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Is America Being Deliberately Moved Down a Path towards Revolution?

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The scent of Revolution is strong in the air across America these days, and the scent of Revolution is strong in the air across America these days, and who can blame her? However, the excerpt from the blog posted below asks you to consider the question:
Is America being moved down the road to a Second American Revolution by a hidden hand?
The non-stop disclosure of White House scandals that have enveloped the nation during the past month began happening right around the time of the Boston Bombing incident that occurred on Massachusetts’ Patriot’s Day, 2013. This blog excerpt below asks you to consider whether or not that incident was designed to be a repetition of the original Patriot’s incident from Boston of 1775.
This is my own blog and my own opinion. It is reprinted here with my own permission. For the full content of the blog, please see:
Almost overnight, a religious empire that had been hated and shunned by New Englanders for a hundred years was practically welcomed into town with open arms. Let us take a look at those events that preceded the First American Revolutionary War. See if you find a pattern emerging in this eddy in the River of Time. One point that is often overlooked is the influence that two holiday observances had on the people of Boston as they were led along a path towards Revolution.
Nowadays, when people think of the cultural make-up of Boston, they often associate the city with Irish Catholic heritage. But this was not the case during the 16th and early 17th centuries. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia itself, “those who were [Catholic] had few inducements to settle in the Puritan colony where their Faith was held in detestation.” Citations from various reference works follow below. The phrases shown below in bold represent emphasis added by this blogger.
During the war with France one hundred French Catholics were arrested in Boston in 1746 “to prevent any danger the town may be in” but the sheriff much to the disgust of their captors refused to hold them. In 1756 the exiled Acadians of whom nearly 2000 had landed in Massachusetts were denied the services of a priest because, as Governor Hutchinson declared, “the people would upon no terms have consented to the public exercise of religious worship by Roman Catholic priests.”
The Boston “Town Records” (1772, pp. 95-96) while admitting that toleration in religion was what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practiced” excluded “Roman Catholicks” because their belief was “subversive of society”.
Therefore we see that the sentiment among New Englanders was a strong loathing for Roman Catholicism. Another sentiment prevalent among New Englanders was a general reluctance to rebel against the British crown. Contrary to the picture presented in most American history textbooks, the people of the American colonies were very averse to cruising down a road of revolution. Note the words of this reference:
“With the possible (and doubtful) exception of Samuel Adams,” Rakove writes, “none of these who took leading roles in the struggle actively set out to foment rebellion or found a republic. They became revolutionaries despite themselves.
In his newest book, he argues that the American Revolution may never have happened without the miscalculations of the British governor of Massachusetts, Thomas Hutchinson. Those miscalculations sparked the Boston Tea Party, which in turn galvanized a disparate collection of colonial leaders.
In fact, 20% of the American population remained loyal to the British crown during the entire war. Some statistics indicate that as much as half the population of New York remained Loyalist. Even Benjamin Franklin’s son, William, remained a Loyalist and moved to Canada!
Americans today think of the War for Independence as a revolution, but in important respects it was also a civil war. American Loyalists, or “Tories” as their opponents called them, opposed the Revolution, and many took up arms against the rebels. Estimates of the number of Loyalists range as high as 500,000, or 20 percent of the white population of the colonies.
What motivated the Loyalists? Most educated Americans, whether Loyalist or Revolutionary, accepted John Locke’s theory of natural rights and limited government. Thus, the Loyalists, like the rebels, criticized such British actions as the Stamp Act and the Coercive Acts. Loyalists wanted to pursue peaceful forms of protest because they believed that violence would give rise to mob rule or tyranny. They also believed that independence would mean the loss of economic benefits derived from membership in the British mercantile system.
Loyalists came from all walks of life. The majority were small farmers, artisans and shopkeepers. Not surprisingly, most British officials remained loyal to the Crown. Wealthy merchants tended to remain loyal, as did Anglican ministers, especially in Puritan New England. Loyalists also included some blacks (to whom the British promised freedom), Indians, indentured servants and some German immigrants, who supported the Crown mainly because George III was of German origin.
The number of Loyalists in each colony varied. Recent estimates suggest that half the population of New York was Loyalist; it had an aristocratic culture and was occupied throughout the Revolution by the British. In the Carolinas, back-country farmers were Loyalist, whereas the Tidewater planters tended to support the Revolution.
… About 100,000 Loyalists left the country, including William Franklin, the son of Benjamin, and John Singleton Copley, the greatest American painter of the period. Most settled in Canada. Some eventually returned, although several state governments excluded the Loyalists from holding public office. In the decades after the Revolution, Americans preferred to forget about the Loyalists. Apart from Copley, the Loyalists became nonpersons in American history.
To summarize, what we have in the months preceding the Boston Tea Party is a Boston population with strong loyal sentiment to the British crown, a reluctance to spark revolt, a detestation of Roman Catholicism that was nevertheless accompanied with, as shall be seen in the paragraphs below, a curious affinity for observing two particular Jesuit Catholic holidays.
We turn again to the history published by the Catholic Encyclopedia:
With the Revolution, however, came the dawn of a better era, the upsetting of religious as well as political barriers, and the beginning of the slow but sure growth of the Church which has resulted in the wonderful change of the present. A favorite New England diversion was an annual procession, on 5 November, of the Pope and the Devil in celebration of the famous “Gunpowder Plot”.
In Boston it was usually attended by riot and violence. In 1775 [George] Washington, while at Boston, issued an order in which he could not “help expressing his surprise that there should be officers and soldiers in this army so void of Common sense” as to thus insult the religious feelings of the Canadians with whom friendship and an alliance was then being sought.
Now isn’t that interesting. What was it that turned the tide of anti-Catholic sentiment in Boston?
For this answer, let us enter the dining hall of the Green Dragon Tavern. For it was in this pub that men like Paul Revere and Samuel Adams made plans to oust the British red coats from New England. And it just so happens that the Green Dragon Tavern was owned by … drum roll please … the St. Andrews Lodge of Freemasons. And not just any Freemasons but Scottish Rite Freemasons. In fact, the Tavern had just been purchased a few years previously on March 31, 1764. We know this because the archives of the Boston Freemasons record a commemoration in 1864 to mark the centennial of that purchase. This 1864 centennial was a really, really big deal – and the purchase of the Green Dragon Tavern by these Jesuit-leaning Freemasons in 1764 was viewed by them likewise as a very big deal.
We would encourage the reader to do his own research outside of this blog to learn the historical connections of the rise of the Scottish Rite Freemasons to the dispersion of the Knights Templar on Friday the 13th of the year 1307. The purging of the Knights Templar was another act of “suppression” likewise effected by a Pope and French Royals just as the “suppression” of the Jesuit Order would later be enacted by another Pope and another set of French Royals on July 21, 1773.
The Scottish “Antient,” or, Ancient, Freemasons of the 16th and 17th centuries were unusually sympathetic with the Catholic Church, or more specifically, to the elite strata within the Church as personified by different groups all through history, like the Knights Templar and the Jesuit Order. It is no secret of history that powerful Catholic Scots had long been trying to regain control of the British throne. The tyrannical British monarch was seen as a monarch worthy of assassination. This explains how it is that the “Gunpowder Plot” of Guy Fawkes Day came to be celebrated with such gusto in Boston, as noted above in the excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Please note that the Gunpowder Plot was at one time also known as the “Jesuit Treason.“ See:
And just as it is today, the image of the Guy Fawkes mask has come to be synonymous with justified revolution. The “Gunpowder Plot” had been a scheme hatched by a Jesuit priest in England. So, regardless of the anti-Catholic sentiment felt by most New Englanders at the dawn of the 1700s, by the time the King of England was clamping down with his iron boot in Boston, suddenly the imagery of a revolutionary Jesuit priest took on positive overtones for Americans who “just couldn’t take it anymore.”
The reader is here encouraged to do one’s own research outside of this blog regarding the subjugation of all the royal families of Europe to the Pope (see “Donation of Constantine“). It was this subjugation that effected the oppression of the Colonists in the first place. The readers of this blog may already see a redundant theme in these pages: that the Puppet Master is controlling both sides of the chess board.
Once you consider that the activities of the 1775 Boston Freemason lodge are playing out at the exact time in history when the Jesuit Order is in disfavor with the Pope, deductive reasoning would suggest a specific agenda on the part of the Jesuits who have now become persona non grata with the Pope. They were looking for two things: 1) a new western base, and 2) a means of exacting vengeance on the disobedient sovereign powers of Europe and the Pope who had interrupted their flow of power in Europe.
Having been kicked out of Europe, they were still free to operate in the lands of Catherine the Great of Russia because she simply ignored the Papal order. This will become important farther down in this blog when we discuss the success of the Continental Army at Valley Forge. And since all the new wealth was in the Americas, the Jesuits needed to set up shop there. But how to do that when New Englanders hated Catholics?
To their rescue came the St. Andrews Freemasons, the closest thing to a Catholic church that you could find in Boston at that time. This is a very logical shelter for the Jesuits since it had been the Scottish Rite Freemasons who protected the fleeing Knights Templar 400 years earlier. Why, these Boston Freemasons even observed the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist at the time of the summer solstice. This is an unusually Catholic festival whose observance by the usually anti-Catholic Bostonians was equally unusual. And if one takes the customarily held view that the Catholic Church is opposed to Freemasonry, then the observance of this very Catholic festival within Freemason lodges is even more confusing. However, once you consider that the Jesuit Order of the 18th century was well connected to the rise of Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati and that the elite of this order were steeped in pagan rituals, suddenly this observance within the Boston Freemason community is not so confusing after all.
Regarding the importance of this Catholic observance to the Boston Freemasons of the 1700’s, their own official archive states these facts:
On the 24th of June, 1772, the festival of St. John the Baptist, was celebrated by the Massachusetts Grand Lodge, by a public procession, formed at Concert Hall, the brethren marching in full regalia to Christ Church in Salem street, where “a very suitable and pertinent discourse was preached by the Rev. Samuel Fayerweather, of Narragansett”; after which they returned to Masons’ Hall, and “dined together in the Garden, under a long Tent erected for that purpose; and the remainder of the day was dedicated to mirth and social festivity.”
Public Masonic Processions were at this time of rare occurrence. One of the earliest of which we have any record, took place on St. John’s Day, Dec. 27, 1749, and was the occasion of unusual curiosity and interest in the community.
… that the principal leaders of the Revolution in Boston, were members of the Masonic Fraternity, and many of them of the Lodge which held its communications there, – a circumstance which would very naturally influence them in the selection of the place for their private consultations. It is not however, to be inferred from this, that they either met as Masons or used Masonry as a cover to their purposes; for others than Masons were associated with them. 
The deep significance of this Holy Day of the two Saint Johns is shown in this reference by a writer who is himself a Freemason:
The Saint’s Johns appear to Freemasons in several places in our catechisms. Their proximity and use in our rituals have been questioned for many years as to their use and placement. Looked at together, saint John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist serve to represent the balance in Masonry between zeal for the fraternity and learned equilibrium. The Saints John, stand in perfect parallel harmony representing that balance.
From a historical approach, The Saint John’s festival is said to be a widely celebrated Masonic holiday. Traditionally June 24th (or the summer Solstice) is taken to be John the Baptist’s day, which is celebrated in many cultures around the world. According to McCoy’s Masonic Dictionary, the Festival of St. John in summer is a duty of every Mason to participate in, and should serve to be a renewal and strengthening of fraternal ties and a celebration of Masonry from “olden-times”. It functions as a connection between the past and the future.
The festival, to non-Masons, has been called the “Setting of the Watch”, where ceremonial bonfires were lit after sunset. Tradition says that men, women, and children would jump through the fires for luck. Across Europe, this holiday is celebrated in many ways. With oak wreath crowns, wild flowers and birch branches. Families would feast and celebrate in union. The meanings of these ancient traditions are lost today on our society, but the link was made at some point to John the Baptist. The On-line Catholic Encyclopedia points to the birth of John the Baptist as 6 months before Christ, placing him on the summer solstice. It is thought that these festivals have been linked in character and content with the birth of John the Baptist.
From the Masonic perspective we are given the balanced dualism of John the Baptist on one side and John the Evangelist on the other. Represented together this way represent the balance of passionate zeal with and learned knowledge of faith forming a space to reflect on to and channel our passion as well as our education/knowledge. Individually strong, together they stand as a harnessed focus of zeal and knowledge. This counterpoint is not just necessary to Freemasonry but can be applied to all areas of life. Taken as an abstract compilation of symbols, together they represent a well-balanced path towards enlightenment.

(UPDATE JAN. 08, 2014: these two Freemason holidays, one at the Summer Solstice and one at the Winter Solstice, are eerily reminiscent of the “Weeping over Tammuz” and the “Rejoicing over Tammuz” described in one of my other blogs here on BIN: Baby Tammuz in the Manger. Note the links to ancient Babylonian rituals — and more importantly — its link to the adulterated version of an ancient topological metaphor. You will see a hint of its use as the basis to justify never-ending National Debt in that blog.)


To summarize, we have here in Boston, during the week of April 15th 1775 an environment where the Bostonians have been nearly checkmated by an oppressive British government coupled with a few years’ worth of Jesuit inspired emotionalism that teaches the Bostonians to regard violent uprising as the justified spark that will lead them to the enlightenment of an 18th century New World Order. The meme was planted and watered well during those months when the Patriots planned their revolution under the roof of the Jesuit Freemason Green Dragon Tavern.
But the Jesuits were not finished yet with the setup of their New American World Order.

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    Total 5 comments
    • Mark Brander

      God has put Obama over America as the Antichrist to bring judgement on a an evil and corrupt nation that no longer serves Him. There are plenty of prophecies about it. It is going to get much worse real soon.

    • justiceday

      All I know is this our government is teaching the guys in the military that Christians are bad, that it’s ok to rape, and they have no understanding of the Constitution!
      This country is in trouble!

    • stompk

      Most people don’t realize that Freemasons, the true seedy underbelly of America, pledge their allegience to the British Crown. The Boy Scout three finger salute includes allegience to the King (British Crown). The British Crown controls 1/3 of the population of Earth through the commonwealth. They won’t be happy until the US is part of that oppressive system. The constitution is the only thing standing in their way, and they are destroying it from within.

    • bmxholden

      1. We all agree the MSM is rigged and driving the puppet-masters agenda
      2. We all agree the MSM can cover up any scandal if they so choose (9/11)
      3. We all agree that if the MSM decides to cover scandals, there is a purpose
      4. We all agree that if Biden becomes President, war in Syria is a done deal
      5. Why do you suppose the MSM is coming out with all these scandals suddenly?
      6. Why do you suppose the floodgates are open season on Obama?

      Could it be because Obama has gone rogue and is no longer answering to the puppet masters? And now they unleashing the attack dogs to force him out and get their war?

      Think people think! The MSM didn’t suddenly get a conscience – they have been tracking us for decades – this is the narrative because they are driving the narrative. Stop being so gullible – Obama is taking the blame for everything, and is likely powerless to stop most of this – is it not possible his executive orders are to pave the way to clean up this nation from the stranglehold the neocons have on DC?

      I can’t say if this is true or not – but you MUST concede that if the media jumps on a story – people in high places are driving the narrative for a reason – and that reason is highly unlikely for the betterment of We The People! Wake UP!

    • airspoon

      No, we are not being moved down a path to a 2nd American revolution. Oddly enough, Americans aren’t really caring about these scandals too much. Americans are so brain-dead and chalk full of indoctrination, propaganda and apathy, that it would take a lot more than a few scandals that the WH easily brushes off. Instead, if they really wanted to anger Americans into a revolution, they would have to do something extreme, and even still it likely wouldn’t happen. We have been turned into a nation of cows and are even proud of it. We can easily just lies to ourselves about what’s really going on because it is easier and so long as our homes are air conditioned and we have a constant fast-food fix at our fingertips, Americans are likely to give their own children to the state for slaughter (Doh!!! We already have!). If the powers that be really wanted a revolution, they would start by first coming clean about 9/11 and out puppetry to Zionism.

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