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The pedocriminal ring that encircles British politics

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Further to article Parliamentary Paedophiles: A (fairly) comprehensive guide to government nonces. I followed the Giovanni De Stefano connection and was able to supplement the list in the Chris Spivey article with more names taken from the link to Online Publishing Company. These appear below with other relevant information on the Dunblane cover-up. Please visit Online Publishing Company for the full article.

Lord Graville Jenner (Labour Peer)
Lord Kaufman (Labour Peer)
Lord Brittan (Leon, former home sec when Maggie was in power)
Lord McAlpine (Former treasurer of the conservative party)
Michael Portillo (former MP Kensington & Chelsea)

Derek Laud
Now defunct magazine Scallywag covered events at Bryn Alyn in detail, some years ago.The magazine alleged that one of the men referred to is Lord McAlpine, at the time of the offences treasurer of the governing Conservative Party. Another regular participant in the activities at Bryn Clwyd was alleged by Scallywag to be Derek Laud, for years a leading mover and shaker in successive Conservative administrations.

Scallywag alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of the boys. The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards. He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher although never an MP; indeed he was pictured waving down to the crowds below from an upstairs window of 10 Downing Street as the Conservatives celebrated their 1988 election victory.

The former children connected with this empire of evil who died in mysterious circumstances may have been murdered by the British security services, the price of their silence their lives. Scallywag alleged that MI5 used to take foreign diplomats etc. to the North Wales homes, give them boys to “play” with, secretly filmed them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.

Michael Brown is one of the very few Conservative MP’s who volunteered to “out” himself as gay. Derek Laud, now standing for parliament, (against Bernie Grant in North London) ran a Pimlico PR agency called Ludgate Communications for a number of years which supplied young boys for selected Parliamentarians from children’s homes now being investigated in North Wales. He sometimes did this in cahoots with Ian Greer Associates which has since been scandalised because of the Neil Hamilton Affair and payment for questions on behalf of Al Fayed.

Ludgate Communications was at the very hub of our investigation into the “boys for questions” allegations. At his Pimlico flat, and selected addresses in Dolphin Square nearby, Laud threw paedophile parties and we have one sworn affidavit from a former boy (presently giving evidence in Wales) who claims he was seriously molested (among many others) by Lord McAlpine who was at the time the Tory party’s clandestine fund raiser. It was alleged by this boy and others that Messrs Portillo and Lilley were also guests of Derek Laud. We are assured that this particular volcano is about to erupt, both in North Wales and elsewhere. Michael Portillo has always publicly disassociated himself from Derek Laud, yet here we find him not only acquainted but seemingly in the inner sanctum of private friends.

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (Tony Blair, former PM of the UK)
He was charged and appeared in court at Bow Street Magistrates Court for importunity in a public toilet with another male. He tried to get sexual favour from the other man; little did he know that the toilet was being watched by police. Blair was fined £500, and walked away with nobody knowing who he really was as he used his middle names to cover who he was. Charles Lynton is the name used, and his friends in court got him off with a fine, because he is one of them.

Edward Heath (former PM of the UK)
He is very well known for his perverted abuse of young boys. I spoke to one of his victims and he told me about others who were present, and more important, who was supplying the children to him. The person bringing children for him to abuse is Sir Jimmy Saville. He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on-board Heath’s yacht the morning cloud when they were at party conference. Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse.

Lord Robertson (Former head of NATO)
He is very well known to police in the UK. He was removed by the US government because they found out about his perverted taste for boys. They were going to expose him if he did not resign, so we got the “I’m resigning for family reasons bull shit) Robertson is a dangerous predatory paedophile, but not as bad as the one I am about to name next.

Lord Hardie
The former Lord Advocate for Scotland is a known paedophile, who some years ago had his BMW stolen by 2 victims, when they were caught, Hardie told the police to let them go, and he did not bring charges against them. Why would a judge not charge them with theft, unless they had information which would destroy him?

Michael Colvin
Colvin was associated closely with several other Conservative ‘people’ on the right wing of the party including Julian Lewis who is said to be involved with a number of international right wing ‘covert’ groups linked with high finance, and arms dealing.

Colvin was also associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud (Wikipedia/Derek Laud) (Cash for Knighthoods aka Cash for Rent boys).

Both Greer and Laud have links with South Africa – Greer now lives there and Laud is a frequent visitor.In view of their links with Parliamentary corruption in the UK and extreme levels of alleged corruption in the ‘new’ South African multi-racial Government, it seems possible that both Greer and Laud may find the culture of South Africa politically highly amenable.

It is probably only a coincidence, but during a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in an area of the UK called Clwyd, both laud and Greer’s names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse involving VIPs including, allegedly, members of the UK Government.

During that scandal a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of abuse. Many people believe the fire was deliberately set. With the five youngsters from Clwyd who died was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Laud has a home and where Colvin lived. She also was killed in the fire.

Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home. He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.

There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, and of course Colvin lived in Hampshire, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, who is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems as in Clwyd to VIP’s. The VIP’s are said to have included top people in the law, commerce, and politics – across the party spectrum – at specially organised parties and other gatherings sometime on a one to one basis and sometimes at hotels where staff allegedly colluded with the exploitation of youngsters. The Crest hotel in Wrexham and a Hotel on Hove seafront have specifically been mentioned, although in the Hove instance it maybe that staff at the hotel colluded with the supply of youngsters and that ‘meetings’ took place elsewhere.

It has been alleged that officials and councillors in a number of local authorities may be receiving payments for identifying ‘appropriate’ young people in care and introducing them to the ring, and ultimately to Laud and Lewis and their associates, who then, it has been alleged, introduce the boys to ‘interested’ VIP’s.

Within the list of alleged collaborators in counties along the south coast with the supply of teenage boys for exploitation is a Social Services Director in one LA., an Assistant Director of Children’s Social Services in another, chief executives in two others, several social workers and also a number of child protection workers. As well as a number of Councillors, including former Leader of Hampshire Council and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddie Emery Wallis who was convicted in 2001 of molesting young boys.

In the 1990’s Derek Laud had an address at East Cottage, Needs Ore Point (shown on electoral records). That is on the Estate of Lord Montague of Beuleigh who those of ‘a certain age’ will remember was convicted of molesting a boy scout back in the 1960’s.

Colvin was associated with most of these people in one way or another.

Recent revelations involve the corruption of evidence by senior council officials in North Wales with regard to information supplied to the Waterhouse inquiry into allegations of VIP child abuse in Clwyd. It has been revealed that although in the inquiry allegations made by a number of young people were discredited because they had made allegations against social workers who records showed had not been employed where they said during the time they were in care in those homes, in fact, if allegations are true, a secretary in North Wales Council had been instructed to alter the official records of dates and where and when specific youngsters were in care. (Angus Stickler, BBC, gained some evidence about this). It was not therefore the youngsters who were lying, but the officials. More significantly, these tricks were played mainly on youngsters who had made allegations against care workers and against VIPs. With the allegations against the care workers discredited, obviously the allegations against VIPs fell by the wayside.

There have also been allegations that this high level paedophile ‘ring’ has placed its own people into positions of statutory power over children in care, and investigation suggests these allegations may have substance.

The involvement of Derek Laud, who was educated in the remedial stream at a south London comprehensive school where it has been alleged he pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults even while still at school, is significant. The psychopathic behaviour of Laud and Lewis that has caused significant comment from time to time may be far more dangerous than just eccentric.

It is worthy of note that people around Derek Laud who challenge him appear to suffer significant harm – or to die – with unusual frequency. Michael Colvin was an associate. Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died ‘after a short illness’ soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis. The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in a fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care.

Colvin therefore, despite a fairly mundane Tory image, was aligned with some allegedly very nasty people indeed.

As a final comment, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and some say currently, it appears that lobbyists such as Greer and Laud were supplying teenage boys to MP’s and others in politics specifically with the aim of exerting political influence.

Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Ian Hamilton, and other Thatcherite politicians of the 1980’s were all associated with Laud and Lewis, and all were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly ‘ferried in’ with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests. It has also been alleged that Portillo frequently took ‘kinky holidays’ in North Africa with his friend Derek Laud. Portillo insists that Laud was a guest on these holidays of him and his wife, but it has been alleged that hotel records do not confirm that Portillo’s wife was there at all.

Gordon Brown (former PM of the UK)
Brown is known for sexually abusing numerous boys, as well as girls. He is known for a particularly vile rape in Aberdeen in the 70’s, when he and 2 others paid a prostitute for access to her 9 year old daughter. They all raped her several times, and some years later the girl went to court to get custody of her little brother because of her mother’s abuse, and drug use. She won the case and has had custody of him ever since. The records have vanished from court, but the victim still remembers what happened, and who did it.

In the early months of 2003, just prior to the questionable invasion of Iraq, and working in conjunction with a London-based freelance journalist who had thoroughly double-checked exposures published by the Scottish ‘Sunday Herald’ newspaper, I publicised details of a child-sex ring linked to senior ministers within the Blair government.

I initially published my findings, stemming from discreet leaks from a secret list provided by the American FBI to the ‘Sunday Times’ newspaper, and concomitantly discovered that Tony Blair had issued a gagging order to suppress all further discussion of a scandal that would most certainly have brought a swift end to his administration and made Britain’s collusion in the destruction of Iraq impossible.

The articles I wrote concerning the “Operation Ore” cover-up and the 100-year blackout order imposed upon the report concerning the Dunblane Massacre of children used and abused by senior Scottish Labour government ministers can still be found here:

Alleged Paedophiles at Helm of Britain’s War Machine, Massive Cover-Up

Tony Blair Caught Protecting Elite Paedophile Ring

Cremation of Care: The New World Order and the Dunblane Shootings

Dunblane Secret Documents Contain Letters by Tory and Labour Ministers

These stories, which also implicated the Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith, former NATO Boss Lord Robertson, and the Svengali of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s rise to power, the flamboyant homosexual Peter Mandelson (now Lord Mandelson), were widely publicised on the Internet, excited debate within numerous online forums, and inspired Robert Kilroy-Silk’s former Veritas Party to undertake a detailed examination of the extent to which senior and junior ministers close to Gordon Brown were given free licence to engage in paedophiliac activities under the protection of the British intelligence services.

The Sunday Herald’s incendiary story (“Child Porn Arrests Too Slow”, 19 January 2003), written by its Home Affair’s correspondent Neil Mackay, disappeared rapidly from the Internet within weeks of my exposure. Mackay’s editor, at first cooperative, subsequently refused to answer any further enquiries put to him by myself and the freelance journalist Bob Kearley.

Each and every letter I sent to the British Home Office, Scotland Yard and the Sunday Times solicited not one single reply.

Lord Robertson, a self-confessed Freemasonic member of Edinburgh’s sinister “Speculative Society” lodge, who enjoyed a peculiarly close personal relationship with Thomas Hamilton, the mass murderer of abused children in Dunblane, failed to sue the Sunday Herald for libel and promptly disappeared from public life. Police records revealed that Robertson had helped expedite the process by which the Manchurian Candidate, Hamilton, already a convicted child molester with known affiliations to the British elite, was able to obtain gun licenses.

Robertson worked in collusion with Michael Forsyth (Secretary of State for Scotland), a fellow “Speculative Freemason” and Robert Bell, an associate of Malcolm Rifkind (British Foreign Secretary). Robertson, at the behest of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, had a vested interest in ‘wasting’ children who were beginning to talk.

On 13 March 1996, Thomas Hamilton, a former Boy Scout leader walked into Dunblane Primary School armed with two 9 mm pistols and two .357 Magnum revolvers. He killed sixteen small children and a teacher. The subsequent police investigation revealed that Hamilton had loaded the magazines for his Browning with an alternating combination of fully metal-jacketed and hollow point ammunition. This horrific event led to the banning of handguns in the UK. [How convenient.]

The Judge who conducted the inquiry into the atrocity, during which two teachers claimed to have seen another mysterious man “guiding” Hamilton onto the premises, was Lord Cullen. Cullen, also a member of the Freemasonic Speculative Society and an associate of Labour “Scottish Mafia” figures such as Lord Robertson, Tony Blair, John Reid and Gordon Brown, was accused by leading journalists and emergency service personnel of having achieved a cover-up.

According to Journalist, Marcello Mega, in The News of the World, 28 December 2003:

1. A top Scottish Freemason, Former Grand Master Lord Burton, has said that Lord Cullen’s inquiry into the Dunblane massacre was a cover-up.Lord Burton says Cullen’s inquiry suppressed crucial information to protect high-profile legal figures.

2. These high-profile legal figures may belong to a secretive ‘Super-Mason’ group called The Speculative Society.Lord Burton said: “I have learned of an apparent connection between prominent members of the legal establishment involved in the inquiry, and the secretive Speculative Society. The society was formed in Edinburgh University through Masonic connections so I accept that there might be a link by that route.” Reportedly, members of the Speculative Society have included Lord Cullen and a number of other judges, sheriffs and advocates.

3. Some of these high-profile people had links to the Queen Victoria School ‘where gunman Thomas Hamilton was allowed to roam free before the 1996 atrocity’.

4. Reportedly the police are investigating claims that pupils at Queen Victoria School were regularly taken away and sexually abused.

5. Former housemaster Glenn Harrison told the News of the World how he even found Hamilton, 43, creeping around the dormitories at night. He said Hamilton had close links to a top policeman. Glenn was never called to give evidence at the Cullen Inquiry.

6. Lord Burton said: “I tried repeatedly to raise concerns about the inquiry during my time in the Lords, and I was bullied and threatened by powerful peers loyal to the Conservative Government of the day, who warned me of dire consequences if I continued to embarrass them.” (According to this source Cached – ‘Malcolm Rifkind’s friend and his then Chairman of his constituency party at Edinburgh Pentlands, Robert Bell, according to the front page lead of the Edinburgh Evening News on 23 March 1996, sold guns and ammunition to Thomas Hamilton only a few weeks before the Dunblane massacre, and it was reported he said he would sell him guns again.’)

7. Glenn Harrison had kept dozens of files from pupils alleging bullying and abuse while he was at the Queen Victoria School and wrote to parents warning of the dangers in 1991. It led to him being ousted from the school and just days before he left, police raided his home and confiscated the files.

8. Glenn states that Hamilton had been a friend of Ben Philip, the senior housemaster at QVS. Mr Philip died in December 1993, aged 46, when he fell from a ladder while hanging decorations.

For William Burns’ further elucidation of the cover-up

Alan Milburn, a close ally of Tony Blair, also resigned dramatically from the senior benches of the Labour Party government shortly after Scotland Yard’s anti-paedophile investigation was suppressed by the Blair administration, citing the need to “spend more time with my family”.
For some reason, the abduction of Scottish children for the purpose of rape and murder, always closely linked to senior Labour Party political figures, continues unabated.

Pressure on Police to Release Paedophile Dossier

Although Labour Supremo Peter Mandelsons’ alleged role in the kidnapping of young girls and boys for the “pleasuring” of the European Union’s elite commissioners in Brussels was the subject of intense speculation long before the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, I can now bring to a close all speculation as to the name of Tony Blair’s most “highly placed and senior politician” who fell not only under the scrutiny of Scotland Yard for crimes against children, but was also identified by the FBI as an active member of the paedophile ring run by Thomas Hamilton.

That name was first revealed to me by Norman Lamont at a private party in Clapham in 1986, during which time I worked as a scriptwriter for the British television media. Lamont later became Chancellor of the Exchequer under John Major’s Conservative administration. Following investigations in 2003 on both my and Bob Kearley’s part, that name cropped up time and time again, and I passed the details to Internet journalist Paul Joseph Watson.

Gordon Brown is a practising paedophile whose activities are known not only to the British, American and Israeli intelligence services, but also by Rupert Murdoch and his senior editor at the Sunday Times.

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