
Trapper Killsmany
I need help fighting a major wrong committed against myself & my family. I have been wrongfully accused of crimes & wrong doings that I did not do. I have not been allowed to speak or show evidence to anyone or in any court. Everything done against me over the last two years has been done illegally & in violation of my Constitutional rights in Alaska & U.S. Also Alaska & U.S. laws were violated by Troopers, DA\'s, & Judges. Including Extortion, Breaking & Enterings, Assaults, Criminal Trespasses, Thefts, False Arrests, False Imprisonment, Kidnapping, Torture, Attempted murders, Harrassments, Defamation of my good character & much more. I have all the evidence, eyewitnesses, court (bail hearings)& state trooper audios (even after they modified them), Trooper reports & they all prove me in the right. I need my record cleared of all these false charges in Alaska & be allowed to return to my peaceful life. I have not broken any laws or done one thing that was illegal. I have been harassed & convicted purely on my looks, my name, & hearsay evidence & denied to speak or show the truth. I do historical reenactments & movie shoots for a living & these have been used against me. They are saying I kill people for a living & other absurd lies. Reenactors of all time periods are the best people around. Here is the link to my video statement the short version. Help protect our 4th Amendment & comment in your own words. You can make a difference! Make this Petition go viral & sign PLEASE! For more info on this case go to this link.
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

