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By The International Forecaster - Bob Chapman (Reporter)
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Small Businesses to Fire Millions for New Healthcare Costs

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Our sources inside banking that attends Fed meetings says they expect millions of people to be laid off by small businesses starting in 2011, as they have to comply with new high insurance premiums. They said to watch the new regulations that the elitist are trying to put into place side by side with health care. They said they have seen the draft and it is terrifying. It encompasses a complete nationalization of banks under the guise of consumer protection. There you have it, dear subscribers. This is where we are headed. This is the same source who told us that the dollar would be officially devalued, that there would be debt default and that government would refuse to finance the FDIC after it ran out of funds.

Upon passage of the Obama, Kennedy, Kavorkian Bill by the US House of Representatives, our usurping, non-citizen, CIA operative, Islamo-fascist, long-legged Mack-Daddy, peerless leader declared that:  ”This is what change looks like.”  We don’t know about you, but it looks pretty scary to us.  Kind of like a scene from George Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead.”  Yes, we mean that kind of ghoulish scary, complete with death panels, abortion funding (the Executive Order isn’t worth the paper it is written on, kind of like a Federal Reserve Note), a eugenics-genocide agenda, and forced pandemic inoculations complete with electronic tracking of shot recipients, just for starters.  We find the title of that movie most appropriate for America, as that is what our nation has become, namely, a collective caricature of the living dead.  Thanks to the Illuminist-owned fane-stream media, many people actually think our country is in recovery, but it is as dead as a doornail, and this piece of toxic legislation just drove one of the last nails into America’s coffin.  Next comes amnesty for illegal aliens, so tens of millions of lawbreakers can be brought under the auspices of the new care-rationing socialized medicine bill, and the Jackasses will have tens of millions of new voters to support their liberal agenda and to fund their new debaucheries which they will unleash on the people ad nauseam.  That will be slam-dunked with the same trickery if they can manage it, and together with a dollar devaluation and stock, bond, derivative and real estate market crashes that will generate tens of trillions in losses, along with a new false flag attack and a major war, will drive the final nails in America’s coffin to seal our fate.

The only way you can stop this country from devolving into a Marxist-fascist police state is by voting out every incumbent from office this November, regardless of party, with a handful of exceptions like Ron Paul.  Make sure that traitors Dennis Kucinich and anti-abortion sellout Bart Stupak bite the dust.

Note how they side-stepped the super-majority requirement with more legislative trickery in the Senate, which must still approve of the package of changes that Jackasses attached to the Senate bill in the House where there was yet more legislative trickery and skullduggery.  In effect, the slimy Jackasses have exercised the nuclear option in the Senate, which they whined about incessantly when the Dumbos threatened the nuclear option to get conservative judges an up or down vote during Caligula’s administration.

The Jackass victory on this euthanasia bill is of course Pyrrhic even for the uninsured American public.  This campaign of legislative trickery, pork-stuffing, backroom dealings, bribes and arm-twisting (what happened to the promised transparency?) was all about saving the Joker’s presidency, and expanding the iron grip of Illuminist control, not about saving uninsured Americans, who all these executive and legislative miscreants could care less about.  

We have previously discussed how Queen Hillary was dumped by David Rockefeller in favor of The Joker during the Jackass primaries because she failed to get socialized medicine implemented during Slick Willie’s administration.  So Obama did not want to share the same fate, and end up a one term (or perhaps less) President.  This is really the last big sector that the Illuminists need to control to implement their Orwellian police state in the US, and to cull out the useless eaters.   Usurper Obama’s failure to pass this all-important Rockefeller-Rothschild priority would put him out of favor with his shadow government benefactors, thereby destroying his Presidency, and he as much admitted this to some of his fellow politicians.

This euthanasia bill is not about expanding coverage, but is rather about denying it.  This bill is not about cost containment, but is about cost expansion to be paid for by money printed out of thin air, just like the Social Security and Medicare Ponzi schemes, with more money stolen from Medicare to help pay for it.  It is simply another Ponzi scheme which will be embedded into existing Ponzi schemes.  This bill is not about making medical care more efficient, but is rather about expanding the government bureaucracy by adding 160 or so new boards, commissions and mandates, putting ever more jobs on the public tits to increase control over voters and secure political loyalty, not to mention generating more graft, corruption and spoils.

This bill is not about empowering people by improving their medical care, it is a power grab by our fascist government over a huge sector of our economy, which will be added to government ownership and control over banks, investment banks, insurance companies and automobile manufacturers.  What does that leave for our supposedly private economic sector?  We’d say, not much!  What really is left in the truly private sector when you consider how our government is already in bed with Big Pharma, Big Oil and Big Defense industries as well?

Heaven forbid that we should have private insurers compete with one another. That would be a free market approach, and free markets are something we have not had even an inkling of since 1988.  That year, Ronald Reagan signed an Executive Order creating the now infamous President’s Working Group on Financial Markets so that the Illuminists could rig markets worldwide 24/7, and pipe illegal insider trading tips to their cronies on a daily basis across the globe.  Oh, how silly of us to even suggest such a thing as a free market approach.  We forgot that we are now the United Socialist States of America, the next Banana Republic.  Think Venezuela and Hugo Chavez, or Cuba and Fidel Castro.  That is where we are headed if you don’t vote them all out.

We had to laugh at the suggestion that this plan will save the government money.  Whatever savings there are by rationing your care and pulling the plug on the aging useless eaters will be plowed into the newly created super-massive black hole bureaucracy that will suck in dollars faster than black hole at the center of our galaxy sucks in galactic mass.  Has our, or any, government, ever done anything with more efficiency and/or effectiveness than the private sector (other than waste money, that is)?  Of course not.  Look at our Social Security and Medicare systems.  They are bankrupt, after being sucked dry by politicians who have stolen our retirement and medical security to pay for pork orgies and Illuminist black ops, like the two trillion that went missing in our Defense Department, yet another example of what happens when government takes over anything, even its legitimate functions.  All this money will be sucked in from Medicare, from taxes levied against businesses and individuals, all to be pooled for another massive theft of our wealth.  This Obama-care plan will end up sucked dry just like Social Security and Medicare, and will probably be used to fund the failing Illuminist legacy financial institutions during the next several rounds of financial carnage.  They won’t need to print money out of thin air for more bailouts and stimulus packages, they’ll just rob it from the funds they are setting aside for the Obama, Kennedy, Kavorkian Euthanasia plan.  Or perhaps they’ll use it to keep Social Security going a while longer.  No wonder they are delaying implementation until 2014!!!  

The Illuminati don’t just want to control you politically and economically, they want to control you physically, and take mastery over your own body away from you. When you also consider the requirement that you must get coverage even if you don’t want it, this is to us the epitome of involuntary servitude (outlawed by the US Constitution, Amendment 13), enslavement and bondage, just like the income tax, which is in fact what you will be hit with if you refuse to pay for the coverage being stuffed down your throat.  

The socialized medicine bill will probably never be fully implemented.  The federal government is bankrupt, many state and local governments are bankrupt, and tax receipts at various levels and from various sources will continue their downward spiral.   Doctors and nurses will stop practicing en masse due to decreased income and bureaucratic interference, businesses will leave the US en masse to avoid the outrageous costs, thereby boosting unemployment figures, taxes will be increased en masse which unemployed people in our bankrupt country will be unable to pay and will refuse to pay, and black markets and cross-border medical clinics where doctors provide services for cash will be created to accommodate those who cannot obtain their Obama-rationed care with the quality and timeliness they need and expect.  This bill is just another example of the walking dead.  They will cherry pick the parts of the bill, which they can use to control you, your pocketbook and your body.  The rest of the bill can be killed simply by having the Dumbos de-fund it when they retake power (assuming that we even are able to have any further elections after this November, and even this November could be questionable), or by robbing it to pay for other government debacles, which will be ongoing for decades.  This is not about you, it is all about them. 

Over the past 50 years we have seen many bubbles. They have come and gone and the aftermath sometimes has lasted years, all from the courtesy of our privately owned Federal Reserve. We can remember those many years ago when we tried to explain to others that the Fed was owned by American and European bankers we were scoffed at. Well, finally the message has gotten through. These are the people who create bubbles for profit and power.

The ongoing real estate bubble, both residential and commercial, has been the biggest bubble since the late 1920s. In the second week of April of 2000, we recommended that our subscribers exit the stock market only three weeks after the market had topped out. We said we were headed for recession and that the only safe place to be was in gold and silver related assets. In 2001, the Fed decided to cut interest rates to relieve downside pressure on the stock market as it pressed downward toward Dow 7,200. A conscious decision had been made by the FOMC and Alan Greenspan to create a real estate bubble to at least temporarily bring back prosperity to the American economy. In 2002, aggressive cutting proceeded in interest rates. Mortgage debt rose from about $250 billion to $900 billion. By 2003, it was clear the forming of a bubble was in progress. By 2004, mortgage growth was up to $1.25 trillion and anyone who could put his or her mark on the bottom line was allowed to purchase a home. By 2005, some 69% plus of Americans owned homes with their partners the banks. In mid-2004 interest rates had finally started to move up again. In November 2004, we told subscribers that the bubble would break in the summer of 2005 in some areas of the country and that it was time to start selling, if you ever had any intention of doing so. In 2006, some regions were still on the way up, but the trend had been set. In 1-1/2 years interest rates from 2% to 5-1/4% and anyone of sane mind knew the end was near. The result of these low rates was that the Fed had deliberately created another bubble allowing a massive growth in total mortgage debt.

This madness was accompanied by massive derivative distribution, which is still with us, which Mr. Greenspan championed. He also strongly came out against regulation. That insured even more leveraged speculation to 70 to 100 times assets in hedge funds, brokerage firms, investment banks and even your corner bank. They were all totally out of control including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae.

We have contended since the bubble’s inception that the results were deliberately created and preordained to take down the American and world economy, which as we now well know ended in a credit crisis, the explosion of MBS, CDOs and ABS, particularly in Europe and the US. This credit bubble didn’t just happen. There wasn’t a mistake made. It was all planned and Greenspan and Bernanke deliberately looked the other way. In fact, Sir Alan Greenspan was knighted for his efforts in behalf of the Illuminists by the Queen of England. It was another giant scam by the Federal Reserve designed to bring the US and the world into world government and that plan is still in operation. The Fed is the moving force in this episode and that is why the Fed has to be audited. An investigation will show this and many other events that supposedly were mistakes, were well planned and executed. Those who believe it was mismanagement just do not get it. There is no complicity, only intent. Interest rates do not fall to 75-year lows by chance. The key to monetary management is that you do not allow bubbles to happen. Greenspan made the same mistake late in 1995, with his infamous massive irrational exuberance comment, when all he had to do was raise margin rates 5%, but he didn’t want to do that. He wanted or was instructed to not obstruct the dotcom boom, which also ended in collapse. These bubbles were deliberately created. It is the function of the Fed to make sure they do not happen in the first place. Monetary policy is not a rearguard action; it has to be the leading component of a sound money policy. Instead it has been light years in the opposite direction. Even today after 2-1/2 years in an ongoing credit crisis with 19 major countries on the verge of bankruptcy and the failure of their sovereign debt, all the Fed and other central banks are concerned about is bailing out banks, investment banks, brokerage houses and insurance companies, with taxpayer debt. Simultaneously the public is fed a bowl of porridge and is told by our controlled media that everything will be all right. Well, it isn’t all right.  We are headed toward the biggest deflationary depression in the history of our country – far worse than 1929 and 1872.

Even today Mr. Greenspan believes liquidity should not be restrained. Supposedly this liquidity in the right hands in time will solve the problem. This is the same old song. Banks today have two sets of books and plenty of liquidity, but they are not lending and that is because they know what is coming and are preparing for it. Why do you think the BIS and FASD did not in January demand that balance sheets be market-to-market, not to model as they have been. They knew most of these financial institutions, even though flush with cash, are actually insolvent. There is plenty of liquidity, but the funds belong to the Fed not to the banks, which still average leverage of 40 to 1 after 2-1/2 years. The only thing that has been written off or losses taken on are the CDOs and ABS that the Fed has conveniently purchased from lenders to the tune of $1.2 trillion. Worse, the Fed refused to tell us what they paid for this toxic garbage and from whom it was purchased. These are the same criminals who talk about transparency. Their actions have been indefensible.

The result is continued instability and a grinding path toward an international financial collapse led by the US and England.

If we hadn’t left the gold standard on 8/15/71 we wouldn’t be in the fix we are in today. We do not have that standard, but after all else has collapsed we will then again regain that standard. We no longer have free markets and continued injections of liquidity will not work, only purging the system will work and its time is fast drawing to such a conclusion. Remember you cannot understand how this game works, unless you can understand the criminal Illuminist mind and their past history. Once you understand the rest is simple. 

The specter of tariffs on goods and services is again in the spotlight. What has been used to destroy the American economy, that is, free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing, is in the process of ending as we predicted it would. Tariffs are going to return. Paul Krugman says 25% tariffs against China should do the trick and he may be correct, but how about all the other cheaters who have been taking advantage of us for years. We say a 25% tariff for everyone, particularly those who deliberately reduce the value of their currencies. So what if the Chinese, Japanese and others dump dollars, American goods just get cheaper as those who left to manufacture or to maintain staffs in foreign countries come home to again employ Americans. All world currencies are in trouble, particularly versus gold, so who cares about devaluation? The fall of the dollar has been and will continue to be inevitable. If nations, especially China and Japan, sell dollars they will have to absorb some steep losses. Our trade and current account deficits would fall and the income from tariffs would reduce our unserviceable debt. This is not nonsense. This is reality. America cannot compete with slave labor wages. It never has been able to nor will it ever be able too. Transnational conglomerates and China have virtually destroyed our economy, and it has to come to an end. Our lone voice is finally being heard as a sidelight, China’s 30 million unemployed will grow, and that is likely to bring revolution to China’s totalitarian communist government, something pundits have seen to have forgotten. This is trade war and so it should be. What we are seeing now by those who want tariffs is no political posturing, but a way to allow America to economically survive and a way to reduce debt at the same time. The Chinese cannot allow the yuan to rise, because the rest of Asia will eat their lunch. That is unless we have worldwide devaluation and debt default and all currencies are pegged versus gold. Whatever is done will have to be done at an international meeting, but it’s coming. We predicted by the end of 2011. Perhaps we will be right.

The media talks about moral hazard and rightly so. Bailing out the financial sector falls into that category. Then we have, particularly on Wall Street, the syndrome of we neither admit nor deny, which is followed by a fine, which shareholders get to pay. Then there are the operations of “The President’s Working Group on Financial Markets,” which has a license to destroy free markets and to steal, usually with the passing of inside information. Then we have the collusion of the SEC and the CFTC, where no accountability exists. Crooks have no real fear of reprisal, particularly those in large firms. Public scrutiny has been enveloped in a cloud of arrogance. The Fed, treasury, government, banking and Wall Street do not care anymore that you know what they are doing. They believe they control everything and can do as they please. No rules, not even a Constitution. Our regulators know fully what is going on and won’t lift a finger to stop it. They just pick on small firms, brokers and newsletter writers who do not have the financial means to defend themselves. The problems associated with rigging the markets, particularly in gold and silver, are now so blatant even a high school student could recognize the manipulations of our markets. These people do whatever they want and get away with it. Fraud is endemic throughout the entire financial system. There is outright cooking of the books on a massive basis. Just look back at Bear Stearns and more recently Lehman Bros. What absolute audacity, and there is of course the derivative scam, which has yet to be addressed. As we project the criminality outward we can see the end of political and stable free markets. We cannot justify criminal activity and accept the adage we are doing God’s work. That is the ultimate insult. Foreigners see this and have begun to leave our markets in a big way. The day of criminality is drawing to a close, but everyone is going to feel the pain, like it or not.

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