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Kentucky Clerk is a Political Prisoner of the American Dictatorship.

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We may or may not agree with her position, but most people can agree that Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis is in contempt of court for disobeying the order of the Supreme Court.1.

But no reasonable person agrees with a sentence of life in prison for contempt of court. U.S District Judge David Bunning has said that Davis would remain behind bars until she complies.1.This is currently a life sentence by the totalitarian police state. The average convicted murderer serves seven years or less for his crime. Mrs. Davis is not politically correct, so she has been given a life sentence typical of one issued by a police state. Mrs. Davis refuses to marry gay couples (because of her conscience) and she has asked the clerks that she is in charge of to refuse to offer gay couples marriage licenses.1.

As a compromise she has asked if she could approve the licenses anonymously, perhaps a rubber stamp would be good.1.Mrs. Davis is willing to perform her duties as commanded by the Supreme Court and the Federal Court, but does not want to associate her name with something that violates her conscience by endorsing these licenses with her signature.1.Ryan Anderson, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based conservative think tank, said the” legislature should remove clerks’ names from the licenses as Davis has asked.”1.

This would not be the first time someone was granted some type of exemption due to their status as a conscientious objector; in Kentucky there have been many.1.Respecting the status of conscientious objector in America shows respect and non-discrimination for a minority of Americans that highly value their moral beliefs. In 2004, Kentucky voters approved a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage by 74% to 26%.2.

Is it right for the Supreme Court and District Judges to overrule the will of the people and the constitutional amendment that voters passed in 2004? Is it right for a District Judge to a issue life sentence to an individual for a contempt of court violation which usually carry sentences limited to a few months? Who will talk about the extreme violation of Mrs. Davis’s rights? Are you ready to lose your freedom to tyrants? Regardless of my other beliefs, I support the freedom of Kim Davis and the words of Patrick Henry:

“There is no peace. The war is actually begun! …. Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Works Cited:

1. Payne, E. (2015, September 7). Kim Davis appeals contempt of court ruling over same-sex marriage licenses. Retrieved September 7, 2015, from

2. Kentucky voters approve same-sex marriage ban amendment. (2008). Retrieved September 7, 2015, from

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    Total 13 comments
    • Bruce Prentis

      If she approves the marriage licenses by rubber stanp anonymously, then she is a sellout. Actions speak louder than words. It does not matter if her name is associated with these licenses or not. God knows and that is all that matters. I applaud her for standing up for her religious convictions and think of her as a hero. But if she approves of one license, then she is a sellout and a traitor to her religion.

    • Anonymous

      She swore that she would uphold the Constitution and she refused to do so. I hope she had a 500 pound female Bubba in her cell. I hope she rots in there. That was not the job for her.

    • DefaOmega

      Title should read: “Kentucky Clerk is a Bigot Hiding Behind Religion”

      She should resign. If she refuses to do the job that she was elected to do, regardless of reason she should resign. Instead she refused a court order and ended up in jail…because that’s how it works.

      She’s no hero, she believes that she is above the law and should only be held to “God’s Authority”, which conveniently enough she has defined.

      Good Luck.

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        In agreement.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Nah- she should be able to at least remove her personal name from the certificate if she disagrees and just have someone else there do the gay marriage certificates. (same sex is gay or homosexual marriage no need to make ‘different name for it.)

        • DefaOmega

          Or, since the person who’s able to do the gay marriage certificates can do the straight marriage certificates also, have them replace her.

          The answer here isn’t to have two people do the job of a single individual, imagine the precedent that sets. “We just need to double the size of government so that the is a gay friendly version of each position”

          Good Luck.

          • AllRoadsLead2NWO

            You will never have ‘small government’ here- not why they are business so good luck with that. But I see you have a vengence for one person and probably where you work someone does for you too and could do your job -just as well or parts you can’t or won’t or that they do better, but really in 2015? Please just have a another machine do it and your job too.

            • DefaOmega

              I’m not sure what it is you’re trying to say.

              Imagine members of the electoral college voting against their electorate because they can’t in good faith vote for a president who supports Gay Marriage. Members of a Jury who cannot (regardless of the evidence) vote not guilty for a Homosexual. Judges too. At what point do we just call it bigotry and stop giving credence to so called Religious Beliefs?

              This is why we have laws and why those laws must be obeyed. People are not allowed to determine which laws they wish to obey and which laws they’d rather not. Mrs. Davis is not special and similar cases have happened back when Bi-racial marriages became legal.

    • Freedom

      Marriage should have nothing to do with buisness and should be strictly a religious matter . Why do you need a licence for love ?

      • DefaOmega

        Marriage should have nothing to do with religion and should strictly be a matter between two people and/or families. Why do you need love for a marriage?

        • AllRoadsLead2NWO

          I am saying you do not need a PERSON or Human freak with ‘feelings’ to do it. Have all of the stupid ‘certificates’ COMPUTERIZED. Have a fracking machine do it- don’t need Her or any other human ‘feeling’ freak to do it. There is your ‘smaller government’ – just replace the ‘feeling’ humans with MACHINES it is 2015 for allah’s sake. I can’t wait to see a gay couple sue over a HALAL meat shop won’t cater their ‘wedding’ now that will be funny.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        For when the love stops because people accumulate material crap together besides offspring. Right now it is still a legal contract between 3 parties- the 2 ‘partners’ to “joined legally” in matrimony and the State. The state doesn’t love anyone- just money.

    • Wake up

      This article is not about gay rights or Christian rights, it is about abuse of judicial power.

      The first line of the article agreed that Mrs. was in contempt of court, (this was a consequence of standing up for her values). The judge order a defacto life sentence for Mrs. Davis, but an appropriate sentence would be days, weeks, or a few months (as stated in the author’s last paragraph).

      Benjamin Franklin would ask up all Americans to stand together (gay and straight) against government abuse of power: “we must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

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