
I believe we are in the end times. I believe it is 11:59, as far as time left to prepare. I believe Jesus is Lord and will return at the last trumpet sound. In the book of Revelation that is 3 days after the last two prophets are killed in Jerusalem. They rise first as do all the dead in Christ, then if we are still alive we get caught out of here and join Jesus in the air. I believe that those who trust in Pre-tribulation rapture will be sadly disappointed and may fall away from Jesus when they see all hell breaking loose on earth and they are still here. I know that the early church all the way up to less than 200 years ago , never taught pre-trib rapture. They taught pre-wrath rapture. That means we go though the seals and trumpet judgments. I believe we only have till about Sept. to prepare and then the necessary items may no longer be available. I believe a whole lot of folks need to read the seals and trumpets while there is still time and get ready. They will need food, water and be prepared to stay inside for quite a while. The protection will come from men that God raises up and God and His angels. The protection by men will only happen in certain areas, and there will be many deaths and martyrs. Ask Jesus into your heart, repent of sins and forgive your enemies. Jesus will answer your prayer. He loves you. He died for you.
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