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Meltdown America: The Movie

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Listening to the Canary, submitted by Casey Research

By Terry Coxon, Senior Economist

During World War II, the British Royal Air Force (RAF) undertook a plan of misdirection to allow a squadron of bombers to approach an exceptionally valuable target in Europe undetected. The target was so heavily guarded that destroying it would require more than the usual degree of surprise.

Although the RAF was equipped to jam the electronic detection of aircraft along the route to the target (a primitive forebear of radar was then in use), they feared that the jamming itself would alert the defending forces. Their solution was to “train” the defending German personnel to believe something that wasn’t true. The RAF had a great advantage in undertaking the training: The intended trainees were operating equipment that was novel and far from reliable; and those operators were trying to interpret signals without the help of direct observation, such as actually seeing what they were charged with detecting.

At sunrise on the first day, the RAF broadcast a jamming signal for just a fraction of minute. On the second day, it broadcast a jamming signal for a bit longer than a minute, also around sunrise. On each successive day, it sent the signal for a somewhat longer and longer time, but always starting just before sunrise.

The training continued for nearly three months, and the German radar personnel interpreted the signals their equipment gave them in just the way the British intended. They concluded that their equipment operates poorly in the atmospheric conditions present at sunrise and that the problem grows as the season progresses. That mistaken inference allowed an RAF squadron to fly unnoticed far enough into Europe to destroy the target.

People will get used to almost anything if it goes on for long enough. And the getting-used-to-it process doesn’t take long at all if it’s something that people don’t understand well and that they can’t experience directly. They hear about Quantitative Easing and money printing and government deficits, but they never see those things happening in plain view, unlike a car wreck or burnt toast, and they never feel it happening to themselves.

QE has become just a story, and it’s been going on for so long that it has no scare value left. That’s why so few investors notice that the present situation of the US economy and world investment markets is beyond unusual. The situation is weird, and dangerously so. But we’ve all gotten used to it.

Here are the four main points of weirdness:

  1. The Federal Reserve is still fleeing the ghost of the dot-com bubble. It was so worried that the collapse of the dot-com bubble (beginning in March 2000) would damage the economy that it stepped hard on the monetary accelerator. The growth rate of the M1 money supply jumped from near 0% to near 10%. This had the hoped-for result of making the recession that began the following year brief and mild.
  1. A nice result, if that had been all. But there was more. Injecting a big dose of money to inoculate the economy against recession set off a bubble in the housing market. Starting in 2003, the Fed began gradually lowering the growth rate of the money supply to cool the rise in housing prices. That, too, produced the intended result; in 2006, housing prices began drifting lower.

    But again, there was a further consequence—the financial collapse that began in 2008. This time, the Federal Reserve stomped on the monetary accelerator with both feet, and the growth of the money supply hit a year-over-year rate of 21%. It’s still growing rapidly, at an annual rate of 9%.

  1. The nonstop expansion of the money supply since 2008 has kept money market interest close to zero. Rates on longer-term debt aren’t zero but are extraordinarily low. The ten-year Treasury bond currently yields just 2.7%; that’s up from a low of 1.7%.

    The flow of new money has been irrigating all financial markets. In the US, stocks and bonds tremble at each hint the Fed is going to turn the faucet down just a little. And it’s not just US markets that are affected. When credit in the US is ultra-cheap, billions are borrowed here and invested elsewhere, all around the world, which pushes up investment prices almost everywhere.

  1. US federal debt management is living on borrowed time. The deficit for 2013 was only $600 billion, down from trillion-dollar-plus levels of recent years. But this less-terrible-than-before figure was achieved only by the grace of extraordinarily low interest rates, which limit the cost of servicing existing government debt. Should interest rates rise, less-than-terrible will seem like happy times.

Almost no one imagines that the current situation can continue indefinitely. But is there a way for it to end nicely? For most investors, the expectation (or perhaps just the hope) that things can gracefully return to normal rests on confidence that the people in charge, especially the Federal Reserve governors, are really, really smart and know what they’re doing. The best minds are on the job.

If the best minds were in charge of designing a bridge, I would expect the bridge to hold up well even in a storm. If the best minds were in charge of designing an airplane, I would expect it to fly reliably. But if the best minds were in charge of something no one really knows how to do, I would be ready for a failure, albeit a failure with superb academic credentials.

Despite all the mathematics that has been spray-painted on it, economics isn’t a modern science. It’s a primitive science still weighted with cherished beliefs and unproven dogma. It’s in about the same stage of development today that medicine was in the 17th century, when the best minds of science were arguing whether the blood circulates through the body or just sits in the veins. Today economists argue whether newly created cash will circulate through the economy or just sit in the hands of the recipients.

Let’s look at the puzzle the best minds now face.

If the Federal Reserve were simply to continue on with the money printing that began in 2008, the economy would continue its slow recovery, with unemployment drifting lower and lower. Then the accumulated increase in the money supply would start pushing up the rate of price inflation, and it would push hard. Only a sharp and prolonged slowdown in monetary growth would rein in price inflation. But that would be reflected in much higher interest rates, which would push the federal deficit back above the trillion-dollar mark and also push the economy back into recession.

So the Fed is trying something else. They’ve begun the so-called taper, which is a slowing of the growth of the money supply. Their hope is that if they go about it with sufficient precision and delicacy, they can head off catastrophic price inflation without undoing the recovery. What is their chance of success?

My unhappy answer is “very low.” The reason is that they aren’t dealing with a linear system. It’s not like trying to squeeze just the right amount of lemon juice into your iced tea. With that task, even if you don’t get a perfect result, being a drop or two off the ideal won’t produce a bad result. Tinkering with the money supply, on the other hand, is more like disarming a bomb—and going about it according to the current theory as to whether it’s the blue wire or the red wire that needs to be cut means a small failure isn’t possible.

Adjusting the growth of the money supply sets off multiple reactions, some of which can come back to bite. Suppose, for example, that the taper proceeds with such a light touch that the US economy doesn’t tank. But that won’t be the end of the story. Stock and bond markets in most countries have been living on the Fed’s money printing. The touch that’s light enough for the US markets might pull the props out from under foreign markets—which would have consequences for foreign economies that would feed back into the US through investment losses by US investors, loan defaults against US lenders, and damage to US export markets. With that feedback, even the light touch could turn out not to have been light enough.

To see what the consequences of economic mismanagement can be, and how stealthily disaster can creep up on you, watch the 30-minute documentary, Meltdown America. Witness the harrowing tales of three ordinary people who lived through a crisis, and how their experiences warn of the turmoil that could soon reach the US. Click here to watch it now.


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    Total 10 comments
    • Einstein

      The Fed is deliberately trying to destroy the US economy. The trillions created each month through their fractional reserve ponzi scam is multiplying the new money 50 times since there is no oversight or audits. These trillions are given almost exclusively to member of their jew tribe to buy up all resources, land and corporations.

      When they crash the dollar, the jews will own everything and enslave the masses. Then they will begin their plan to exterminate humanity while they hide in their underground bases and cities which they have stocked with a 20 year supply of food and supplies.

      Wake up sheeple, before its too late..

      • simboliza

        To late already. You have no hope left as far as this Word order goes. its only a matter of time now.. So are you talking about trying to give false hope to the flesh

        • freedomringsforall

          I am not that defeatist and would encourage you to not be defeatist about it either.

          Please fight with all your might.

          Any rational mind would have said, and probably did say at the time, that there is no way the colonists could win against the Brits.

          Many, many, many unforeseen circumstances occurred after the colonists took up the endeavor that were impossible to predict and the colonist won the day and the brits ruded the day they set on their disastrous course to more completely enslave every man woman and child on this continent.

          They are still trying though, what a contradiction!

          There is a rather simple plan, or roadmap, that God and our founders collaborated on that we can use to take back our nation.

          People continue to search for the answers to all these perplexing realities of the current
          disastrous state of affairs in the U.S. situation and the answers to these problems seem to be a secret to most.

          It is only a secret because nobody wants to hear or believe in the simple
          truthful solutions handed down to us by God in the rights and freedoms that he
          has given us and no one seems to want to follow the simple roadmap that our
          founders forged for us by using those simple truths, rights, and freedoms that
          God has handed us.

          Are we no longer responsible enough to pick up the hammer of those rights and
          freedoms that our Lord has given us and to again use that hammer to strike our
          future on the anvil of our Constitution that our founders gave us to forge our
          future down the roadmap and across the bridge to the future and destiny that
          God desires for us?

          Are we all so faint and week of heart that we cannot pick up that hammer of
          truth and right and freedom that God has blessed us with?

          I do not believe so!

          I believe that there are still many among us that have a heart of Iron and a
          wrist of steel to pick up that hammer of truth and right and freedom and to
          slam it down on the anvil of the great constitution that our founders set
          before us to continue to forge a still greater nation unto a greater future.

          The truth is that we can still stop those who wish to destroy this great
          nation; this beacon of hope unto the world.

          If we maintain our second amendment rights and freedoms we can retain our other
          rights and freedoms; and in the end, if necessary, by the end of the barrel.

          If we do that we can:

          Take back our local schools by recall and firing those who do not swear to
          support the constitutional principles that this nation was founded on.

          Take back our colleges and Universities the same way because those who run them
          are elected and/or appointed by our state governance.

          Take back our local elected governance by voting only for those who swear to
          uphold our constitution and protect it from all foreign and domestic foes.

          Vote out those who do not or get a big head and change while in office.

          Promote electorally and within the party structures only those who will swear
          to uphold our constitution and protect it from all enemies from without and within
          and again do not support those who do not or those that get a big head while in
          office and change from those ideals.

          If we will follow that road map that our founders set up, whether democrat or
          republican, we will (no maybes about it) take our nation back and we will
          retain it for the foreseeable future and if we train our sons and daughters to
          do the same they will retain it longer.

          Upon following that roadmap that our founders laid before us;

          Then we will also regain our standing amongst the world of nations as the
          beacon of light and the harbinger of hope of the ultimate God given (natural)
          rights and freedoms that God on high has handed down unto the people of this

          God speed
          Long live the Republic!

          We must force the narrative:

          1.) Declare your support for The Constitution of these United States of America
          against all foreign and domestic opposition

          2.) Declare your opposition to The Constitution of these United States of

          Either you stand for the constitution or you do not and we must force those who
          do not to publically admit to it.


      I don’t understand how the Fed is trying to destroy the country? :eek:
      Good post though.

      • John

        there is probably a lot you don’t understand grasshopper

    • dimitri

      Boiling frogs.

    • lottopol

      Most investors now believe three things about the Federal Reserve, money and interest rates. They think that the Federal Reserve is artificially depressing rates below what would be a “normal” level. They believe that in the process of doing so the Federal Reserve has enormously increased the supply of money and they believe that the USA is on a fiat money system.
      All three of those beliefs are incorrect. One benchmark rate that he Federal Reserve has absolute control of is the rate paid on reserves deposited at the Federal Reserve. That rate is now 25 basis points, after being zero since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913 until recently. If the Federal Reserve had left that rate at zero t-bill rates would now be even lower than they are now. The shortest t-bills rates would now probably negative.

      Paying interest on reserves combined with the subsidy to the banks of providing free unlimited deposit insurance on non-interest bearing demand deposits is keeping t-bill rates positive. Absent those policies the rate on t-bills would be actually negative. The Chinese and others all over the world are willing to pay anything for the safety of depositing funds in the USA. Already, Bank of New York Mellon Corp. has imposed a 0.13% charge on large deposits.
      An investor who believes that interest rates are headed up may respond that the rate paid on reserves is a special case and that the vast increase in the money supply resulting from the quantitative easing must result in higher rates when the Federal Reserve reverses its course. The problem with that view is that the true effective money supply is still far below its 2007 level.
      Money is what can be used to buy things. Historically money has first been specie (gold and silver coins), then fiat money which is paper currency and checking accounts (M1) and more recently credit money. The credit money supply is what in aggregate can be bought on credit. Two hundred years ago your ability to take your friends out to dinner depended on whether or not you had enough coins (specie) in your pocket. One hundred years ago it depended on the quantity of currency in your pocket and possibly the balance in your checking account if the restaurant would take checks.

      Today it is mostly your credit card that allows you to spend. We no longer have a fiat money system. Today we have a credit money system. Just because there is still some fiat money does not negate the fact that we are on a credit money system. When we were on a basically fiat money system there was still a small amount of specie in circulation. Even today a five cent piece contains about 5 cents worth of metal, but no one would claim we are still on a specie money system.
      Fiat money is easy to measure; M1 was $1.376 trillion in 2007 and was $2.535 trillion in May 2013. The effective money supply is the sum of fiat money and credit money. Credit money cannot be precisely measured. However, When the person in California whose occupation was strawberry picker and who had made $14,000 in his best year was able to get a mortgage of $740,000 with no money down and private equity could buy a company like Clear Channel in a $20 billion leveraged buyout, also with essentially no money down, the credit money supply was clearly much higher than today. A reasonable ballpark estimate of the credit money supply is that it was $70 trillion in 2007 compared to $50 trillion today.

      The effective money supply is the sum of the traditional fiat money aggregates plus the credit money supply. Thus, despite the clams of Ron Paul and Rick Perry to the contrary, the effective or true money supply has fallen drastically over the last few years…”

    • mfritz0

      “But that would be reflected in much higher interest rates, which would push the federal deficit back above the trillion-dollar mark and also push the economy back into recession.” So why do they charge the world Governments interest? Don’t they make enough money without charging usury?

    • DK

      Nice analysis but wrong graph, the M1 money supply is specie – physical real money and not inflationary in that its creation usually rises in line with goods and services – and there is only so much of it. The Feds money making machine is all about the M2 M3 money supply which is the creation of Loans and Gilts which are effectivly freely given to the bankrupt bank enterprises to prop up the stock market and the banks balance books as deposits, both of which are the responsible for inflation in that the housing bubble, dot com bubble in fact all the bubbles were caused buy debt driven speculation from the banking sector which is allowed to ‘create’ almost unlimited amounts of debt money provided it has some form of deposit as a reserve. :oops:

    • Anonymous

      The apostle Paul said in the last days men would be “lovers of money”. When you love money, you need lots and lots of it, so you create it out of thin air. These men are creating what they love. Let them alone. It’s coming to an abrupt end, no matter what they do.

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