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ALERT: Terror Plot To Attack Democratic National Convention Foiled

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Flight 1267: Dallas to the 2012 DNC?
September 9, 2012
David Chase Taylor

Plot to Inflict 9/11 Style Aerial Acid Attack on 2012 Democratic National Convention Exposed at Last Minute

Ever since the failed nuclear terror attack in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2012, the Obama Administration has been desperately trying to conduct a major false-flag operation within the United States.The U.S. economy is at an all-time low and dissent for Obama and the U.S. government is at an all-time high. According to a Financial Times article, Obama’s has a “growing credibility crisis” and there are fears that the Democrats could lose the White House and the Senate to the Republicans.

Original Story: Here

White House advisor Robert Shapiro made it crystal clear that Obama is relying on a terror attack to rescue his presidency: “The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” said Shapiro, “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”

Evidence acquired to date indicates that a major false-flag 9/11 style anthrax/acid attack on the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 6, 2012, was planned. The goal of this attack was to garner support for Obama, create a reason to suspend the 2012 U.S. presidential election, create unprecedented racial division and turmoil within the United States as well as orchestrate a  “civil war” between the southern states of  Texas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina versus the northern entities of New York and Washington D.C.

Access: Obama Caught Red-Handed Trying To Stage New 9/11

The 2012 DNC Terror Plot was scheduled to be blamed on U.S. military militia men from Georgia along with accomplices in Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania,  North Carolina and South Carolina. The apparent plan was to hijack a jetliner (Flight 1267), load it with stolen battery acid, possibly weaponize it with anthrax, fly it to North Carolina undetected and nosedive into the crowd of 74,000 people scheduled to be in attendance at Bank of America stadium for Obama’s 2012 DNC speech.  The terror plot would be a direct assassination attempt on Obama, would kill and disfigure thousands of Obama supporters and would likely start the mass bio-terror pandemic planned for 2012.

The exposure of the 2012 DNC Terror Plot is a window into how false-flags develop and how both the media and governments coordinate both events and information with the goal of constructing a believable terror narrative. While this terror plot may seem a little farfetched, there is an overwhelming  amount of circumstantial  evidence and unprecedented events, most of which occurred within in the two week leading up to the 2012 DNC, that supports this particular theory.

Taken into context, the terror warnings, war games and exercises, the “secret” 2012 DNC terror command center, multiple government attacks and assassinations, multiple death threats against both Obama and Romney, U.S. presidential security being compromised, multiple air related events and disasters, and the flight 1267 with “liquid explosives” indicate that possibly the most sinister terror plot in history was diverted at the last minute thanks to a terror warning posted on September 4, 2012.


1.1: “It’s Going Hot”: Racial False-Flag Planned by DHS & Obama 
On August 29, 2012, it was reported by Douglas J. Hagmann of the North East Intelligence Network that according to his sources at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “It’s going hot”. The Zionist operative Hagmann then added that there was a “racial component” to an upcoming false-flag terror attack.  Hagmann made his dire prediction on the alleged STRATFOR agent Alex Jones’ radio program where he elaborated on the Obama terror plot: “What it is, when I say it’s going hot, or when my sources say it’s going hot, a staged event of some kind, or some sort of a false-flag to type of event to garner sympathy to garner support for the president who is maybe lagging in the polls who might be in fear of having to vacate the oval office in November, they would institute a plan.” Hagmann went on to state, “Whatever “it” is going to be, it’s going to galvanize, it’s going to polarize I should day, various aspects of our country, the rich versus the poor, the black versus  white, it’s going to cover a gambit of things, that is what my source is saying”.


2.1: World Wide Terror Warning
On July 18, 2012, the U.S. government issued a worldwide terror  safety caution which stated that terrorist groups “continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. interests in multiple regions, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The warning went on to state that travelers should be cautious when using public transportation systems and listed a number of places that might be targeted, including, “high-profile sporting events, residential areas, business offices, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, schools, public areas, and other tourist destinations.” The 2012 DNC was held in Bank of America football stadium which is home to the Carolina Panthers.

2:2: DNC & RNC Terror Warnings
On August 16, 2012, health officials asked health care providers to be “extra vigilant” when reporting diseases to public health officials because of “the nature of this high-profile event“. Health officials demanded to hear immediately from health care professionals who saw any clusters, patterns of death, illnesses or any suspected illnesses from potential bioterrorism, such as anthrax, botulism, brucellosis, glanders, plague, Q fever, tularemia or viral hemorrhagic fevers.On August 22, 2012, federal authorities urged law enforcement agencies across the country to watch out for signs that extremists might be planning to wreak havoc at the upcoming political conventions by shutting down transit systems and attacking convention goers with acid-filled eggs.

2.3: Texas Judge Preparing For ‘Civil War’
On August 22, 2012, it was reported that a Texas judge stated that a ‘civil war’ and an invasion of United Nations troops was possible if President Barack Obama was re-elected. According to reports, Lubbock County Judge Tom Head is convinced that Mr. Obama winning a second term would lead to a revolt by the American people. “He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the U.S. to the United Nations, what’s going to happen when that happens?” Judge Head told FOX 34 in Lubbock. “I’m thinking worse case scenario,” he explained. “Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe…we’re not just talking a few riots or demonstrations.” “I don’t want rookies,” Head said flatly. “I want trained, equip and seasoned veteran officers to back me.” Democratic Commissioner Gilbert Flores said “I will be very honest with you, this is West Texas, this is hard core anti-Obama/Tea Party“…Most of these people here are not anti-Obma, President of the United States, they are anti-Obama the black man.”


3.1: Political Rally Anthrax Attack
In a 1999, a bioterrorism war game simulated terrorists contaminating a political rally with silent, odorless smallpox. The drill was conducted by doctors, hospital workers and U.S. health leaders to see how they would control the disease if bioterrorists ever attack. 13 years later, it appears that that very plan was to be enacted at the 2012 DNC.

3.2: Aerial Anthrax Atatck
In 2002, a bioterrorism war game simulated terrorists in a small private airplane releasing 440 pounds of military-grade powdered anthrax over an American city. Between 447,000 and 591,000 of the victims died, according to the simulation, which used federal Defense Threat Reduction Agency data and real-time National Weather Service information. Researchers at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C., obtained the computer modeling software from the Department of Defense.

3.3: Special Ops Drills at RNC
On May 22, 2012, two special ops drills occurred at the home of the 2012 RNC, Tampa, Florida. The first drill practiced a scenario in which a hurricane swept through a political convention, and that is exactly what happened 3 months later when hurricane Irene forced RNC organizers to cancel the first day of the event. The other drill was a response to a scenario in which terrorists kidnap Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn. The exercise saw explosions and military helicopters circling downtown Tampa and was designed to gauge the response of special operations forces from the U.S. and nine other nations in a hostage rescue. Although there is currently no evidence to substantiate this theory, it is possible that Barack Obama was to be kidnapped by “terrorists” at the 2012 DNC.

3.4: WMD Drill In South Carolina 
On July 8, 2012, it was reported that a weeklong Weapons of Mass Destruction training exercise took place in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, which is located roughly 180 miles from where the 2012 Democratic National Convention was held in Charlotte, North Carolina. The exercise was a result of grant through the Department of Homeland Security WMD Exercise Grant Program which pays for special training for different emergency response departments across the state for scenarios such as a school shooting, a chemical weapon, and other high risk scenarios. “The opportunity is tremendous because not only are we able to utilize our resources in the county but include state level teams to coordinate together and work together as they would in a major event,” said Horry County Emergency Management Director Randall Webster. “The positive side of it is allowing all these teams to work together in an exercise so if the time comes down the road to do this for real they already know.” “One of the bigger better things about this whole exercise is actually doing the training and bringing in resources and personnel with the most up to date techniques and skill sets. They are bringing in things they learned from Afghanistan and Iraq, so we are seeing an issue that the teams may face in real world scenarios instead of just looking at a textbook,” Webster said. Departments such as the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD), Urban Search and Rescue (USAR), and Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) Team will all participate in the training. Red Tail Tactical Technology, Inc., conducted  the training. Coincidentally, a movie entitled “Red Tails” was released on January 20, 2012, which involves airplanes in war.

3.5: DHS Ready For DNC Mayhem 
On July 28, 2012, it was reported that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security had ordered mass amounts of riot gear equipment to prepare for significant domestic riots at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. The DHS submitted a rushed solicitation to the Federal Business Opportunities which stated: “The objective of this effort is to procure riot gear to prepare for the 2012 Democratic and Republican National Conventions, the 2013 Presidential Inauguration and other future similar activities”. Apparently, the U.S. government was preparing for mass riots and protests after the 2012 DNC was attacked.

3.6: “Secret” DNC Terror Command Center
On September 1, 2012, it was reported that there was a “secret”  17,000-square-foot anti-terror building near the airport in Charlotte, North Carolina, which was filled with tables, chairs and big-screen TVs.According to reports, the “Multi-Agency Communication Center” is essentially the guts of the U.S. government at the DNC with fifty-plus agencies including the EPA, FBI and  Secret Service. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg police and the National Guard were also present along with the White House Military Office and the Chemical Biological Incidents Response Force. According to reports, the MACC’s 24-hour-a-day mission is to be ready for “eventualities” during the DNC, which could include everything from a massive interstate wreck to a terrorist attack with chemical weapons. Should fighter jets need to intercept mysterious planes straying into Charlotte’s restricted airspace, the command to do so would not emerge from the Charlotte MACC. “But we’d know about it,” said a National Guard spokesman.


In the days leading up to the 2012 DNC, there were an unprecedented amount of attacks on government officials around the world.These attacks were ultimately “setting the stage” for the eventual attack on Obama at the 2012 DNC. Programming people through the media propaganda that leaders were under attack is all part of the psychological war on the American people. While these events likely happened in some degree, there is no doubt that these attacks were ordered by and carried out by intelligence operatives.

4.1: U.S. Consulate Attack
OnSeptember 3, 2012, it was reported that a car filled with explosives rammed into a U.S. government vehicle in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar on, killing two Pakistanis and wounding 19 other people. According to reports, two Americans and two Pakistanis working at the U.S. Consulate in Peshawar were among the wounded, said a U.S. Embassy official, speaking on condition of anonymity because an official statement had not yet been issued.

4.2: Japanese Ambassador Attack 
On September 4, 2012, it was reported that two Chinese men were detained over an attack on the Japanese ambassador’s car in Beijing, China, in which a flag was ripped off of the front of the vehicle.  According to the Xinhua News Agency, the men, aged 23 and 25, were being held for disturbing public order, and another man has been issued a warning. In the incident, Ambassador Uichiro Niwa’s car was hemmed in by two other vehicles on one of Beijing’s outer ring roads as he was returning to the embassy. A man allegedly then got out and ripped the Japanese flag off, damaging the vehicle’s flagpole and prompting protests from Tokyo.

4.3: Canadian Politician Attack
On September 5, 2012, it was reported that Richard Henry Bain was been detained by police officials after opening fire and killing one person while Pauline Marois of the separatist Parti Quebecois was giving her victory speech The new separatist premier was abruptly rushed party from the stage by security after police said a masked gunman wearing a bathrobe opened fire just outside the building. According to reports, the gunman was heard shouting “The English are waking up!” in French as police dragged him away. RDI television showed pictures of police arresting a man with a rifle outside the venue where Marois had been speaking with a large fire at the back of the building. Bain, 61, of La Conception, Quebec, was arraigned on 16 charges, including murder, attempted murder and possession of explosives.

4.4: Palestinian Security Chief Assassinated
On September 5, 2012, it was reported that gunmen killed a colonel in the Palestinian security forces when they raked his car with gunfire in the northern West Bank city of Jenin, local officials said. Hisham al-Rukh was attacked while driving home in the Jenin refugee camp. The shooting undermines the campaign and a drive to impose the authority of Palestinian security forces throughout areas under the Authority’s control in the occupied West Bank.


Aside from the other 50 plus Obama death threats and plots already on record, in the two weeks leading up to the 2012 Democratic National Convention, there were at least five death threat incidents involving Obama and at least one incident involving Mitt Romney. These incidents were orchestrated to give the perception that Obama was under threat prior to the planned 2012 DNC terror attack. The most notable of these alleged death threats was a Texas militia group whose name is F.E.A.R, which stands for Forever Enduring Always Read. This alleged militia group fits into the narrative of an Obama coup and subsequent civil war that is being hyped by individuals such as alleged STRATFOR agent Alex Jones of The easiest and quickest way to destroy a nation is to divide it against itself and start a civil war.

5.1: Navy Veteran Threatens to Kill Obama
On August 22, 2012, it was reported that a Washington state veteran had been arrested for  threatening to kill U.S. President Barack Obama. According to authorities, Anton Caluori’s sent a profanity-laced email to the FBI stating: “I will kill the president!!!!! … ‘I’ want you to come and get me … you can’t afford to call my bluff.” When the Secret Service arrived, Caluori allegedly became violent and although armed, no shots were fired in the scuffle and subsequent arrest.  The U.S. attorney’s office in Seattle confirmed that Caluori had served in the Navy and but had been discharged within the past 10 years. Caluori was charged with making a threat against the president, which carries up to five years in prison, and with assaulting a federal officer, which carries up to 20 years.

5.2: Shootings Near Obama’s House
On August 25 and 31, 2012, two separate shootings allegedly occurred near the house of U.S. President Obama in his hometown of Chicago, Illinois. The first shooting was the cold blooded murder of Stephin Williams. According to reports, Williams was with his girlfriend in a car in the 4900 block of South Drexel Boulevard, about three blocks northwest of Obama’s Chicago home on Greenwood Avenue, when two men walked up with a handgun and announced a robbery. Williams apparently fought back and was shot multiple times in the process. Williams later died at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The killing came amidst the murders of six other people with at least 24 more wounded. The second incident involved a 17-year-old boy was shot in the leg and buttock in the 5000 block of South Woodlawn Avenue, about a block from President Obama’s home. He was taken in “stable” condition to an unidentified hospital. According to police, the boy was taken in “stable” condition to an unidentified hospital. Since the election of Rahm Emanuel, the son of a Zionist terrorist, the city of Chicago has seen unprecedented violence on a scale never before seen.

5.3: U.S.  Army Soldiers Plot To Kill Obama 
On August 27, 2012, it was reported that U.S. Army soldiers had formed a militia group in Georgia and plotted to assassinate U.S. President Barack Obama and overthrow the U.S. government. According to prosecutors in Long County, Georgia, the militia group planned to overtake nearby Fort Stewart, bomb a dam in Washington state, poison the state’s apple crop and ultimately overthrow the government. The group of former and activity duty U.S. service members allegedly spent at least $87,000 on guns and bomb components. The militia group’s name is F.E.A.R, which stands for Forever Enduring Always Ready. Prosecutors stated that they did not know how many members the group had.

5.4: Romney Death Threat 
On September 3, 2012, it was reported that New York delegate Julia Rodriguez threatened to “kill” Republican Candidate Mitt Romney.  Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie stated, “We are aware of it and we will conduct the appropriate follow-up”. Ogilvie said he could not talk specifically about what kind of follow-up the agency was conducting. In a video, a woman who identified herself as New York delegate Julia Rodriguez said Romney would “destroy this country” if elected president. “He will destroy this country completely, she said. “Romney will destroy his country…if I see him I would like to kill him.”

5.5: North Carolina Man Threatens to Kill Obama
On September 6, 2012, it was reported that Donte Jamar Sims was arrested and charged in a felony criminal complaint accusing him of threatening Obama’s life in five tweets published September 3, 2012. In a series of Twitter messages, the North Carolina man warned that, “Ima hit president Obama with that Lee Harvey Oswald swag”. Sims’s tweets, which were discovered by a Secret Service intelligence specialist, warned that, “Well Ima Assassinate president Obama this evening !…Gotta get this monkey off my chest while he’s in town -_-.” Another message claimed that the Secret Service “is gonna be defenseless once I aim the Assault Rifle at Barack’s Forehead… F* the #DNC.” When a Twitter follower asked, “U serious??” in response to one of the Obama threats, Sims replied, “as a Heart Attack.” Sims’s Twitter account–@DestroyLeague_D–remains online, lists 500 followers, and describes him as the rapper Lupe Fiasco’s “#1 fan.”


In the weeks prior to the 2012 Democratic National Convention notable incidents occurred both giving the impression that the security around both U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican Candidate Mitt Romney was shaky at best. The first incident appears to be foreshadowing that the Secret Service is sloppy and incompetent. After all, a gun is not something you just leave in the bathroom by accident. The second incident leaves open the possibility that equipment, uniforms or identification were stolen from Biden’s U-Haul truck in Michigan. As expected, the Secret Service failed to state whether anything was stolen from the U-Haul. Obviously, a theft of a U.S. Vice President’s vehicle is unprecedented and did not happen by accident.

6.1: Secret Service Leaves Gun on Plane
On August 29, 2012, it was reported that a gun belonging to a member of Mitt Romney’s U.S. Secret Service detail was found unattended in the chartered plane’s bathroom. The Republican nominee Romney was traveling from Tampa, Florida, to Indianapolis, Indiana for a speech when the incident occurred. The weapon, presumably left behind in the bathroom by accident, was discovered by a CBS News/National Journal reporter, who alerted a flight attendant about the gun. A member of the Secret Service on board the plane was informed and retrieved the gun.

6.2: U.S. Presidential Heist 
On September 3, 2012, it was reported that a U-Haul truck carrying undisclosed equipment for Vice President Joe Biden’s Labor Day campaign event was stolen in Detroit, Michigan. According to reports, that very same day the Secret Service recovered the stolen rental truck. Secret Service agency spokesman Ed Donovan told the Detroit News that the U-Haul truck was stolen early Sunday outside the Westin Book Cadillac hotel and was later found in a parking lot three miles away. Donovan had said the truck had equipment but declined to say whether any of the equipment was stolen.


In the six weeks leading up to the 2012 DNC, there was an unprecedented  amount of hijackings, attempted hijacking, hijacking hoaxes, air planes disasters, airplane mishaps, and the blatant staging  and hyping of events related to “explosives” and air travel by Freemason Ron Paul and alleged STRATFOR agent Alex Jones. These aerial events were no  accident but rather a concerted effort to construct a narrative whereby a hijacking post-9/11 would be accepted by the public and to provide cover for the airlines and government post-terror attack.

7.2: Foiled Hijack Attempt in China
On June 29, 2012, it was reported that passengers and crew members thwarted an attempt to hijack a plane in the western Chinese province of Xinjiang. According to reports, ten minutes into the flight between the cities of Hotan and Urumqi, six people on board the plane tried to take control of it “through violence,” a short statement by the provincial police said. The passengers and crew members managed to subdue the alleged hijackers, sustaining minor injuries in the struggle, police said. The plane then returned to Hotan where the suspects were taken into custody.

7.1: Colorado Airline Theft & Suicide 
On July 17, 2012, a commercial pilot allegedly tried to steal a commercial airplane at the St. George Municipal Airport in St. George, Utah. According to reports, the man who later allegedly shot and killed himself inside a commandeered SkyWest airplane was 40-year- old Brian Joseph Hedglin. St. George spokesman Marc Mortensen did not know what Hedglin intended to do with the aircraft. “We have no idea,” Mortensen said. “We don’t know what his intent was. We don’t know if he was going to take off or run it into the ground. There was no note.” “We many never know that,” added St. George Police Capt. James Van Fleet, “The person who has those answers is dead”.  Authorities launched an intensive search and immediately contacted his employer, SkyWest Airlines, and asked them to deactivate his employee access card. Hedglin was a pilot with the Colorado Army National Guard.

7.3: Onion Foreshadows 9/11 Style Attack 
On August 3, 2012, it was reported that the satirical newspaper “The Onion” showed an airliner about to crash into the Willis Tower also known as the Sears Tower in Chicago, Illinois, the tallest building in the America. The image, in a video on The Onion’s website showcasing its stories, shows an airplane emblazoned with the company name Sears flying toward the iconic black skyscraper, which for decades was named Sears Tower and headquarters to the retail chain. A narrator intones, “Sears extremists fly a plane into Willis Tower.” According to the report, “The image generated more than 3,200 responses on The Onion’s Facebook page by Friday evening, many denouncing the use of an image reminiscent of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.”  In response to criticism, The Onion marketing director Grant Jones wrote in an email that, “9-11 must never be the fodder for jokes. Perhaps you didn’t see the news that humor died after 9-11.”

7.4: Amsterdam Hijack Hoax
On August 29, 2012, it was reported that a Dutch Vueling passenger plane en route to Amsterdam from Malaga, Spain, had been hijacked. The false-alarm and subsequent panic was allegedly the result of a miscommunication between the pilot and Air Traffic Control. According to reports, the possible hijacking spread through the media and social networks. The Dutch defense ministry sent F-16 fighter jets to safely escort the plane, with 183 people on board, to ground. The National Coordinator for Counter-terrorism and Security told reporters military police would determine what was happening after boarding the plane. “Because of the loss of radio contact with the aircraft we escorted the plane to Schiphol airport with F-16 jets. The case is now in the hands  of the military police.”

7.5: Ron Paul Plane Checked for Explosives
On August 29, 2012, it was reported that Texas congressman Ron Paul’s , his wife and grand-daughter were subjected to harassment by the TSA at a small airport in Clearwater, Florida. After examining Ron Paul’s credentials, the agents allegedly demanded they be allowed to check the airplane for explosives. The incident ended after Ron Paul’s wife, Carol, refused to be screened by the TSA and started taking video. Ron Paul’s son, Rand, a Senator from Kentucky, was detained earlier this year by the TSA in Nashville. Following the incident, Rand issued a press release in which he vowed to lead the charge to “end the TSA”.

7.6: Flight Returned to China after Unspecified Threat
On August 29, 2012, it was reported that an unspecified threat had forced a New York-bound Air China flight to return to Beijing seven hours after takeoff. “Due to threatening information received about flight CA 981, to ensure the safety of passengers, this flight has returned to Beijing Capital International Airport,” the Chinese flag carrier stated in a statement posted online. According to reports, police were called in to investigate but found nothing suspicious, the airport authority said in statements posted online. State media also quoted police as saying the initial warning of the threat came from U.S. authorities.

7.7: Syrian Rebels Give ’72-Hour Warning’ Before Seizing Airports
On August 29, 2012, it was reported that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) had given a 72-hour advance warning to airlines to suspend all flights to Syria before the rebels try to seize civilian airports in Damascus and Aleppo. They claim the Syrian Air Force is using them ‘illegally.’ The 72-hour period begins on Saturday, September 1, 2012, the FSA told Asharq Al-Awsat, the major pan-Arab daily newspaper based in London. The FSA believes that Syria’s civilian airports are being used to support pro-regime military operations. The UAE’s Etihad Airways suspended flights to Damascus, citing the country’s “deteriorating security situation.” Royal Jordanian Airlines suspended all flights to Syria in July. Russia’s Aeroflot also ceased flights to Damascus in the beginning of August until further notice.

7.8: Flight Returned to Switzerland after Fight 
On September 3, 2012, it was reported that a brawl between two Chinese passengers forced a Swiss International Air Lines flight to Beijing, China to return to Zurich. According to reports, the captain decided to fly the Airbus A340 back to Switzerland after flying for four and a half hours. The passengers involved, who allegedly had been fighting over a headrest, were arrested on the plane by Zurich police when the aircraft arrived at the Kloten airport.

7.9: TSA “Explosives Chemicals” Video Uploaded
On September 3, 2012, a video entitled “TSA liquid testing inside terminal at Columbus OH Airport” was uploaded onto YouTube where it currently has over 190,000 views. According to the video description, a man behind the video camera was waiting in the Columbus, Ohio, airport for a flight to Oakland, California, when he noticed that TSA agents were “testing” any and all liquids that people had in their hands. He allegedly asked them what they were doing and was told by TSA that they were checking for “explosive chemicals”.  The TSA had been informed to be on the lookout for “explosive chemicals” in order to provide plausible deniability for government officials post-terror attack.

7.10: Texas Pilot Killed in Air Show Crash
On September 1, 2012, Dallas, Texas, native Glenn Smith reportedly exploded in mid-air and crashed during a display at the Quad City Air Show in Iowa. The crash happened as planes were performing at the show at Davenport Municipal Airport at Mount Joy. Davenport’s Assistant Police Chief Don Schaeffer confirmed the plane was making a 45-degree bank, did not come out of the bank, and the pilot did not have time to eject before it crashed. A witness said she saw the plane explode in the air, then explode a second time in mid-air, and then explode for a third time when the plane hit the ground. According to reports, Smith had been a pilot for a quarter-century and had a commercial pilot’s license with an additional instrument rating certification. What role Smith would have played post-mortem in the 2012 DNC Terror Plot is unknown, but being a pilot from Texas, is it possible that his pilot license/ID could have been used by the alleged terrorists.

7.11: Syrian Airplane Shot Down by “Rebels”
On September 5, 2012, it was reported that Syrian rebels, while besieging a military airport near the border with Iraq, shot down a fighter jet in mid-air. Free Syrian Army rebels have been laying siege to Hamadan airport in the city of Albu Kamal on the country’s eastern frontier in Deir al-Zor province since September 2, 2012. According to reports, “The airport has effectively fallen after many soldiers defected,” Nawaf al-Bashir, a senior tribal figure from Deir al-Zor who is in contact with rebels, said from Istanbul. The alleged shooting down of a plane a day before the 2012 DNC was another clear and calculated move to mentally program the masses prior to a plane attack.


In the weeks leading up to the 2012 DNC, there were unprecedented reports of individuals getting arrested for possession of fake identification, uniforms and participating in occupation that they were not licensed for. Fake police chiefs, doctors dentists and a veteran with every U.S. government uniform all indicate that a fake pilot, policeman or government agent was to play some role in the 2012 DNC Terror Plot.

8.1: Coast Guard Veteran Arrested (New Port Richey, Florida)
On August 7, 2012, it was reported that authorities in Florida had arrested and detained a 53-year-old Cuba native named Roy Antigua. According to reports, Antigua was arrested for driving without a license and a parole violation after the traffic stop, but was further investigated once officers noticed a fake ID. That’s when police found uniforms from NASA, U.S. Customs, the Navy, the CIA, the Secret Service and Homeland Security. He also had dozens of military medals, a flight helmet and flight instructor badge and a Boy Scout troop leader uniform. He also had a bag filled with doctor’s equipment and a physician’s assistant’s badge. Antigua was a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary in Miami, a volunteer unit, but was kicked out in 2011 after being arrested on a grand theft charge. Antigua is also a licensed respiratory care practitioner, according to the Department of Health.

8.2: Fake Police Chief Arrested (Scott Township, Pennsylvania)
On August 7, 2012, it was reported that Scott Township police cited a man for impersonating an Allegheny County police detective after he allegedly demanded free food at a local McDonald’s. According to police, Charles Jones was cited on a misdemeanor charge of impersonating a public servant. Jones who works as a private investigator and security guard demanded free food from staff at a McDonald’s restaurant on Route 50.

8.3: Fake Doctor Arrested (Lexington, South Carolina) 
On August 26, 2012, it was reported that Ernest Addo, of Austell, Georgia, was arrested and charged with unlawfully practicing medicine after acting as a doctor for six months in Columbia, South Carolina, where he allegedly saw over 500 patients. According to Lexington County deputies, Addo assumed a doctor friend’s identity, getting a driver’s license and presenting the massive amount of paperwork needed to prove he was a doctor. After Addo’s arrest at his Georgia home, officers found fake IDs and other documents and it appears Addo might have tried to fake his way through other lucrative careers, too. The sheriff wouldn’t specify which ones. Addo also worked as a contract doctor for the South Carolina Department of Mental Health, filling in for a doctor on medical leave.

8.4: Fake Dentist Arrested (Chicago, Illinois) 
On August 31, 2012, it was reported that Alberto Nunez was charged with felony practicing dentistry without a license and misdemeanor unlawful possession of hypodermic syringes. According to police, Nunez practiced dentistry without a license in unincorporated Melrose Park, Illinois, including doing root canals, taking X-rays and installing braces. Police stated that Nunez, who allegedly saw 30 patients per week, was in possession of  a dental chair, dental tools, syringes, and an X-ray machine. Nunez is not registered with the state and told officers he went to dental school in Mexico City, but he could not provide documentation proving completion. Police believe Nunez has been illegally practicing dentistry for about two years and had worked from previous locations.


9.1: Kamikaze Airplane Attack?
On September 4, of 2011, U.S. officials warned that terrorists could try to use a small aircraft in future terror attacks. A few weeks later, Rezwann Ferdaus was arrested and accused of plotting aerial terror attacks on the U.S. Capitol and Pentagon using exploding RC planes.

9.2: Obama Airplane Incidents 
U.S. President Barack Obama has suffered multiple security “scares” involving unknown aircraft which allegedly violated the “no-fly zone” surrounding him when he travels. These incidents, although not highly reported, possibly se the stage for the 2012 DNC Teror Plot in which a plane would attack the event from the air. Whether or not a future Obama assassination “event” will involve an alleged suicide pilot is yet to be determined, but the 2012 Democratic National Convention was to be held in an outdoor football stadium.

Obama Airplane Incident 1: July 10, 2011: Camp David, Maryland 
Obama Airplane Incident 2: July 10, 2011: Camp David, Maryland
Obama Airplane Incident 3: July 10, 2011: Camp David, Maryland
Obama Airplane Incident 4: May 13, 2012: Los Angeles, California 
Obama Airplane Incident 5: June 7, 2012: Los Angeles, California 
Obama Airplane Incident 6: June 16, 2012: Chicago, Illinois
Obama Airplane Incident 7: June 16, 2012: Chicago, Illinois 
Obama Airplane Incident 8: August 8, 2012: New York, New York
Obama Airplane Incident 9: August 8, 2012: New York, New York
Obama Airplane Incident 10: September 8, 2012: Tampa, Florida
Obama Airplane Incident 11: September 8, 2012: Tampa, Florida

9.3: Reno Air Races Deja Vu?
On September 16, 2011, a plane inexplicably crashed into the crowd at the Reno Air Races. Although authorities stated that the 74-year-old pilot lost control of his World War II-era plane and accidentally crashed it next to the VIP section killing 11 and injuring 69, what really happened on that day is still a mystery. Just prior to the crash, the plane was photographed with no pilot inside. Although it has been reported that the plane’s seat broke and the pilot slipped out of the cockpit, it is much more likely that the crash was in fact a beta-test for future kamikaze-like terror events. As with the terror attacks of 9/11, it appears that the plane in question was indeed a remote-controlled drone.

9.4: Over 4,000 Car Batteries Stolen In North Carolina 
On May 21, 2012, it was reported that 4,000 car batteries valued at $215,000 were stolen from an automotive business in Thomasville, North Carolina. According to the report, Timothy Dennard Winston, 52, Olin Sylvester Leak, 57, and Rickie Lane Leak, 49, allegedly stole the items from Battery Master Inc. at238 Mayclare Road. Local deputies said they the employees been stealing batteries for more than a year and selling them to a local scrapyard. All three men were charged with one count each of felony larceny by employee and felony obtaining property by false pretense. The batteries in question were likely to play some role in the 2012 DNC terror attacks had they been allowed to progress. The victims of an acid attack would wear the scars for life and the attack would obviously create unprecedented racial division and hatred in America.

9.5: FBI/DHS Acid-Filled Eggs Warning 
On August 22, 2012, federal authorities urged law enforcement agencies across the country to watch out for signs that extremists might be planning to wreak havoc at the upcoming political conventions by shutting down transit systems and attacking convention goers with acid-filled eggs. The warning came in a joint FBI-Department of Homeland Security bulletin which warned about a group of anarchists from New York City who could be planning to travel to the convention sites to disrupt the events. Anarchists “see both parties as the problem,” so both conventions are prime targets for them, a federal law enforcement stated.


If an 9/11 style aerial acid/anthrax attack on the 2012 DNC was indeed planned, there would have to be a commercial jetliner specially equipped with the acid and anthrax all ready to go. This particular plane would also have to originate out of Texas in order to stick with the aforementioned narrative that U.S. military militia men wanted to kill Obama and overthrow the U.S. government. Although the tail number of the plane has not been located (please sent to if found), flight 1267 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Dallas, Texas, appears to be the plane that was to be used in the planned terror attack on Bank of America stadium. On in Dallas, the plane was to be taken over by a fake pilot and flown to North Carolina. In order to remove this plane, the terrorists would need to create a major hoax and diversion in order to remove its toxic payload without getting caught by an overzealous TSA. This was accomplished by using two patsies who are both in jail in order to get the plane to a remote area at the Philadelphia airport whereby the crime scene could be secured. The  steady stream of fabricated stories surrounding the alleged perpetrator, Smith, and the victim, Shell, is designed to create mass confusion in order to muddy the waters around flight 1267.

10.1: Flight 1267 & “Dangerous Substances” 
On September 6, 2012, Flight 1267 to Dallas, Texas, was brought back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where it was searched due to a tip about a man on his way to Texas that was allegedly carrying a dangerous substance. According to Philadelphia police Chief Inspector Joseph Sullivan, the passenger was the victim of “a pretty nasty trick”.  After receiving the tip, the FBI, police and the airline decided to turn the aircraft around and bring it back to Philadelphia. After landing, the airplane taxied to a remote section of the airport where a slew of law enforcement vehicles surrounded it.  Bomb technicians and specially trained dogs searched the plane but allegedly found nothing illegal or hazardous.  Sullivan stressed that the passenger is not a suspect and did nothing wrong.

10.2: Flight 1267 Victim Arrested
On September 6, 2012, it was reported that Christopher Shell, the alleged victim of the flight 1267 hoax, would not be charged and was allowed to travel from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,  to Dallasm Texas. Once in Texas, authorities arrested Shell at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport for outstanding warrants including two drug-possession charges: less than 2 ounces of marijuana and less than 28 grams of a controlled substance.  According to reports, Shell isn’t listed in online records for the jails serving either city.

10.3: Infowars Covers for DNC Terror Plot
On September 6, 2012, an article written by Kurt Nimmo of appeared with a headline which read, “Government Hypes Airport Hoax After TSA Liquid Testing Video Goes Viral”. The article appeared to be a concerted effort by Infowars to help in the cover-up the toxic payload of Flight 1267. According to the Infowars report, “The latest incidence of melodramatic theater played out over national corporate media should be considered a psychological operation used by the government to legitimize ever-increasing and absurd TSA demands on passengers as the national security state with its police state mandate and apparatus tightens its grip”. If there was any doubt that Alex Jones and Infowars are in fact part of the intelligence community, the September 6, 2012, story should clear that up.

10.4: Flight 1267 & “Liquid Explosives”
On September 7, 2012, it was reported Kenneth Smith Jr., 26, was charged with using a telephone to convey false information when he allegedly reported “liquid explosives” aboard flight 1267. Shortly after the plane had departed, it was ordered back to Philadelphia when police received a call that Christopher Shell, 29, was carrying a “liquid explosive” on board flight 1267.

10.5: Flight 1267 Hoax: “Compromising” Facebook Pics
On September 7, 2012, it was reported that the motive behind Kenneth Smith Jr.’s call to Philly authorities about “liquid explosives” on flight 1267 was Facebook photos.  According to reports, “Smith stated that his motive for doing so was to avenge Person 1′s (Shell) ex-girlfriend of whom Person 1 had posted a compromising picture on Facebook,” said an FBI affidavit. “It is the kind of photo that could incense a boyfriend,” Smith’s lawyer, William Brennan, told reporters, declining to further describe the photograph. Smith, could face a maximum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 and possible restitution, said the Patricia Hartman, spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office. He will be arraigned at a later date. “I think my client, who is a stand-up guy, is frankly very embarrassed,” Brennan told reporters.

10.6: Flight 1267 Hoax:  The Love Triangle 
On September 7, 2012, it was reported that the midair explosives scare on flight 1267 was apparently the result of a love triangle, according to an affidavit that accompanied the charges filed against Kenneth W. Smith Jr. Smith. Smith called police at the Philadelphia airport Thursday morning to report that a passenger heading to Texas was carrying a liquid explosive. Passenger Christopher Shell was taken off at gunpoint and during questioning, Shell told authorities of a feud involving him, his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend “Kenny.” Shell had recently traded “hostile messages” on his cellphone with his ex-girlfriend about the situation, according to the affidavit.

10.7: Flight 1267 Hoax: The Victim’s Social Media Blitz  
On September 7, 2012, it was reported that Christopher Shell, the alleged victim of the flight 1267 hoax, had been very active on social media before and during flight 1267. According to reports, Shell’s Facebook page was filled with references to the episode in Philadelphia and photos of him aboard the aircraft before departure. “We just spent a half-hour in the air to be notified that the plane, `has technical difficulties’ and had to fly back! Flight 1267 CANCELED,” Shell later wrote, apparently unaware he was the reason for the return. A pre-departure Facebook post from Shell described how someone he knew at the airport allowed him to go “through security with a breeze.” Philadelphia police Chief Inspector Joseph Sullivan said that  social media posts would be part of the investigation.

10.8: Flight 1267 Victim Shell Shocked    
On September 7, 2012, it was reported that alleged Flight 1267 victim Christopher Shell was “in shock” and “stunned” when he was apprehended by authorities. Steve McNeal was allegedly sitting next to Shell when five heavily armed officials boarded the plane. “They turned the gun and pointed it at the guy sitting right next to me. I was shocked,” McNeal said after the flight eventually made its way to Dallas. “I had been talking to him on the way out for the first 15 minutes of the flight. Nothing seemed abnormal.” Another passenger, Lisa Flanagan, from Philadelphia, said it looked as though Shell “was in shock. He didn’t know what was going on.” “He was obviously very alarmed, as I would be if heavily armed police officers entered a plane to take me off,” Sullivan said. “And he was certainly stunned. And that’s why this is no joke. This is no laughing matter.” It appears that Shell was in fact part of an operation and was shocked at being arrested. Like many patsies in the intelligence community, they are never ready to get double-crossed.


11.1: Hillary Clinton: No Show 
On April 6, 2012, it was reported that for the first time in decades, possibly all the way back to 1968 in Chicago, Hillary Clinton was absent from a Democratic National Convention. Clinton, America’s chief diplomat, allegedly did not attend because she is expected to stay above all things partisan. “Given her current position, she will not be attending, consistent with her not engaging in any political activity whatsoever,” Philippe Reines, spokesman for the Secretary of State, stated.  Clinton’s absence from the 2012 DNC speaks volumes was likely one of the key planner in the 2012 DNC Terror Plots. In the 2011 Super Bowl nuclear terror plot, then Texas governor Rick Perry and former president George W. Bush all left Texas, despite Dallas hosting a Super Bowl for the first time.

11.2: MTV Music Awards
On May 15, 2012, it was reported that the 2012 MTV Music Awards would be broadcast live from Los Angeles while the 2012 DNC was being broadcast live from Charlotte, North Carolina. The pattern of scheduling simultaneous live events during a terror attack is standard operating procedure and allows the media to put their own spin on the attack. It also allows for the both the younger generation as well as the majority of the voting black to be exposed live to whatever types of terror attacks were in fact planned for the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

11.2: North Carolina Doctor Found Dead in Texas
On August 25, 2012, authorities stated that the bodies of a Henderson County, North Carolina, doctor and her husband were found dead in a hotel room in Galveston, Texas. The couple, who had been missing for over a week, were last been seen on August 18, 2012 when Dr. Leslie Cargile failed to show up at her clinic to see patients. According to the report, investigators with the Galveston County Medical Examiner’s Office said a hotel employee found 53-year-old Leslie Cargile and her 58-year-old husband William and that the room was locked from the inside. Authorities stated that the deaths don’t appear to be homicides, but they are awaiting autopsy results. Investigators say a number of medicine samples were found in the couple’s room. What role Dr. Leslie Cargile was to play in the 2012 DNC Terror Plot is not known, but there is the possibility that her ID was to be used by the terrorists to gain access to medication, laboratory or a hospital where anthrax could be obtained. There is also the possibility that her knowledge was to be used by the terrorists to weaponize anthrax or another biological weapon.

11.3: Dead Body Found at North Carolina Power Station
On August 29, 2012, it was reported that North Carolina police had found a dead man who appeared to have been electrocuted while on the premises of an electrical power substation. Officials said the body of Brandon Creasy, 23, of Eden, North Carolina, was found around 3 a.m. near a power substation at the Virginia Solite Plant at 11651 NC 770. Investigators stated that Creasy appeared to be removing copper wiring from the electrical station and they are still trying to determine if anyone else was involved in crime. Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page said there is usually power flowing through wiring and other electrical devices and would-be metal thieves should consider the risks of their potential crimes. What role Brandon Creasy was to play in the 2021 DNC Terror Plot is not known, but there is the possibility that he was to cut the power to the Charlotte, North Carolina, airport, creating a power failure so that flight 1267 could fly from Dallas, Texas to Charlotte undetected. Or, by cutting the power, the secret anti-terror center would not be able to resond to the coming terror threat.

11.4: Rahm Emanuel: No Show
On September 3, 2012, it was reported that Mayor Rahm Emanuel would not be in attendance for his former boss Obama’s acceptance speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Originally, the Chicago mayor had planned to be in Charlotte from Tuesday through Friday but that all changed according to his Communications Director Sarah Hamilton who stated that, “It’s changed a bit. He’s still… the mayor’s going tomorrow (Tuesday) to Charlotte to speak to the Democratic National Convention and he will be returning Chicago late Wednesday evening,” Hamilton went on to state that the Obama campaign has asked Emanuel to host a watch party on Thursday in Chicago for campaign staffers who weren’t able to make it to Charlotte, North Carolina. In Emanuel’s DNC speech, he stated, “The person who takes the oval office in the next four months will shape not just the next four years, but the next 40 years of this great nation”. In the 2011 Super Bowl nuclear terror plot, then Texas governor Rick Perry and former president George W. Bush all left Texas, despite Dallas hosting a Super Bowl for the first time.

11.5: Chicago Police in North Carolina 
On September 3, 2012, it was reported that about 50 Chicago police officers were sent to Charlotte, North Carolina to work security for a week at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. According to reports, the Chicago officers said they had been instructed not to talk with reporters about their out-of-town assignment. A Charlotte police department spokesperson later confirmed that “roughly 50 officers from Chicago” were on duty at the convention.  Officials said the Chicago officers were sent to Charlotte to reciprocate for police sent by Charlotte to help during the recent NATO summit held in Chicago. Officers sent to Charlotte will be paid through a special federal grant of $50 million for convention security. Coincidently, there was no request for the Chicago officers to assist in security at the GOP convention. A spokesperson for Charlotte police chief Rodney Monroe said, “Chief Monroe is grateful to have the assistance of these officers for this monumental event”


After the initial DNC terror warning by was published, the cancelation of Obama’s outdoor speech in Bank of America came within 24 hours. This cancelation was likely a sign to all terrorist parties involved that the 2012 DNC Terror Plot had been officially called off. Since this executive decision was made, a chain of unprecedented events occurred in and around the DNC the likes of which have never been seen before. In an attempt to divert attention from the massive change in plans, Zionist operatives began lashing out Christians and both “God” and “Jerusalem” were officially put back in the official DNC platform. On controversial and high profile issues such as God and Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, the Democratic Party did a complete reversal of stated policy less than 24 hours before their candidate’s nomination.

12.1: DNC Cancels Stadium Speech 
Roughly 24 hours after this breaking news story was published, Democratic officials moved President Barack Obama’s 2012 Democratic National Convention nomination speech indoors due to the possibility of severe weather. As previously reported, Obama had planned to accept his party’s nomination in the Bank of America football stadium before a crowd of up to 74,000 people. Obama officials said weather forecasters predicted severe thunderstorms in the 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. hour, raising concerns about the safety of supporters, volunteers, staff members and law enforcement.

12.2: Weather Modification Not Used 
While introducing President Obama in June of 2012, Mayor Rahm Emanuel joked to Chicago Democrats that when, “The president arrives, the rain stops, the sun comes out.” Emanuel said. “Coincidence? I think not.” It is common knowledge that RussiaChina and the U.S. have weather modification technology which could easily divert the alleged weather system or make the weather system dump its precipitation prior to hitting Charlotte, North Carolina, on September 6, 2012. Why these advanced weather modification technologies were not implemented for a sitting U.S. President is not known, but chances are it had everything to do with the failed 2012 DNC Terror Plot.

12.3: Anti-Christian Hate Speech 
On September 5, 2012, it was reported that Mark Alan Siegel, the Palm Beach County Democrat Chairman, had made hateful and anti-Christian statements while wearing a “Jews for Obama” at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Among other things, Siegel stated that, “I’m Jewish, I’m not a fan of any other religion than Judaism…The worst possible allies for the Jewish state are the fundamentalist Christians who want Jews to die and convert so they can bring on the second coming of their Lord”.

12.4: Obama Adds God & Jerusalem to DNC Platform 
On September 5, 2012, it was reported that the Democrats Party had drastically changed its official party platform policy both “God” and the capitol of Israel, “Jerusalem”, two of the most controversial issues in the world. The changes allegedly came only after strong opposition from church groups and many New Yorkers. The dramatic changes were later said to be direct orders from Obama who wanted the party platform to “reflect the president’s personal point of view”. The controversial vote was conducted by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the Convention chairman, who needed to take three separate votes to get the motion passed and was booed when he ruled it in.


In the aftermath of the failed 2012 DNC Terror Plot, two distinct incidents have occurred outside of the DNC that raise suspicions even further. If there is any further information in respect to the failed 2012 DNC Terror Plot, please email it immediately to [email protected].

13.1: South Carolina Marine “Drowned” 
On September 8, 2012, it was reported that a 19-year-old Marine drowned in Beaufort, South Carolina, just a few hours after he graduated from boot camp. Officials say the Marine disappeared while swimming about 40 yards from the beach, south of the Hunting Island Lighthouse. A relative called 911 after losing sight of him. Officials at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island didn’t immediately release the man’s name. What role the dead Marine was to play in the 2021 DNC Terror Plot is not known, but there is the possibility that he would help out the Texas militia men in some way.

13.2: Obama Muddies Water
On September 8, 2012, two F-16 fighter jets allegedly intercepted two small planes that violated airspace restricted for President Barack Obama‘s visit to the Tampa Bay area. Lt. Cmdr. Bill Lewis of the North American Aerospace Defense Command says the jets established radio contact with the pilot and ordered the plane out of the 10-mile restricted airspace. Within 72 hours of the 2012 DNC Terror Plot being exposed, the 10th and 11th incident involving smalls violating the “no fly zone” enacted around Obama occurred. This is particularly interesting considering the original terror warning by specifically listed the previous 9 airplane incidents surrounding Obama. The goal of these apparently staged incidents is to provide cover for Obama and his handlers.


Only two days after the failed 2012 DNC Terror Plot, a major high profile UN meeting was scheduled for New York City on September 23, 2012. Generally, events involving the U.S., Israeli and Iranian presidents are scheduled months in advance, but not this time. As detailed herein, there is a real possibility that the U.N. building in New York, which is currently under construction, may be the site of the next planned false-flag terror attack. Based on the location, construction and drills, a high profile 9/11 style attack (plane into building, building comes down) may be planned.

14.1: Al Qaeda & New York
On April 3, 2012, it was reported that an Al Qaeda website published a glitzy graphic promising that Al Qaeda would be “coming soon again” to New York, New York. Set against a Manhattan skyline at sunset, the graphic stated, “Al Qaeda – Coming Soon Again in New York”. According to the report, the message initially appeared on a website classified by the NYPD as a Category 1 website, meaning one heavily used by “jihadis”.  A representative of one of the forums published a message stating, “Allah-willing, [terrorists] will return soon stronger and a bigger thorn in the throats of the enemies and tyrants”.

14.2: September 23, 2012 UN Meeting
On September 8, 2012, just a few days after the failed DNC terror attack, the United Nations in New York City will host the leaders of Israel and Iran and U.S. President Obama is expected to be on hand. According to reports, Obama, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu are scheduled to attend the meetings that start Sept. 23. In addition, French President Francois Hollande and U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron also will attend the U.N. forum. All the principals have been invited to a high-powered lunch hosted by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. In addition to Ahmadinejad, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has threatened to use the 2012 General Assembly to advance his campaign for unilateral statehood, a move Washington insists must be negotiated with the Israelis and not used as a political football inside the United Nations.

14.3: Iran Disrespected at UN
On multiple occasions, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been blatantly disrespected by Israeli, American and European politicians, dignitaries, and ambassadors as they stood up and walked out while he was speaking to the general assembly at the United Nations in New York City. Although Ahmadinejad didn’t seem to mind the distraction, the people that left cited Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric regarding Zionism, Israel’s genocidal policy towards Palestine, and the truth behind 9/11 as the cause of their rude behavior. Should a terror attack strike the U.N., it is likely that Iran will be blamed and Ahmadinejad will be scapegoated as wanting revenge for the disrespectful behavior.

14.4: UN Palestinian Statehood Vote 
Even before Palestine could present their bid for official statehood, predictions that Palestinians would turn violent began to circulate. Committing acts of terror prior to a U.N. vote is self-destructive and counterproductive and is obviously not in the best interest of Palestine. This propaganda only makes sense when the realization is made that Israel is the occupying and terrorizing force in Gaza and is violently opposed to Palestine’s attempt at statehood and will do anything in its power to destroy any notion of a Palestinian state. Palestine is Israel’s #1 enemy, outside of Iran, so it would only make sense that they would like to tie Palestine to the U.N. terror attack, should it occur.

14.5: Palestinian Airlines Activated 
On May 28, 2012, Palestinian Airlines announced that it is resuming flights after a seven-year hiatus. The airline will make only two flights a week and has just two planes and one hub. The airline will conduct biweekly flights between El Arish, a city on Egypt’s Sinai peninsula adjacent to the border with Gaza, and Marka airbase, located outside Jordan’s capital Amman.

14.6: UN False-Flag Chatter
On October 31,2011, an alternative new source picked up on the notion that the U.N. could possibly be a false-flag terror target intended to take America and the world to war with Iran. According to the report, the CIA is preparing to destroy the United Nations building in New York by posing as construction contractors in order to bring down the asbestos condemned UN building. Just like in the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11, the CIA is preparing to place a small tactical nuke in an excavated hole in the center of the UN building’s basement. Like the WTC tower, the presence of asbestos has made the renovations of the UN headquarters too expensive with initial costs projected at $1.2 billion. The report goes on to state that the US Congress has already financed this false flag attack by providing $2.65 billion to FEMA on September 29, 2011.

14.7: UN Terror Attacks
In August of 2011, the United Nations disclosed that they were a victim of cyber terrorism. The security company McAfee stated that the cyber-attack came from a “state actor” but declined to name it. Chances are the “state actor” will eventually outed and chances are Iran will be implicated. In August 15, 2012 a bomb has exploded near a fuel truck outside a hotel where U.N. observers were staying in Syria. The U.N. has been allegedly attacked in 2005 and 2007, and may be targeted again in the near future.

14.8: The UN “Remodel” 
The U.N. is conveniently allegedly being renovated just prior to its scheduled destruction. As Press Core reported, “Like the World Trade Center Towers the presence of asbestos has made the renovations of the UN headquarters too expensive and impractical. The cost to safely remove the asbestos from the ceilings of the building doubled the initial projected cost of $1.2 billion. That is the official revised cost. The actual cost is much higher. Some estimates put it as much as 10 times more expensive. Now that they have discovered that the UN pipes are also lined with asbestos the cost to remove and replace all of the piping in the building makes the UN building a perfect site for another CIA false flag attack.” According to Fox News, the U.N. has already used $2 billion and is asking for $3 billion more to finish the remodel, ultimately keeping the U.N. building an open construction site whereby explosives can be easily installed at any time.

14.9: WMD Drill at UN
On April 5, 2011, the U.N. building in New York City served as a staging ground for a massive terror drill with the main focus being on nuclear terrorism. The drill began at the U.N. and then moved to other locations throughout New York. The week-long series of terror drills involved dozens of agencies and first responders and focused on one of the great concerns of the post-9/11 era: nuclear terrorism. According to reports, the NYPD and 70 other law enforcement agencies tested their ability to detect radiological materials and prevent an attack orchestrated by four fictional terror cells intent on targeting New York City with a “dirty bomb”.

As long as Obama is in office, rest assured a race war is being organized, fostered, and primed for a made-for-TV type terror event. Should a race war start in America, it is imperative to remember that starting fights between different races, classes and religions is taken word for word out of the 3rd Protocol of the Protocols of Zion. As America and the world continue to wake up to the evils of Zionism, namely usery and terrorism, there will be more and more attempts by Zionists to terrorize the masses and muddy the waters in an attempt to distract humanity from their wicked deeds.

The exposure of the 2012 DNC Terror Plot is imperative as it has the ability to bring down the Obama Administration and the Zionist establishment controlling it. By forwarding this story to government agencies, media outlets, friends, family member and co-workers, hopefully we can avert another national tragedy that is no doubt being planned at this very moment.

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist living in Zurich, Switzerland, where he has applied for political asylum after the release of his first book entitled The Nuclear Bible. In May of 2012, Taylor released The Bio-Terror Bible, which exposes the coming global bio-terror pandemic. Taylor has also revealed the future assassination of Barack Obama by the Israeli Mossad, NATO’s implementation of the SKYNET Terminator Program, as well as the Alex Jones links to STRATFOR.

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