was about the science of getting what you want. Sarah Palin coined the term Palinology the science of everything Sarah Palin.

FBI Wanted Abdul Rahman Yassan

Internet Marketing Expert Ted Cuiba

Ted Cuiba is allegedly the author of a book called How To Get Rich On The Internet. There is an endless number of so called experts selling books, products, and services online and in late night infomercials all with a similar theme. What’s truly fascinating about these people is that no one has ever heard of them and all of a sudden they are raved about as an expert with dozens of products and services. These people are nothing more then spokespeople for the same product repackaged and sold as the next best thing.

FBI Wanted Fazul Mohammed

Internet Marketing Expert Willie Crawford

Willie Crawford appears online photographed with other online marketers at seminars. He is said to be a consultant on internet marketing. Several of these “experts” are practically worshiped by other internet marketers.

FBI Wanted Umar Patek

Internet Marketing Expert Yaro Starak

This person pictured above claiming to be Yaro Starak has a blog on internet marketing called The Internet Marketing Blog. People like this and several others I’m about to show you are NOT pictured on websites with earning statements claiming you can make millions overnight. They are not on sites that would draw the attention from the Federal Trade Commission, the police, or the FBI. It is extremely rare that any of these people who appear to be the Fed’s most wanted are pictured together. On the surface, none of these websites mention anything regarding terrorism or politics.

FBI Wanted Ahmed Garbaya

Internet Marketing Copywriter Carl Galletti

Some photos are disappearing from the internet. Since most of what I will show you is online, this evidence will continue to disappear. Carl Galletti is said to be a copywriter. Like the other people who make up this group who also claim to be copywriters none of them ever give examples for anything they’ve written which defies logic. Carl isn’t in videos speaking, but is often pictured standing behind a podium. This group of “online marketers” are masters of deception.

FBI Wanted Ali Sayyad Muhamed Mustafa Al-Bakri

Internet Marketer Michael Filsaime

Micheal Filsaime claims to be behind a product called The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript which was sold through Clickbank. Clickbank is a place where you can sell digital products. What it’s geared around is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you send people to a website and earn a commission should they purchase something. There are hundreds of thousands of websites that have affiliate programs that are free to join.

This organization of experts have cornered the market on affiliate marketing education. The opportunity websites featured at Clickbank often have people appearing in the testimonials that drive traffic to other sites not directly advertised. These sites are where the Feds most wanted typically appear in an effort to not raise suspicion. Like I said before this organization is bringing in billions and has tens of thousands of websites. It’s so large that I’m only giving you the highlights.

FBI Wanted Ammar Mansour Bouslim

EzineArticles Dr.Manisivasubramanian

On many affiliate pages of these schemes the site owner will tell people what forums to post in and where to send articles. What is never revealed is that everything and anything they mention on their sales pages, forums, or blogs, they are behind the development of. This includes new dot com companies, search technology, social networking sites, and even large cap NASDAQ companies.

EzineArticles is commonly mentioned by schemes offered at Clickbank as a place to submit articles giving a positive spin to a product and then finishing with your affiliate link at the bottom of your article.

Internet Million Dollars Professor James Bradley

Professor and Pentagon Bomber Bill Ayers

One of the most ridiculous sites I found online was called Internet Million Dollars with Professor James Bradley who was going to teach people how to make a million dollars online guaranteed. This person appears to represent University Professor Bill Ayers seen on the right who has an association with Obama.

FBI Wanted Ramadan Shallah

John Ferrero with Lorrie Morgan Ferrero

Pictured above is Ramadan Shallah. With his mashed nose and jawline he appears to be masquerading online as John Ferrero which is also the name of a prosecuting attorney in Stark County Ohio. On the right is Lorrie Morgan Ferrero, another made up name, who claims to be owner of a blog referred to as Red Hot Copy. She claims that John Ferrero is her husband. Around his eyes it looks like he received Botox injections.

Red Hot Copy is a play on words for COMMUNISM and for a code of look alikes. Like many of these copywriters online Lorrie Morgan Ferrero provides no examples of anything she’s written. Her Red Hot Copy websites and blog reveal photos of other copywriters who are look alikes of media moguls, CEOs, and people making up the current administration.

Red Hot Copy Lorrie Morgan Ferrero with Stephen Pierce

Noordin M Top or “Armand” with Lorrie Ferrero

Above is Lorrie Morgan Ferrero appearing at a seminar with Stephen Pierce who appears to be the look alike for Ex-White House Green Jobs Czar Van Jones. Some online marketers aren’t identical twins, they are simply look alikes who represent other people (“alike” being the keyword). If they looked too much alike then anyone could have cracked this code. It appears that their aliases are optimized in Google image search. If you do a side by side comparison of Van Jones and Stephen Pierce using Google’s image search you will see them striking the same pose wearing similar clothes. If you’ve ever seen the movie The Da Vinci Code, Google images is to this organization a symbolic picture book.

On Lorrie Morgan Ferrero’s sites you’ll also find family members of 72 Virgin Records British entrepreneur Richard Branson. Everything about Sarah Palin is fabricated including her name. What she says and does is orchestrated. Her actions are calculated by the Department of Defense. Remember when she told the story of Paul Revere? “The British are coming.” Even the whole controversy with basketball star Glen Rice was fabricate.

Jill Biden the wife of Vice President Joe Biden

Rosalind Gardner author of The Super Affiliate Handbook

On the left is a picture of Jill Biden. On the right you’ll see Rosalind Gardner, another made up name, who claims to have written The Super Affiliate Handbook. This was marketed about 6 years ago. Long before anyone would ever recognize her. If you did an image search on Rosalind Gardner you would see that there are a couple of them pictured with the same product. These people are highly sophisticated and even their aliases have aliases and some of their look alikes have look alikes. In fact, this whole code appears to have been assembled in reverse. You wouldn’t recognize any of these people online or know who they represent until after taking the White House.

Ex-WH Chairman Austan Goolsbee

Internet Marketer Brett McFall

Ex-WH Council Christina Romer

Copywriter Lisa Diane
CEO of DuPont Ellen Kullman

Copywriter or realtor Cathy Goodwin
Speaker Trainer John Childers with Ferrero

SEIU Former Union President Andy Stern
Copywriter at Red Hot Copy Mari Smith

Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina

In the last midterm election do you recall a handful of CEOs who ran that didn’t get elected? You may remember Carly Fiorina ran for Senate in California. Meg Whitman billionaire and former CEO of Ebay ran for governor of California and wasn’t elected either. Interesting thing to note here is besides the Rich Jerk program mentioning selling HOPE, it speaks an awful lot about Ebay.

Internet Business Coach Terry Dean

Dell CEO Michael Dell

Internet Marketer Tom Beal

CEO of Time Warner Jeffrey Bewkes

Most of these people are look alikes of media moguls and CEOs. By no means does this imply that the actual people they look like are involved in anything illegal. They are simply part of an elaborate code whether or not they know it or choose to be.

Many reviews for these internet marketing products include logos of major media networks. If you read the fine print they’ll claim that even though the network never mentioned their site they have mentioned the internet. I always asked myself how they could get away with infringing upon practically every major media logo in America? Seeing Obama get a free pass from the media while they attacked Sarah Palin it occurred to me that the media, ran by big business, is involved in this code.

Currency Trader Billionaire George Soros

Guerrilla Marketer Jay Conrad Levinson

Billionaire trader George Soros is said to be responsible for collapsing currencies in Europe on more then one occasion. He has connections to organizations such as; The Apollo Alliance, The Tides Foundation, Open Society, and hundreds of others trying to “transform America.” Soros has spoken publicly a number of times regarding a New World Order. Some of these look alikes may actually be relatives who share similar traits like these 2 from the eyes down.

On the right is Guerrilla Marketer Jay Conrad Levinson. His name, as well as several others online, appears on something called the GURUDAQ. Several of the aliases these people operate under have political associations. Many of their last names are those of US Senators and Congressman. The word Guerrilla appears to be a play on words referring to Guerrilla Warfare, not marketing.

There are people who are trying to bankrupt America in order to transform it. The people getting rich in the process are those who are providing opportunities for others struggling to get by. This organization online selling get-rich-quick schemes, data entry, work at home, paid surveys, all the buy gold hype, and every flavor of scheme you can imagine are only going to get wealthier through the slow deterioration of our economy. Their goal appears to be communism, or something referred to as “Super Capitalism.”. This is where the government runs everything and those who are a part of it get to decide how much money to extort from businesses and how to redistribute the wealth of the nation.

The Code Continues
Sarah Palin claims to have graduated from the University of Idaho in Moscow Idaho
Sarah claims she can see Russia from her house
The longtime leader of Russia was Vladimir Putin
Putin Palin
McCain claimed his favorite band was ABBA which is a palindrome
Another palindrome is the last name of George SoRoS
Long time enemy of Israel is Palestine
The Palin name appears to be a combination of many things

Police officer in the movie Beyond The Law

Rich Jerk Mark Cuban using money as toilet paper

Some of these codes appear in movies. People are always looking for Illuminati and New World Order symbolism in movies and don’t have a clue of what they are really look for. Most of the stuff that appears trivial to you and me has meaning to them. Character names, numbers such as addresses or dates, titles, and who is cast in which role. On the left is a picture of a guy who played a cop in the movie Beyond the Law. He had his gun pointed at Sid, Charlie Sheen’s character in the movie at the time. Does he remind you of anyone pictured here? Could Sid be code for President?

On the right is Mark Cuban again who appears to be demonstrating on what’s being done to the value of our currency. Interesting thing here is that Charlie Sheen lost his job on Two and Half Men after his a racist rant with the producer. Sheen later appeared on an internet streaming broadcast with 100,000 viewers. This was around the same number of views the first Rich Jerk video got. Charlie claimed he might be doing something on HD Net with Mark Cuban. If you watched Charlie Sheen in his rant you may have noticed hanging on the wall behind him a picture that said “Wanted By the FBI.”

Clickbank is where billions of dollars are being made and the starting point for so many internet marketing products. They may be clueless to what their platform is being used for. You never know with these people who is in on this code and who’s being used. Clickbank is out of Colorado. The military speaks about taking the high ground as a war strategy. Have you ever seen the movie with Charlie Sheen called Red Dawn?

Michael Filsaime or Al-Bakri pictured above mentioned the term “fire sale” in Google image search. This term was used in Die Hard IV referring to a cyber attack on our nation’s infrastructure. Die Hard III was all about stealing gold from Fort Knox. The First Die Hard came out in 1988 around the time John McCain was elected to the Arizona Senate. The guy that fights the terrorists (who were robbing the place) in Die Hard was named John McClane. The person who played John McClane (drop the L and it sounds different) was Bruce Willis. It probably doesn’t mean anything considering I noticed this after breaking the code and it was worked around Sarah Palin. Actually, McClane is close to McLean where the CIA headquarters are in Virginia, more on this in a moment.

Duplication of code or coincidence?
Sarah Palin’s siblings names are Heather Heath Bruce and Molly Heath McCann. Sarah Palin’s daughter Piper, the name of a plane, shares a birthday of March 19th with actor Bruce Willis.

CEO of Oracle Larry Ellison

Character in first Die Hard named Ellis

The name Oracle is from their first project with the CIA, operation code name Oracle. Oracle is a software giant with many government contracts. It’s in the business of developing and marketing web based database software solutions. They also acquired Sun Microsystems who is a large supplier of hardware such as servers.

There was a domestic spying project in the 60s named Operation Chaos. On 9/29/2011 Mark Cuban appeared on the Stephen Colbert show with a shirt that read Chaos on it. Watch the episode and you’ll find other things mentioned here. I believe that even with Sarah Palin’s book named Going Rogue that part of the illusion being maintained is that the CIA is part of the New World Order.

In the interests of movies, Mark Cuban financed an anti-war movie through his company Magnolia Pictures many thought was treasonous called Redacted. I believe Sarah Palin’s release of 24,199 emails around the time of the Maverick’s playoffs way strategically timed as well. This got little press. I imagine much of this info was claimed to have been “redacted.” The Rich Jerk’s program originally sold for $199. I shared this with a few thousand people before the release of the 24,199 emails and the story was quickly changed to 24,000 emails and buried.

Ex-President Jimmy Carter

Real Estate Guru Carleton Sheets

These codes, even the look alike code, isn’t something that started a few years ago. This planned overthrow of the U.S. Government must have been decades in the making. I believe 9/11 was the first step symbolic to the fall of capitalism. On the right is No Money Down Real Estate expert Carleton Sheets. It’s not only internet schemes these people are involved in, they are behind decades of seminars, how-to-anything books, real estate books, infomercials, DVD sets, automatic do-nothing-and-succeed-in-business garbage, and thousands of other “wealth building systems.”

One of the codes you may have picked up on I haven’t mentioned yet is the repeating of the paired letters MA. MArk Cuban Dallas MAvericks and owner of MAgnolia Pictures investor in MAmma search engine. Sarah Palin is a MAma Grizzly.

What caused the last economic meltdown and forced taxpayer bail outs? The housing crisis. Loans were given to everyone through Freddie MAe and Fannie MAc. I wonder what NEWt gingRICH would make of this site? Newt made a lot of money speaking as a consultant for Freddie.

Many of these internet marketers appear to be operating out of Georgia home of Ex-president Jimmy Carter and former governor.

The Rich Jerk never sent out an email newsletter for years. Then one day he promoted Stompernet out of Atlanta, Georgia. Stompernet was selling a $800 a month program that was supposed to teach people how to “stomp out search engines.” Their staff included names such as; Michael Filsaime (pictured way above), Eben Pagan (Pagan as in People Against Goodness And Normalcy), and Brad Fallon. Fallon claims to be an airline pilot who could be seen training on a 777 flight simulator. About a year later Eben Pagan was pitching a $10,000 seminar on Youtube called “Get Altitude.”

3 days after reporting this code to the FBI, Delta in Atlanta Georgia grounded a large number of flights due to “safety reasons.”

Code or coincidence?
There was a girl selling the Rich Jerk secrets for half price online. Her name was Holly Mann
Another guy online with a blog dating back to the same time as the Rich Jerk blog is named Eric Holmlund
Obama’s appointee as Attorney general for the Department of Justice is named Eric Holder
Reporting on election polling is done by Rasmussen
There is another internet marketer expert with a blog named Michael Rasmussen

Osama’s right hand man Al-Zawahiri

Copywriter Jay Abraham

You just saw evidence of a code of look alikes and logically chosen aliases. You even learned of a motive, take control of the U.S. government, pay less in taxes, and dominate the world through the destruction of our currency leading to a one world currency/one world government. Here’s the last possible piece to the puzzle; Osama is a look alike for Obama and Biden (Bi)nla(Den). Depending upon whether you spell it Usama or Osama the odds on this being a coincidence are between 208 billion and 5.4 trillion to 1. About the same likelihood that we killed Osama and disposed of him 3 days after the president finally released his long form birth certificate. Sarah Palin’s history was fabricated because the Feds likely think that’s also the case with Obama’s. She mimicked him and his organization drawing chatter from all angles.

Sarah Palin on left with Tina Fey on the right

Sarah Palin wasn’t only chosen to be McCain’s running mate because they needed someone who could act stupid for the media to attack and play an average American hockey mom who was in a Miss Alaska pageant, she was also chosen for her face. When I first went to the FBI all I knew was that there was a large extremely intelligent group of scam artists online who 3 of which looked like their most wanted terrorists. Over time I’ve been able to deduce everything else. “Sarah Palin,” or whomever she is, was chosen with the intention of her being played on SNL by Tina Fey. Sarah Palin also claims her mother-in-law’s name is Faye Palin. you may remember McCain and his wife appearing on SNL during the campaign mocking home shopping.

Tina Fey is one of the writers of 30 Rock which takes place at the GE building in Rockefeller Center. As for GE, I’m not sure what General Electric makes of the general election.

Through endless interrogations it’s been implied to me that the writers on 30 Rock (Tina Fey) had a hand in writing the Rich Jerk sales pitch. After reading this watch the first season of 30 Rock. Lorrie Morgan Ferrero was mentioned earlier. Tracy Morgan plays Tracy Jordan on 30 Rock. There’s also a character named Toofer, a black Harvard guy which is where they claimed the name Toofer came from. A member of Tracy Jordan’s entourage is named Dot Com on the show. Last, Stompernet promoted by the Rich Jerk included the name Brad Fallon. Weren’t Fey, Fallon, and Morgan all on SNL around the same time? Some group with serious writing skills is behind all of these money making schemes.

Code or coincidence?
Entertainers commonly use stage names
Oprah Winfrey Tina Fey

As for the media, don’t expect them to report on this. The corporate media initially gave Obama a free pass. Now they appear to be cooperating with the Feds for the most part by distributing misinformation everyday. They want to make it impossible for anyone to connect point A to point B. It appears the Pentagon has recruited writers and editors to conduct their psychological operations. Media websites are now heavily moderated, posts deleted, and the topics all controlled by Washington. The Pentagon is using the liberal biased media to beat up on itself. All popular news sites have comments flowing into them from an NSA software program. If you respond to these comments they will attempt to engage you in a conversation. (basically figure out if you’re friend or foe). This was all started after the death of Osama story shut down commenting for a week on Yahoo News. You and I are the media now. Spreading this information is the most patriotic thing you can do for America and democracy.

Duplication of code?
Track Palin has the same birthday as Adolf Hitler. The odds on someone sharing a birthday as someone else is only 365.25 to 1, but look at both names; Track-Hitler. A search on Tripp Palin shows he has multiple birthdays, kind of like Yasser Arafat. He was the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization and winner of a Nobel Prize. Yasser’s most popular birthday is the same day as Obama’s and no one is exactly sure where Yasser was born either. Search everything you can for Tripp’s birthday. You’ll find complete lack of clarity as to his actual birth date. You’ll read; weekend, several days ago, and conflicting days. It’s almost like someone could trip up reporting it.

Sarah Palin had to drop out of the race due to people leaking this story. Herman Cain appeared to be following closely in her footsteps in that there was an illusion created around him as well. These online scams are heavily tied to the Atlanta, Georgia area. Robert Johnson Rich Jerk Tony Rezko owns several dozen Papa John’s PIZZA places. The Rich Jerk website wanted terrorist Saif al-Adel aka Mark Joyner claims to be the GODFATHER of internet marketing. Sarah Palin ran with John McCAIN in 2008. CAIN appears to be Atlanta + Pizza + Godfather = the next Pentagon plant.

The stories surrounding Cain are as made up as Palin’s. How about the ones with anonymous people claiming sexual harassment? He’s discrediting the media the same way Sarah Palin did. Cain’s wife is Gloria. One woman’s attorney is Gloria Allred. Then a week or so later Cain acquires a new accuser named Ginger White. Interesting name since Gingrich at the same time began leading in the polls and Cain said he may endorsed him. Over the last 6 months I have been blocked from linking to this blog at about 5 or 6 sites. The day before Cain announced he’s not running I was blocked by 4 sites on that day alone. I got under someone’s skin.

Given the magnitude of everything you were just shown can you imagine how angry the Feds are with me? There must be a new saying in Washington; don’t shoot the messenger, go after his whole family and use everyone for bait. I have no legal rights. I’ve been denied an attorney, my phone calls are blocked, emails, my girlfriend was taken away from me, my family is told what to say, where to go, how to behave ALL day everyday. The Christmas Day Bomber story was created I believe as a reason to clear out the federal courthouse in Detroit every time I go there claiming that there is a threat of something. The place is a ghost town and access to the magistrates offices is shut down. I am being denied the ability to file a case in federal court.

If you have a legal issue with this site take it up with the blog owner BFF. You can always call the Pentagon or FBI if you want as well. I’m sure they’d love to here from you. I’d call them, but they won’t listen to me. They just torture me using everyone around me for the last 3 years and 10 months. If you want to know more about psychological warfare here is a link

Here’s my opinion and summary of everything presented here; Osama Bin Laden is basically nobody, a spokesperson or front man like the most wanted above. He’s made up by our intelligence agency. Our middle eastern enemies were given a label as Al-Qaeda. OBL was created as a leader to movement in an effort by the government to generate chatter by propping this guy up on TV once or twice a year and then listen in to internet and phone chatter. In a way, making our enemies on the other side of the globe look organized when they weren’t. It was an effort to control something that couldn’t be controlled. A handful of people came up with the labels of Al-Q and OBL who ARE aligned with the NWO, not the entire CIA. These scam artists online, Al-Q, NWO, Illuminati, or whatever, all fall under the category of a shadow government. I mentioned all the people earlier with political associated aliases at a site called the Gurudaq. These same names are referred to as Shadow Marketers. This select group of people must have inside knowledge of what governments do in secret and have their own agenda, get rich by collapsing capitalism and creating communism where they control everything while enslaving the rest of us.

Besides the Osama Obama Biden (Bi)n La(den) riddle, I find it strange that Tony Rezko has the history he does. He’s an Arab businessman from Syria who made a fortune from government contracts and has been involved in Chicago politics for a longtime. Rezko has a civil engineering degree from the late 70′s, I’ve also read that so does Osama Bin Laden. The “Rich Jerk” talked extensively about Ebay. Ebay bought PayPal. Is PayPal short for PayPalestine? CEO of Ebay Meg Whitman has a birthday of August 4th, same day as Obama, and same day as Yasser Arafat the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Meg also helped with the Palin/McCain campaign to likely keep up the illusion of Palin being part of the NWO. Collectively, this is a lot of coincidences for many people. I think OBL is actually a combination of everyone involved.

President David Palmer from 24

Dennis Haysbert

Remember the hit TV show 24 where Jack Bauer fought the terrorists? We already covered Palin Palestine. Dennis Haysbert played the role of David Palmer the tall skinny president on 24. His character was determined to provide national health care. Dennis also does commercials for ALLSTATE. Are we in good hands?

I shouldn’t have to stress the importance of sharing this story. By sharing this someone smart enough will print this up before all of the evidence disappears online and the truth is buried forever. Hopefully they will also share it with their federal judges locally, congressman, and senators. You should also take a moment to copy and paste this into a Word document by dragging your cursor from the first sentence on this page to the last. This will also capture the pictures here.

Not only has the DOD taken over the media while orchestrating every story getting national attention, they also have 90% or more of the comments on every news site. They have the first comments, the most popular, the best comments, and are trying to create the perception of public opinion. It’s called Psy-ops as in psychological operations. They have software programs pumping in comments to popular sites that show hundreds or often thousands of comments on a single story. Comments are created before the story even runs. Popular sites like FOX, YAHOO, CNN have comments flowing into them so fast you can’t read them as quickly as the post. Anyone who leaks information, such as what I’m revealing to you here, have their comments pushed off several pages until they can be deleted, or the person will be attacked and discredited. They have many tactics to slow the leaking of this. The government is allowing this information to leak except they are trying to control the rate. We are at a point where people in the government are about to begin speaking out. If everyone actually leaks this and doesn’t stop leaking it we can take our country and freedom back.

If you want to believe that this is all made up that’s fine. I’m not sure how anyone could make all of this up but sometimes things are too complicated for people to digest. What’s actually made up is most of the news you’re reading. From the president’s plane flying over NY for a Statue of Liberty photo shoot, to the Time Square Bomber, Christmas Day Bomber, the Obama beer summit, the bearded guy with the AK-47 taking shots at the WH, so much of the news is orchestrated to increase chatter I wouldn’t even know where to start. My motivation for sharing this is that in order to stop being tortured and having my family used I read that I need to expose this which is difficult when the media was in on the election and has now been taken over.Over a million people now know about this, but it doesn’t mean you can’t help share it with the rest of our nation.

Let me try and make this as clear as possible. Osama Bin Laden was a code to overthrow the US and created by wealthy elitists to get richer and more powerful. After breaking this code, the finance, and communication, unelected officials staged a coup by planting Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate to throw the election and take down the organization. Obama was turned after the election and shouldn’t be signing a single thing into law. We have no president or freedom of press. We have a military police state that was at war with Al-Qaeda and now appears to be at war with our freedom. Any internal threat to our country has been eliminated. Now the biggest threat is tyranny.

If you want to ensure democracy, Constitutional law, and help catch the bad guys, leak this story everywhere!
1. I strongly recommend sharing this on Facebook and other social networking sites.
2. Email this and send out a Tweet asking other to do the same
3. Post it to daily news stories and any story that “occupy” protesters may be reading. You don’t have to say much, the domain itself says plenty. If the site doesn’t allow hyperlinks just type a sentence or so and something like; Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret for the biggest cover up in history.
4. Call your friends and tell them to search Sarah Palin’s dirty little secret.

Bookmark this site since I will continue to update it. I’m afraid to overwhelm anyone with too much information so I’m trying to keep this fairly simple for now as if that’s even possible.

Many media sites are now using Facebook which drives a lot traffic here. Facebook works great and I strongly recommend it because when traffic explodes here from Facebook no one can determine where the link is located to try and slow the leak. Even Wikileaks is on Facebook.

Here are some newer threats received from leaking this story;
“No, we just discredit you by making you look insane. We have a nice place for people like you – think you’re going to like it.”

Don’t worry – we know who you are, where you’re at, and all about your “contingency plans”

“We won’t have any problems making you disappear.”

“we’re just going to wait until the evening to come knock on your door. Less witnesses that way.”

This story is getting harder and harder to leak. Not only am I locked out of most sites for commenting, like many others it appears, sites are no longer allowing links and major stories are being pushed off to places that next to no one gets a comment on (except government). In addition, I’m hacked nonstop so I receive endless errors, screen freezes, and display ads loading in comment fields. Please do not hesitate to share this story for the sake of our freedom and democracy. Thank you.

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    Total 2 comments
    • jenchen

      They will go nation by nation, and destroy the economy and set austerity measures in place with brutal police controlling everyone. Then they will incite wars in all these nations. Civil wars, then In the end-only they will have the resources to control people-the food and water-they will make themselves look like heroes-the peacemakers-the rescuers. Then the NWO controls the world-it began in Russia Rockefeller and Rothschild took it over-they set up israel, now they want the world-but the end goal is to get everyone chipped-that will begin the wort-see how the grey’s cranium are so large? The eyes so big? Why-the brains of the grey are full of artificial intelligence-no soul-it’s a database of stored info-no creativity.-The eyes are robot eyes-the limbs are replaceable/interchangeable-machine parts. That is how satan(Rockefeller/Rothschild) will destroy God-the soul that lives in you is a part of God-it is creative-it loves-it evolves into something better. The grey just like to torture-no empathy-no compassion no creativity-no love. How goes Russia so goes the world-Why??? because you are more like satan than like God and like attracts like. Capitalism is what russia had-they only called it communism-the state(jews) replaced the capitalist class and oppressed everyone. Don’t let them fool you. The brief time of economic boom in the west was fabricated to make you love capitalism. Capitalism is satanism-even satanists have admitted that. Mystery Babylon will be destroyed before they reach their goal-and so will all of you-you missed the opportunity of heaven-had you not accepted capitalism/inequity-you could have had a future-a heaven on earth-you are to blame-you accept evil and even all it good-refuse to see the truth and are completely selfish caring for yourselves alone-all each other’s worst enemies in competition for who gets the most. It could have been heaven-had you just loved one another as complete equals in a brotherhood of loving compassion without punishment-poverty-prisons-or war=things you love best that make you feel more superior than others.

    • pigsdofly

      DALLASGOLDBERG trash -this guy thinks he can fool you. coin-tel-pro much

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