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Financial World: House Of Cards Built On Sand

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Michael Noonan / Gold Seek


heart PM community, your turn is coming.  What is happening in the stock market is a harbinger of what is sure to come for gold and silver, at some point in the future.  When? Ah, that elusive question the answer to which so many want to know, the same answer to which so many so-called prognosticators have serially gotten wrong over the past few years.  The best answer is patience.


It is highly unlikely that a single bank, at least in the Western fiat central banking system, is solvent.  All, repeat, all banks are insolvent, propped up by the Rothschild system that few can successfully challenge.  All banks exist by accounting deceit and every kind of threat, indirect or otherwise, that it is not wise to challenge the international banking cartel [on the verge of collapse].  Russia and China are rising to the occasion rather timely.


What is the result of “printing” trillions upon trillions of fiat currency?  While it has not yet played itself out, due to market distortions by “The Powers That Be,” history shows that all fiat paper currency systems fail.  Is it any different this time around.  No! The only thing “different” would be the mechanics of how the Western system will fail. A combination of computers and the internet have given the elites a decided upper hand that has enabled the “disenabling” system they run an extended life, if you will, in their ability to perpetuate fiat deceit.


As an aside, most people are totally unaware of the extent to which the elites have been able to dominate every facet of human life on this planet.  Control is not a strong enough word to describe the extent and depth of the evil they wrought in their utterly corrupt ambitions to rule as a one-government New World Order.


We believe we have a degree of insight on some of the ways in which events have been played out on the world’s stage, the coup d’etat against the United States by the Rothschild moneychangers, the final nail in the proverbial coffin being the takeover of the United States currency with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and the simultaneous abdication  of Congress in its Constitutional duty to Article 1, Section 8: “To coin money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;


“To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting of the Securities and current Coin of the United States;”   [There has never been any indictment or punishment of anyone from the Federal Reserve Banking System for the counterfeiting Ponzi scheme run by that private banking cartel over the past 101 years.  There has, however, been many examples of punishment for those who have opposed the Rothschild central banking system, the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy as the most prominent.]


There have been hundreds of thousands of deaths of lesser known people as a result of opposing the elite’s system, almost all of which cannot be directly linked to those in control.  Remember the more than a dozen bankers who “suicided” themselves in the past few years, one by several “self-inflicted shots from a nail gun.”  It is possible that the number of deaths over time may be in the millions.  We will never know.


There is so much more that would be  shocking to anyone’s senses to hear and learn of the degree to which psychological, economical, educational, medical, and biological warfare has been directed against The People, or those not a part of the diabolically corrupt system controlling and running everything, by the moneychangers.


Back to that to which some people can relate.  There is one reason and one reason only why the stock market has been going up in “paper value,” an oxymoron in itself, and it has been a direct result of pouring in trillions of freshly printed fiat currency from the banking system into the stock market.  We gave up on participating in that Ponzi scheme a few years ago, not willing to abet the corruption and greed of the Wall Street scammers, the largest firms that control the markets, and the federal government.


This has been a result of  cheap available “money,” [available only to bankers to support the corrupt and totally insolvent banking system], [mis]used to perpetuate the myth that unbridled money printing can sustain the economy, when as any reasonably literate person has to know that an infinite supply of money can only destroy the system.


If anything has been learned from the 2008 real estate and stock market bubbles, too many have either forgotten or disregarded recent history.  Last week’s decline and speed in the stock market is the first shot across the bow that this fantasy called a stock market rally is beginning to end.  It often takes several months for a market to top, and one need only look back at the 2008 stock market to see how a top unfolds.  The details or the mechanics of the market top may differ, but the net results, a precipitous decline, will not.


The point for buyers and holders of gold and silver is to see how blatant, unless you watch and believe in the elite’s mainstream media cartel, the stock market has been manipulated, a word familiar to the PMs markets.  The beginning of the end is about to unfold right before your eyes.  It is impossible for the central banks to keep printing money to feed a broken system.  Almost all markets have been distorted by the Rothschild central planners, and the extent to which distortions have been disrupting the natural order of events, it will result in an equal and opposite effect will eventually ensue.


We discussed this in July 2013.  [See article about Newton's Third Law, {7th par.}]  We stated even then that we did not know when the market decline would end but was more optimistic that the end would be sooner than the now later time frame.  It may be changing to the sooner-now-rather-than-later situation, but no one knows, and our point continues to be that knowing does not matter…preparation does.


The damage being done to the world economy has no precedent.  The extent to which the world is being manipulated has no precedent.  The degree of endless “wars” engaged in and provoked by the United States in has no precedent. The amount of worthless “currency” being used by the moneychangers to fleece the world of its wealth does have a precedent in the Rothschild formula, but the degree to which it has been utilized has no precedent.


One day, and it is a certainty, the value of gold and silver will double, triple, or some unknown multiple of current suppressed values, and those who have been bemoaning the current prices will be equally rewarded as those who have kept the faith and knew that it was just a matter of time.


Read more at Gold Seek:

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