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4 Foods That Can Fight Depression

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An estimated 1-in-10 Americans take antidepressants. That’s a shocking number of people relying on Big Pharma remedies for something that can be dealt with naturally. For many of these people, and those who are depressed but not taking anything for it, depression can be debilitating. But, it can also be managed with diet and lifestyle changes. Study after study has shown that by increasing physical activity, getting more sunshine, and changing your diet, you can alter your state of mind and beat depression without drugs.

Successfully conquering your depression begins by eliminating processed foods and drinks from your diet. These foods contain additives and unnatural ingredients that can alter your body’s chemistry and certainly your mood. Also, exercising regularly increases endorphins and blood flow to the brain, making it another good natural depression-buster.

In addition to these 5 natural solutions for treating depression, try adding these depression-busting foods to your regular diet:

1. Turmeric

A study published in Phytotherapy Research recently said that the bright yellow spice turmeric isn’t only good at treating depression, it may do it better than the antidepressant drugs being pushed down our throats. The antidepressant effects of turmeric were similar when compared directly with the effects of Prozac. But when you consider all of the side effects of antidepressants, turmeric was a clear winner.

2. Green Tea

The health benefits of green tea are seemingly endless, from improved heart health to better brain function. So, it’s no surprise that it can help regulate moods. It contains something called L-theanine, an amino acid that can help in the creation of alpha brain waves. These brain waves have a calming effect and can improve focus. As Natural News reports, L-theanine is also easily absorbed, which makes its effects immediate.

3. Fish

A lack of omega-3 fats in your diet can lead to mood imbalances including depression. By adding fatty fish to your diet, you can correct any possible imbalances and reap the other benefits of omega-3 fats. Interestingly, this is backed up by research that shows world regions like Scandinavia and Asia with high fish intake have lower a incidence of depression.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Magnesium is a mineral found in abundance in certain nuts and seeds. It can boost your mood by increasing energy production and also stimulating the production of serotonin—one of the brain’s feel-good chemicals. Healthy fats also boost overall health and help stabilize blood sugar. Pumpkin seeds and brazil nuts are particularly good choices.

Despite what your doctor may tell you and despite how depression makes you feel, you do not need drugs to get better. In many cases, these drugs could make you feel worse. By changing your diet and your lifestyle, you can begin to feel immediate relief from the grips of depression.


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