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"The Big One" California Earthquake Tomorrow Morning?

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“Carmageddon” set-up for “The Big One”
September 28, 2012
David Chase Taylor

“Carmageddon” may in fact be the official game-plan for the dreaded California earthquake infamously known as “The Big One”. With Los Angeles freeways scheduled to be overflowing parking lots on Monday, October 1, 2012, it appears that a man-made disaster of Hollywood movie proportions involving millions of cars, freeways, bridges, explosives and demolitions may be planned.

“We see this as being a disaster – only it’s a planned disaster.” Posie Carpenter, Chief Administrative Officer of UCLA Medical Center

The term “Carmageddon” was originally derived from the unprecedented 53-hour shutdown of the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles, California, during the weekend of July 15, 2011. The first-ever complete closure of a southern California freeway was part of the Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project which was unparalleled and completely unnecessary. California has been a U.S. state since September 9, 1850, and until July of 2011, no such construction or traffic related closure had ever occurred.

Original Story: Here

Prior to closing the freeway, Los Angeles radio DJs and television reporters simultaneously began referring to the freeway closure as “Carmageddon”, parodying the death, destruction and mayhem synonymous with the word Armageddon. The on-air media personalities acted in concert by repeatedly parroting the term in an obvious propaganda campaign either ordered by or paid by Los Angeles County and its supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, who is credited with publicly naming the “Carmageddon” event.


Unprecedented freeway closures, gridlock hype and the convenient use of explosives for “demolition” purposes may indicate that a Hollywood disaster movie may transpire in reality.

1.1: The “Carmageddon” Hype
The hyped-up fear surrounding “Carmageddon” is that a massive traffic backup could spread to connecting freeways subsequently gridlocking the entire Los Angeles highway system. “We wanted to get that image of what the stakes were by frankly alarming the public, getting the public’s attention, grabbing everybody by the lapels and saying, “This is a real project that is going to cause a real disaster if we aren’t prepared,” stated L.A. County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky. Helping spurn the original “Carmageddon” fear and propaganda was a number of different celebrities including newly cast “Two and a Half Men” star Ashton Kutcher and “CHiPs” actor Erik Estrada. The 2012 shutdown includes two of the nation’s busiest interchanges which carry about 500,000 vehicles on a typical summer weekend, said Marc Littman, a spokesman for Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), an agency handling the project.

Access: “Carmageddon” Cover For Future L.A. Earthquake Strike 

1.2: “Carmageddon” 2012
Starting at 12:01 a.m. on September 29, 2012, and going through October 1, 2012, the second complete closure of the I-405 will take place. The freeway is scheduled to reopen at 5 a.m. Monday, October 1st, just ahead of the morning rush hour. In 2011, “Carmageddon” finished 17 hours early but Dave Sotero, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, says not to expect that again because there’s more work this time. According to reports, “If the freeway doesn’t reopen on time, that’s when Carmageddon will really kick in.” While “they don’t expect that to happen”, officials “will be ready if it does.” “Everything that was a concern last year is still a concern this year…There may be some complacency that we are worried about. There may be a false sense of security…for drivers thinking it’s going to be a very light weekend,” stated Sotero. According to news reports, “Ground zero for the shutdown is the Sepulveda Pass, where I-405 flows northward past Westwood, Brentwood, Bel Air and other expensive canyon neighborhoods on the western side of Los Angeles”.

1.3: Explosives & Demolition 
On July 14, 2011, it was reported that the unprecedented 2011 “Carmageddon” shutdown was in part due to construction crews demolishing the Mulholland Bridge as part of an alleged $1 billion freeway-widening project. On September 28, 2012, it was reported that the 2012 “Carmageddon” closure is in part due to the demolition of the Mulholland Bridge so that it can make way for its replacement. Although it’s impossible to know, the demolition of the same bridge two years running may be cover for the rigging of demolition explosives at different freeway overpasses and bridges throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Should an alleged earthquake occur, these explosives could destroy bridges and freeway overpasses in a matter of seconds leading people to believe that the earthquake was in fact responsible. Obviously, the demolition of L.A. freeways would cause an unprecedented amount of injuries, death, destruction and gridlock which would inevitably play out like a Hollywood disaster movie.


Recent earthquakes and unprecedented news in respect to earthquake related events indicate that massive and deadly earthquakes may be just around the corner. Numerous earthquake related incidents mysteriously occurring right before, during and after “Carmageddon” is not sheer coincidence and may in indicate foul play.

2.1: A 6.2 Earthquake Strikes Baja California 
On September 26, 2012, just two days before “Carmageddon”, it was reported that a 6.2-magnitude earthquake shook the southern part of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. “We are calling on the public to remain calm in case there are aftershocks,” stated State Civil Defense Director Carlos Rincon, who also announced that there were no reports of damages or injuries. According to the report, the U.S. Geological Survey stated the earthquake occurred at about 4:45PM and was centered offshore in the Gulf of California. Twenty minutes later, a 4.6-magnitude aftershock occurred north of La Paz, as well as 4.8 temblor further out in the Gulf of California 12 minutes later. While there is no way to know for certain, the Baja California earthquake may be a sign that a California quake is on its way.

2.2: The Earthquake Show Trial 
On September 27, 2012, just one days before “Carmageddon, it was reported that six Italian scientists and one government official could face prison terms for manslaughter for allegedly downplaying the risk of an upcoming earthquake. The earthquake in question occurred on April 6, 2009, when a 6.3 magnitude earthquake killed 309 residents in the town of L’Aquila, Italy. Although the trial began about a year ago, it is on hold until October 9, 2012, when the defense will present its closing arguments. In what appears to be an obvious show-trial with no real evidence, the international earthquake spectacle will begin playing itself out roughly a week after “Carmageddon”.

2.3: A 6.4 Earthquake Strikes Alaska
On September 28, 2012, just two days before “Carmageddon, it was reported that seismologists had recorded three earthquakes which struck 64 to 75 miles southwest of Adak, Alaska.  According to reports, the lights quakes occurred at 7:28 a.m. Thursday September 27, 2012, and 11:16 p.m. Wednesday September 26, 2012, but caused no damage. The Alaska Earthquake Information Center stated that the 4.5 and 4.3 magnitude quakes were aftershocks of the 6.4 earthquake that originally struck the area on September 26, 2012. That quake was felt in the communities of Adak and Atka, more than 1,000 miles from Anchorage.  While there is no way to know for certain, the Alaska earthquakes may be a sign of things to come.

2.4: Earthquake Science Suddenly Changed
On September 28, 2012, the first day of “Carmageddon” 2012, an article entitled, “Big Earthquakes Can Trigger Temblors Across Globe” was published in the San Diego Union Tribune. This shocking report essentially states that earthquake behavior has radically changed and that large earthquakes in one part of the globe can now trigger even larger secondary earthquakes elsewhere. This new theory goes against everything known about earthquakes, but provides cover for man-made, HAARP or explosive generated earthquakes. “If you asked any of us if this event is possible a year ago, we would have laughed at you,” said Thomas Heaton, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology. “This was a really surprising finding,” said Fred Pollitz, a seismologist with the USGS and lead author of the paper. Although the behavior of the earth and earthquake science has allegedly changed, the plan to terrorize humanity under the cover of a natural disaster has not and should this man-made earthquake operation go forward, expect a series of devastating and escalating earthquakes from California to Japan and beyond

2.5: Earthquake Drill: The Great California ShakeOut! 
Roughly three weeks after “Carmageddon” concludes, the annual Drop, Cover, and Hold On earthquake drill entitled the “Great California ShakeOut!” will kick-off on October 18, 2012. According to the official website, “more than 12.5 million people were registered in ShakeOut drills worldwide” and that “participating is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes.” Due to the hundreds if not thousands of earthquake drills which will occur worldwide on October 18, 2012, tens of millions of people will be consciously and subconsciously programmed for a future earthquake. Should a massive “earthquake” just happen to occur during “Carmageddon”, the international earthquake drills will induce unprecedented anxiety and fear while the terrorizing psychological effects of the drill will increase exponentially.

2.6: HAARP & Earthquakes 
According to Wikipedia, “the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).” What Wikipedia fails to mention is that HAARP, as documented in this video, can be used as a weapon to guide weather systems and cause earthquakes. What role if any HAARP will play in a “Carmageddon” tyoe scenario is unknown, but the capability to cause widespread destruction and mayhemvia earthquakes is always at the disposal of the U.S. government.

2.7: Explosives & Earthquakes
While HAARP is credited by many Japanese citizens and well conspiracy theorists for causing the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami, it is more likely that an underwater nuclear weapon or military grade explosive was used to lift up the sea just off the Japanese coast which subsequently caused unprecedented destruction and death. Whether or not HAARP or underground explosives will be used to create “The Big One” earthquake in Southern California is unknown, but all the ingredients needed for a massive earthquake disaster are already present.


With “Carmageddon” and numerous earthquake related events occurring simultaneously, the city of Los Angeles, California, appears to be readying itself for impending death and destruction. With a new police center, a fully staffed UCLA medical center and a new Office of Emergency Management via the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the city of Los Angeles is fully prepared to handle any upcoming man-made or natural disaster.

3.1: New LAPD Riot Center 
On February 8, 2012, it was reported that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) opened a new high-tech war room which “gives it eyes all over the city”. LAPD Chief Charlie Beck stated that “We are targets on our own soil…We have to be ready.” Located in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, the new intelligence hub is interestingly called RACR. Should a massive and deadly man-made earthquake strike Los Angeles, there will likely be riots (possibly race riots), looting and mayhem which LAPD appears to be anticipating.

3.2: UCLA Medical Center Ready
On July 14, 2011, it was reported that the UCLA Medical Center had secured 600 dorms and apartments as temporary quarters for hospital staff as part of an emergency plan to prevent doctors and nurses from getting stuck in “Carmageddon” traffic. Then on September 23, 2012, it was reported that Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, just outside the “Carmageddon Zone”, planned to house as many as 300 doctors, nurses and other staff members in dorms at nearby hotels so nobody will have trouble getting to work. “Everybody, including myself, will be here to man the entire event, just to make sure everything goes safely for our patients and staff,” stated Shannon O’Kelley, UCLA’s Chief Operations Officer. Whether or not UCLA truly cares about their doctors and nurses getting to work on time is secondary, for the hospital will be fully staffed to handle massive amounts of trauma victims should a man-made earthquake or a “natural disaster” just happen to occur.

3.3: New “Office of Emergency Management” 
On September 23, 2012, it was reported that a new emergency operations center opened in Santa Monica, California, during August of 2012. According to the report, Santa Monica’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is where every major transit, law enforcement and emergency services agency has been cooperating in making “Carmageddon” contingency plans. According to their mission, “The Office of Emergency Management will exist to protect the community of Santa Monica from the loss of life and property in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. One of their stated objectives is to “implement a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program, which will provide people who live and work in Santa Monica with the skills and tools to respond to emergencies.” It’s still too early to tell if “Carmageddon” was the underlying motive behind Santa Monica’s new OEM, but it obviously opened for a reason.


The U.S. economy is at an all-time low and dissent for U.S. President Barack Obama and the U.S. government is at an all-time high. According to a Financial Times article, Obama’s has a “growing credibility crisis” and there are fears that the Democrats could lose the White House and the Senate to the Republicans.

White House advisor Robert Shapiro made it crystal clear that Obama is relying on a terror attack to rescue his presidency: “The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” said Shapiro, “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”

An unprecedented “natural disaster” earthquake type terror event in Los Angeles would give Obama the national tragedy that to date he and his staff have been unable to pull off, not that they haven’t been trying. On February 6, 2011, the Obama administration was caught red-handed attempting to conduct a nuclear terror attack on Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas. Then in September of 2012, the Obama administration was again caught red-handed trying to stage a 9/11 style terror attack on the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Unlike a terror attack, a “natural disaster” is a safer to conduct an allows for Obama and his administration to play savior in the aftermath of a national tragedy.

Desperate people do desperate things and staging the “The Big One” earthquake scenario would give Obama the platform he desperately needs and would play nicely into the whole 2012 Doomsday scenario. Under the cover of a “natural disaster”, the Obama administration could conduct their dirty deeds while remaining relatively free of public suspicion. Post-earthquake, Obama’s poll numbers would rise and law and order in Los Angeles may break down eventually leading martial law.

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist living in Zurich, Switzerland, where he has applied for political asylum after the release of his first book entitled The Nuclear Bible. In May of 2012, Taylor released The Bio-Terror Bible, which exposes the coming global bio-terror pandemic. Taylor has also exposed the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror PlotNATO’s implementation of the SKYNET Terminator Program, as well as the Alex Jones links to STRATFOR.

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    Total 5 comments
    • Endthisnow!

      Carmageddon is OVER! Everything went fine. The 405 freeway is back open, and traffic is flowing at the mess it usually is! There was no earthquake, and there will not be a “big” one today or tomorrow or next week. They did not rig the freeway with explosives….there is no cover up.

    • TeachStuf

      What sector of society does not feel itself teetering at the edge of an “abyss” of mankind’s own making?

      God’s Word describes the “bottomless pit” as the place where those who have proven unfit for His Kingdom are placed. “Cast into outer darkness where their weeping and gnashing of teeth will be.”

      “Bottomless pit”….”Outer darkness”. These are aptly described by the evident reality of “black holes”….literally “knots” in the fabric of the universe, tied by the Hand of God Himself. These “knots” would effectively place those inside them, outside of God’s Kingdom. The following link contains a true account regarding some of my experiences:

      Just as foretold, some among mankind now have certain powers over the weather, taking dominion over the air, even going into space. Taken on the whole, their technological prowess seems intimidating to those remaining willfully ignorant of the Higher Realm!

      Take a good hard look at the folly of empires throughout history….what student of history does NOT know that man has always ended up dominating his fellow man to his own injury time and time again? Look at the Wisdom contained in God’s Word. Evolutionists have long ridiculed God’s Word as inaccurate and full of myths. Let’s take one of the first ones. God caused Adam to sleep and took a rib and used it to make Eve. If it is a myth, then what a stroke of luck that those making up such fantasy, would choose the only bone in the human body that grows back every time it is carefully removed by human surgeons the world over for some time now. After creating all lower life forms on the planet, it was said: “Let us make a man in our own image”. Compare this with the time line of man in his infant dalliances with similar projects. One has only to perform a cursory net search to see the progression of man’s efforts at creating autonomous creatures. He started with the basest forms and progressed to the point of creating rudimentary AI beings in his own image. Such a progression that mimicks, if in an infantile way, that laid down in God’s Word eons ago….is not by chance, but was inevitable. Cowardly humans prefer not to answer to One higher than themselves and ignore the myriad Truths in God’s Word because they have grown to love the lie, and the father of it. I find it repugnant and rapaciously wrong that man should deny His Creator, yet pontificate his tragic level of hubris in all directions the moment he comes closer to imitating even the simplest of God’s Creations. Even at this time, the science halls are rife with triumphant cries here and there every time nano science produces even the simplest of nano electric motors. Such crude attempts which humbly wither in comparison to the vastly superior Flagellar Motor, whose amazing electric motors drive propellers by means of stators, rotors, magnets, bushings, universal joints etc. at RPMs as high as 1,800 per second. Man, by his own unanalyzed admission, is effectively admitting that he rejoices at being able to even crudely copy that which he deems to have been a blind, dumb, accident. Arrogantly, stupidly, proclaiming that the sum is infinitely less than it’s parts!

      Fact is, any serious and honest student of history can see that God’s Word has foretold the story of man accurately to the letter, clearly delineating who would be who on the world stage at this late hour, and what their beliefs, ideals, and technological capabilities would be. Also proclaiming, again, accurate in every detail, what would be taking place in the heavens and to the earth at this time.,edom,israel.php

      Google – monster waves cruise

      Read Luke 21:25-28, Revelation 16:8, and get an idea of the progression of events that has taken place, just in the last few years, then read Isaiah 24:20…

      “The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls–never to rise again.”

      Like it or not, believe it or not, Live it or not…..Love it or not….the Truth is the greatest currency man has been privleged to spend. And God’s Truth is never wasted for it never returns to Him without result.

      Love, Truth, Courage. These three are One, for not one of them survives very long without the other. Our God is all Three, and so Much more.

      Time is short indeed. Get to know your God….and if you feel far from Him, who do you think has moved?

      Blessings in Yahshua, Jesus Christ

    • Idiot Proof

      TeachStuf the Bible has been translated, retranslated, altered and modified after the fact, again and again for the express purposes of creating and maintaining the illusion of prophetic accuracy. If you were truly a historian of factual past reality, rather than religious zealotry, you would already realize that. The Bible is a great guide in some respects for living life in harmony with others, if all agree to have peace by imposing certain restraints on theirselves. But in reality, the Bible is a coded starchart depicting in mythological form the procession of the equinoxes, or the 25,580 year solar cycle, or the path the Sun takes on its orbit through the galaxy.

    • Anonymous

      mental illness. seek professional help

      • It's Me Again

        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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