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By Steven Christ
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Foucault Pendulum Proves No Rotation to Earth!

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It’s right there in plain sight for all to see.

No Rotation.

No convexity or flatness.

Concave Earth is Reality.

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    Total 17 comments
    • BStallard

      I dont think Im going to listen to someone who wants you to call him! LORD STEVEN CHRIST!
      Not only that, He also says we all need to get goods mark (a tattoo)
      to enter heaven, I think we have all heard this one before :eek: :eek:
      Not only that he also claims to be the reincarnated (JESUS CHRIST)
      Also in 2009 he told EVERYONE he as going to assisanate OBAMA!
      after nes crews found out, he of course said he never said such things :lol:
      He also says anyone who mocks him will be cursed!

      heres a video of him getting arrested as well!
      please everyone do your research, before you believe or follow ANYONE!
      especially LORD STEVEN CHRIST! I didnt even scratch the surface of what all is out there!

      • Chet

        Good find Brian.

        Steven looks bald as f5ck in that video.

        Around 51 seconds in you can see his Joe Dirt “tonsure” from the back and top as they stuff his

        Jessy Ventura looking donkey butt into the paddy wagon.

        All hail… Lord ( balder than ) Steven Segal

      • Mayhem

        I’m about to be cursed for sure, crispy steve, but “da Joos, da Joos” (in ze arrest video) was absolutely priceless. You might be right, pudgy, but that didn’t stop you coming across as a raving lunatic. Anytime you gain a bit of traction that clip is gonna be thrown in your face. Whether it’s here, in The Bin, or on the MSM your legacy will follow you.

        • Steven Christ

          yep, cursed. it’s not a laughing matter, well, it wont be, anyway.

    • karutzar

      //I dont think Im going to listen to someone who wants you to call him! LORD STEVEN CHRIST!//
      I am with you on that. :lol: This “Lord” happen to be on the same forum where Sean tread the boards. :lol:

      • G.M.

        karutzar, How are you my friend

        I got your last message on here and went over to Flat Earth Truth and just did my 1st Thread there last night before I went to Bed.

        The Apple is the Aether

        Were all working towards the same Goal and what does it matter who is in charge of the Forum, I AM only interested in doing Threads without getting Banned and My Threads Destroyed, this B4IN, will not even let me Post Articles, 5 I did, 5 deleted from my Dashboard after being Moderated, All well within they’re Guidelines.

        Whats that tell anyone about a People Powered Website or a New Root of Truth, That They Are Attached to the Same Old Tree of Lies, now its a Concaved Earth, with a Nibiru No One Can See or some September Surprise.

        Come Over to FET and Lets Finish – What We All Started Together

        • Steven Christ

          humble yourself and realize fetterism is a silly pysop that is waning and the more intelligent people are joining Concave Earth Reality.

      • Steven Christ

        laugh now. cry later. scattering is unwise.
        NSA add this one to FEMA Detetnion List.

    • Steven Christ

      ad hominem comments will only influence other people to perish when the sun stops and you will be responsible for indirect manslaughter. this is not a joke. NSA add B Stallard, Chet, karutzar to the FEMA Detention List.

    • obamathepuppet

      wow great theory, except for two obvious faults: 1. in this model the sun and moon would never go below the horizon and 2. the sun and moon would get bigger until straight overhead and then smaller as it crosses the sky. how can people subscribe to this obvious attempt at humor. Oh wait I forgot, people are gullible.

    • Mark

      OMG… your brain is a static pendulum too… for sure! :lol:

    • Steven Christ

      any insults against me, the Messiah, are not conducive to one’s well-being. You are cursed. NSA, add.

    • obamathepuppet

      we all could be gods if we could activate our brains more effectively. all the flouride and radio waves and vaccines block us from…… well obviously you haven’t made it to that level if all you can do is curse people and threaten with detention. try working on yourself first, and concave earth, really! is that the best joke you can come up with.

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