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DIY: How To Spot and Identify NSA or Dark State Spy Crafts that Could be Silently Hovering Over Your House or Car at Anytime

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STUNNING REALITY: Compilation Video and Movie of Silent Imperial Shadow-State AI-Piloted Drones Now Surveilling our Communities : (How To Spot and Identify NSA or Dark State Spy Crafts that Could be Silently Hovering Over Your House or Car at Anytime) LOOKUP-WAKEUP

Video and Movie: The REAL current STATE of TECHNOLOGY – ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE – Download and Share And Show To Your Whole Block – and share this B4IN News Link all over the whole internet to everybody out there:

This is real stuff, not computer graphics.  Most people will try to say it is a video game graphic because they can’t wrap their minds around it or it scares them. 

The emerging shadow-state deployed Anti-gravity ‘skynet’ should be the top watercooler topic in the second half of this year – and all the rest of the censored-news, the other facets of the elite banker’s new world order agenda, would then shake out in the wash while We The People focus on this particular tyrannical happening.

Here is test-target individual Patrick McCracken’s (from New Jersey) hugely under-rated youtube channel which his many dozens of hand-recorded sighting videos:

The shadow state has retrofittable gravity-disrupter reactors or anti-gravity-”lifters” – and they have installed this incredible-vehicular-tech in all sorts of strange crafts now over the skies of upstate New York and also New Jersey – hundreds of crafts already – of dozens of different shapes and sizes of craft; seemingly powered by onboard inexhaustible zero-point-energy reactors.  This is the first FEMA region these anti-gravity crafts are currently confined to.

This technology was secretly developed at bases such as Area 51.  The “shadow state” goons are setting up an AI-piloted Surveillance “Skynet” over America currently right in front of hundreds of thousands of eyes on the ground.  This has been happening for about 200 days already – and it is happening today too!

The secretive shadow-state goons are claiming total control and dominance and ownership not only of the atmosphere, but also all space in our solar system.  If you are not alarmed about this or don’t care or simply think ‘that’s cool’ – then check your IQ quotient and compare that number to the current room temperature. 

More background-context on this developing saga over the past 6 months is explained in the following essay below.  

The big question remains – why are only less than a half dozen people one earth publicly talking about this issue after a half-year of anti-gravity skynet deployment?

Why are truth movement celebrities with microphones and large audiences refusing  to  speak a word of this – even though it has been emailed to all them dozens of times apiece over the past 6 months, mailing of DVDs to them with “Upload – The Antigravity Movie 2015-2019″, phone calls, etc + articles like this. 

Movie Link:

Do people really want to be stuck/controlled/suppressed onto the gridlocked roads below?  Has society lost their discernment, prioroties, good sense, and minds?

The shadow state conspirator group view us, from above, as dumb animals.  In some ways, rightly so.    They are paving the way for a ‘new world order’ terminator-style skynet and global holocaust.   Whether the shadow state goons are working with aliens or not is not absolutely proven – but they are openly acting like aliens!  This is just like a slow-moving-cloaked alien invasion.

They Power NWO Elite are controlling this secretive darkstate skynet rollout.  This has been entirely UNANNOUNCED since deployment began in September 2015.  They are not going to give all the ‘dumb animal’ ‘little people’ below access to the technology – even though your taxes and national debt paid for the secret development of it – for past decades.

If you read this article, slow enough for comprehension to occur, you will learn about a rarely discussed aspect of human psychology, and also about new ultra-high-tech vehicular technology that you most likely haven’t heard of or have seen yet. ( Unless you have seen the fictional, yet today now possible, Bladerunner movie (from 1982!) – See this 1 minute clip to see and get a feeling for what is now possible with *today’s* technology:

For a more realistic quick backgrounder on anti-gravity development within the US, see UNSEALED – Antigravity Files:

The posting of this article coincides with the precise middle of the year, June 15th, 2016. Never in my infrequent wildest or absurd nightmares would I ever be so drawn to an unexpected and unwanted feeling or conclusion that our fellow country-people are so incredibly and persistently unconscious.  

Unconscious is about the best word – rather than simply dumb – as dumb sounds too discriminatory (a “big word” that the public likes to use whenever it can); discriminatory to generally unaware or uncaring people with below room temperature intelligence quotients.  That is, relative to certain level of awareness, knowledge, and survival instincts – as most everyone is usually smart about ‘something’, right?: either football, baseball, hockey, music, variety shows, sit-coms, soap operas, the kardashians, etc.  

This is the way I feel compelled to start out this condensed ‘news article – which is really about something else (Shadow-state deployment of Anti-gravity craft “Skynet” into our skies above all our heads)  ( Evening crusing AI(robot?)-piloted surveillance or abduction drone? )  (  Patrick Mccracken playing simon says with antigravity commericial shaped craft. )


…which is  extraordinary/considerably, not quite arguably, much more important & epic compared to trite/passing mainstream topics in these times that usually float down the river in the fog of time, again out of sight and out of mind.  However, the emerging shadow-state deployed Anti-gravity ‘skynet’ should be the top watercooler topic in the second half of this year – and all the rest of the censored-news, the other facets of the elite banker’s new world order agenda, would then shake out in the wash while We The People focus on this particular tyrannical happening.

To focus in at the 2 hearts of this issue: the bigger/biggest real problem is centered in the mass-media programmed, chemically dumbed-down, and brainwashed minds/mindsets of the general public — coupled together with a psychological term described as ‘Cognitive Dissonance’: *** – in a few words – C.D.  is basically ‘a self-censoring mindset’ that occurs rather simultaneously when people are exposed to information that they don’t LIKE (that doesn’t tickle them in a pleasurable way), as opposed to rather clear obvious FACTs of REALITY.

So generally dummies can be defined as those who only LIKE to think about what they like to think about – or are trained to memorize/think-about a specific subject area for income – or are programmed by censored-tv and for profit commercials; in contrast to happenings in the bigger and more important, and threatening, ‘bigger picture’ rapidly developing around them.  

Cognitive Dissonance isn’t really a disorder since it is so prevalent across our cultures; it is a strikingly *common* human condition. C.D. is comparable to the animal world in how ostriches instinctively react to danger by sticking their heads in the dirt.  That kind of action somehow might oddly protect ostriches in the wilderness, but such techniques on a mass scale would only spell doom for our human culture, and way of life.  Generations of us, from all the many various sub-cultures, have all come to perceive the world differently around us – resulting in global low-common-denominator cognitive perception chaos.
If **** readers are a sampling of many of the best and brightest on the internet, as could be assumed, or perhaps purest of the souls out there – then here it goes… even though this new critically important knowledge has been presented here periodically over the past handful of months ( ******* link to Delta/Southwest darkstate anti-gravity stalking accomplice article from Feb 2016: /alternative/2016/02/southwest-and-delta-are-flying-around-antigravity-jetliners-tons-of-proof-in-the-air-3294246.html ).

And at no-time-soon in the next year or two should this topic (really a new giant new subject area) be considered ‘old news’ ( BeforeItNews editors – please consider this before weighting this one off the mainpage ) since only abut .00000001% (or less) of the general public has become aware of this issue in the past 6-7 months of grassroots-style reporting.  

As previously documented, Michael Weise & Patrick McCracken have been video-documenting their incredible personal month-by-month sagas of being stalked by zero-point-energy anti-gravity shadow-state spy platforms (often in the shape or anti-gravity-lifter-retrofitted commercial airliners – most often 737s – and painted as such with Southwest, Delta, and Luftwansa logos) since September 2015 up until this present day in the middle of June, 2016 – and beyond.  Download the ebook which has documented these events over this period of time “Top Public – Antigravity Revelation” (*** eBook Viewer link: Movie Link: )

In my unique, and still utterly rare view, after posting the reporting of Michael Weise [*** RadioEast1 youtube link: ] and Patrick McCracken [ ***  Patrick’s youtube link: ] (two unique NWO “Skynet” test-target- individuals, from New York (Michael) and New Jersey (Patrick) since October 2015, I am still feeling rather stunned to realize the many various ultra-high-tech “war-stars”-age anti-gravity spy drones and warships ( now being heavily mass produced and deployed publicly first over the northern East Coast from upstate New York to New Jersey ) is only less than ‘half the problem’ on the horizon.

This clearly documented ultra-high-tech anti-gravity technology, now in the hands of the secretive shadow-government ‘new world order’ darkstate – which are being now secretly mass-produced and deployed to spy, track, control, abuse, herd, and to help incrementally murder innocents (that is, the general population) more in ever greater numbers is incredibly much more important (and simply interesting to those who aren’t afflicted with Cognitive Dissonance ‘C.D.’ ) compared to the routine dribble & garbage and censored news that is presented hourly on mainstream cable television programming.   

Indeed the bigger problem is the general lack of interest, knowledge, care, and foresight by most everybody (aka. ‘apathy) – even so called college academics or professors – of the general public about an issue such as this.  

Resultingly, the public people at large are *not* becoming better ORGANIZED enough to help call-this-out and garner their combined strength in ways to help stop this mad ‘alien-like’ invasion by other ‘dark-state’ humans – who have formed a ‘breakaway sect’ (in their view – an ‘empire’) – quite literally over humanity.

For the past half-year, and now onward into the near future, a common enemy has publicly, clearly presented itself; but still most everyone would rather engage in tribal, racial, cultural and professional sporting warfare.

And how truly and epically/apocolyptically inane, and insane, in light of being setup for this incredible ‘alien-imitating’ emerging attack onto us from above, literally stealing our airspace, and worse. This is beyond the chemical (popularly known as chemtrail) poisoning of our skies/atmosphere with coal-fly-ash & aluminum-barium dust (and other toxins).  The many thousands of chemical aerosol spraying tanker jets are not equipped to target individuals or crowds on the ground, nor shoot at them with lasers and invisible particle beams – as these newly visible floating anti-gravity warships are capable of !

This all makes for a rather strange and “Twilight Zone” ambiance to this current time-period of 2015-2019.  It does constantly disturb me that the general public is resembling dumb animals, or zombie-like, in these ways – about many topics – not just this most alarming and clearly obvious one;  but eventually this news should be commonly widely-known and should still be discussed *now.*.. and tomorrow, etc.

I naively had earlier thought, for several months, that by mid-Spring 2016 that this system-censored-news would have already emerged as a national, wide-spread discussed, issue of common/general debate.  I thought the AERO ( “(A)ntigravity-(E)nergy-(R)evolution-(O)rganization” ) ‘open-source’ 3rd-party poster idea (AERO Poster link: ) would be instantly loved by public – instead of the age-old-rigmarole of being under the hoods of the Demoncratic or Repugnican parties.  I thought by now a non-corrupt-establishment-insider candidate such as Trump would be speaking of this as a critical issue of public debate.  How naive others have continued to make me feel, yet I am certainly not asking for the public’s pity in admitting this – just help in getting this news out to any and all others.  Actually not help for me, that is not the point – as this issue is not about any single person – but when people all over start informing others and discussing anti-gravity and zero-point energy technology and the emerging tyrannical dark-state skynet police state – they would be only helping themselves (and their children, and beyond) in the long run.

This multi-trillion dollar corporate laundered dark-state ultra-high-tech anti-gravity and zero point energy deployment is not just coming for Michael Weise & Patrick McCracken, the dark-state insiders are coming for basically control over all of America and the whole world.  We do not yet know where these various shaped anti-gravity platform crafts will be deployed next, but these crafts can silently float stationary/levitating/sliding across the sky for days without end — and have shown themselves to be able to quickly relocate to any gps-coordinate, at high speed, with unlimited energy/zero-point-reaction-fuel anywhere – worldwide!

It is my personal hope, that i hope will be contagious, that there is a gold vein of intelligence to be found in readers, who might form together, perhaps directly based on this particular article, into a critical-mass of independent reporters — who won’t dismiss and basically persistently further enable the cover-up this epic news; that is presented in this article.  

If you want to see these with your own eyes, as most probably you are not a paid press-titute limited/barred from covering this -> then bring yourself and your video camera with a zoom lens to the Albany NY INTL airport any evening.  You will see them hovering into and back out of the airport 24/7 these days as the dark-side’s ‘Skynet’ empire is further deployed on-top of us.  Possibly buddy up with Michael Weise there as he is a ‘micro-chipped magnet for these crafts’ as evidenced on his 200+ filmed videos on his “RadioEast1″ youtube channel. ( *** link )  
More reporters are needed, hundreds more – then just the few of us that have been covering this since 2015 – as Alex Jones and infowars – even including the very brave Steve Quayle and David Icke have shown they themselves are too afraid to report on this topic.  (link to Steve Quayle article.  I have personally physically MAILED (with envelopes and stamps)  both Alex and Steve DVDs of “Upload- The Movie” & Top-Public-Antigravity Revelation multiple-times since January 2016.  Infowars and others such as World Net Daily, Glenn Greenwald’s The Intercept (aka. Inept-icept and coincidentally based in New York state), American Free Press, and a baker’s dozen others have been notified over 100-plus times over the past 6 months with so many emails, DVD mailings, and phone calls – but they have actually ‘censored’ reporting on this issue since Fall 2015.  That’s true too, and unfortunately so, and a sad now long-established fact of world history.  

Another way you might be able to see these crafts directly with your own eyes is to report on them openly.  Then they might pay you a visit over your subdivision/block/house.  However, at this point it is recommended that helping inform the general public of this should be done ‘discreetly’ through *burning* “Upload – The Movie” (1hour54minutes of excellent video evidence – based on the Fall 2015 freely-distributable ebook “Top Public – Anti-Gravity Revelation” onto CDs or DVDs and then distributing by mail and randomly into the public, downloading and re-uploading “Upload – The Antigravity Movie” to unlimited YouTube channels, file-sharing sites, torrent sharing networks, copying smartphone-to-smartphone, and by memory-card-manual-hand transmission to others.  Copy or color-print a dozen AERO 3rd party citizen world government posters and post them like political art.  

I suggest WE all exponentially wake up to this or if we don’t we will surely be “Blade-Runnered”.  See the 1984 BladeRunner film or the sequel Bladerunner Part II that was supposed to show in theaters this past Spring 2016 but is apparently being held-back as to not gain public interest into what a anti-gravity tyrannical police state looks like.
Please join the disclosure movement now… There is real power in numbers, and time is of the essence to help with you energy to make this world a much better place.  Imagine having an anti-gravity vehicle in your garage.  You will have to work for it if you want to drive one up into the sky in your lifetime. Join and support the AERO party by just making the decision in your mind.  Joining a 3rd party for a world citizen’s ultra-tech vehicle poltical party is as simple as that.  Are you in?  If so, you are in… Next go tell others about the new vehicle uplifting-technology and social movement…  – Here is an interesting recent

sighting of a shadow state military industrial complex flow anti-gravity model triangular “TRB3″.

Article Links:

This article (for easy sharing):

Splash Video link (short deployed AG-craft complilation):

1) Blade Runner Spinner Taking Off:

2) UNSEALED – Antigravity Files:

3)  ( embed – evening drone )  ( patrick mccracken simon says )

4) /alternative/2016/02/southwest-and-delta-are-flying-around-antigravity-jetliners-tons-of-proof-in-the-air-3294246.html

5) (Michael Weise’s anti-gravity skynet coverage youtube channel )

6) eBook Viewer link: Movie Link:



9)  – Here is an interesting recent sighting of a shadow state military industrial complex flow anti-gravity model triangular “TRB3″.

A *MUST SEE* Movie Link:

p.s.  Send other this BeforeItsNews Article Link so they can experience a Reality Check too.  copy & paste:  (or use the email buton at the top of the article)

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