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Recipe From Russia: A Very Simple Kulich! (Easter Pie or Cake)

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With Easter coming to Russia (April 15th, 2012) everyone is getting ready to bake Kulich. The Kulich preparation starts several days before Easter. Kulich can contain candied fruit, almonds, and…

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    • Kent

      It’s April the 12th, 2015 (by Pope’s calendar). Pope celebrates April 5th,2015 (by Pope’s calendar). Jewish Passover is from April 3rd until April 11th, 2015 (Pope’s calendar).
      I celebrate “(Orthodox) Christ’s Resurrection (Pascha)”. Do you know what happened to Arius for preaching against the truth?
      His intestines fell out.
      1st day celebrates Resurrection.
      7th day celebrates Creation.
      Resurrection > Creation. Resurrection should always be celebrated after Jewish Passover.
      Christ was resurrected on April 1st.
      That’s why Jews came up with April fool’s day to discredit it. John the Baptist was beheaded on 9/11.
      That’s why the Twins were “pulled” on 911.
      Holy Tradition of Orthodox Church says that Christmas is on 25th of January by old calendar.
      Pope moved the calendar.
      Orthodox celebrate on 7th of January (Pope’s calendar),
      but 25 by Old Calendar (Orthodox Church’s calendar).
      Jesus created the world in March.
      March = 1
      April = 2
      May = 3
      June = 4
      July = 5
      Aug = 6
      Sept = 7
      Oct = 8
      Nov = 9
      Dec = 10
      Jesus incarnated in March.
      Add 9 months.
      And you get Christmas date.
      Pope is a heretic. Don’t follow him.
      Ecumenism has 263 heresies.
      Each heresy leads to hell.
      Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.
      All people have soul, body, and spirit.
      In animals, blood substitutes soul.
      That’s why you’re forbidden to drink animal blood.
      Animals don’t have spirit.
      You’re forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.
      You’re told to drink blood of Jesus (because He’s sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.
      Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.
      One can receive mark of the beast because of cats; so, stay away from cats.
      Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell.
      JW’s messiah is Yosef who was crucified on a pole in 1066.
      JW’s leaders are Freemasons. Freemasonry was created by Sionists.
      JW’s await a king aka antichrist. Why? Because Jesus will come back to end the flying antichrist’s rule when this antichrist conceives a thought in his evil mind that he 666-isotope-ray-lasered everyone.
      So, when antichrist comes (in a few years), JW’s will welcome him. 666 is not forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don’t go into UFO to be healed by demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666. Forgive me.
      Jesus is 176 cm tall!

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