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Mining Co. CEO: “Very Sophisticated High Net Worth Investors Are Buying Up Physical Precious Metals”

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by Mac Slavo, SHTFPlan:

According to the CEO of one of the world’s top primary producers of silver, looming precious metals shortages could drive the price of gold to $5000 and silver to $100 over the next three to five years. Keith Neumeyer, who oversees First Majestic Silver and is also the Chairman of mineral bank First Mining Finance, says that with commodity prices in capitulation mining companies around the world are either reducing operations or outright shutting down, the consequence of which will be a supply crunch across the industry and a resurgence in precious metals prices.

And Neumeyer isn’t the only one who sees the trend developing. Well known investment billionaires like George Soros and Carl Icahn are rushing into gold. Soros is so convinced that a paradigm shift is in the works that after warning of financialcollapse and violent riots in America he sold his holdings in major U.S. banks and allocated more of his portfolio into gold mining firms.

And here’s a little known secret Neumeyer shares in an interview with SGT Report –high net worth individuals aren’t just buying paper. Neumeyer says that the coin shortages being reported by national mints around the world are the result of direct buying of physical gold and silver from sophisticated market players:

I’m seeing the numbers coming out of the the Canadian Mint, Australian Mint and the U.S. Mint… the numbers are quite high for silver coins and to a lesser degree gold coins… I think, personally, that the commercials are buying them… I think that very sophisticated high net worth investors at banks and institutions are buying them.

Supply and demand fundamentals aside there appears to be another significant reason that major players like billionaires and central banks are shifting their holdings into precious metals.

Citing a 1988 cover of The Economist depicting a phoenix rising from the ashes of the U.S. dollar while wearing a gold medallion with the date 2018 stamped on it,SGT Report asks whether insiders are now frantically acquiring precious metals ahead of a possible global currency reset or coming monetary crisis.

I 100% agree with that,” Neumeyer responds without hesitation.

As an outspoken critic of the rampant manipulation he recently sent a letter to the CFTC noting that a small concentration of players were attempting to control the market.

But to what end? As noted in his interview, this isn’t the first time that big players vied for position ahead of major financial, economic or political changes.

SGT Report: Going back all the way to the Rothschilds… going back centuries. This is a playbook they’ve used time and time again. Drive down the price of the assets that they want to the point where the common man runs away from those assets because the common man can’t take any more pain…

Meanwhile these guys buy up those assets for pennies on the dollar… What you’re saying makes perfect sense… they’re driving down the prices of physical metals via their paper manipulation and at the end of the day they get to acquire the stuff they want in physical form at pennies on the dollar preparing themselves for what’s coming. I don’t think that’s too far off. I don’t think that’s really conspiracy theory. Do you?

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