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By VelcroTaterTots
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Israel Bombs Russian Ship

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    VTT just learned that Israel has bombed a Russian missle shipment intended for Syria…more to come.

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    Total 4 comments
    • Chief

      how about a link to confirm your credibility? I could find nothing on this doing a search.

    • shock an awe

      I doubt Israel would make such a fatal mistake, where are the facts on this.

    • Jarheadusmc

      If this did happen, surely Russia will get its due and in spades.

      Most Russians hate the Jews as they well know that the Jews were responsible for the purges under Lenin and Stalin who ware themselves from Jewish mothers.

      Alexandr Solzenityzn writes in his last book on the history of Russia that the Jews were responsible for the murder of over 66 million Russians, not counting the Polish, Hungarians, Slavs, Czech’s, Romanians, Ukrainians, etc.

      Of the 502 highest offices in the First Soviet Government of 1917, 467 were Jews and Jewish Officers were in charge of all the Gulags and torture chambers.

      When the Russians would retreat from villages, towns and cities during WWII and in the interm of a few days to more before the Germans advanced into the Russian void that was left, many of the villagers, city people, towns people hunted down the Jews and killed them for what they had done to their families prior to the War. Most Europeans know well who were the Communists – Jewish magazines, books, periodicals, Encyclopedia, organizations, historians, all brag that they were and are the founders of Communism. Look hard at America today and the direction we are heading.

      Greenspan, Bernanke, Lew, Summers, Axelrod, Rahn Emmanuel, Levin, Wasserman, Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, Meyers, Kagan, Ginsburg, etc, etc, of the 33 Czars of Obama, 30 are Jews, and this list a short list. Who are the Banksters, i.e. Goldman Sachs, etc who are robbing the wealth of our country and Europe, who were behind the hate crimes laws, anti-gun legislation, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, primary in the world slave trade and organ trade; none other than Jewish lawyers, organizations, legal firms, committees, Congressmen. It even was leaked by former Congresspersons that all those who hold Congressional Office had to take an “oath” to the Jews and Israel. Open your eyes people the same people who have been expelled from over 102 countries and hundreds of cities, villages, towns and provinces for their usury, fraud, theft and treason, unfortunately in most cases after the treason, theft and harm had been done, too late. Over 90% of all American spies have been Jewish, over 95% of all European spies have been Jewish. The MOSSAD have been implicated in 9/11, John, Robert and Robert Jr. Kennedy’s deaths, etc. Open your eyes people.

      But did Israel bomb a Russian ship, if they did, they will pay dearly believe me.

    • Anonymous

      Former IDF soldiers breaks the silence on their crimes against humanity…

      Breaking the Silence

      Founded in March 2004 by a group of soldiers who served in Hebron, Breaking the Silence has since acquired a special standing in the eyes of the Israeli public and in the media, as it is unique in giving voice to the experience of soldiers. To date, the organization has collected more than 900 testimonies from soldiers who represent all strata of Israeli society and cover nearly all units that operate in the Territories. All the testimonies we publish are meticulously researched, and all facts are cross-checked with additional eye-witnesses and/or the archives of other human rights organizations also active in the field. Every soldier who gives a testimony to Breaking the Silence knows the aims of the organization and the interview. Most soldiers choose to remain anonymous, due to various pressures from official military persons and society at large. Our first priority is to the soldiers who choose to testify to the public about their service. “

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